blob: f0bba6b2b7eb7c37ad290e710f2253af04f2205f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include "av1/common/scan.h"
#include "av1/common/idct.h"
#include "av1/common/txb_common.h"
#include "av1/decoder/decodemv.h"
#include "av1/decoder/decodetxb.h"
#include "av1/decoder/dsubexp.h"
#include "av1/decoder/symbolrate.h"
#define ACCT_STR __func__
static int read_golomb(MACROBLOCKD *xd, aom_reader *r, FRAME_COUNTS *counts) {
int x = 1;
int length = 0;
int i = 0;
while (!i) {
i = av1_read_record_bit(counts, r, ACCT_STR);
if (length >= 32) {
aom_internal_error(xd->error_info, AOM_CODEC_CORRUPT_FRAME,
"Invalid length in read_golomb");
for (i = 0; i < length - 1; ++i) {
x <<= 1;
x += av1_read_record_bit(counts, r, ACCT_STR);
return x - 1;
static INLINE int rec_eob_pos(int16_t eob_token, int16_t extra) {
int eob = k_eob_group_start[eob_token];
if (eob > 2) {
eob += extra;
return eob;
uint8_t av1_read_coeffs_txb(const AV1_COMMON *const cm, MACROBLOCKD *xd,
aom_reader *r, int blk_row, int blk_col, int block,
int plane, tran_low_t *tcoeffs, TXB_CTX *txb_ctx,
TX_SIZE tx_size, int16_t *max_scan_line, int *eob) {
FRAME_CONTEXT *ec_ctx = xd->tile_ctx;
FRAME_COUNTS *counts = xd->counts;
TX_SIZE txs_ctx = get_txsize_context(tx_size);
PLANE_TYPE plane_type = get_plane_type(plane);
MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi = &xd->mi[0]->mbmi;
const int seg_eob = tx_size_2d[tx_size];
int c = 0;
int update_eob = -1;
const int16_t *const dequant =
const int shift = av1_get_tx_scale(tx_size);
const int bwl = b_width_log2_lookup[txsize_to_bsize[tx_size]] + 2;
const int width = tx_size_wide[tx_size];
const int height = tx_size_high[tx_size];
int cul_level = 0;
uint8_t levels_buf[TX_PAD_2D];
uint8_t *const levels = set_levels(levels_buf, width);
int8_t signs[MAX_TX_SQUARE];
memset(tcoeffs, 0, sizeof(*tcoeffs) * seg_eob);
int all_zero = av1_read_record_bin(
counts, r, ec_ctx->txb_skip_cdf[txs_ctx][txb_ctx->txb_skip_ctx], 2,
if (xd->counts)
*eob = 0;
if (all_zero) {
*max_scan_line = 0;
if (plane == 0) mbmi->txk_type[(blk_row << 4) + blk_col] = DCT_DCT;
return 0;
memset(levels_buf, 0,
sizeof(*levels_buf) * (seg_eob + TX_PAD_VER * (width + TX_PAD_HOR)));
memset(signs, 0, sizeof(*signs) * seg_eob);
av1_read_tx_type(cm, xd, blk_row, blk_col, block, plane,
get_min_tx_size(tx_size), r);
const TX_TYPE tx_type =
av1_get_tx_type(plane_type, xd, blk_row, blk_col, block, tx_size);
const SCAN_ORDER *const scan_order = get_scan(cm, tx_size, tx_type, mbmi);
const int16_t *scan = scan_order->scan;
unsigned int(*nz_map_count)[SIG_COEF_CONTEXTS][2] =
(counts) ? &counts->nz_map[txs_ctx][plane_type] : NULL;
