blob: 71a5c2fb591053631e1405f6018e636a3e4613a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <assert.h>
#include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h"
#include "aom_ports/mem.h"
#include "aom_scale/yv12config.h"
#include "av1/common/enums.h"
* Exports
#define yv12_align_addr(addr, align) \
(void *)(((size_t)(addr) + ((align)-1)) & (size_t) - (align))
// TODO(jkoleszar): Maybe replace this with struct aom_image
int aom_free_frame_buffer(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf) {
if (ybf) {
if (ybf->buffer_alloc_sz > 0) {
if (ybf->y_buffer_8bit) aom_free(ybf->y_buffer_8bit);
/* buffer_alloc isn't accessed by most functions. Rather y_buffer,
u_buffer and v_buffer point to buffer_alloc and are used. Clear out
all of this so that a freed pointer isn't inadvertently used */
memset(ybf, 0, sizeof(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG));
} else {
return -1;
return 0;
// Todo remove it. It isn't used
int aom_realloc_frame_buffer(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf, int width, int height,
int ss_x, int ss_y, int use_highbitdepth,
int border, int byte_alignment,
aom_codec_frame_buffer_t *fb,
aom_get_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb, void *cb_priv) {
// if (width > DECODE_WIDTH_LIMIT || height > DECODE_HEIGHT_LIMIT) return -1;
// return -1;
// /* Only support allocating buffers that have a border that's a multiple
// * of 32. The border restriction is required to get 16-byte alignment of
// * the start of the chroma rows without introducing an arbitrary gap
// * between planes, which would break the semantics of things like
// * aom_img_set_rect(). */
// if (border & 0x1f) return -3;
// if (ybf) {
// const int aom_byte_align = (byte_alignment == 0) ? 1 : byte_alignment;
// const int aligned_width = (width + 7) & ~7;
// const int aligned_height = (height + 7) & ~7;
// const int y_stride = ((aligned_width + 2 * border) + 31) & ~31;
// const uint64_t yplane_size =
// (aligned_height + 2 * border) * (uint64_t)y_stride + byte_alignment;
// const int uv_width = aligned_width >> ss_x;
// const int uv_height = aligned_height >> ss_y;
// const int uv_stride = y_stride >> ss_x;
// const int uv_border_w = border >> ss_x;
// const int uv_border_h = border >> ss_y;
// const uint64_t uvplane_size =
// (uv_height + 2 * uv_border_h) * (uint64_t)uv_stride + byte_alignment;
// const uint64_t frame_size =
// (1 + use_highbitdepth) * (yplane_size + 2 * uvplane_size);
// uint8_t *buf = NULL;
// // The size of ybf->buffer_alloc.
// uint64_t alloc_size = frame_size;
// // The size of ybf->y_buffer_8bit.
// if (use_highbitdepth) alloc_size += yplane_size;
// // The decoder may allocate REF_FRAMES frame buffers in the frame buffer
// // pool. Bound the total amount of allocated memory as if these REF_FRAMES
// // frame buffers were allocated in a single allocation.
// if (alloc_size > AOM_MAX_ALLOCABLE_MEMORY / REF_FRAMES) return -1;
// if (cb != NULL) {
// const int align_addr_extra_size = 31;
// const uint64_t external_frame_size = frame_size + align_addr_extra_size;
// assert(fb != NULL);
// if (external_frame_size != (size_t)external_frame_size) return -1;
// // Allocation to hold larger frame, or first allocation.
// if (cb(cb_priv, (size_t)external_frame_size, fb) < 0) return -1;
// if (fb->data == NULL || fb->size < external_frame_size) return -1;
// ybf->buffer_alloc = (uint8_t *)yv12_align_addr(fb->data, 32);
//#if defined(__has_feature)
//#if __has_feature(memory_sanitizer)
// // This memset is needed for fixing the issue of using uninitialized
// // value in msan test. It will cause a perf loss, so only do this for
// // msan test.
// memset(ybf->buffer_alloc, 0, (size_t)frame_size);
// } else if (frame_size > ybf->buffer_alloc_sz) {
// // Allocation to hold larger frame, or first allocation.
// aom_free(ybf->buffer_alloc);
// ybf->buffer_alloc = NULL;
// ybf->buffer_alloc_sz = 0;
// if (frame_size != (size_t)frame_size) return -1;
// ybf->buffer_alloc = (uint8_t *)aom_memalign(32, (size_t)frame_size);
// if (!ybf->buffer_alloc) return -1;
// ybf->buffer_alloc_sz = (size_t)frame_size;
// // This memset is needed for fixing valgrind error from C loop filter
// // due to access uninitialized memory in frame border. It could be
// // removed if border is totally removed.
// memset(ybf->buffer_alloc, 0, ybf->buffer_alloc_sz);
// }
// ybf->y_crop_width = width;
// ybf->y_crop_height = height;
// ybf->y_width = aligned_width;
// ybf->y_height = aligned_height;
// ybf->y_stride = y_stride;
// ybf->uv_crop_width = (width + ss_x) >> ss_x;
// ybf->uv_crop_height = (height + ss_y) >> ss_y;
// ybf->uv_width = uv_width;
// ybf->uv_height = uv_height;
// ybf->uv_stride = uv_stride;
// ybf->border = border;
// ybf->frame_size = (size_t)frame_size;
// ybf->subsampling_x = ss_x;
// ybf->subsampling_y = ss_y;
// buf = ybf->buffer_alloc;
// if (use_highbitdepth) {
// // Store uint16 addresses when using 16bit framebuffers
// buf = CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(ybf->buffer_alloc);
// ybf->flags = YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH;
// } else {
// ybf->flags = 0;
// }
// ybf->y_buffer = (uint8_t *)yv12_align_addr(
// buf + (border * y_stride) + border, aom_byte_align);
// ybf->u_buffer = (uint8_t *)yv12_align_addr(
// buf + yplane_size + (uv_border_h * uv_stride) + uv_border_w,
// aom_byte_align);
// ybf->v_buffer =
// (uint8_t *)yv12_align_addr(buf + yplane_size + uvplane_size +
// (uv_border_h * uv_stride) + uv_border_w,
// aom_byte_align);
// ybf->use_external_reference_buffers = 0;
// if (use_highbitdepth) {
// if (ybf->y_buffer_8bit) aom_free(ybf->y_buffer_8bit);
// ybf->y_buffer_8bit = (uint8_t *)aom_memalign(32, (size_t)yplane_size);
// if (!ybf->y_buffer_8bit) return -1;
// } else {
// if (ybf->y_buffer_8bit) {
// aom_free(ybf->y_buffer_8bit);
// ybf->y_buffer_8bit = NULL;
// ybf->buf_8bit_valid = 0;
// }
// }
// ybf->corrupted = 0; /* assume not corrupted by errors */
// return 0;
// }
return -2;
int aom_alloc_frame_buffer(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf, int width, int height,
int ss_x, int ss_y, int use_highbitdepth, int border,
int byte_alignment) {
if (ybf) {
return aom_realloc_frame_buffer(ybf, width, height, ss_x, ss_y,
use_highbitdepth, border, byte_alignment,
return -2;