blob: 0b6cb864464390f722e22553dfc508076a54bdaf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
* \brief Declares frame encoding functions.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#include "aom/aom_encoder.h"
#include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
#include "av1/encoder/firstpass.h"
/*!\brief Implement high-level encode strategy
* \ingroup high_level_algo
* \callgraph
* \callergraph
* This function will implement high-level encode strategy, choosing frame type,
* frame placement, etc. It populates an EncodeFrameParams struct with the
* results of these decisions and then encodes the frame. The caller should use
* the output parameters *time_stamp and *time_end only when this function
* returns AOM_CODEC_OK.
* \param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure
* \param[in] size Bitstream size
* \param[in] dest Bitstream output
* \param[in] frame_flags Flags to decide how to encoding the frame
* \param[out] time_stamp Time stamp of the frame
* \param[out] time_end Time end
* \param[in] timestamp_ratio Time base
* \param[in] flush Decide to encode one frame or the rest of frames
* \return Returns a value to indicate if the encoding is done successfully.
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_OK
* \retval -1
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_ERROR
int av1_encode_strategy(AV1_COMP *const cpi, size_t *const size,
uint8_t *const dest, unsigned int *frame_flags,
int64_t *const time_stamp, int64_t *const time_end,
const aom_rational64_t *const timestamp_ratio,
int flush);
/*!\cond */
// Set individual buffer update flags based on frame reference type.
// force_refresh_all is used when we have a KEY_FRAME or S_FRAME. It forces all
// refresh_*_frame flags to be set, because we refresh all buffers in this case.
void av1_configure_buffer_updates(
AV1_COMP *const cpi, RefreshFrameFlagsInfo *const refresh_frame_flags,
const FRAME_UPDATE_TYPE type, const FRAME_TYPE frame_type,
int force_refresh_all);
int av1_get_refresh_frame_flags(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
const EncodeFrameParams *const frame_params,
FRAME_UPDATE_TYPE frame_update_type,
int gf_index, int cur_frame_disp,
RefFrameMapPair ref_frame_map_pairs[REF_FRAMES],
const RefBufferStack *const ref_buffer_stack);
int av1_get_refresh_ref_frame_map(int refresh_frame_flags);
void av1_update_ref_frame_map(AV1_COMP *cpi,
FRAME_UPDATE_TYPE frame_update_type,
FRAME_TYPE frame_type, int gf_index,
int show_existing_frame, int ref_map_index,
RefBufferStack *ref_buffer_stack);
void av1_get_ref_frames(AV1_COMP *const cpi, RefBufferStack *ref_buffer_stack,
int cur_frame_disp,
RefFrameMapPair ref_frame_map_pairs[REF_FRAMES]);
int is_forced_keyframe_pending(struct lookahead_ctx *lookahead,
const int up_to_index,
const COMPRESSOR_STAGE compressor_stage);
int av1_check_keyframe_arf(int gf_index, GF_GROUP *gf_group,
int frame_since_key);
int av1_check_keyframe_overlay(int gf_index, GF_GROUP *gf_group,
int frame_since_key);
/*!\endcond */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"