blob: b166630d542ba977499ac8e0b291d29acda1177c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include "test/av1_convolve_2d_test_util.h"
#include "aom_ports/aom_timer.h"
#include "av1/common/common_data.h"
#include "av1/common/convolve.h"
using std::tr1::make_tuple;
using std::tr1::tuple;
namespace libaom_test {
const int kMaxSize = 128 + 32; // padding
namespace AV1Convolve2D {
::testing::internal::ParamGenerator<Convolve2DParam> BuildParams(
convolve_2d_func filter, int has_subx, int has_suby, int is_compound) {
return ::testing::Values(make_tuple(filter, has_subx, has_suby, is_compound));
AV1Convolve2DTest::~AV1Convolve2DTest() {}
void AV1Convolve2DTest::SetUp() { rnd_.Reset(ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed()); }
void AV1Convolve2DTest::TearDown() { libaom_test::ClearSystemState(); }
void AV1Convolve2DTest::RunCheckOutput(convolve_2d_func test_impl) {
const int w = kMaxSize, h = kMaxSize;
const int has_subx = GET_PARAM(1);
const int has_suby = GET_PARAM(2);
const int is_compound = GET_PARAM(3);
int hfilter, vfilter, subx, suby;
uint8_t input[kMaxSize * kMaxSize];
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) input[i * w + j] = rnd_.Rand8();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SB_SQUARE; ++i)
output[i] = output2[i] = rnd_.Rand31();
for (int block_idx = BLOCK_4X4; block_idx < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++block_idx) {
const int out_w = block_size_wide[block_idx];
const int out_h = block_size_high[block_idx];
for (hfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; hfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL; ++hfilter) {
for (vfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; vfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL;
++vfilter) {
InterpFilterParams filter_params_x =
InterpFilterParams filter_params_y =
for (int do_average = 0; do_average <= 1; ++do_average) {
ConvolveParams conv_params1 = get_conv_params_no_round(
0, do_average, 0, output, MAX_SB_SIZE, 1, 8);
ConvolveParams conv_params2 = get_conv_params_no_round(
0, do_average, 0, output2, MAX_SB_SIZE, 1, 8);
const int subx_range = has_subx ? 16 : 1;
const int suby_range = has_suby ? 16 : 1;
for (subx = 0; subx < subx_range; ++subx) {
for (suby = 0; suby < suby_range; ++suby) {
// Choose random locations within the source block
const int offset_r = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(h - out_h - 7);
const int offset_c = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(w - out_w - 7);
av1_convolve_2d_c(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL, 0,
out_w, out_h, &filter_params_x,
&filter_params_y, subx, suby, &conv_params1);
test_impl(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL, 0, out_w,
out_h, &filter_params_x, &filter_params_y, subx, suby,
for (int i = 0; i < out_h; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < out_w; ++j) {
int idx = i * MAX_SB_SIZE + j;
ASSERT_EQ(output[idx], output2[idx])
<< out_w << "x" << out_h << " Pixel mismatch at index "
<< idx << " = (" << i << ", " << j
<< "), sub pixel offset = (" << suby << ", " << subx
<< ")";
void AV1Convolve2DTest::RunSpeedTest(convolve_2d_func test_impl) {
const int w = kMaxSize, h = kMaxSize;
const int has_subx = GET_PARAM(1);
const int has_suby = GET_PARAM(2);
const int is_compound = GET_PARAM(3);
uint8_t input[kMaxSize * kMaxSize];
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) input[i * w + j] = rnd_.Rand8();
int subx = 0, suby = 0;
InterpFilterParams filter_params_x =
InterpFilterParams filter_params_y =
const int do_average = 0;
ConvolveParams conv_params2 =
get_conv_params_no_round(0, do_average, 0, output, MAX_SB_SIZE, 1, 8);
for (int block_idx = BLOCK_4X4; block_idx < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++block_idx) {
const int out_w = block_size_wide[block_idx];
const int out_h = block_size_high[block_idx];
const int num_loops = 1000000000 / (out_w + out_h);
aom_usec_timer timer;
for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
test_impl(input, w, NULL, 0, out_w, out_h, &filter_params_x,
&filter_params_y, subx, suby, &conv_params2);