int16_t dummy;
int16_t max_eob_pt = get_eob_pos_token(seg_eob, &dummy);
int16_t eob_extra = 0;
int16_t eob_pt = 0;
int is_equal = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < max_eob_pt; i++) {
int eob_pos_ctx = av1_get_eob_pos_ctx(tx_type, i);
is_equal = av1_read_record_bin(
counts, r, ec_ctx->eob_flag_cdf[txs_ctx][plane_type][eob_pos_ctx], 2,
// aom_read_symbol(r,
// ec_ctx->eob_flag_cdf[AOMMIN(txs_ctx,3)][plane_type][eob_pos_ctx], 2,
if (counts) ++counts->eob_flag[txs_ctx][plane_type][eob_pos_ctx][is_equal];
if (is_equal) {
eob_pt = i;
if (is_equal == 0) {
eob_pt = max_eob_pt;
// printf("Dec: ");
if (k_eob_offset_bits[eob_pt] > 0) {
int eob_shift = k_eob_offset_bits[eob_pt] - 1;
int bit = av1_read_record_bin(
counts, r, ec_ctx->eob_extra_cdf[txs_ctx][plane_type][eob_pt], 2,
if (counts) ++counts->eob_extra[txs_ctx][plane_type][eob_pt][bit];
if (bit) {
eob_extra += (1 << eob_shift);
for (int i = 1; i < k_eob_offset_bits[eob_pt]; i++) {
eob_shift = k_eob_offset_bits[eob_pt] - 1 - i;
bit = av1_read_record_bit(counts, r, ACCT_STR);
if (bit) {
eob_extra += (1 << eob_shift);
// printf("%d ", bit);
*eob = rec_eob_pos(eob_pt, eob_extra);
// printf("=>[%d, %d], (%d, %d)\n", seg_eob, *eob, eob_pt, eob_extra);
for (int i = 0; i < *eob; ++i) {
c = *eob - 1 - i;
int is_nz;
int coeff_ctx = get_nz_map_ctx(levels, c, scan, bwl, height, tx_type);
if (c < *eob - 1) {
is_nz = av1_read_record_bin(
counts, r, ec_ctx->nz_map_cdf[txs_ctx][plane_type][coeff_ctx], 2,
} else {
is_nz = 1;
// set non-zero coefficient map.
levels[scan[c]] = is_nz;
if (counts) ++(*nz_map_count)[coeff_ctx][is_nz];
if (is_nz) {
int k;
for (k = 0; k < NUM_BASE_LEVELS; ++k) {
int ctx = coeff_ctx;
int is_k = av1_read_record_bin(
counts, r, ec_ctx->coeff_base_cdf[txs_ctx][plane_type][k][ctx], 2,
if (counts) ++counts->coeff_base[txs_ctx][plane_type][k][ctx][is_k];
// semantic: is_k = 1 if level > (k+1)
if (is_k == 0) {
cul_level += k + 1;
levels[scan[c]] = k + 1;
*max_scan_line = *eob;
update_eob = *eob - 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_BASE_LEVELS; ++i) {
for (c = *eob - 1; c >= 0; --c) {
uint8_t *const level = &levels[scan[c]];
int ctx;
if (*level <= i) continue;
ctx = get_base_ctx(levels, scan[c], bwl, i + 1);
if (av1_read_record_bin(
counts, r, ec_ctx->coeff_base_cdf[txs_ctx][plane_type][i][ctx], 2,
assert(*level == i + 1);
cul_level += i + 1;
if (counts) ++counts->coeff_base[txs_ctx][plane_type][i][ctx][1];
*level = i + 2;
if (counts) ++counts->coeff_base[txs_ctx][plane_type][i][ctx][0];
// update the eob flag for coefficients with magnitude above 1.
