blob: 2c408085b0dc3ca9a44e060737482ea2e24f55e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <math.h>
#include "./aom_config.h"
#include "./aom_dsp_rtcd.h"
#include "./aom_scale_rtcd.h"
#include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h"
#include "av1/common/onyxc_int.h"
#include "av1/common/resize.h"
#include "av1/common/restoration.h"
#include "aom_dsp/aom_dsp_common.h"
#include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h"
#include "aom_ports/mem.h"
const sgr_params_type sgr_params[SGRPROJ_PARAMS] = {
// r1, eps1, r2, eps2
{ 2, 12, 1, 4 }, { 2, 15, 1, 6 }, { 2, 18, 1, 8 }, { 2, 20, 1, 9 },
{ 2, 22, 1, 10 }, { 2, 25, 1, 11 }, { 2, 35, 1, 12 }, { 2, 45, 1, 13 },
{ 2, 55, 1, 14 }, { 2, 65, 1, 15 }, { 2, 75, 1, 16 }, { 2, 30, 1, 6 },
{ 2, 50, 1, 12 }, { 2, 60, 1, 13 }, { 2, 70, 1, 14 }, { 2, 80, 1, 15 },
// Count horizontal or vertical units per tile (use a width or height for
// tile_size, respectively). We basically want to divide the tile size by the
// size of a restoration unit. Rather than rounding up unconditionally as you
// might expect, we round to nearest, which models the way a right or bottom
// restoration unit can extend to up to 150% its normal width or height. The
// max with 1 is to deal with tiles that are smaller than half of a restoration
// unit.
static int count_units_in_tile(int unit_size, int tile_size) {
return AOMMAX((tile_size + (unit_size >> 1)) / unit_size, 1);
void av1_alloc_restoration_struct(AV1_COMMON *cm, RestorationInfo *rsi,
int is_uv) {
// We need to allocate enough space for restoration units to cover the
// largest tile. Without CONFIG_MAX_TILE, this is always the tile at the
// top-left and we can use av1_get_tile_rect(). With CONFIG_MAX_TILE, we have
// to do the computation ourselves, iterating over the tiles and keeping
// track of the largest width and height, then upscaling.
TileInfo tile;
int max_mi_w = 0;
int max_mi_h = 0;
int tile_col = 0;
int tile_row = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cm->tile_cols; ++i) {
av1_tile_set_col(&tile, cm, i);
if (tile.mi_col_end - tile.mi_col_start > max_mi_w) {
max_mi_w = tile.mi_col_end - tile.mi_col_start;
tile_col = i;
for (int i = 0; i < cm->tile_rows; ++i) {
av1_tile_set_row(&tile, cm, i);
if (tile.mi_row_end - tile.mi_row_start > max_mi_h) {
max_mi_h = tile.mi_row_end - tile.mi_row_start;
tile_row = i;
TileInfo tile_info;
av1_tile_init(&tile_info, cm, tile_row, tile_col);
TileInfo tile_info;
av1_tile_init(&tile_info, cm, 0, 0);
const AV1PixelRect tile_rect = av1_get_tile_rect(&tile_info, cm, is_uv);
const int max_tile_w = tile_rect.right - tile_rect.left;
const int max_tile_h = tile_rect.bottom -;
// To calculate hpertile and vpertile (horizontal and vertical units per
// tile), we basically want to divide the largest tile width or height by the
// size of a restoration unit. Rather than rounding up unconditionally as you
// might expect, we round to nearest, which models the way a right or bottom
// restoration unit can extend to up to 150% its normal width or height. The
// max with 1 is to deal with tiles that are smaller than half of a
// restoration unit.
const int unit_size = rsi->restoration_unit_size;
const int hpertile = count_units_in_tile(unit_size, max_tile_w);
const int vpertile = count_units_in_tile(unit_size, max_tile_h);
rsi->units_per_tile = hpertile * vpertile;
rsi->horz_units_per_tile = hpertile;
rsi->vert_units_per_tile = vpertile;
const int ntiles = cm->tile_rows * cm->tile_cols;
const int nunits = ntiles * rsi->units_per_tile;
CHECK_MEM_ERROR(cm, rsi->unit_info,
(RestorationUnitInfo *)aom_memalign(
16, sizeof(*rsi->unit_info) * nunits));
void av1_free_restoration_struct(RestorationInfo *rst_info) {
rst_info->unit_info = NULL;
// TODO(debargha): This table can be substantially reduced since only a few
// values are actually used.
int sgrproj_mtable[MAX_EPS][MAX_NELEM];
static void GenSgrprojVtable() {
int e, n;
for (e = 1; e <= MAX_EPS; ++e)
for (n = 1; n <= MAX_NELEM; ++n) {
const int n2e = n * n * e;
sgrproj_mtable[e - 1][n - 1] =
(((1 << SGRPROJ_MTABLE_BITS) + n2e / 2) / n2e);
void av1_loop_restoration_precal() { GenSgrprojVtable(); }
static void extend_frame_lowbd(uint8_t *data, int width, int height, int stride,
int border_horz, int border_vert) {
uint8_t *data_p;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
data_p = data + i * stride;
memset(data_p - border_horz, data_p[0], border_horz);
memset(data_p + width, data_p[width - 1], border_horz);
data_p = data - border_horz;
for (i = -border_vert; i < 0; ++i) {
memcpy(data_p + i * stride, data_p, width + 2 * border_horz);
for (i = height; i < height + border_vert; ++i) {
memcpy(data_p + i * stride, data_p + (height - 1) * stride,
width + 2 * border_horz);
static void extend_frame_highbd(uint16_t *data, int width, int height,
int stride, int border_horz, int border_vert) {
uint16_t *data_p;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
data_p = data + i * stride;
for (j = -border_horz; j < 0; ++j) data_p[j] = data_p[0];
for (j = width; j < width + border_horz; ++j) data_p[j] = data_p[width - 1];
data_p = data - border_horz;
for (i = -border_vert; i < 0; ++i) {
memcpy(data_p + i * stride, data_p,
(width + 2 * border_horz) * sizeof(uint16_t));
for (i = height; i < height + border_vert; ++i) {
memcpy(data_p + i * stride, data_p + (height - 1) * stride,
(width + 2 * border_horz) * sizeof(uint16_t));
void extend_frame(uint8_t *data, int width, int height, int stride,
int border_horz, int border_vert, int highbd) {
if (highbd)
extend_frame_highbd(CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(data), width, height, stride,
border_horz, border_vert);
extend_frame_lowbd(data, width, height, stride, border_horz, border_vert);
static void copy_tile_lowbd(int width, int height, const uint8_t *src,
int src_stride, uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
memcpy(dst + i * dst_stride, src + i * src_stride, width);
static void copy_tile_highbd(int width, int height, const uint16_t *src,
int src_stride, uint16_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
memcpy(dst + i * dst_stride, src + i * src_stride, width * sizeof(*dst));
static void copy_tile(int width, int height, const uint8_t *src, int src_stride,
uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride, int highbd) {
if (highbd)
copy_tile_highbd(width, height, CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(src), src_stride,
CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst), dst_stride);
copy_tile_lowbd(width, height, src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride);
#define REAL_PTR(hbd, d) ((hbd) ? (uint8_t *)CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(d) : (d))
// Helper function: Save one column of left/right context to the appropriate
// column buffers, then extend the edge of the current tile into that column.
// Note: The height passed in should be the height of this processing unit,
// but we actually save/restore an extra RESTORATION_BORDER pixels above and
// below the stripe.
static void setup_boundary_column(const uint8_t *src8, int src_stride,
uint8_t *dst8, int dst_stride, uint16_t *buf,
int h, int use_highbd) {
if (use_highbd) {
const uint16_t *src16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(src8);
uint16_t *dst16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst8);
for (int i = -RESTORATION_BORDER; i < h + RESTORATION_BORDER; i++) {
buf[i + RESTORATION_BORDER] = dst16[i * dst_stride];
dst16[i * dst_stride] = src16[i * src_stride];
} else {
for (int i = -RESTORATION_BORDER; i < h + RESTORATION_BORDER; i++) {
buf[i + RESTORATION_BORDER] = dst8[i * dst_stride];
dst8[i * dst_stride] = src8[i * src_stride];
static void restore_boundary_column(uint8_t *dst8, int dst_stride,
const uint16_t *buf, int h,
int use_highbd) {
if (use_highbd) {
uint16_t *dst16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst8);
dst16[i * dst_stride] = buf[i + RESTORATION_BORDER];
} else {
dst8[i * dst_stride] = (uint8_t)(buf[i + RESTORATION_BORDER]);
// With striped loop restoration, the filtering for each 64-pixel stripe gets
// most of its input from the output of CDEF (stored in data8), but we need to
// fill out a border of 3 pixels above/below the stripe according to the
// following
// rules:
// * At a frame boundary, we copy the outermost row of CDEF pixels three times.
// This extension is done by a call to extend_frame() at the start of the loop
// restoration process, so the value of copy_above/copy_below doesn't strictly
// matter.
// However, by setting *copy_above = *copy_below = 1 whenever loop filtering
// across tiles is disabled, we can allow
// {setup,restore}_processing_stripe_boundary to assume that the top/bottom
// data has always been copied, simplifying the behaviour at the left and
// right edges of tiles.
// * If we're at a tile boundary and loop filtering across tiles is enabled,
// then there is a logical stripe which is 64 pixels high, but which is split
// into an 8px high and a 56px high stripe so that the processing (and
// coefficient set usage) can be aligned to tiles.