const int elapsed_time = static_cast<int>(aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer));
printf("%d,%d convolve %3dx%-3d: %7.2f ns\n", has_subx, has_suby, out_w,
out_h, 1000.0 * elapsed_time / num_loops);
AV1Convolve2DSrTest::~AV1Convolve2DSrTest() {}
void AV1Convolve2DSrTest::SetUp() {
void AV1Convolve2DSrTest::TearDown() { libaom_test::ClearSystemState(); }
void AV1Convolve2DSrTest::RunCheckOutput(convolve_2d_func test_impl) {
const int w = kMaxSize, h = kMaxSize;
const int has_subx = GET_PARAM(1);
const int has_suby = GET_PARAM(2);
const int is_compound = GET_PARAM(3);
int hfilter, vfilter, subx, suby;
uint8_t input[kMaxSize * kMaxSize];
DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, uint8_t, output[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, uint8_t, output2[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) input[i * w + j] = rnd_.Rand8();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SB_SQUARE; ++i)
output[i] = output2[i] = rnd_.Rand31();
for (int block_idx = BLOCK_4X4; block_idx < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++block_idx) {
// Make sure that sizes 2xN and Nx2 are also tested for chroma.
const int num_sizes =
(block_size_wide[block_idx] == 4 || block_size_high[block_idx] == 4)
? 2
: 1;
for (int shift = 0; shift < num_sizes; ++shift) { // luma and chroma
const int out_w = block_size_wide[block_idx] >> shift;
const int out_h = block_size_high[block_idx] >> shift;
for (hfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; hfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL;
++hfilter) {
for (vfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; vfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL;
++vfilter) {
InterpFilterParams filter_params_x =
InterpFilterParams filter_params_y =
for (int do_average = 0; do_average < 1; ++do_average) {
ConvolveParams conv_params1 =
get_conv_params_no_round(0, do_average, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 8);
ConvolveParams conv_params2 =
get_conv_params_no_round(0, do_average, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 8);
const int subx_range = has_subx ? 16 : 1;
const int suby_range = has_suby ? 16 : 1;
for (subx = 0; subx < subx_range; ++subx) {
for (suby = 0; suby < suby_range; ++suby) {
// Choose random locations within the source block
const int offset_r = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(h - out_h - 7);
const int offset_c = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(w - out_w - 7);
av1_convolve_2d_sr_c(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, output,
MAX_SB_SIZE, out_w, out_h,
&filter_params_x, &filter_params_y, subx,
suby, &conv_params1);
test_impl(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, output2,
MAX_SB_SIZE, out_w, out_h, &filter_params_x,
&filter_params_y, subx, suby, &conv_params2);
if (memcmp(output, output2, sizeof(output))) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SB_SIZE; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SB_SIZE; ++j) {
int idx = i * MAX_SB_SIZE + j;
ASSERT_EQ(output[idx], output2[idx])
<< out_w << "x" << out_h
<< " Pixel mismatch at index " << idx << " = (" << i
<< ", " << j << "), sub pixel offset = (" << suby
<< ", " << subx << ")";
void AV1Convolve2DSrTest::RunSpeedTest(convolve_2d_func test_impl) {
const int w = kMaxSize, h = kMaxSize;
const int has_subx = GET_PARAM(1);
const int has_suby = GET_PARAM(2);
const int is_compound = GET_PARAM(3);
uint8_t input[kMaxSize * kMaxSize];
DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, uint8_t, output[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) input[i * w + j] = rnd_.Rand8();
int subx = 0, suby = 0;
InterpFilterParams filter_params_x =
InterpFilterParams filter_params_y =
const int do_average = 0;
ConvolveParams conv_params2 =
get_conv_params_no_round(0, do_average, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 8);
for (int block_idx = BLOCK_4X4; block_idx < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++block_idx) {
// Make sure that sizes 2xN and Nx2 are also tested for chroma.
