blob: ec463361c8a906ba08493230ae04dd65f6a27bbf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <string>
#include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "./aom_config.h"
#include "./aom_dsp_rtcd.h"
#include "test/acm_random.h"
#include "test/clear_system_state.h"
#include "test/register_state_check.h"
#include "test/util.h"
#include "av1/common/blockd.h"
#include "av1/common/pred_common.h"
#include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h"
namespace {
using libaom_test::ACMRandom;
const int count_test_block = 100000;
typedef void (*HighbdIntraPred)(uint16_t *dst, ptrdiff_t stride,
const uint16_t *above, const uint16_t *left,
int bps);
typedef void (*IntraPred)(uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t stride, const uint8_t *above,
const uint8_t *left);
template <typename FuncType>
struct IntraPredFunc {
IntraPredFunc(FuncType pred = NULL, FuncType ref = NULL,
int block_width_value = 0, int block_height_value = 0,
int bit_depth_value = 0)
: pred_fn(pred), ref_fn(ref), block_width(block_width_value),
block_height(block_height_value), bit_depth(bit_depth_value) {}
FuncType pred_fn;
FuncType ref_fn;
int block_width;
int block_height;
int bit_depth;
template <typename FuncType, typename Pixel>
class AV1IntraPredTest
: public ::testing::TestWithParam<IntraPredFunc<FuncType> > {
void RunTest(Pixel *left_col, Pixel *above_data, Pixel *dst, Pixel *ref_dst) {
ACMRandom rnd(ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed());
const int block_width = params_.block_width;
const int block_height = params_.block_height;
above_row_ = above_data + 16;
left_col_ = left_col;
dst_ = dst;
ref_dst_ = ref_dst;
int error_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count_test_block; ++i) {
// Fill edges with random data, try first with saturated values.
for (int x = -1; x <= block_width * 2; x++) {
if (i == 0) {
above_row_[x] = mask_;
} else {
above_row_[x] = rnd.Rand16() & mask_;
for (int y = 0; y < block_height; y++) {
if (i == 0) {
left_col_[y] = mask_;
} else {
left_col_[y] = rnd.Rand16() & mask_;
CheckPrediction(i, &error_count);
ASSERT_EQ(0, error_count);
virtual void SetUp() {
params_ = this->GetParam();
stride_ = params_.block_width * 3;
mask_ = (1 << params_.bit_depth) - 1;
virtual void Predict() = 0;
void CheckPrediction(int test_case_number, int *error_count) const {
// For each pixel ensure that the calculated value is the same as reference.
const int block_width = params_.block_width;
const int block_height = params_.block_height;
for (int y = 0; y < block_height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < block_width; x++) {
*error_count += ref_dst_[x + y * stride_] != dst_[x + y * stride_];
if (*error_count == 1) {
ASSERT_EQ(ref_dst_[x + y * stride_], dst_[x + y * stride_])
<< " Failed on Test Case Number " << test_case_number
<< " location: x = " << x << " y = " << y;
Pixel *above_row_;
Pixel *left_col_;
Pixel *dst_;
Pixel *ref_dst_;
ptrdiff_t stride_;
int mask_;
IntraPredFunc<FuncType> params_;
class HighbdIntraPredTest : public AV1IntraPredTest<HighbdIntraPred, uint16_t> {
void Predict() {
const int bit_depth = params_.bit_depth;
params_.ref_fn(ref_dst_, stride_, above_row_, left_col_, bit_depth);
params_.pred_fn(dst_, stride_, above_row_, left_col_, bit_depth));
class LowbdIntraPredTest : public AV1IntraPredTest<IntraPred, uint8_t> {
void Predict() {
params_.ref_fn(ref_dst_, stride_, above_row_, left_col_);
params_.pred_fn(dst_, stride_, above_row_, left_col_));
TEST_P(HighbdIntraPredTest, Bitexact) {