// In this case, we use the 3 rows of CDEF output across the boundary for
// context; this corresponds to leaving the frame buffer as-is.
// * If we're at a tile boundary and loop filtering across tiles is disabled,
// then we take the outermost row of CDEF pixels *within the current tile*
// and copy it three times. Thus we behave exactly as if the tile were a full
// frame.
// * Otherwise, we're at a stripe boundary within a tile. In that case, we
// take 2 rows of deblocked pixels and extend them to 3 rows of context.
// The distinction between the latter two cases is handled by the
// av1_loop_restoration_save_boundary_lines() function, so here we just need
// to decide if we're overwriting the above/below boundary pixels or not.
static void get_stripe_boundary_info(const RestorationTileLimits *limits,
const AV1PixelRect *tile_rect, int ss_y,
int loop_filter_across_tiles_h_enabled,
int loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled,
int *copy_above, int *copy_below) {
*copy_above = 1;
*copy_below = 1;
if (loop_filter_across_tiles_h_enabled) {
if (loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled) {
const int full_stripe_height = RESTORATION_PROC_UNIT_SIZE >> ss_y;
const int rtile_offset = RESTORATION_TILE_OFFSET >> ss_y;
const int first_stripe_in_tile = (limits->v_start == tile_rect->top);
const int this_stripe_height =
full_stripe_height - (first_stripe_in_tile ? rtile_offset : 0);
const int last_stripe_in_tile =
(limits->v_start + this_stripe_height >= tile_rect->bottom);
if (first_stripe_in_tile) *copy_above = 0;
if (last_stripe_in_tile) *copy_below = 0;
// Overwrite the border pixels around a processing stripe so that the conditions
// listed above get_stripe_boundary_info() are preserved.
// We save the pixels which get overwritten into a temporary buffer, so that
// they can be restored by restore_processing_stripe_boundary() after we've
// processed the stripe.
// limits gives the rectangular limits of the remaining stripes for the current
// restoration unit. rsb is the stored stripe boundaries (taken from either
// deblock or CDEF output as necessary).
// tile_rect is the limits of the current tile and tile_stripe0 is the index of
// the first stripe in this tile (needed to convert the tile-relative stripe
// index we get from limits into something we can look up in rsb).
static void setup_processing_stripe_boundary(
const RestorationTileLimits *limits, const RestorationStripeBoundaries *rsb,
int rsb_row, int use_highbd, int h,
const AV1PixelRect *tile_rect, int loop_filter_across_tiles_v_enabled,
const AV1PixelRect *tile_rect, int loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled,
uint8_t *data8, int data_stride, RestorationLineBuffers *rlbs,
int copy_above, int copy_below) {
// Offsets within the line buffers. The buffer logically starts at column
// has column x0 in the buffer.
const int buf_stride = rsb->stripe_boundary_stride;
const int buf_x0_off = limits->h_start;
const int line_width =
(limits->h_end - limits->h_start) + 2 * RESTORATION_EXTRA_HORZ;
const int line_size = line_width << use_highbd;
const int data_x0 = limits->h_start - RESTORATION_EXTRA_HORZ;
// Replace RESTORATION_BORDER pixels above the top of the stripe
// We expand RESTORATION_CTX_VERT=2 lines from rsb->stripe_boundary_above
// to fill RESTORATION_BORDER=3 lines of above pixels. This is done by
// duplicating the topmost of the 2 lines (see the AOMMAX call when
// calculating src_row, which gets the values 0, 0, 1 for i = -3, -2, -1).
// Special case: If we're at the top of a tile, which isn't on the topmost
// tile row, and we're allowed to loop filter across tiles, then we have a
// logical 64-pixel-high stripe which has been split into an 8-pixel high
// stripe and a 56-pixel high stripe (the current one). So, in this case,
// we want to leave the boundary alone!
if (copy_above) {
uint8_t *data8_tl = data8 + data_x0 + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int i = -RESTORATION_BORDER; i < 0; ++i) {
const int buf_row = rsb_row + AOMMAX(i + RESTORATION_CTX_VERT, 0);
const int buf_off = buf_x0_off + buf_row * buf_stride;
const uint8_t *buf = rsb->stripe_boundary_above + (buf_off << use_highbd);
uint8_t *dst8 = data8_tl + i * data_stride;
// Save old pixels, then replace with data from stripe_boundary_above
memcpy(rlbs->tmp_save_above[i + RESTORATION_BORDER],
REAL_PTR(use_highbd, dst8), line_size);
memcpy(REAL_PTR(use_highbd, dst8), buf, line_size);
// Replace RESTORATION_BORDER pixels below the bottom of the stripe.
// The second buffer row is repeated, so src_row gets the values 0, 1, 1
// for i = 0, 1, 2.
if (copy_below) {
const int stripe_end = limits->v_start + h;
uint8_t *data8_bl = data8 + data_x0 + stripe_end * data_stride;
for (int i = 0; i < RESTORATION_BORDER; ++i) {
const int buf_row = rsb_row + AOMMIN(i, RESTORATION_CTX_VERT - 1);
const int buf_off = buf_x0_off + buf_row * buf_stride;
const uint8_t *src = rsb->stripe_boundary_below + (buf_off << use_highbd);
uint8_t *dst8 = data8_bl + i * data_stride;
// Save old pixels, then replace with data from stripe_boundary_below
memcpy(rlbs->tmp_save_below[i], REAL_PTR(use_highbd, dst8), line_size);
memcpy(REAL_PTR(use_highbd, dst8), src, line_size);
if (!loop_filter_across_tiles_v_enabled) {
// If loopfiltering across tiles is disabled, we need to check if we're at
// the edge of the current tile column. If we are, we need to extend the
// leftmost/rightmost column within the tile by 3 pixels, so that the output
// doesn't depend on pixels from the next column over.
// This applies to the top and bottom borders too, since those may have
// been filled out with data from the tile to the top-left (etc.) of us.
const int at_tile_left_border = (limits->h_start == tile_rect->left);
const int at_tile_right_border = (limits->h_end == tile_rect->right);
if (at_tile_left_border) {
uint8_t *dst8 = data8 + limits->h_start + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int j = -RESTORATION_BORDER; j < 0; j++)
setup_boundary_column(dst8, data_stride, dst8 + j, data_stride,
rlbs->tmp_save_left[j + RESTORATION_BORDER], h,
if (at_tile_right_border) {
uint8_t *dst8 = data8 + limits->h_end + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int j = 0; j < RESTORATION_BORDER; j++)
setup_boundary_column(dst8 - 1, data_stride, dst8 + j, data_stride,
rlbs->tmp_save_right[j], h, use_highbd);
if (!loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled) {
// If loopfiltering across tiles is disabled, we need to extend tile edges
// by 3 pixels, to ensure that we don't sample from the tiles to our left
// or right.
const int at_tile_left_border = (limits->h_start == tile_rect->left);
const int at_tile_right_border = (limits->h_end == tile_rect->right);
if (at_tile_left_border) {
uint8_t *dst8 = data8 + limits->h_start + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int j = -RESTORATION_BORDER; j < 0; j++)
setup_boundary_column(dst8, data_stride, dst8 + j, data_stride,
rlbs->tmp_save_left[j + RESTORATION_BORDER], h,
if (at_tile_right_border) {
uint8_t *dst8 = data8 + limits->h_end + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int j = 0; j < RESTORATION_BORDER; j++)
setup_boundary_column(dst8 - 1, data_stride, dst8 + j, data_stride,
rlbs->tmp_save_right[j], h, use_highbd);
// This function restores the boundary lines modified by
// setup_processing_stripe_boundary.
// Note: We need to be careful when handling the corners of the processing
// unit, because (eg.) the top-left corner is considered to be part of
// both the left and top borders. This means that, depending on the
// loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled flag, the corner pixels might get
// overwritten twice, once as part of the "top" border and once as part
// of the "left" border (or similar for other corners).
// Everything works out fine as long as we make sure to reverse the order
// when restoring, ie. we need to restore the left/right borders followed
// by the top/bottom borders.
static void restore_processing_stripe_boundary(
const RestorationTileLimits *limits, const RestorationLineBuffers *rlbs,
int use_highbd, int h,
const AV1PixelRect *tile_rect, int loop_filter_across_tiles_v_enabled,
const AV1PixelRect *tile_rect, int loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled,
uint8_t *data8, int data_stride, int copy_above, int copy_below) {
const int line_width =
(limits->h_end - limits->h_start) + 2 * RESTORATION_EXTRA_HORZ;
const int line_size = line_width << use_highbd;
const int data_x0 = limits->h_start - RESTORATION_EXTRA_HORZ;
if (!loop_filter_across_tiles_v_enabled) {
// Restore any pixels we overwrote at the left/right edge of this
// processing unit.
const int at_tile_left_border = (limits->h_start == tile_rect->left);
const int at_tile_right_border = (limits->h_end == tile_rect->right);
if (at_tile_left_border) {
uint8_t *dst8 = data8 + limits->h_start + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int j = -RESTORATION_BORDER; j < 0; j++)
restore_boundary_column(dst8 + j, data_stride,
rlbs->tmp_save_left[j + RESTORATION_BORDER], h,
if (at_tile_right_border) {
uint8_t *dst8 = data8 + limits->h_end + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int j = 0; j < RESTORATION_BORDER; j++)
restore_boundary_column(dst8 + j, data_stride, rlbs->tmp_save_right[j],
h, use_highbd);
if (!loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled) {
// Restore any pixels we overwrote at the left/right edge of this
// processing unit.