const int num_sizes =
(block_size_wide[block_idx] == 4 || block_size_high[block_idx] == 4)
? 2
: 1;
for (int shift = 0; shift < num_sizes; ++shift) { // luma and chroma
const int out_w = block_size_wide[block_idx] >> shift;
const int out_h = block_size_high[block_idx] >> shift;
const int num_loops = 1000000000 / (out_w + out_h);
aom_usec_timer timer;
for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
test_impl(input, w, output, MAX_SB_SIZE, out_w, out_h, &filter_params_x,
&filter_params_y, subx, suby, &conv_params2);
const int elapsed_time = static_cast<int>(aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer));
printf("%d,%d convolve %3dx%-3d: %7.2f ns\n", has_subx, has_suby, out_w,
out_h, 1000.0 * elapsed_time / num_loops);
AV1JntConvolve2DTest::~AV1JntConvolve2DTest() {}
void AV1JntConvolve2DTest::SetUp() {
void AV1JntConvolve2DTest::TearDown() { libaom_test::ClearSystemState(); }
void AV1JntConvolve2DTest::RunCheckOutput(convolve_2d_func test_impl) {
const int w = kMaxSize, h = kMaxSize;
const int has_subx = GET_PARAM(1);
const int has_suby = GET_PARAM(2);
const int is_compound = GET_PARAM(3);
int hfilter, vfilter, subx, suby;
uint8_t input[kMaxSize * kMaxSize];
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) input[i * w + j] = rnd_.Rand8();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SB_SQUARE; ++i)
output[i] = output2[i] = rnd_.Rand31();
for (int block_idx = BLOCK_4X4; block_idx < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++block_idx) {
const int out_w = block_size_wide[block_idx];
const int out_h = block_size_high[block_idx];
for (hfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; hfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL; ++hfilter) {
for (vfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; vfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL;
++vfilter) {
InterpFilterParams filter_params_x =
InterpFilterParams filter_params_y =
for (int do_average = 0; do_average <= 1; ++do_average) {
ConvolveParams conv_params1 = get_conv_params_no_round(
0, do_average, 0, output, MAX_SB_SIZE, 1, 8);
ConvolveParams conv_params2 = get_conv_params_no_round(
0, do_average, 0, output2, MAX_SB_SIZE, 1, 8);
// Test special case where jnt_comp_avg is not used
conv_params1.use_jnt_comp_avg = 0;
conv_params2.use_jnt_comp_avg = 0;
const int subx_range = has_subx ? 16 : 1;
const int suby_range = has_suby ? 16 : 1;
for (subx = 0; subx < subx_range; ++subx) {
for (suby = 0; suby < suby_range; ++suby) {
// Choose random locations within the source block
const int offset_r = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(h - out_h - 7);
const int offset_c = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(w - out_w - 7);
av1_jnt_convolve_2d_c(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL, 0,
out_w, out_h, &filter_params_x,
&filter_params_y, subx, suby,
test_impl(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL, 0, out_w,
out_h, &filter_params_x, &filter_params_y, subx, suby,
for (int i = 0; i < out_h; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < out_w; ++j) {
int idx = i * MAX_SB_SIZE + j;
ASSERT_EQ(output[idx], output2[idx])
<< "Mismatch at unit tests for av1_jnt_convolve_2d\n"
<< out_w << "x" << out_h << " Pixel mismatch at index "
<< idx << " = (" << i << ", " << j
<< "), sub pixel offset = (" << suby << ", " << subx
<< ")";
// Test different combination of fwd and bck offset weights
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
conv_params1.use_jnt_comp_avg = 1;
conv_params2.use_jnt_comp_avg = 1;
conv_params1.fwd_offset = quant_dist_lookup_table[k][l][0];
conv_params1.bck_offset = quant_dist_lookup_table[k][l][1];
conv_params2.fwd_offset = quant_dist_lookup_table[k][l][0];
