blob: 6800bb2fa79548201db9e921356497ae12b39b2d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
/*!\defgroup codec Common Algorithm Interface
* This abstraction allows applications to easily support multiple video
* formats with minimal code duplication. This section describes the interface
* common to all codecs (both encoders and decoders).
* @{
* \brief Describes the codec algorithm interface to applications.
* This file describes the interface between an application and a
* video codec algorithm.
* An application instantiates a specific codec instance by using
* aom_codec_init() and a pointer to the algorithm's interface structure:
* <pre>
* my_app.c:
* extern aom_codec_iface_t my_codec;
* {
* aom_codec_ctx_t algo;
* res = aom_codec_init(&algo, &my_codec);
* }
* </pre>
* Once initialized, the instance is manged using other functions from
* the aom_codec_* family.
#ifndef AOM_AOM_CODEC_H_
#define AOM_AOM_CODEC_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "./aom_integer.h"
#include "./aom_image.h"
/*!\brief Decorator indicating a function is deprecated */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__
#define AOM_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#endif /* AOM_DEPRECATED */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
/*!\brief \copydoc #AOM_DEPRECATED */
#define AOM_DECLSPEC_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated)
/*!\brief Decorator indicating a function is potentially unused */
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
#define AOM_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
#define AOM_UNUSED
/*!\brief Decorator indicating that given struct/union/enum is packed */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__
#define ATTRIBUTE_PACKED __attribute__((packed))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
/*!\brief Current ABI version number
* \internal
* If this file is altered in any way that changes the ABI, this value
* must be bumped. Examples include, but are not limited to, changing
* types, removing or reassigning enums, adding/removing/rearranging
* fields to structures
#define AOM_CODEC_ABI_VERSION (3 + AOM_IMAGE_ABI_VERSION) /**<\hideinitializer*/
/*!\brief Algorithm return codes */
typedef enum {
/*!\brief Operation completed without error */
/*!\brief Unspecified error */
/*!\brief Memory operation failed */
/*!\brief ABI version mismatch */
/*!\brief Algorithm does not have required capability */
/*!\brief The given bitstream is not supported.
* The bitstream was unable to be parsed at the highest level. The decoder
* is unable to proceed. This error \ref SHOULD be treated as fatal to the
* stream. */
/*!\brief Encoded bitstream uses an unsupported feature
* The decoder does not implement a feature required by the encoder. This
* return code should only be used for features that prevent future
* pictures from being properly decoded. This error \ref MAY be treated as
* fatal to the stream or \ref MAY be treated as fatal to the current GOP.
/*!\brief The coded data for this stream is corrupt or incomplete
* There was a problem decoding the current frame. This return code
* should only be used for failures that prevent future pictures from
* being properly decoded. This error \ref MAY be treated as fatal to the
* stream or \ref MAY be treated as fatal to the current GOP. If decoding
* is continued for the current GOP, artifacts may be present.
/*!\brief An application-supplied parameter is not valid.
/*!\brief An iterator reached the end of list.
} aom_codec_err_t;
/*! \brief Codec capabilities bitfield
* Each codec advertises the capabilities it supports as part of its
* ::aom_codec_iface_t interface structure. Capabilities are extra interfaces
* or functionality, and are not required to be supported.
* The available flags are specified by AOM_CODEC_CAP_* defines.
typedef long aom_codec_caps_t;
#define AOM_CODEC_CAP_DECODER 0x1 /**< Is a decoder */
#define AOM_CODEC_CAP_ENCODER 0x2 /**< Is an encoder */
/*! \brief Initialization-time Feature Enabling
* Certain codec features must be known at initialization time, to allow for
* proper memory allocation.
* The available flags are specified by AOM_CODEC_USE_* defines.
typedef long aom_codec_flags_t;
/*!\brief Codec interface structure.
* Contains function pointers and other data private to the codec
* implementation. This structure is opaque to the application.
typedef const struct aom_codec_iface aom_codec_iface_t;
/*!\brief Codec private data structure.