const int at_tile_left_border = (limits->h_start == tile_rect->left);
const int at_tile_right_border = (limits->h_end == tile_rect->right);
if (at_tile_left_border) {
uint8_t *dst8 = data8 + limits->h_start + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int j = -RESTORATION_BORDER; j < 0; j++)
restore_boundary_column(dst8 + j, data_stride,
rlbs->tmp_save_left[j + RESTORATION_BORDER], h,
if (at_tile_right_border) {
uint8_t *dst8 = data8 + limits->h_end + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int j = 0; j < RESTORATION_BORDER; j++)
restore_boundary_column(dst8 + j, data_stride, rlbs->tmp_save_right[j],
h, use_highbd);
if (copy_above) {
uint8_t *data8_tl = data8 + data_x0 + limits->v_start * data_stride;
for (int i = -RESTORATION_BORDER; i < 0; ++i) {
uint8_t *dst8 = data8_tl + i * data_stride;
memcpy(REAL_PTR(use_highbd, dst8),
rlbs->tmp_save_above[i + RESTORATION_BORDER], line_size);
if (copy_below) {
const int stripe_bottom = limits->v_start + h;
uint8_t *data8_bl = data8 + data_x0 + stripe_bottom * data_stride;
for (int i = 0; i < RESTORATION_BORDER; ++i) {
if (stripe_bottom + i >= limits->v_end + RESTORATION_BORDER) break;
uint8_t *dst8 = data8_bl + i * data_stride;
memcpy(REAL_PTR(use_highbd, dst8), rlbs->tmp_save_below[i], line_size);
#define wiener_convolve8_add_src aom_convolve8_add_src_hip
#define wiener_convolve8_add_src aom_convolve8_add_src
static void wiener_filter_stripe(const RestorationUnitInfo *rui,
int stripe_width, int stripe_height,
int procunit_width, const uint8_t *src,
int src_stride, uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride,
int32_t *tmpbuf, int bit_depth) {
assert(bit_depth == 8);
for (int j = 0; j < stripe_width; j += procunit_width) {
int w = AOMMIN(procunit_width, (stripe_width - j + 15) & ~15);
const uint8_t *src_p = src + j;
uint8_t *dst_p = dst + j;
wiener_convolve8_add_src(src_p, src_stride, dst_p, dst_stride,
rui->wiener_info.hfilter, 16,
rui->wiener_info.vfilter, 16, w, stripe_height);
/* Calculate windowed sums (if sqr=0) or sums of squares (if sqr=1)
over the input. The window is of size (2r + 1)x(2r + 1), and we
specialize to r = 1, 2, 3. A default function is used for r > 3.
Each loop follows the same format: We keep a window's worth of input
in individual variables and select data out of that as appropriate.
static void boxsum1(int32_t *src, int width, int height, int src_stride,
int sqr, int32_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
int i, j, a, b, c;
// Vertical sum over 3-pixel regions, from src into dst.
if (!sqr) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j];
b = src[src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b;
for (i = 1; i < height - 2; ++i) {
// Loop invariant: At the start of each iteration,
// a = src[(i - 1) * src_stride + j]
// b = src[(i ) * src_stride + j]
// c = src[(i + 1) * src_stride + j]
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
a = b;
b = c;
c = src[(i + 2) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c;
} else {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j] * src[j];
b = src[src_stride + j] * src[src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j] * src[2 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b;
for (i = 1; i < height - 2; ++i) {
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
a = b;
b = c;
c = src[(i + 2) * src_stride + j] * src[(i + 2) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c;
// Horizontal sum over 3-pixel regions of dst
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
a = dst[i * dst_stride];
b = dst[i * dst_stride + 1];
c = dst[i * dst_stride + 2];
dst[i * dst_stride] = a + b;
for (j = 1; j < width - 2; ++j) {
// Loop invariant: At the start of each iteration,
// a = src[i * src_stride + (j - 1)]
// b = src[i * src_stride + (j )]
// c = src[i * src_stride + (j + 1)]
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
a = b;
b = c;
c = dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 2)];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 1)] = b + c;
static void boxsum2(int32_t *src, int width, int height, int src_stride,
int sqr, int32_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
int i, j, a, b, c, d, e;
// Vertical sum over 5-pixel regions, from src into dst.
if (!sqr) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j];
b = src[src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j];
d = src[3 * src_stride + j];
e = src[4 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b + c;
dst[dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d;
for (i = 2; i < height - 3; ++i) {
// Loop invariant: At the start of each iteration,
// a = src[(i - 2) * src_stride + j]
// b = src[(i - 1) * src_stride + j]
// c = src[(i ) * src_stride + j]
// d = src[(i + 1) * src_stride + j]
// e = src[(i + 2) * src_stride + j]
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
d = e;
e = src[(i + 3) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c + d + e;
dst[(i + 2) * dst_stride + j] = c + d + e;
} else {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j] * src[j];
b = src[src_stride + j] * src[src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j] * src[2 * src_stride + j];
d = src[3 * src_stride + j] * src[3 * src_stride + j];
e = src[4 * src_stride + j] * src[4 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b + c;
dst[dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d;
for (i = 2; i < height - 3; ++i) {
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
d = e;
e = src[(i + 3) * src_stride + j] * src[(i + 3) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c + d + e;
dst[(i + 2) * dst_stride + j] = c + d + e;
// Horizontal sum over 5-pixel regions of dst
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
a = dst[i * dst_stride];
b = dst[i * dst_stride + 1];
c = dst[i * dst_stride + 2];
d = dst[i * dst_stride + 3];
e = dst[i * dst_stride + 4];
dst[i * dst_stride] = a + b + c;
dst[i * dst_stride + 1] = a + b + c + d;
for (j = 2; j < width - 3; ++j) {
// Loop invariant: At the start of each iteration,
// a = src[i * src_stride + (j - 2)]
// b = src[i * src_stride + (j - 1)]
// c = src[i * src_stride + (j )]
// d = src[i * src_stride + (j + 1)]
// e = src[i * src_stride + (j + 2)]
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
d = e;
e = dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 3)];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 1)] = b + c + d + e;
dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 2)] = c + d + e;
static void boxsum(int32_t *src, int width, int height, int src_stride, int r,
int sqr, int32_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
if (r == 1)
boxsum1(src, width, height, src_stride, sqr, dst, dst_stride);
else if (r == 2)
boxsum2(src, width, height, src_stride, sqr, dst, dst_stride);
assert(0 && "Invalid value of r in self-guided filter");
void decode_xq(const int *xqd, int *xq) {
xq[0] = xqd[0];
xq[1] = (1 << SGRPROJ_PRJ_BITS) - xq[0] - xqd[1];
const int32_t x_by_xplus1[256] = {
// Special case: Map 0 -> 1 (corresponding to a value of 1/256)
// instead of 0. See comments in av1_selfguided_restoration_internal() for why
1, 128, 171, 192, 205, 213, 219, 224, 228, 230, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239,
240, 241, 242, 243, 243, 244, 244, 245, 245, 246, 246, 247, 247, 247, 247,
248, 248, 248, 248, 249, 249, 249, 249, 249, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250,
250, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 251, 252, 252, 252, 252,
252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 253, 253,
253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253,
253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 253, 254, 254, 254,
254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254,
254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254,
254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254,
254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254,
254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
const int32_t one_by_x[MAX_NELEM] = {
4096, 2048, 1365, 1024, 819, 683, 585, 512, 455, 410, 372, 341, 315,
293, 273, 256, 241, 228, 216, 205, 195, 186, 178, 171, 164,
static void av1_selfguided_restoration_fast2_internal(
int32_t *dgd, int width, int height, int dgd_stride, int32_t *dst,
int dst_stride, int bit_depth, int r, int eps) {
const int width_ext = width + 2 * SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ;
const int height_ext = height + 2 * SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT;
// Adjusting the stride of A and B here appears to avoid bad cache effects,
// leading to a significant speed improvement.
// We also align the stride to a multiple of 16 bytes, for consistency
// with the SIMD version of this function.
int buf_stride = ((width_ext + 3) & ~3) + 16;
int32_t *A = A_;
int32_t *B = B_;
int i, j;
assert(r <= MAX_RADIUS && "Need MAX_RADIUS >= r");
assert(r <= SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT - 1 && r <= SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ - 1 &&
"Need SGRPROJ_BORDER_* >= r+1");
boxsum(dgd - dgd_stride * SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT - SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ,
width_ext, height_ext, dgd_stride, r, 0, B, buf_stride);
boxsum(dgd - dgd_stride * SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT - SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ,
width_ext, height_ext, dgd_stride, r, 1, A, buf_stride);
// Calculate the eventual A[] and B[] arrays. Include a 1-pixel border - ie,
// for a 64x64 processing unit, we calculate 66x66 pixels of A[] and B[].
for (i = -1; i < height + 1; ++i) {
for (j = -1; j < width + 1; j += 2) {
const int k = i * buf_stride + j;
const int n = (2 * r + 1) * (2 * r + 1);
// a < 2^16 * n < 2^22 regardless of bit depth
uint32_t a = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(A[k], 2 * (bit_depth - 8));
// b < 2^8 * n < 2^14 regardless of bit depth
uint32_t b = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(B[k], bit_depth - 8);
// Each term in calculating p = a * n - b * b is < 2^16 * n^2 < 2^28,
// and p itself satisfies p < 2^14 * n^2 < 2^26.
