| ## |
| ## Copyright (c) 2017, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved |
| ## |
| ## This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and |
| ## the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License |
| ## was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can |
| ## obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open |
| ## Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the |
| ## PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. |
| ## |
| |
| # Translate $flag to one which MSVC understands, and write the new flag to the |
| # variable named by $translated_flag (or unset it, when MSVC needs no flag). |
| function (get_msvc_intrinsic_flag flag translated_flag) |
| if ("${flag}" STREQUAL "-mavx") |
| set(${translated_flag} "/arch:AVX" PARENT_SCOPE) |
| elseif ("${flag}" STREQUAL "-mavx2") |
| set(${translated_flag} "/arch:AVX2" PARENT_SCOPE) |
| else () |
| # MSVC does not need flags for intrinsics flavors other than AVX/AVX2. |
| unset(${translated_flag} PARENT_SCOPE) |
| endif () |
| endfunction () |
| |
| # Adds an object library target. Terminates generation if $flag is not supported |
| # by the current compiler. $flag is the intrinsics flag required by the current |
| # compiler, and is added to the compile flags for all sources in $sources. |
| # $opt_name is used to name the target. $target_to_update is made |
| # dependent upon the created target. |
| # |
| # Note: the libaom target is always updated because OBJECT libraries have rules |
| # that disallow the direct addition of .o files to them as dependencies. Static |
| # libraries do not have this limitation. |
| function (add_intrinsics_object_library flag opt_name target_to_update sources) |
| set(target_name ${target_to_update}_${opt_name}_intrinsics) |
| add_library(${target_name} OBJECT ${${sources}}) |
| |
| if (MSVC) |
| get_msvc_intrinsic_flag(${flag} "flag") |
| endif () |
| |
| if (flag) |
| target_compile_options(${target_name} PUBLIC ${flag}) |
| endif () |
| |
| target_sources(aom PUBLIC $<TARGET_OBJECTS:${target_name}>) |
| |
| # Add the new lib target to the global list of aom library targets. |
| list(APPEND AOM_LIB_TARGETS ${target_name}) |
| endfunction () |
| |
| # Adds sources in list named by $sources to $target and adds $flag to the |
| # compile flags for each source file. |
| function (add_intrinsics_source_to_target flag target sources) |
| target_sources(${target} PUBLIC ${${sources}}) |
| if (MSVC) |
| get_msvc_intrinsic_flag(${flag} "flag") |
| endif () |
| if (flag) |
| foreach (source ${${sources}}) |
| set_property(SOURCE ${source} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS ${flag}) |
| endforeach () |
| endif () |
| endfunction () |
| |
| # Writes object format for the current target to the var named by $out_format, |
| # or terminates the build when the object format for the current target is |
| # unknown. |
| function (get_asm_obj_format out_format) |
| if ("${AOM_TARGET_CPU}" STREQUAL "x86_64") |
| if ("${AOM_TARGET_SYSTEM}" STREQUAL "Darwin") |
| set(objformat "macho64") |
| elseif ("${AOM_TARGET_SYSTEM}" STREQUAL "Linux") |
| set(objformat "elf64") |
| elseif ("${AOM_TARGET_SYSTEM}" STREQUAL "Windows") |
| set(objformat "win64") |
| else () |
| message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown obj format: ${AOM_TARGET_SYSTEM}") |
| endif () |
| elseif ("${AOM_TARGET_CPU}" STREQUAL "x86") |
| if ("${AOM_TARGET_SYSTEM}" STREQUAL "Darwin") |
| set(objformat "macho32") |
| elseif ("${AOM_TARGET_SYSTEM}" STREQUAL "Linux") |
| set(objformat "elf32") |
| elseif ("${AOM_TARGET_SYSTEM}" STREQUAL "Windows") |
| set(objformat "win32") |
| else () |
| message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown obj format: ${AOM_TARGET_SYSTEM}") |
| endif () |
| else () |
| message(FATAL_ERROR |
| "Unknown obj format: ${AOM_TARGET_CPU}-${AOM_TARGET_SYSTEM}") |
| endif () |
| |
| set(${out_format} ${objformat} PARENT_SCOPE) |
| endfunction () |
| |
| # Adds library target named $lib_name for ASM files in variable named by |
| # $asm_sources. Builds an output directory path from $lib_name. Links $lib_name |
| # into $dependent_target. Generates a dummy C file with a dummy function to |
| # ensure that all cmake generators can determine the linker language, and that |
| # build tools don't complain that an object exposes no symbols. |
| function (add_asm_library lib_name asm_sources dependent_target) |
| set(asm_lib_obj_dir "${AOM_CONFIG_DIR}/asm_objects/${lib_name}") |
| if (NOT EXISTS "${asm_lib_obj_dir}") |
| file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${asm_lib_obj_dir}") |
| endif () |
| |
| # TODO(tomfinegan): If cmake ever allows addition of .o files to OBJECT lib |
| # targets, make this OBJECT instead of STATIC to hide the target from |
| # consumers of the AOM cmake build. |
| add_library(${lib_name} STATIC ${${asm_sources}}) |
| |
| get_asm_obj_format("objformat") |
| |
| foreach (asm_source ${${asm_sources}}) |
| get_filename_component(asm_source_name "${asm_source}" NAME) |
| set(asm_object "${asm_lib_obj_dir}/${asm_source_name}.o") |
| add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${asm_object}" |
| -f ${objformat} |
| -o "${asm_object}" "${asm_source}" |
| DEPENDS "${asm_source}" |
| COMMENT "Building ASM object ${asm_object}" |
| target_sources(${lib_name} PRIVATE "${asm_object}") |
| endforeach () |
| |
| # The above created a target containing only ASM sources. Cmake needs help |
| # here to determine the linker language. Add a dummy C file to force the |
| # linker language to C. We don't bother with setting the LINKER_LANGUAGE |
| # property on the library target because not all generators obey it (looking |
| # at you, xcode generator). |
| set(dummy_c_file "${AOM_CONFIG_DIR}/${lib_name}_dummy.c") |
| file(WRITE "${dummy_c_file}" |
| "// Generated file. DO NOT EDIT!\n" |
| "// ${lib_name} needs C file to force link language, ignore me.\n" |
| "void ${lib_name}_dummy_function(void) {}\n") |
| target_sources(${lib_name} PUBLIC ${dummy_c_file}) |
| |
| target_link_libraries(${dependent_target} PRIVATE ${lib_name}) |
| |
| # Add the new lib target to the global list of aom library targets. |
| list(APPEND AOM_LIB_TARGETS ${lib_name}) |
| endfunction () |