// max block size is 32
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint16_t, left_col[2 * 32]);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint16_t, above_data[2 * 32 + 32]);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint16_t, dst[3 * 32 * 32]);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint16_t, ref_dst[3 * 32 * 32]);
memset(left_col, 0, sizeof(left_col));
memset(above_data, 0, sizeof(above_data));
RunTest(left_col, above_data, dst, ref_dst);
TEST_P(LowbdIntraPredTest, Bitexact) {
// max block size is 32
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, left_col[2 * 32]);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, above_data[2 * 32 + 32]);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, dst[3 * 32 * 32]);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, ref_dst[3 * 32 * 32]);
memset(left_col, 0, sizeof(left_col));
memset(above_data, 0, sizeof(above_data));
RunTest(left_col, above_data, dst, ref_dst);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// High Bit Depth Tests
#define highbd_entry(type, width, height, opt, bd) \
IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred>( \
&aom_highbd_##type##_predictor_##width##x##height##_##opt, \
&aom_highbd_##type##_predictor_##width##x##height##_c, width, height, \
#if 0
#define highbd_intrapred(type, opt, bd) \
highbd_entry(type, 4, 4, opt, bd), highbd_entry(type, 4, 8, opt, bd), \
highbd_entry(type, 8, 4, opt, bd), highbd_entry(type, 8, 8, opt, bd), \
highbd_entry(type, 8, 16, opt, bd), highbd_entry(type, 16, 8, opt, bd), \
highbd_entry(type, 16, 16, opt, bd), \
highbd_entry(type, 16, 32, opt, bd), \
highbd_entry(type, 32, 16, opt, bd), highbd_entry(type, 32, 32, opt, bd)
const IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred> IntraPredTestVector8[] = {
// highbd_intrapred(dc, sse2, 8), highbd_intrapred(dc_left, sse2, 8),
// highbd_intrapred(dc_top, sse2, 8), highbd_intrapred(dc_128, sse2, 8),
// highbd_intrapred(h, sse2, 8), highbd_intrapred(v, sse2, 8),
// highbd_entry(d117, 4, 4, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d135, 4, 4, sse2, 8),
// highbd_entry(d153, 4, 4, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d45e, 4, 4, sse2, 8),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 4, 8, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d45e, 8, 4, sse2, 8),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 8, 8, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d45e, 8, 16, sse2, 8),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 4, 4, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d207e, 4, 8, sse2, 8),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 8, 4, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d207e, 8, 8, sse2, 8),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 8, 16, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d207e, 16, 8, sse2, 8),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 16, 16, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d207e, 16, 32, sse2, 8),
highbd_entry(d63e, 4, 4, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d63e, 4, 8, sse2, 8),
highbd_entry(d63e, 8, 4, sse2, 8), highbd_entry(d63e, 8, 8, sse2, 8),
highbd_entry(d63e, 8, 16, sse2, 8),
const IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred> IntraPredTestVector10[] = {
// highbd_intrapred(dc, sse2, 10), highbd_intrapred(dc_left, sse2, 10),
// highbd_intrapred(dc_top, sse2, 10), highbd_intrapred(dc_128, sse2, 10),