// This bound on p is due to:
// Note: Sometimes, in high bit depth, we can end up with a*n < b*b.
// This is an artefact of rounding, and can only happen if all pixels
// are (almost) identical, so in this case we saturate to p=0.
uint32_t p = (a * n < b * b) ? 0 : a * n - b * b;
// Note: If MAX_RADIUS <= 2, then this 's' is a function only of
// r and eps. Further, this is the only place we use 'eps', so we could
// pre-calculate 's' for each parameter set and store that in place of
// 'eps'.
uint32_t s = sgrproj_mtable[eps - 1][n - 1];
// p * s < (2^14 * n^2) * round(2^20 / n^2 eps) < 2^34 / eps < 2^32
// as long as eps >= 4. So p * s fits into a uint32_t, and z < 2^12
// (this holds even after accounting for the rounding in s)
const uint32_t z = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(p * s, SGRPROJ_MTABLE_BITS);
// Note: We have to be quite careful about the value of A[k].
// This is used as a blend factor between individual pixel values and the
// local mean. So it logically has a range of [0, 256], including both
// endpoints.
// This is a pain for hardware, as we'd like something which can be stored
// in exactly 8 bits.
// Further, in the calculation of B[k] below, if z == 0 and r == 2,
// then A[k] "should be" 0. But then we can end up setting B[k] to a value
// slightly above 2^(8 + bit depth), due to rounding in the value of
// one_by_x[25-1].
// Thus we saturate so that, when z == 0, A[k] is set to 1 instead of 0.
// This fixes the above issues (256 - A[k] fits in a uint8, and we can't
// overflow), without significantly affecting the final result: z == 0
// implies that the image is essentially "flat", so the local mean and
// individual pixel values are very similar.
// Note that saturating on the other side, ie. requring A[k] <= 255,
// would be a bad idea, as that corresponds to the case where the image
// is very variable, when we want to preserve the local pixel value as
// much as possible.
A[k] = x_by_xplus1[AOMMIN(z, 255)]; // in range [1, 256]
// SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k] < 2^8 (from above), B[k] < 2^(bit_depth) * n,
// one_by_x[n - 1] = round(2^12 / n)
// => the product here is < 2^(20 + bit_depth) <= 2^32,
// and B[k] is set to a value < 2^(8 + bit depth)
// This holds even with the rounding in one_by_x and in the overall
// result, as long as SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k] is strictly less than 2^8.
B[k] = (int32_t)ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO((uint32_t)(SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k]) *
(uint32_t)B[k] *
(uint32_t)one_by_x[n - 1],
// Use the A[] and B[] arrays to calculate the filtered image
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
const int width2 = width + (width & 1);
for (j = 0; j < width2; j += 2) {
{ // even col
const int k = i * buf_stride + j;
const int l = i * dgd_stride + j;
const int m = i * dst_stride + j;
const int nb = 5;
const int32_t a = (A[k - 1] + A[k + 1]) * 6 +
(A[k - 1 - buf_stride] + A[k - 1 + buf_stride] +
A[k + 1 - buf_stride] + A[k + 1 + buf_stride]) *
const int32_t b = (B[k - 1] + B[k + 1]) * 6 +
(B[k - 1 - buf_stride] + B[k - 1 + buf_stride] +
B[k + 1 - buf_stride] + B[k + 1 + buf_stride]) *
const int32_t v = a * dgd[l] + b;
dst[m] =
if (j + 1 < width - 1) { // odd col and not last
const int k = i * buf_stride + j + 1;
const int l = i * dgd_stride + j + 1;
const int m = i * dst_stride + j + 1;
const int nb = 6;
const int32_t a = A[k] * 16 +
(A[k - buf_stride] + A[k + buf_stride]) * 14 +
(A[k - 2] + A[k + 2]) * 4 +
(A[k - 2 - buf_stride] + A[k - 2 + buf_stride] +
A[k + 2 - buf_stride] + A[k + 2 + buf_stride]) *
const int32_t b = B[k] * 16 +
(B[k - buf_stride] + B[k + buf_stride]) * 14 +
(B[k - 2] + B[k + 2]) * 4 +
(B[k - 2 - buf_stride] + B[k - 2 + buf_stride] +
B[k + 2 - buf_stride] + B[k + 2 + buf_stride]) *
const int32_t v = a * dgd[l] + b;
dst[m] =
} else if (j + 1 < width) { // odd col and last
const int k = i * buf_stride + j + 1;
const int l = i * dgd_stride + j + 1;
const int m = i * dst_stride + j + 1;
const int nb = 6;
const int32_t a =
A[k] * 18 + (A[k - buf_stride] + A[k + buf_stride]) * 16 +
A[k - 2] * 6 + (A[k - 2 - buf_stride] + A[k - 2 + buf_stride]) * 4;
const int32_t b =
B[k] * 18 + (B[k - buf_stride] + B[k + buf_stride]) * 16 +
B[k - 2] * 6 + (B[k - 2 - buf_stride] + B[k - 2 + buf_stride]) * 4;
const int32_t v = a * dgd[l] + b;
dst[m] =
#elif CONFIG_FAST_SGR == 1
static void av1_selfguided_restoration_fast_internal(
int32_t *dgd, int width, int height, int dgd_stride, int32_t *dst,
int dst_stride, int bit_depth, int r, int eps) {
const int width_ext = width + 2 * SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ;
const int height_ext = height + 2 * SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT;
// Adjusting the stride of A and B here appears to avoid bad cache effects,
// leading to a significant speed improvement.
// We also align the stride to a multiple of 16 bytes, for consistency
// with the SIMD version of this function.
int buf_stride = ((width_ext + 3) & ~3) + 16;
int32_t *A = A_;
int32_t *B = B_;
int i, j;
assert(r <= MAX_RADIUS && "Need MAX_RADIUS >= r");
assert(r <= SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT - 1 && r <= SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ - 1 &&
"Need SGRPROJ_BORDER_* >= r+1");
boxsum(dgd - dgd_stride * SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT - SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ,
width_ext, height_ext, dgd_stride, r, 0, B, buf_stride);
boxsum(dgd - dgd_stride * SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT - SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ,
width_ext, height_ext, dgd_stride, r, 1, A, buf_stride);
// Calculate the eventual A[] and B[] arrays. Include a 1-pixel border - ie,
// for a 64x64 processing unit, we calculate 66x66 pixels of A[] and B[].
for (i = -1; i < height + 1; i += 2) {
for (j = -1; j < width + 1; ++j) {
const int k = i * buf_stride + j;
const int n = (2 * r + 1) * (2 * r + 1);
// a < 2^16 * n < 2^22 regardless of bit depth
uint32_t a = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(A[k], 2 * (bit_depth - 8));
// b < 2^8 * n < 2^14 regardless of bit depth
uint32_t b = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(B[k], bit_depth - 8);
// Each term in calculating p = a * n - b * b is < 2^16 * n^2 < 2^28,
// and p itself satisfies p < 2^14 * n^2 < 2^26.
// This bound on p is due to:
// Note: Sometimes, in high bit depth, we can end up with a*n < b*b.
// This is an artefact of rounding, and can only happen if all pixels
// are (almost) identical, so in this case we saturate to p=0.
uint32_t p = (a * n < b * b) ? 0 : a * n - b * b;
// Note: If MAX_RADIUS <= 2, then this 's' is a function only of
// r and eps. Further, this is the only place we use 'eps', so we could
// pre-calculate 's' for each parameter set and store that in place of
// 'eps'.
uint32_t s = sgrproj_mtable[eps - 1][n - 1];
// p * s < (2^14 * n^2) * round(2^20 / n^2 eps) < 2^34 / eps < 2^32
// as long as eps >= 4. So p * s fits into a uint32_t, and z < 2^12
// (this holds even after accounting for the rounding in s)
const uint32_t z = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(p * s, SGRPROJ_MTABLE_BITS);
// Note: We have to be quite careful about the value of A[k].
// This is used as a blend factor between individual pixel values and the
// local mean. So it logically has a range of [0, 256], including both
// endpoints.
// This is a pain for hardware, as we'd like something which can be stored
// in exactly 8 bits.
// Further, in the calculation of B[k] below, if z == 0 and r == 2,
// then A[k] "should be" 0. But then we can end up setting B[k] to a value
// slightly above 2^(8 + bit depth), due to rounding in the value of
// one_by_x[25-1].
// Thus we saturate so that, when z == 0, A[k] is set to 1 instead of 0.
// This fixes the above issues (256 - A[k] fits in a uint8, and we can't
// overflow), without significantly affecting the final result: z == 0
// implies that the image is essentially "flat", so the local mean and
// individual pixel values are very similar.
// Note that saturating on the other side, ie. requring A[k] <= 255,
// would be a bad idea, as that corresponds to the case where the image
// is very variable, when we want to preserve the local pixel value as
// much as possible.
A[k] = x_by_xplus1[AOMMIN(z, 255)]; // in range [1, 256]
// SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k] < 2^8 (from above), B[k] < 2^(bit_depth) * n,
// one_by_x[n - 1] = round(2^12 / n)
// => the product here is < 2^(20 + bit_depth) <= 2^32,
// and B[k] is set to a value < 2^(8 + bit depth)
// This holds even with the rounding in one_by_x and in the overall
// result, as long as SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k] is strictly less than 2^8.