conv_params2.bck_offset = quant_dist_lookup_table[k][l][1];
for (subx = 0; subx < subx_range; ++subx) {
for (suby = 0; suby < suby_range; ++suby) {
// Choose random locations within the source block
const int offset_r = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(h - out_h - 7);
const int offset_c = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(w - out_w - 7);
av1_jnt_convolve_2d_c(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w,
NULL, 0, out_w, out_h, &filter_params_x,
&filter_params_y, subx, suby,
test_impl(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL, 0, out_w,
out_h, &filter_params_x, &filter_params_y, subx,
suby, &conv_params2);
for (int i = 0; i < out_h; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < out_w; ++j) {
int idx = i * MAX_SB_SIZE + j;
ASSERT_EQ(output[idx], output2[idx])
<< "Mismatch at unit tests for "
<< out_w << "x" << out_h
<< " Pixel mismatch at index " << idx << " = (" << i
<< ", " << j << "), sub pixel offset = (" << suby
<< ", " << subx << ")";
} // namespace AV1Convolve2D
namespace AV1HighbdConvolve2D {
::testing::internal::ParamGenerator<HighbdConvolve2DParam> BuildParams(
highbd_convolve_2d_func filter, int has_subx, int has_suby,
int is_compound) {
return ::testing::Values(
make_tuple(8, filter, has_subx, has_suby, is_compound),
make_tuple(10, filter, has_subx, has_suby, is_compound),
make_tuple(12, filter, has_subx, has_suby, is_compound));
AV1HighbdConvolve2DTest::~AV1HighbdConvolve2DTest() {}
void AV1HighbdConvolve2DTest::SetUp() {
void AV1HighbdConvolve2DTest::TearDown() { libaom_test::ClearSystemState(); }
void AV1HighbdConvolve2DTest::RunCheckOutput(
highbd_convolve_2d_func test_impl) {
const int w = kMaxSize, h = kMaxSize;
const int bd = GET_PARAM(0);
const int has_subx = GET_PARAM(2);
const int has_suby = GET_PARAM(3);
const int is_compound = GET_PARAM(4);
int hfilter, vfilter, subx, suby;
uint16_t input[kMaxSize * kMaxSize];
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j)
input[i * w + j] = rnd_.Rand16() & ((1 << bd) - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SB_SQUARE; ++i)
output[i] = output2[i] = rnd_.Rand31();
for (int block_idx = BLOCK_4X4; block_idx < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++block_idx) {
const int out_w = block_size_wide[block_idx];
const int out_h = block_size_high[block_idx];
for (hfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; hfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL; ++hfilter) {
for (vfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; vfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL;
++vfilter) {
InterpFilterParams filter_params_x =
InterpFilterParams filter_params_y =
for (int do_average = 0; do_average <= 1; ++do_average) {
ConvolveParams conv_params1 = get_conv_params_no_round(
0, do_average, 0, output, MAX_SB_SIZE, 1, bd);
ConvolveParams conv_params2 = get_conv_params_no_round(
0, do_average, 0, output2, MAX_SB_SIZE, 1, bd);
const int subx_range = has_subx ? 16 : 1;
const int suby_range = has_suby ? 16 : 1;
for (subx = 0; subx < subx_range; ++subx) {
for (suby = 0; suby < suby_range; ++suby) {
// Choose random locations within the source block
const int offset_r = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(h - out_h - 7);
const int offset_c = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(w - out_w - 7);
av1_highbd_convolve_2d_c(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL,
0, out_w, out_h, &filter_params_x,
&filter_params_y, subx, suby,
&conv_params1, bd);
test_impl(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL, 0, out_w,
out_h, &filter_params_x, &filter_params_y, subx, suby,
&conv_params2, bd);