// highbd_intrapred(h, sse2, 10), highbd_intrapred(v, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d117, 4, 4, sse2, 10), highbd_entry(d135, 4, 4, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d153, 4, 4, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 4, 4, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 4, 8, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 8, 4, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 8, 8, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 8, 16, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 4, 4, sse2, 10), highbd_entry(d207e, 4, 8, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 8, 4, sse2, 10), highbd_entry(d207e, 8, 8, sse2, 10),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 8, 16, sse2, 10), highbd_entry(d207e, 16, 8, sse2,
// 10),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 16, 16, sse2, 10), highbd_entry(d207e, 16, 32, sse2,
// 10),
highbd_entry(d63e, 4, 4, sse2, 10), highbd_entry(d63e, 4, 8, sse2, 10),
highbd_entry(d63e, 8, 4, sse2, 10), highbd_entry(d63e, 8, 8, sse2, 10),
highbd_entry(d63e, 8, 16, sse2, 10),
const IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred> IntraPredTestVector12[] = {
// highbd_intrapred(dc, sse2, 12), highbd_intrapred(dc_left, sse2, 12),
// highbd_intrapred(dc_top, sse2, 12), highbd_intrapred(dc_128, sse2, 12),
// highbd_intrapred(h, sse2, 12), highbd_intrapred(v, sse2, 12),
// highbd_entry(d117, 4, 4, sse2, 12), highbd_entry(d135, 4, 4, sse2, 12),
// highbd_entry(d153, 4, 4, sse2, 12),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 4, 4, sse2, 12),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 4, 8, sse2, 12), highbd_entry(d45e, 8, 4, sse2, 12),
// highbd_entry(d45e, 8, 8, sse2, 12), highbd_entry(d45e, 8, 16, sse2, 12),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 4, 4, sse2, 12), highbd_entry(d207e, 4, 8, sse2, 12),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 8, 4, sse2, 12), highbd_entry(d207e, 8, 8, sse2, 12),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 8, 16, sse2, 12), highbd_entry(d207e, 16, 8, sse2,
// 12),
// highbd_entry(d207e, 16, 16, sse2, 12), highbd_entry(d207e, 16, 32, sse2,
// 12),
highbd_entry(d63e, 4, 4, sse2, 12), highbd_entry(d63e, 4, 8, sse2, 12),
highbd_entry(d63e, 8, 4, sse2, 12), highbd_entry(d63e, 8, 8, sse2, 12),
highbd_entry(d63e, 8, 16, sse2, 12),
#endif // HAVE_SSE2
const IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred> IntraPredTestVectorSsse3_8[] = {
highbd_entry(d117, 8, 8, ssse3, 8), highbd_entry(d117, 16, 16, ssse3, 8),
highbd_entry(d117, 32, 32, ssse3, 8), highbd_entry(d135, 8, 8, ssse3, 8),
highbd_entry(d135, 16, 16, ssse3, 8), highbd_entry(d135, 32, 32, ssse3, 8),
highbd_entry(d153, 8, 8, ssse3, 8), highbd_entry(d153, 16, 16, ssse3, 8),
highbd_entry(d153, 32, 32, ssse3, 8),
const IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred> IntraPredTestVectorSsse3_10[] = {
highbd_entry(d117, 8, 8, ssse3, 10), highbd_entry(d117, 16, 16, ssse3, 10),
highbd_entry(d117, 32, 32, ssse3, 10), highbd_entry(d135, 8, 8, ssse3, 10),
highbd_entry(d135, 16, 16, ssse3, 10), highbd_entry(d135, 32, 32, ssse3, 10),
highbd_entry(d153, 8, 8, ssse3, 10), highbd_entry(d153, 16, 16, ssse3, 10),
highbd_entry(d153, 32, 32, ssse3, 10),
const IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred> IntraPredTestVectorSsse3_12[] = {
highbd_entry(d117, 8, 8, ssse3, 12), highbd_entry(d117, 16, 16, ssse3, 12),
highbd_entry(d117, 32, 32, ssse3, 12), highbd_entry(d135, 8, 8, ssse3, 12),
highbd_entry(d135, 16, 16, ssse3, 12), highbd_entry(d135, 32, 32, ssse3, 12),