B[k] = (int32_t)ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO((uint32_t)(SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k]) *
(uint32_t)B[k] *
(uint32_t)one_by_x[n - 1],
// Use the A[] and B[] arrays to calculate the filtered image
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
if (!(i & 1)) { // even row
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int k = i * buf_stride + j;
const int l = i * dgd_stride + j;
const int m = i * dst_stride + j;
const int nb = 5;
const int32_t a = (A[k - buf_stride] + A[k + buf_stride]) * 6 +
(A[k - 1 - buf_stride] + A[k - 1 + buf_stride] +
A[k + 1 - buf_stride] + A[k + 1 + buf_stride]) *
const int32_t b = (B[k - buf_stride] + B[k + buf_stride]) * 6 +
(B[k - 1 - buf_stride] + B[k - 1 + buf_stride] +
B[k + 1 - buf_stride] + B[k + 1 + buf_stride]) *
const int32_t v = a * dgd[l] + b;
dst[m] =
} else if (i != height - 1) { // odd row and not last
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int k = i * buf_stride + j;
const int l = i * dgd_stride + j;
const int m = i * dst_stride + j;
const int nb = 6;
const int buf_stride2 = 2 * buf_stride;
const int32_t a = A[k] * 16 + (A[k - 1] + A[k + 1]) * 14 +
(A[k - buf_stride2] + A[k + buf_stride2]) * 4 +
(A[k - 1 - buf_stride2] + A[k - 1 + buf_stride2] +
A[k + 1 - buf_stride2] + A[k + 1 + buf_stride2]) *
const int32_t b = B[k] * 16 + (B[k - 1] + B[k + 1]) * 14 +
(B[k - buf_stride2] + B[k + buf_stride2]) * 4 +
(B[k - 1 - buf_stride2] + B[k - 1 + buf_stride2] +
B[k + 1 - buf_stride2] + B[k + 1 + buf_stride2]) *
const int32_t v = a * dgd[l] + b;
dst[m] =
} else { // odd row and last
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int k = i * buf_stride + j;
const int l = i * dgd_stride + j;
const int m = i * dst_stride + j;
const int nb = 6;
const int buf_stride2 = 2 * buf_stride;
const int32_t a = A[k] * 18 + (A[k - 1] + A[k + 1]) * 16 +
A[k - buf_stride2] * 6 +
(A[k - 1 - buf_stride2] + A[k + 1 - buf_stride2]) * 4;
const int32_t b = B[k] * 18 + (B[k - 1] + B[k + 1]) * 16 +
B[k - buf_stride2] * 6 +
(B[k - 1 - buf_stride2] + B[k + 1 - buf_stride2]) * 4;
const int32_t v = a * dgd[l] + b;
dst[m] =
static void av1_selfguided_restoration_internal(int32_t *dgd, int width,
int height, int dgd_stride,
int32_t *dst, int dst_stride,
int bit_depth, int r, int eps) {
const int width_ext = width + 2 * SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ;
const int height_ext = height + 2 * SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT;
// Adjusting the stride of A and B here appears to avoid bad cache effects,
// leading to a significant speed improvement.
// We also align the stride to a multiple of 16 bytes, for consistency
// with the SIMD version of this function.
int buf_stride = ((width_ext + 3) & ~3) + 16;
int32_t *A = A_;
int32_t *B = B_;
int i, j;
assert(r <= MAX_RADIUS && "Need MAX_RADIUS >= r");
assert(r <= SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT - 1 && r <= SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ - 1 &&
"Need SGRPROJ_BORDER_* >= r+1");
boxsum(dgd - dgd_stride * SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT - SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ,
width_ext, height_ext, dgd_stride, r, 0, B, buf_stride);
boxsum(dgd - dgd_stride * SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT - SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ,
width_ext, height_ext, dgd_stride, r, 1, A, buf_stride);
// Calculate the eventual A[] and B[] arrays. Include a 1-pixel border - ie,
// for a 64x64 processing unit, we calculate 66x66 pixels of A[] and B[].
for (i = -1; i < height + 1; ++i) {
for (j = -1; j < width + 1; ++j) {
const int k = i * buf_stride + j;
const int n = (2 * r + 1) * (2 * r + 1);
// a < 2^16 * n < 2^22 regardless of bit depth
uint32_t a = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(A[k], 2 * (bit_depth - 8));
// b < 2^8 * n < 2^14 regardless of bit depth
uint32_t b = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(B[k], bit_depth - 8);
// Each term in calculating p = a * n - b * b is < 2^16 * n^2 < 2^28,
// and p itself satisfies p < 2^14 * n^2 < 2^26.
// This bound on p is due to:
// Note: Sometimes, in high bit depth, we can end up with a*n < b*b.
// This is an artefact of rounding, and can only happen if all pixels
// are (almost) identical, so in this case we saturate to p=0.
uint32_t p = (a * n < b * b) ? 0 : a * n - b * b;
// Note: If MAX_RADIUS <= 2, then this 's' is a function only of
// r and eps. Further, this is the only place we use 'eps', so we could
// pre-calculate 's' for each parameter set and store that in place of
// 'eps'.
uint32_t s = sgrproj_mtable[eps - 1][n - 1];
// p * s < (2^14 * n^2) * round(2^20 / n^2 eps) < 2^34 / eps < 2^32
// as long as eps >= 4. So p * s fits into a uint32_t, and z < 2^12
// (this holds even after accounting for the rounding in s)
const uint32_t z = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(p * s, SGRPROJ_MTABLE_BITS);
// Note: We have to be quite careful about the value of A[k].
// This is used as a blend factor between individual pixel values and the
// local mean. So it logically has a range of [0, 256], including both
// endpoints.
// This is a pain for hardware, as we'd like something which can be stored
// in exactly 8 bits.
// Further, in the calculation of B[k] below, if z == 0 and r == 2,
// then A[k] "should be" 0. But then we can end up setting B[k] to a value
// slightly above 2^(8 + bit depth), due to rounding in the value of
// one_by_x[25-1].
// Thus we saturate so that, when z == 0, A[k] is set to 1 instead of 0.
// This fixes the above issues (256 - A[k] fits in a uint8, and we can't
// overflow), without significantly affecting the final result: z == 0
// implies that the image is essentially "flat", so the local mean and
// individual pixel values are very similar.
// Note that saturating on the other side, ie. requring A[k] <= 255,
// would be a bad idea, as that corresponds to the case where the image
// is very variable, when we want to preserve the local pixel value as
// much as possible.
A[k] = x_by_xplus1[AOMMIN(z, 255)]; // in range [1, 256]
// SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k] < 2^8 (from above), B[k] < 2^(bit_depth) * n,
// one_by_x[n - 1] = round(2^12 / n)
// => the product here is < 2^(20 + bit_depth) <= 2^32,
// and B[k] is set to a value < 2^(8 + bit depth)
// This holds even with the rounding in one_by_x and in the overall
// result, as long as SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k] is strictly less than 2^8.