for (int i = 0; i < out_h; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < out_w; ++j) {
int idx = i * MAX_SB_SIZE + j;
ASSERT_EQ(output[idx], output2[idx])
<< out_w << "x" << out_h << " Pixel mismatch at index "
<< idx << " = (" << i << ", " << j
<< "), sub pixel offset = (" << suby << ", " << subx
<< ")";
AV1HighbdConvolve2DSrTest::~AV1HighbdConvolve2DSrTest() {}
void AV1HighbdConvolve2DSrTest::SetUp() {
void AV1HighbdConvolve2DSrTest::TearDown() { libaom_test::ClearSystemState(); }
void AV1HighbdConvolve2DSrTest::RunCheckOutput(
highbd_convolve_2d_func test_impl) {
const int w = kMaxSize, h = kMaxSize;
const int bd = GET_PARAM(0);
const int has_subx = GET_PARAM(2);
const int has_suby = GET_PARAM(3);
const int is_compound = GET_PARAM(4);
int hfilter, vfilter, subx, suby;
uint16_t input[kMaxSize * kMaxSize];
DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, uint16_t, output[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, uint16_t, output2[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j)
input[i * w + j] = rnd_.Rand16() & ((1 << bd) - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SB_SQUARE; ++i)
output[i] = output2[i] = rnd_.Rand31();
for (int block_idx = BLOCK_4X4; block_idx < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++block_idx) {
// Make sure that sizes 2xN and Nx2 are also tested for chroma.
const int num_sizes =
(block_size_wide[block_idx] == 4 || block_size_high[block_idx] == 4)
? 2
: 1;
for (int shift = 0; shift < num_sizes; ++shift) { // luma and chroma
const int out_w = block_size_wide[block_idx] >> shift;
const int out_h = block_size_high[block_idx] >> shift;
for (hfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; hfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL;
++hfilter) {
for (vfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; vfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL;
++vfilter) {
InterpFilterParams filter_params_x =
InterpFilterParams filter_params_y =
for (int do_average = 0; do_average < 1; ++do_average) {
ConvolveParams conv_params1 =
get_conv_params_no_round(0, do_average, 0, NULL, 0, 0, bd);
ConvolveParams conv_params2 =
get_conv_params_no_round(0, do_average, 0, NULL, 0, 0, bd);
const int subx_range = has_subx ? 16 : 1;
const int suby_range = has_suby ? 16 : 1;
for (subx = 0; subx < subx_range; ++subx) {
for (suby = 0; suby < suby_range; ++suby) {
// Choose random locations within the source block
const int offset_r = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(h - out_h - 7);
const int offset_c = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(w - out_w - 7);
av1_highbd_convolve_2d_sr_c(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w,
output, MAX_SB_SIZE, out_w, out_h,
&filter_params_x, &filter_params_y,
subx, suby, &conv_params1, bd);
test_impl(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, output2,
MAX_SB_SIZE, out_w, out_h, &filter_params_x,
&filter_params_y, subx, suby, &conv_params2, bd);
if (memcmp(output, output2, sizeof(output))) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SB_SIZE; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SB_SIZE; ++j) {
int idx = i * MAX_SB_SIZE + j;
ASSERT_EQ(output[idx], output2[idx])
<< out_w << "x" << out_h
<< " Pixel mismatch at index " << idx << " = (" << i
<< ", " << j << "), sub pixel offset = (" << suby
<< ", " << subx << ")";
AV1HighbdJntConvolve2DTest::~AV1HighbdJntConvolve2DTest() {}
void AV1HighbdJntConvolve2DTest::SetUp() {
void AV1HighbdJntConvolve2DTest::TearDown() { libaom_test::ClearSystemState(); }
void AV1HighbdJntConvolve2DTest::RunCheckOutput(
highbd_convolve_2d_func test_impl) {
const int w = kMaxSize, h = kMaxSize;
const int bd = GET_PARAM(0);
const int has_subx = GET_PARAM(2);