update_eob = AOMMAX(update_eob, c);
// Loop to decode all signs in the transform block,
// starting with the sign of the DC (if applicable)
for (c = 0; c < *eob; ++c) {
int8_t *const sign = &signs[scan[c]];
if (levels[scan[c]] == 0) continue;
if (c == 0) {
int dc_sign_ctx = txb_ctx->dc_sign_ctx;
*sign = av1_read_record_bin(
counts, r, ec_ctx->dc_sign_cdf[plane_type][dc_sign_ctx], 2, ACCT_STR);
*sign = aom_read(r, ec_ctx->dc_sign[plane_type][dc_sign_ctx], ACCT_STR);
if (counts) ++counts->dc_sign[plane_type][dc_sign_ctx][*sign];
} else {
*sign = av1_read_record_bit(counts, r, ACCT_STR);
for (c = update_eob; c >= 0; --c) {
uint8_t *const level = &levels[scan[c]];
int idx;
int ctx;
if (*level <= NUM_BASE_LEVELS) continue;
ctx = get_br_ctx(levels, scan[c], bwl);
for (idx = 0; idx < BASE_RANGE_SETS; ++idx) {
if (av1_read_record_bin(
counts, r, ec_ctx->coeff_br_cdf[txs_ctx][plane_type][idx][ctx], 2,
int extra_bits = (1 << br_extra_bits[idx]) - 1;
// int br_offset = aom_read_literal(r, extra_bits, ACCT_STR);
int br_offset = 0;
int tok;
if (counts) ++counts->coeff_br[txs_ctx][plane_type][idx][ctx][1];
for (tok = 0; tok < extra_bits; ++tok) {
if (av1_read_record_bin(
counts, r, ec_ctx->coeff_lps_cdf[txs_ctx][plane_type][ctx], 2,
br_offset = tok;
if (counts) ++counts->coeff_lps[txs_ctx][plane_type][ctx][1];
if (counts) ++counts->coeff_lps[txs_ctx][plane_type][ctx][0];
if (tok == extra_bits) br_offset = extra_bits;
int br_base = br_index_to_coeff[idx];
*level = NUM_BASE_LEVELS + 1 + br_base + br_offset;
cul_level += *level;
if (counts) ++counts->coeff_br[txs_ctx][plane_type][idx][ctx][0];
if (idx < BASE_RANGE_SETS) continue;
// decode 0-th order Golomb code
// Save golomb in tcoeffs because adding it to level may incur overflow
tcoeffs[scan[c]] = read_golomb(xd, r, counts);
cul_level += *level + tcoeffs[scan[c]];
for (c = 0; c < *eob; ++c) {
const int16_t dqv = (c == 0) ? dequant[0] : dequant[1];
const int level = levels[scan[c]];
const tran_low_t t = ((level + tcoeffs[scan[c]]) * dqv) >> shift;
av1_record_coeff(counts, level);
tcoeffs[scan[c]] = signs[scan[c]] ? -t : t;
cul_level = AOMMIN(63, cul_level);
// DC value
set_dc_sign(&cul_level, tcoeffs[0]);
return cul_level;
uint8_t av1_read_coeffs_txb_facade(AV1_COMMON *cm, MACROBLOCKD *xd,
aom_reader *r, int row, int col, int block,
int plane, tran_low_t *tcoeffs,
TX_SIZE tx_size, int16_t *max_scan_line,
int *eob) {
MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi = &xd->mi[0]->mbmi;
struct macroblockd_plane *pd = &xd->plane[plane];
const BLOCK_SIZE bsize = mbmi->sb_type;
const BLOCK_SIZE plane_bsize =
AOMMAX(BLOCK_4X4, get_plane_block_size(bsize, pd));
TXB_CTX txb_ctx;
get_txb_ctx(plane_bsize, tx_size, plane, pd->above_context + col,
pd->left_context + row, &txb_ctx);
uint8_t cul_level =
av1_read_coeffs_txb(cm, xd, r, row, col, block, plane, tcoeffs, &txb_ctx,
tx_size, max_scan_line, eob);
PLANE_TYPE plane_type = get_plane_type(plane);
TX_TYPE tx_type = av1_get_tx_type(plane_type, xd, row, col, block, tx_size);
if (xd->counts && *eob > 0)
av1_update_scan_count_facade(cm, xd->counts, tx_size, tx_type, pd->dqcoeff,
av1_set_contexts(xd, pd, plane, tx_size, cul_level, col, row);
return cul_level;