B[k] = (int32_t)ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO((uint32_t)(SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k]) *
(uint32_t)B[k] *
(uint32_t)one_by_x[n - 1],
// Use the A[] and B[] arrays to calculate the filtered image
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int k = i * buf_stride + j;
const int l = i * dgd_stride + j;
const int m = i * dst_stride + j;
const int nb = 5;
const int32_t a =
(A[k] + A[k - 1] + A[k + 1] + A[k - buf_stride] + A[k + buf_stride]) *
4 +
(A[k - 1 - buf_stride] + A[k - 1 + buf_stride] +
A[k + 1 - buf_stride] + A[k + 1 + buf_stride]) *
const int32_t b =
(B[k] + B[k - 1] + B[k + 1] + B[k - buf_stride] + B[k + buf_stride]) *
4 +
(B[k - 1 - buf_stride] + B[k - 1 + buf_stride] +
B[k + 1 - buf_stride] + B[k + 1 + buf_stride]) *
const int32_t v = a * dgd[l] + b;
void av1_selfguided_restoration_c(const uint8_t *dgd8, int width, int height,
int dgd_stride, int32_t *flt1, int32_t *flt2,
int flt_stride, const sgr_params_type *params,
int bit_depth, int highbd) {
const int dgd32_stride = width + 2 * SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ;
int32_t *dgd32 =
if (highbd) {
const uint16_t *dgd16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dgd8);
for (int i = -SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT; i < height + SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT; ++i) {
for (int j = -SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ; j < width + SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ; ++j) {
dgd32[i * dgd32_stride + j] = dgd16[i * dgd_stride + j];
} else {
for (int i = -SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT; i < height + SGRPROJ_BORDER_VERT; ++i) {
for (int j = -SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ; j < width + SGRPROJ_BORDER_HORZ; ++j) {
dgd32[i * dgd32_stride + j] = dgd8[i * dgd_stride + j];
av1_selfguided_restoration_fast2_internal(dgd32, width, height, dgd32_stride,
flt1, flt_stride, bit_depth,
params->r1, params->e1);
av1_selfguided_restoration_fast2_internal(dgd32, width, height, dgd32_stride,
flt2, flt_stride, bit_depth,
params->r2, params->e2);
#elif CONFIG_FAST_SGR == 1
av1_selfguided_restoration_fast_internal(dgd32, width, height, dgd32_stride,
flt1, flt_stride, bit_depth,
params->r1, params->e1);
av1_selfguided_restoration_fast_internal(dgd32, width, height, dgd32_stride,
flt2, flt_stride, bit_depth,
params->r2, params->e2);
av1_selfguided_restoration_internal(dgd32, width, height, dgd32_stride, flt1,
flt_stride, bit_depth, params->r1,
av1_selfguided_restoration_internal(dgd32, width, height, dgd32_stride, flt2,
flt_stride, bit_depth, params->r2,
void apply_selfguided_restoration_c(const uint8_t *dat8, int width, int height,
int stride, int eps, const int *xqd,
uint8_t *dst8, int dst_stride,
int32_t *tmpbuf, int bit_depth,
int highbd) {
int xq[2];
int32_t *flt1 = tmpbuf;
int32_t *flt2 = flt1 + RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX;
assert(width * height <= RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX);
av1_selfguided_restoration_c(dat8, width, height, stride, flt1, flt2, width,
&sgr_params[eps], bit_depth, highbd);
decode_xq(xqd, xq);
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int k = i * width + j;
uint8_t *dst8ij = dst8 + i * dst_stride + j;
const uint8_t *dat8ij = dat8 + i * stride + j;
const uint16_t pre_u = highbd ? *CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dat8ij) : *dat8ij;
const int32_t u = (int32_t)pre_u << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS;
const int32_t f1 = flt1[k] - u;
const int32_t f2 = flt2[k] - u;
const int32_t v = xq[0] * f1 + xq[1] * f2 + (u << SGRPROJ_PRJ_BITS);
const int16_t w =
const uint16_t out = clip_pixel_highbd(w, bit_depth);
if (highbd)
*CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst8ij) = out;
*dst8ij = (uint8_t)out;
static void sgrproj_filter_stripe(const RestorationUnitInfo *rui,
int stripe_width, int stripe_height,
int procunit_width, const uint8_t *src,
int src_stride, uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride,
int32_t *tmpbuf, int bit_depth) {
assert(bit_depth == 8);
for (int j = 0; j < stripe_width; j += procunit_width) {
int w = AOMMIN(procunit_width, stripe_width - j);
apply_selfguided_restoration_c(src + j, w, stripe_height, src_stride,
rui->sgrproj_info.ep, rui->sgrproj_info.xqd,
dst + j, dst_stride, tmpbuf, bit_depth, 0);
apply_selfguided_restoration(src + j, w, stripe_height, src_stride,
rui->sgrproj_info.ep, rui->sgrproj_info.xqd,
dst + j, dst_stride, tmpbuf, bit_depth, 0);
#endif // CONFIG_FAST_SGR == 2
#define wiener_highbd_convolve8_add_src aom_highbd_convolve8_add_src_hip
#define wiener_highbd_convolve8_add_src aom_highbd_convolve8_add_src
static void wiener_filter_stripe_highbd(const RestorationUnitInfo *rui,
int stripe_width, int stripe_height,
int procunit_width, const uint8_t *src8,
int src_stride, uint8_t *dst8,
int dst_stride, int32_t *tmpbuf,
int bit_depth) {
for (int j = 0; j < stripe_width; j += procunit_width) {
int w = AOMMIN(procunit_width, (stripe_width - j + 15) & ~15);
const uint8_t *src8_p = src8 + j;
uint8_t *dst8_p = dst8 + j;
src8_p, src_stride, dst8_p, dst_stride, rui->wiener_info.hfilter, 16,
rui->wiener_info.vfilter, 16, w, stripe_height, bit_depth);
static void sgrproj_filter_stripe_highbd(const RestorationUnitInfo *rui,
int stripe_width, int stripe_height,
int procunit_width,
const uint8_t *src8, int src_stride,
uint8_t *dst8, int dst_stride,
int32_t *tmpbuf, int bit_depth) {
for (int j = 0; j < stripe_width; j += procunit_width) {
int w = AOMMIN(procunit_width, stripe_width - j);
apply_selfguided_restoration_c(src8 + j, w, stripe_height, src_stride,
rui->sgrproj_info.ep, rui->sgrproj_info.xqd,
dst8 + j, dst_stride, tmpbuf, bit_depth, 1);
apply_selfguided_restoration(src8 + j, w, stripe_height, src_stride,
rui->sgrproj_info.ep, rui->sgrproj_info.xqd,
dst8 + j, dst_stride, tmpbuf, bit_depth, 1);
#endif // CONFIG_FAST_SGR == 2
typedef void (*stripe_filter_fun)(const RestorationUnitInfo *rui,
int stripe_width, int stripe_height,
int procunit_width, const uint8_t *src,
int src_stride, uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride,
int32_t *tmpbuf, int bit_depth);
static const stripe_filter_fun stripe_filters[NUM_STRIPE_FILTERS] = {
wiener_filter_stripe, sgrproj_filter_stripe, wiener_filter_stripe_highbd,
// Filter one restoration unit
void av1_loop_restoration_filter_unit(
const RestorationTileLimits *limits, const RestorationUnitInfo *rui,
const RestorationStripeBoundaries *rsb, RestorationLineBuffers *rlbs,
const AV1PixelRect *tile_rect, int tile_stripe0,
int loop_filter_across_tiles_v_enabled,
int loop_filter_across_tiles_h_enabled,
int loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled,
int ss_x, int ss_y, int highbd, int bit_depth, uint8_t *data8, int stride,
uint8_t *dst8, int dst_stride, int32_t *tmpbuf) {
RestorationType unit_rtype = rui->restoration_type;
int unit_h = limits->v_end - limits->v_start;
int unit_w = limits->h_end - limits->h_start;
uint8_t *data8_tl = data8 + limits->v_start * stride + limits->h_start;
uint8_t *dst8_tl = dst8 + limits->v_start * dst_stride + limits->h_start;
if (unit_rtype == RESTORE_NONE) {
copy_tile(unit_w, unit_h, data8_tl, stride, dst8_tl, dst_stride, highbd);
const int filter_idx = 2 * highbd + (unit_rtype == RESTORE_SGRPROJ);
assert(filter_idx < NUM_STRIPE_FILTERS);
const stripe_filter_fun stripe_filter = stripe_filters[filter_idx];
const int procunit_width = RESTORATION_PROC_UNIT_SIZE >> ss_x;
// Convolve the whole tile one stripe at a time
RestorationTileLimits remaining_stripes = *limits;
int i = 0;
while (i < unit_h) {
int copy_above, copy_below;
remaining_stripes.v_start = limits->v_start + i;
get_stripe_boundary_info(&remaining_stripes, tile_rect, ss_y,
&copy_above, &copy_below);
const int full_stripe_height = RESTORATION_PROC_UNIT_SIZE >> ss_y;
const int rtile_offset = RESTORATION_TILE_OFFSET >> ss_y;
// Work out where this stripe's boundaries are within
// rsb->stripe_boundary_{above,below}
const int tile_stripe =
(remaining_stripes.v_start - tile_rect->top + rtile_offset) /
const int frame_stripe = tile_stripe0 + tile_stripe;
const int rsb_row = RESTORATION_CTX_VERT * frame_stripe;
// Calculate this stripe's height, based on two rules:
// * The topmost stripe in each tile is 8 luma pixels shorter than usual.
