blob: 4be3e1a3613cf9269d861ccf3c35931279f672f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
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#include "aom_dsp/aom_simd.h"
// sign(a - b) * max(0, abs(a - b) - max(0, abs(a - b) -
// strength + (abs(a - b) >> (5 - log2(s)))))
SIMD_INLINE v128 constrain(v128 a, v128 b, unsigned int strength,
unsigned int damping) {
const v128 diff = v128_sub_8(v128_max_u8(a, b), v128_min_u8(a, b));
const v128 sign = v128_cmpeq_8(v128_min_u8(a, b), a); // -(a <= b)
const v128 s = v128_ssub_u8(v128_dup_8(strength),
v128_shr_u8(diff, damping - get_msb(strength)));
return v128_sub_8(v128_xor(sign, v128_ssub_u8(diff, v128_ssub_u8(diff, s))),
// delta = 1/16 * constrain(a, x, s) + 3/16 * constrain(b, x, s) +
// 1/16 * constrain(c, x, s) + 3/16 * constrain(d, x, s) +
// 3/16 * constrain(e, x, s) + 1/16 * constrain(f, x, s) +
// 3/16 * constrain(g, x, s) + 1/16 * constrain(h, x, s)
SIMD_INLINE v128 calc_delta(v128 x, v128 a, v128 b, v128 c, v128 d, v128 e,
v128 f, v128 g, v128 h, unsigned int s,
unsigned int dmp) {
const v128 bdeg =
v128_add_8(v128_add_8(constrain(b, x, s, dmp), constrain(d, x, s, dmp)),
v128_add_8(constrain(e, x, s, dmp), constrain(g, x, s, dmp)));
const v128 delta = v128_add_8(
v128_add_8(v128_add_8(constrain(a, x, s, dmp), constrain(c, x, s, dmp)),
v128_add_8(constrain(f, x, s, dmp), constrain(h, x, s, dmp))),
v128_add_8(v128_add_8(bdeg, bdeg), bdeg));
return v128_add_8(
x, v128_shr_s8(
v128_add_8(delta, v128_cmplt_s8(delta, v128_zero()))),
// delta = 1/8 * constrain(a, x, s) + 3/8 * constrain(b, x, s) +
// 3/8 * constrain(c, x, s) + 1/8 * constrain(d, x, s) +
SIMD_INLINE v128 calc_hdelta(v128 x, v128 a, v128 b, v128 c, v128 d,
unsigned int s, unsigned int dmp) {
const v128 bc = v128_add_8(constrain(b, x, s, dmp), constrain(c, x, s, dmp));
const v128 delta =
v128_add_8(v128_add_8(constrain(a, x, s, dmp), constrain(d, x, s, dmp)),
v128_add_8(v128_add_8(bc, bc), bc));
return v128_add_8(
x, v128_shr_s8(
v128_add_8(delta, v128_cmplt_s8(delta, v128_zero()))),