const int has_suby = GET_PARAM(3);
int hfilter, vfilter, subx, suby;
uint16_t input[kMaxSize * kMaxSize];
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j)
input[i * w + j] = rnd_.Rand16() & ((1 << bd) - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SB_SQUARE; ++i)
output[i] = output2[i] = rnd_.Rand31();
for (int block_idx = BLOCK_4X4; block_idx < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++block_idx) {
const int out_w = block_size_wide[block_idx];
const int out_h = block_size_high[block_idx];
for (hfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; hfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL; ++hfilter) {
for (vfilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; vfilter < INTERP_FILTERS_ALL;
++vfilter) {
InterpFilterParams filter_params_x =
InterpFilterParams filter_params_y =
for (int do_average = 0; do_average <= 1; ++do_average) {
ConvolveParams conv_params1 = get_conv_params_no_round(
0, do_average, 0, output, MAX_SB_SIZE, 1, bd);
ConvolveParams conv_params2 = get_conv_params_no_round(
0, do_average, 0, output2, MAX_SB_SIZE, 1, bd);
// Test special case where jnt_comp_avg is not used
conv_params1.use_jnt_comp_avg = 0;
conv_params2.use_jnt_comp_avg = 0;
const int subx_range = has_subx ? 16 : 1;
const int suby_range = has_suby ? 16 : 1;
for (subx = 0; subx < subx_range; ++subx) {
for (suby = 0; suby < suby_range; ++suby) {
// Choose random locations within the source block
const int offset_r = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(h - out_h - 7);
const int offset_c = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(w - out_w - 7);
av1_highbd_jnt_convolve_2d_c(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w,
NULL, 0, out_w, out_h,
&filter_params_x, &filter_params_y,
subx, suby, &conv_params1, bd);
test_impl(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL, 0, out_w,
out_h, &filter_params_x, &filter_params_y, subx, suby,
&conv_params2, bd);
for (int i = 0; i < out_h; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < out_w; ++j) {
int idx = i * MAX_SB_SIZE + j;
ASSERT_EQ(output[idx], output2[idx])
<< out_w << "x" << out_h << " Pixel mismatch at index "
<< idx << " = (" << i << ", " << j
<< "), sub pixel offset = (" << suby << ", " << subx
<< ")";
// Test different combination of fwd and bck offset weights
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
conv_params1.use_jnt_comp_avg = 1;
conv_params2.use_jnt_comp_avg = 1;
conv_params1.fwd_offset = quant_dist_lookup_table[k][l][0];
conv_params1.bck_offset = quant_dist_lookup_table[k][l][1];
conv_params2.fwd_offset = quant_dist_lookup_table[k][l][0];
conv_params2.bck_offset = quant_dist_lookup_table[k][l][1];
const int subx_range = has_subx ? 16 : 1;
const int suby_range = has_suby ? 16 : 1;
for (subx = 0; subx < subx_range; ++subx) {
for (suby = 0; suby < suby_range; ++suby) {
// Choose random locations within the source block
const int offset_r = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(h - out_h - 7);
const int offset_c = 3 + rnd_.PseudoUniform(w - out_w - 7);
input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL, 0, out_w, out_h,
&filter_params_x, &filter_params_y, subx, suby,
&conv_params1, bd);
test_impl(input + offset_r * w + offset_c, w, NULL, 0, out_w,
out_h, &filter_params_x, &filter_params_y, subx,
suby, &conv_params2, bd);
for (int i = 0; i < out_h; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < out_w; ++j) {
int idx = i * MAX_SB_SIZE + j;
ASSERT_EQ(output[idx], output2[idx])
<< out_w << "x" << out_h
<< " Pixel mismatch at index " << idx << " = (" << i
<< ", " << j << "), sub pixel offset = (" << suby
<< ", " << subx << ")";
} // namespace AV1HighbdConvolve2D
} // namespace libaom_test