// * We can't extend past the end of the current restoration unit
const int nominal_stripe_height =
full_stripe_height - ((tile_stripe == 0) ? rtile_offset : 0);
const int h = AOMMIN(nominal_stripe_height,
remaining_stripes.v_end - remaining_stripes.v_start);
&remaining_stripes, rsb, rsb_row, highbd, h,
tile_rect, loop_filter_across_tiles_v_enabled,
tile_rect, loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled,
data8, stride, rlbs, copy_above, copy_below);
stripe_filter(rui, unit_w, h, procunit_width, data8_tl + i * stride, stride,
dst8_tl + i * dst_stride, dst_stride, tmpbuf, bit_depth);
restore_processing_stripe_boundary(&remaining_stripes, rlbs, highbd, h,
data8, stride, copy_above, copy_below);
i += h;
const int stripe_height = RESTORATION_PROC_UNIT_SIZE >> ss_y;
for (int i = 0; i < unit_h; i += stripe_height) {
const int h = AOMMIN(stripe_height, unit_h - i);
stripe_filter(rui, unit_w, h, procunit_width, data8_tl + i * stride, stride,
dst8_tl + i * dst_stride, dst_stride, tmpbuf, bit_depth);
typedef struct {
const RestorationInfo *rsi;
RestorationLineBuffers *rlbs;
const AV1_COMMON *cm;
int tile_stripe0;
int ss_x, ss_y;
int highbd, bit_depth;
uint8_t *data8, *dst8;
int data_stride, dst_stride;
int32_t *tmpbuf;
} FilterFrameCtxt;
static void filter_frame_on_tile(int tile_row, int tile_col, void *priv) {
FilterFrameCtxt *ctxt = (FilterFrameCtxt *)priv;
ctxt->tile_stripe0 =
(tile_row == 0) ? 0 : ctxt->cm->rst_end_stripe[tile_row - 1];
static void filter_frame_on_unit(const RestorationTileLimits *limits,
const AV1PixelRect *tile_rect,
int rest_unit_idx, void *priv) {
FilterFrameCtxt *ctxt = (FilterFrameCtxt *)priv;
const RestorationInfo *rsi = ctxt->rsi;
limits, &rsi->unit_info[rest_unit_idx],
&rsi->boundaries, ctxt->rlbs, tile_rect, ctxt->tile_stripe0,
ctxt->ss_x, ctxt->ss_y, ctxt->highbd, ctxt->bit_depth, ctxt->data8,
ctxt->data_stride, ctxt->dst8, ctxt->dst_stride, ctxt->tmpbuf);
void av1_loop_restoration_filter_frame(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *frame,
AV1_COMMON *cm) {
const int num_planes = av1_num_planes(cm);
typedef void (*copy_fun)(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *src,
static const copy_fun copy_funs[3] = { aom_yv12_copy_y, aom_yv12_copy_u,
aom_yv12_copy_v };
memset(&dst, 0, sizeof(dst));
const int frame_width = frame->crop_widths[0];
const int frame_height = frame->crop_heights[0];
if (aom_realloc_frame_buffer(&dst, frame_width, frame_height,
cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
cm->use_highbitdepth, AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS,
cm->byte_alignment, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0)
aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
"Failed to allocate restoration dst buffer");
RestorationLineBuffers rlbs;
const int bit_depth = cm->bit_depth;
const int highbd = cm->use_highbitdepth;
for (int plane = 0; plane < num_planes; ++plane) {
const RestorationInfo *rsi = &cm->rst_info[plane];
RestorationType rtype = rsi->frame_restoration_type;
if (rtype == RESTORE_NONE) {
copy_funs[plane](frame, &dst);
const int is_uv = plane > 0;
const int plane_width = frame->crop_widths[is_uv];
const int plane_height = frame->crop_heights[is_uv];
extend_frame(frame->buffers[plane], plane_width, plane_height,
FilterFrameCtxt ctxt;
ctxt.rsi = rsi;
ctxt.rlbs = &rlbs; = cm;
ctxt.ss_x = is_uv && cm->subsampling_x;
ctxt.ss_y = is_uv && cm->subsampling_y;
ctxt.highbd = highbd;
ctxt.bit_depth = bit_depth;
ctxt.data8 = frame->buffers[plane];
ctxt.dst8 = dst.buffers[plane];
ctxt.data_stride = frame->strides[is_uv];
ctxt.dst_stride = dst.strides[is_uv];
ctxt.tmpbuf = cm->rst_tmpbuf;
av1_foreach_rest_unit_in_frame(cm, plane, filter_frame_on_tile,
filter_frame_on_unit, &ctxt);
for (int plane = 0; plane < num_planes; ++plane) {
copy_funs[plane](&dst, frame);
static void foreach_rest_unit_in_tile(const AV1PixelRect *tile_rect,
int tile_row, int tile_col, int tile_cols,
int hunits_per_tile, int units_per_tile,
int unit_size, int ss_y,
rest_unit_visitor_t on_rest_unit,
void *priv) {
const int tile_w = tile_rect->right - tile_rect->left;
const int tile_h = tile_rect->bottom - tile_rect->top;
const int ext_size = unit_size * 3 / 2;
const int tile_idx = tile_col + tile_row * tile_cols;
const int unit_idx0 = tile_idx * units_per_tile;
int y0 = 0, i = 0;
while (y0 < tile_h) {
int remaining_h = tile_h - y0;
int h = (remaining_h < ext_size) ? remaining_h : unit_size;
RestorationTileLimits limits;
limits.v_start = tile_rect->top + y0;
limits.v_end = tile_rect->top + y0 + h;
assert(limits.v_end <= tile_rect->bottom);
// Offset the tile upwards to align with the restoration processing stripe
const int voffset = RESTORATION_TILE_OFFSET >> ss_y;
limits.v_start = AOMMAX(tile_rect->top, limits.v_start - voffset);
if (limits.v_end < tile_rect->bottom) limits.v_end -= voffset;
int x0 = 0, j = 0;
while (x0 < tile_w) {
int remaining_w = tile_w - x0;
int w = (remaining_w < ext_size) ? remaining_w : unit_size;
limits.h_start = tile_rect->left + x0;
limits.h_end = tile_rect->left + x0 + w;
assert(limits.h_end <= tile_rect->right);
const int unit_idx = unit_idx0 + i * hunits_per_tile + j;
on_rest_unit(&limits, tile_rect, unit_idx, priv);
x0 += w;
y0 += h;
void av1_foreach_rest_unit_in_frame(const struct AV1Common *cm, int plane,
rest_tile_start_visitor_t on_tile,
rest_unit_visitor_t on_rest_unit,
void *priv) {
const int is_uv = plane > 0;
const int ss_y = is_uv && cm->subsampling_y;
const RestorationInfo *rsi = &cm->rst_info[plane];
TileInfo tile_info;
for (int tile_row = 0; tile_row < cm->tile_rows; ++tile_row) {
av1_tile_set_row(&tile_info, cm, tile_row);
for (int tile_col = 0; tile_col < cm->tile_cols; ++tile_col) {
av1_tile_set_col(&tile_info, cm, tile_col);
const AV1PixelRect tile_rect = av1_get_tile_rect(&tile_info, cm, is_uv);
if (on_tile) on_tile(tile_row, tile_col, priv);
foreach_rest_unit_in_tile(&tile_rect, tile_row, tile_col, cm->tile_cols,
rsi->horz_units_per_tile, rsi->units_per_tile,
rsi->restoration_unit_size, ss_y, on_rest_unit,
// Get the horizontal or vertical index of the tile containing mi_x. For a
// horizontal index, mi_x should be the left-most column for some block in mi
// units and tile_x_start_sb should be cm->tile_col_start_sb. The return value
// will be "tile_col" for the tile containing that block.
// For a vertical index, mi_x should be the block's top row and tile_x_start_sb
// should be cm->tile_row_start_sb. The return value will be "tile_row" for the
// tile containing the block.
static int get_tile_idx(const int *tile_x_start_sb, int mi_x, int mib_log2) {
int sb_x = mi_x >> mib_log2;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TILE_COLS; ++i) {
if (tile_x_start_sb[i + 1] > sb_x) return i;
// This shouldn't happen if tile_x_start_sb has been filled in
// correctly.
return 0;
int av1_loop_restoration_corners_in_sb(const struct AV1Common *cm, int plane,
int mi_row, int mi_col, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
int *rcol0, int *rcol1, int *rrow0,
int *rrow1, int *tile_tl_idx) {
assert(rcol0 && rcol1 && rrow0 && rrow1);
if (bsize != cm->sb_size) return 0;
if (cm->rst_info[plane].frame_restoration_type == RESTORE_NONE) return 0;
const int is_uv = plane > 0;
// Which tile contains the superblock? Find that tile's top-left in mi-units,
// together with the tile's size in pixels.
const int mib_log2 = cm->mib_size_log2;
const int tile_row = get_tile_idx(cm->tile_row_start_sb, mi_row, mib_log2);
const int tile_col = get_tile_idx(cm->tile_col_start_sb, mi_col, mib_log2);
const int tile_row = mi_row / cm->tile_height;
const int tile_col = mi_col / cm->tile_width;
TileInfo tile_info;
av1_tile_init(&tile_info, cm, tile_row, tile_col);
const AV1PixelRect tile_rect = av1_get_tile_rect(&tile_info, cm, is_uv);
const int tile_w = tile_rect.right - tile_rect.left;
const int tile_h = tile_rect.bottom -;
const int mi_top = tile_info.mi_row_start;
const int mi_left = tile_info.mi_col_start;
// Compute the mi-unit corners of the superblock relative to the top-left of
// the tile
const int mi_rel_row0 = mi_row - mi_top;
const int mi_rel_col0 = mi_col - mi_left;
const int mi_rel_row1 = mi_rel_row0 + mi_size_high[bsize];
const int mi_rel_col1 = mi_rel_col0 + mi_size_wide[bsize];
const RestorationInfo *rsi = &cm->rst_info[plane];
const int size = rsi->restoration_unit_size;
// Calculate the number of restoration units in this tile (which might be
// strictly less than rsi->horz_units_per_tile and rsi->vert_units_per_tile)
const int horz_units = count_units_in_tile(size, tile_w);
const int vert_units = count_units_in_tile(size, tile_h);
// The size of an MI-unit on this plane of the image
const int ss_x = is_uv && cm->subsampling_x;
const int ss_y = is_uv && cm->subsampling_y;
const int mi_size_x = MI_SIZE >> ss_x;
const int mi_size_y = MI_SIZE >> ss_y;
// Write m for the relative mi column or row, D for the superres denominator
// and N for the superres numerator. If u is the upscaled (called "unscaled"
// elsewhere) pixel offset then we can write the downscaled pixel offset in
// two ways as:
// MI_SIZE * m = N / D u
// from which we get u = D * MI_SIZE * m / N
const int mi_to_num_x = av1_superres_unscaled(cm)
? mi_size_x
: mi_size_x * cm->superres_scale_denominator;
const int mi_to_num_y = mi_size_y;
const int denom_x = av1_superres_unscaled(cm) ? size : size * SCALE_NUMERATOR;
const int denom_y = size;
const int mi_to_num_x = mi_size_x;
const int mi_to_num_y = mi_size_y;
const int denom_x = size;
const int denom_y = size;
const int rnd_x = denom_x - 1;
const int rnd_y = denom_y - 1;
// rcol0/rrow0 should be the first column/row of restoration units (relative
// to the top-left of the tile) that doesn't start left/below of
// mi_col/mi_row. For this calculation, we need to round up the division (if
// the sb starts at rtile column 10.1, the first matching rtile has column
// index 11)
*rcol0 = (mi_rel_col0 * mi_to_num_x + rnd_x) / denom_x;
*rrow0 = (mi_rel_row0 * mi_to_num_y + rnd_y) / denom_y;
// rel_col1/rel_row1 is the equivalent calculation, but for the superblock
// below-right. If we're at the bottom or right of the tile, this restoration
// unit might not exist, in which case we'll clamp accordingly.