* Contains data private to the codec implementation. This structure is opaque
* to the application.
typedef struct aom_codec_priv aom_codec_priv_t;
/*!\brief Iterator
* Opaque storage used for iterating over lists.
typedef const void *aom_codec_iter_t;
/*!\brief Codec context structure
* All codecs \ref MUST support this context structure fully. In general,
* this data should be considered private to the codec algorithm, and
* not be manipulated or examined by the calling application. Applications
* may reference the 'name' member to get a printable description of the
* algorithm.
typedef struct aom_codec_ctx {
const char *name; /**< Printable interface name */
aom_codec_iface_t *iface; /**< Interface pointers */
aom_codec_err_t err; /**< Last returned error */
const char *err_detail; /**< Detailed info, if available */
aom_codec_flags_t init_flags; /**< Flags passed at init time */
union {
/**< Decoder Configuration Pointer */
const struct aom_codec_dec_cfg *dec;
/**< Encoder Configuration Pointer */
const struct aom_codec_enc_cfg *enc;
const void *raw;
} config; /**< Configuration pointer aliasing union */
aom_codec_priv_t *priv; /**< Algorithm private storage */
} aom_codec_ctx_t;
/*!\brief Bit depth for codec
* *
* This enumeration determines the bit depth of the codec.
typedef enum aom_bit_depth {
AOM_BITS_8 = 8, /**< 8 bits */
AOM_BITS_10 = 10, /**< 10 bits */
AOM_BITS_12 = 12, /**< 12 bits */
} aom_bit_depth_t;
/*!\brief Superblock size selection.
* Defines the superblock size used for encoding. The superblock size can
* either be fixed at 64x64 or 128x128 pixels, or it can be dynamically
* selected by the encoder for each frame.
typedef enum aom_superblock_size {
AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_64X64, /**< Always use 64x64 superblocks. */
AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_128X128, /**< Always use 128x128 superblocks. */
AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_DYNAMIC /**< Select superblock size dynamically. */
} aom_superblock_size_t;
* Library Version Number Interface
* For example, see the following sample return values:
* aom_codec_version() (1<<16 | 2<<8 | 3)
* aom_codec_version_str() "v1.2.3-rc1-16-gec6a1ba"
* aom_codec_version_extra_str() "rc1-16-gec6a1ba"
/*!\brief Return the version information (as an integer)
* Returns a packed encoding of the library version number. This will only
* include
* the major.minor.patch component of the version number. Note that this encoded
* value should be accessed through the macros provided, as the encoding may
* change
* in the future.
int aom_codec_version(void);
#define AOM_VERSION_MAJOR(v) \
((v >> 16) & 0xff) /**< extract major from packed version */
#define AOM_VERSION_MINOR(v) \
((v >> 8) & 0xff) /**< extract minor from packed version */
#define AOM_VERSION_PATCH(v) \
((v >> 0) & 0xff) /**< extract patch from packed version */
/*!\brief Return the version major number */
#define aom_codec_version_major() ((aom_codec_version() >> 16) & 0xff)
/*!\brief Return the version minor number */
#define aom_codec_version_minor() ((aom_codec_version() >> 8) & 0xff)
/*!\brief Return the version patch number */
#define aom_codec_version_patch() ((aom_codec_version() >> 0) & 0xff)
/*!\brief Return the version information (as a string)
* Returns a printable string containing the full library version number. This
* may
* contain additional text following the three digit version number, as to
* indicate
* release candidates, prerelease versions, etc.
const char *aom_codec_version_str(void);
/*!\brief Return the version information (as a string)
* Returns a printable "extra string". This is the component of the string
* returned
* by aom_codec_version_str() following the three digit version number.
const char *aom_codec_version_extra_str(void);
/*!\brief Return the build configuration
* Returns a printable string containing an encoded version of the build
* configuration. This may be useful to aom support.
const char *aom_codec_build_config(void);
/*!\brief Return the name for a given interface
* Returns a human readable string for name of the given codec interface.
* \param[in] iface Interface pointer
const char *aom_codec_iface_name(aom_codec_iface_t *iface);
/*!\brief Convert error number to printable string
* Returns a human readable string for the last error returned by the
* algorithm. The returned error will be one line and will not contain
* any newline characters.
* \param[in] err Error number.
const char *aom_codec_err_to_string(aom_codec_err_t err);
/*!\brief Retrieve error synopsis for codec context
* Returns a human readable string for the last error returned by the
* algorithm. The returned error will be one line and will not contain
* any newline characters.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context.
const char *aom_codec_error(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx);
/*!\brief Retrieve detailed error information for codec context
* Returns a human readable string providing detailed information about
* the last error.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context.