highbd_entry(d153, 8, 8, ssse3, 12), highbd_entry(d153, 16, 16, ssse3, 12),
highbd_entry(d153, 32, 32, ssse3, 12),
#endif // HAVE_SSSE3
const IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred> IntraPredTestVectorAvx2_8[] = {
highbd_entry(d45e, 16, 8, avx2, 8), highbd_entry(d45e, 16, 16, avx2, 8),
highbd_entry(d45e, 16, 32, avx2, 8), highbd_entry(d45e, 32, 16, avx2, 8),
highbd_entry(d45e, 32, 32, avx2, 8), highbd_entry(d207e, 32, 16, avx2, 8),
highbd_entry(d207e, 32, 32, avx2, 8), highbd_entry(d63e, 16, 8, avx2, 8),
highbd_entry(d63e, 16, 16, avx2, 8), highbd_entry(d63e, 16, 32, avx2, 8),
highbd_entry(d63e, 32, 16, avx2, 8), highbd_entry(d63e, 32, 32, avx2, 8),
const IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred> IntraPredTestVectorAvx2_10[] = {
highbd_entry(d45e, 16, 8, avx2, 10), highbd_entry(d45e, 16, 16, avx2, 10),
highbd_entry(d45e, 16, 32, avx2, 10), highbd_entry(d45e, 32, 16, avx2, 10),
highbd_entry(d45e, 32, 32, avx2, 10), highbd_entry(d207e, 32, 16, avx2, 10),
highbd_entry(d207e, 32, 32, avx2, 10), highbd_entry(d63e, 16, 8, avx2, 10),
highbd_entry(d63e, 16, 16, avx2, 10), highbd_entry(d63e, 16, 32, avx2, 10),
highbd_entry(d63e, 32, 16, avx2, 10), highbd_entry(d63e, 32, 32, avx2, 10),
const IntraPredFunc<HighbdIntraPred> IntraPredTestVectorAvx2_12[] = {
highbd_entry(d45e, 16, 8, avx2, 12), highbd_entry(d45e, 16, 16, avx2, 12),
highbd_entry(d45e, 16, 32, avx2, 12), highbd_entry(d45e, 32, 16, avx2, 12),
highbd_entry(d45e, 32, 32, avx2, 12), highbd_entry(d207e, 32, 16, avx2, 12),
highbd_entry(d207e, 32, 32, avx2, 12), highbd_entry(d63e, 16, 8, avx2, 12),
highbd_entry(d63e, 16, 16, avx2, 12), highbd_entry(d63e, 16, 32, avx2, 12),
highbd_entry(d63e, 32, 16, avx2, 12), highbd_entry(d63e, 32, 32, avx2, 12),
#endif // HAVE_AVX2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Low Bit Depth Tests
#define lowbd_entry(type, width, height, opt) \
IntraPredFunc<IntraPred>(&aom_##type##_predictor_##width##x##height##_##opt, \
&aom_##type##_predictor_##width##x##height##_c, \
width, height, 8)
#define lowbd_intrapred(type, opt) \
lowbd_entry(type, 4, 4, opt), lowbd_entry(type, 4, 8, opt), \
lowbd_entry(type, 8, 4, opt), lowbd_entry(type, 8, 8, opt), \
lowbd_entry(type, 8, 16, opt), lowbd_entry(type, 16, 8, opt), \
lowbd_entry(type, 16, 16, opt), lowbd_entry(type, 16, 32, opt), \
lowbd_entry(type, 32, 16, opt), lowbd_entry(type, 32, 32, opt)
const IntraPredFunc<IntraPred> LowbdIntraPredTestVector[] = {
lowbd_intrapred(d63e, sse2), lowbd_intrapred(d207e, sse2),
lowbd_intrapred(dc_top, sse2), lowbd_intrapred(dc_left, sse2),
lowbd_intrapred(dc_128, sse2), lowbd_intrapred(v, sse2),
lowbd_intrapred(h, sse2),
#endif // HAVE_SSE2
const IntraPredFunc<IntraPred> LowbdIntraPredTestVectorSsse3[] = {
lowbd_entry(d63e, 4, 4, ssse3),
lowbd_intrapred(d45e, ssse3),
lowbd_intrapred(paeth, ssse3),
lowbd_intrapred(smooth, ssse3),
#endif // HAVE_SSSE3
const IntraPredFunc<IntraPred> LowbdIntraPredTestVectorAvx2[] = {
lowbd_entry(dc, 32, 32, avx2), lowbd_entry(dc_top, 32, 32, avx2),
lowbd_entry(dc_left, 32, 32, avx2), lowbd_entry(dc_128, 32, 32, avx2),
lowbd_entry(v, 32, 32, avx2), lowbd_entry(h, 32, 32, avx2),
lowbd_entry(dc_top, 32, 16, avx2), lowbd_entry(dc_left, 32, 16, avx2),
lowbd_entry(dc_128, 32, 16, avx2), lowbd_entry(v, 32, 16, avx2),
lowbd_entry(paeth, 16, 8, avx2), lowbd_entry(paeth, 16, 16, avx2),
lowbd_entry(paeth, 16, 32, avx2), lowbd_entry(paeth, 32, 16, avx2),
lowbd_entry(paeth, 32, 32, avx2),
#endif // HAVE_AVX2
} // namespace