*rcol1 = AOMMIN((mi_rel_col1 * mi_to_num_x + rnd_x) / denom_x, horz_units);
*rrow1 = AOMMIN((mi_rel_row1 * mi_to_num_y + rnd_y) / denom_y, vert_units);
const int tile_idx = tile_col + tile_row * cm->tile_cols;
*tile_tl_idx = tile_idx * rsi->units_per_tile;
return *rcol0 < *rcol1 && *rrow0 < *rrow1;
// Extend to left and right
static void extend_lines(uint8_t *buf, int width, int height, int stride,
int extend, int use_highbitdepth) {
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
if (use_highbitdepth) {
uint16_t *buf16 = (uint16_t *)buf;
aom_memset16(buf16 - extend, buf16[0], extend);
aom_memset16(buf16 + width, buf16[width - 1], extend);
} else {
memset(buf - extend, buf[0], extend);
memset(buf + width, buf[width - 1], extend);
buf += stride;
static void save_deblock_boundary_lines(
const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *frame, const AV1_COMMON *cm, int plane, int row,
int stripe, int use_highbd, int is_above,
RestorationStripeBoundaries *boundaries) {
const int is_uv = plane > 0;
const uint8_t *src_buf = REAL_PTR(use_highbd, frame->buffers[plane]);
const int src_stride = frame->strides[is_uv] << use_highbd;
const uint8_t *src_rows = src_buf + row * src_stride;
uint8_t *bdry_buf = is_above ? boundaries->stripe_boundary_above
: boundaries->stripe_boundary_below;
uint8_t *bdry_start = bdry_buf + (RESTORATION_EXTRA_HORZ << use_highbd);
const int bdry_stride = boundaries->stripe_boundary_stride << use_highbd;
uint8_t *bdry_rows = bdry_start + RESTORATION_CTX_VERT * stripe * bdry_stride;
// There is a rare case in which a processing stripe can end 1px above the
// crop border. In this case, we do want to use deblocked pixels from below
// the stripe (hence why we ended up in this function), but instead of
// fetching 2 "below" rows we need to fetch one and duplicate it.
// This is equivalent to clamping the sample locations against the crop border
const int lines_to_save =
AOMMIN(RESTORATION_CTX_VERT, frame->crop_heights[is_uv] - row);
assert(lines_to_save == 1 || lines_to_save == 2);
int upscaled_width;
int line_bytes;
if (!av1_superres_unscaled(cm)) {
const int ss_x = is_uv && cm->subsampling_x;
upscaled_width = (cm->superres_upscaled_width + ss_x) >> ss_x;
line_bytes = upscaled_width << use_highbd;
if (use_highbd)
cm, CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(src_rows), frame->strides[is_uv],
CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(bdry_rows), boundaries->stripe_boundary_stride,
plane, lines_to_save);
av1_upscale_normative_rows(cm, src_rows, frame->strides[is_uv], bdry_rows,
boundaries->stripe_boundary_stride, plane,
} else {
upscaled_width = frame->crop_widths[is_uv];
line_bytes = upscaled_width << use_highbd;
for (int i = 0; i < lines_to_save; i++) {
memcpy(bdry_rows + i * bdry_stride, src_rows + i * src_stride,
// If we only saved one line, then copy it into the second line buffer
if (lines_to_save == 1)
memcpy(bdry_rows + bdry_stride, bdry_rows, line_bytes);
extend_lines(bdry_rows, upscaled_width, RESTORATION_CTX_VERT, bdry_stride,
static void save_cdef_boundary_lines(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *frame,
const AV1_COMMON *cm, int plane, int row,
int stripe, int use_highbd, int is_above,
RestorationStripeBoundaries *boundaries) {
const int is_uv = plane > 0;
const uint8_t *src_buf = REAL_PTR(use_highbd, frame->buffers[plane]);
const int src_stride = frame->strides[is_uv] << use_highbd;
const uint8_t *src_rows = src_buf + row * src_stride;
uint8_t *bdry_buf = is_above ? boundaries->stripe_boundary_above
: boundaries->stripe_boundary_below;
uint8_t *bdry_start = bdry_buf + (RESTORATION_EXTRA_HORZ << use_highbd);
const int bdry_stride = boundaries->stripe_boundary_stride << use_highbd;
uint8_t *bdry_rows = bdry_start + RESTORATION_CTX_VERT * stripe * bdry_stride;
const int src_width = frame->crop_widths[is_uv];
// At the point where this function is called, we've already applied
// superres. So we don't need to extend the lines here, we can just
// pull directly from the topmost row of the upscaled frame.
const int ss_x = is_uv && cm->subsampling_x;
const int upscaled_width = av1_superres_unscaled(cm)
? src_width
: (cm->superres_upscaled_width + ss_x) >> ss_x;
const int upscaled_width = src_width;
const int line_bytes = upscaled_width << use_highbd;
for (int i = 0; i < RESTORATION_CTX_VERT; i++) {
// Copy the line at 'row' into both context lines. This is because
// we want to (effectively) extend the outermost row of CDEF data
// from this tile to produce a border, rather than using deblocked
// pixels from the tile above/below.
memcpy(bdry_rows + i * bdry_stride, src_rows, line_bytes);
extend_lines(bdry_rows, upscaled_width, RESTORATION_CTX_VERT, bdry_stride,
static void save_tile_row_boundary_lines(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *frame,
int tile_row,
const TileInfo *tile_info,
int use_highbd, int plane,
AV1_COMMON *cm, int after_cdef) {
const int is_uv = plane > 0;
const int ss_y = is_uv && cm->subsampling_y;
const int stripe_height = RESTORATION_PROC_UNIT_SIZE >> ss_y;
const int stripe_off = RESTORATION_TILE_OFFSET >> ss_y;
// Get the tile rectangle, with height rounded up to the next multiple of 8
// luma pixels (only relevant for the bottom tile of the frame)
const AV1PixelRect tile_rect = av1_get_tile_rect(tile_info, cm, is_uv);
RestorationStripeBoundaries *boundaries = &cm->rst_info[plane].boundaries;
const int stripe0 = (tile_row == 0) ? 0 : cm->rst_end_stripe[tile_row - 1];
int plane_height = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(cm->height, ss_y);
int tile_stripe;
for (tile_stripe = 0;; ++tile_stripe) {
const int rel_y0 = AOMMAX(0, tile_stripe * stripe_height - stripe_off);
const int y0 = + rel_y0;
if (y0 >= tile_rect.bottom) break;
const int rel_y1 = (tile_stripe + 1) * stripe_height - stripe_off;
const int y1 = AOMMIN( + rel_y1, tile_rect.bottom);
const int frame_stripe = stripe0 + tile_stripe;
int use_deblock_above, use_deblock_below;
if (!cm->loop_filter_across_tiles_h_enabled) {
// In this case, we should use CDEF pixels for the above context
// of the topmost stripe in each region, and for the below context
// of the bottommost stripe in each tile. Dependent horizontal tile
// flag is ignored for this extension
use_deblock_above = (tile_stripe > 0);
use_deblock_below = (y1 < tile_rect.bottom);
} else {
if (!cm->loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled) {
// In this case, we should use CDEF pixels for the above context
// of the topmost stripe in each region, and for the below context
// of the bottommost stripe in each tile.
// As a special case, when dependent-horztiles is enabled, we may be
// allowed to use pixels from the tile above us. But we don't use pixels
// from the tile below in that case, to match the behaviour of
// av1_setup_across_tile_boundary_info()
if (cm->dependent_horz_tiles && !tile_info->tg_horz_boundary)
use_deblock_above = (frame_stripe > 0);
use_deblock_above = (tile_stripe > 0);
use_deblock_below = (y1 < tile_rect.bottom);
} else {
// In this case, we should only use CDEF pixels at the top
// and bottom of the frame as a whole; internal tile boundaries
// can use deblocked pixels from adjacent tiles for context.
use_deblock_above = (frame_stripe > 0);
use_deblock_below = (y1 < plane_height);
if (!after_cdef) {
// Save deblocked context where needed.
if (use_deblock_above) {
save_deblock_boundary_lines(frame, cm, plane, y0 - RESTORATION_CTX_VERT,
frame_stripe, use_highbd, 1, boundaries);
if (use_deblock_below) {
save_deblock_boundary_lines(frame, cm, plane, y1, frame_stripe,
use_highbd, 0, boundaries);
} else {
// Save CDEF context where needed. Note that we need to save the CDEF
// context for a particular boundary iff we *didn't* save deblocked
// context for that boundary.
// In addition, we need to save copies of the outermost line within
// the tile, rather than using data from outside the tile.
if (!use_deblock_above) {
save_cdef_boundary_lines(frame, cm, plane, y0, frame_stripe, use_highbd,
1, boundaries);
if (!use_deblock_below) {
save_cdef_boundary_lines(frame, cm, plane, y1 - 1, frame_stripe,
use_highbd, 0, boundaries);
// For each RESTORATION_PROC_UNIT_SIZE pixel high stripe, save 4 scan
// lines to be used as boundary in the loop restoration process. The
// lines are saved in rst_internal.stripe_boundary_lines
void av1_loop_restoration_save_boundary_lines(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *frame,
AV1_COMMON *cm, int after_cdef) {
const int num_planes = av1_num_planes(cm);
const int use_highbd = cm->use_highbitdepth;
for (int p = 0; p < num_planes; ++p) {
TileInfo tile_info;
for (int tile_row = 0; tile_row < cm->tile_rows; ++tile_row) {
av1_tile_init(&tile_info, cm, tile_row, 0);
save_tile_row_boundary_lines(frame, tile_row, &tile_info, use_highbd, p,
cm, after_cdef);