* \retval NULL
* No detailed information is available.
const char *aom_codec_error_detail(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx);
* The following functions are required to be implemented for all codecs.
* They represent the base case functionality expected of all codecs.
/*!\brief Destroy a codec instance
* Destroys a codec context, freeing any associated memory buffers.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_OK
* The codec algorithm initialized.
* Memory allocation failed.
aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_destroy(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx);
/*!\brief Get the capabilities of an algorithm.
* Retrieves the capabilities bitfield from the algorithm's interface.
* \param[in] iface Pointer to the algorithm interface
aom_codec_caps_t aom_codec_get_caps(aom_codec_iface_t *iface);
/*!\brief Control algorithm
* This function is used to exchange algorithm specific data with the codec
* instance. This can be used to implement features specific to a particular
* algorithm.
* This wrapper function dispatches the request to the helper function
* associated with the given ctrl_id. It tries to call this function
* transparently, but will return #AOM_CODEC_ERROR if the request could not
* be dispatched.
* Note that this function should not be used directly. Call the
* #aom_codec_control wrapper macro instead.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context
* \param[in] ctrl_id Algorithm specific control identifier
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_OK
* The control request was processed.
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_ERROR
* The control request was not processed.
* The data was not valid.
aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_control_(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx, int ctrl_id, ...);
#define aom_codec_control(ctx, id, data) aom_codec_control_(ctx, id, data)
#define AOM_CTRL_USE_TYPE(id, typ)
#define AOM_CTRL_VOID(id, typ)
/*!\brief aom_codec_control wrapper macro
* This macro allows for type safe conversions across the variadic parameter
* to aom_codec_control_().
* \internal
* It works by dispatching the call to the control function through a wrapper
* function named with the id parameter.
#define aom_codec_control(ctx, id, data) \
aom_codec_control_##id(ctx, id, data) /**<\hideinitializer*/
/*!\brief aom_codec_control type definition macro
* This macro allows for type safe conversions across the variadic parameter
* to aom_codec_control_(). It defines the type of the argument for a given
* control identifier.
* \internal
* It defines a static function with
* the correctly typed arguments as a wrapper to the type-unsafe internal
* function.
#define AOM_CTRL_USE_TYPE(id, typ) \
static aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_control_##id(aom_codec_ctx_t *, int, typ) \
static aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_control_##id(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx, \
int ctrl_id, typ data) { \
return aom_codec_control_(ctx, ctrl_id, data); \
} /**<\hideinitializer*/
/*!\brief aom_codec_control deprecated type definition macro
* Like #AOM_CTRL_USE_TYPE, but indicates that the specified control is
* deprecated and should not be used. Consult the documentation for your
* codec for more information.
* \internal
* It defines a static function with the correctly typed arguments as a
* wrapper to the type-unsafe internal function.
AOM_DECLSPEC_DEPRECATED static aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_control_##id( \
aom_codec_ctx_t *, int, typ) AOM_DEPRECATED AOM_UNUSED; \
AOM_DECLSPEC_DEPRECATED static aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_control_##id( \
aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx, int ctrl_id, typ data) { \
return aom_codec_control_(ctx, ctrl_id, data); \
} /**<\hideinitializer*/
/*!\brief aom_codec_control void type definition macro
* This macro allows for type safe conversions across the variadic parameter
* to aom_codec_control_(). It indicates that a given control identifier takes
* no argument.
* \internal
* It defines a static function without a data argument as a wrapper to the
* type-unsafe internal function.
#define AOM_CTRL_VOID(id) \
static aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_control_##id(aom_codec_ctx_t *, int) \
static aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_control_##id(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx, \
int ctrl_id) { \
return aom_codec_control_(ctx, ctrl_id); \
} /**<\hideinitializer*/
/* Based on R19 High Level Syntax */
/*!\brief OBU types. */
typedef enum ATTRIBUTE_PACKED {
/*!\brief OBU metadata types. */
typedef enum {
/*!@} - end defgroup codec*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // AOM_AOM_CODEC_H_