blob: 25af1b3c3947793bd14c56b0690d5b2083d588ff [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (c) 2019, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
## This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
## the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
## was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
## obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
## Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
## PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
__author__ = ","
import os
import Utils
import logging
import fileinput
from shutil import copyfile
from Config import LoggerName, FFMPEG, HDRToolsConfigFileTemplate, HDRConvert
from Utils import GetShortContentName, ExecuteCmd
subloggername = "VideoScaler"
loggername = LoggerName + '.' + '%s' % subloggername
logger = logging.getLogger(loggername)
def GenerateCfgFile(clip, outw, outh, algo, outfile, num, configpath):
contentBaseName = GetShortContentName(clip.file_name, False)
cfg_filename = contentBaseName + ('_Scaled_%s_%dx%d.cfg'% (algo, outw, outh))
fmt = 1
if (clip.fmt == '400'):
fmt = 0
elif (clip.fmt == '420'):
fmt = 1
elif (clip.fmt == '422'):
fmt = 2
elif (clip.fmt == '444'):
fmt = 3
cfgfile = os.path.join(configpath, cfg_filename)
copyfile(HDRToolsConfigFileTemplate, cfgfile)
fp = fileinput.input(cfgfile, inplace=1)
for line in fp:
if 'SourceFile=' in line:
line = 'SourceFile="%s"\n' % clip.file_path
if 'OutputFile=' in line:
line = 'OutputFile="%s"\n' % outfile
if 'SourceWidth=' in line:
line = 'SourceWidth=%d\n' % clip.width
if 'SourceHeight=' in line:
line = 'SourceHeight=%d\n' % clip.height
if 'OutputWidth=' in line:
line = 'OutputWidth=%d\n' % outw
if 'OutputHeight=' in line:
line = 'OutputHeight=%d\n' % outh
if 'ScalingMode=' in line:
line = 'ScalingMode=3\n'
if 'LanczosLobes=' in line:
line = 'LanczosLobes=5\n'
if 'SourceRate=' in line:
line = 'SourceRate=%4.4f\n' % (float)(clip.fps_num / clip.fps_denom)
if 'SourceChromaFormat=' in line:
line = 'SourceChromaFormat=%d\n' % fmt
if 'SourceBitDepthCmp0=' in line:
line = 'SourceBitDepthCmp0=%d\n' % clip.bit_depth
if 'SourceBitDepthCmp1=' in line:
line = 'SourceBitDepthCmp1=%d\n' % clip.bit_depth
if 'SourceBitDepthCmp2=' in line:
line = 'SourceBitDepthCmp2=%d\n' % clip.bit_depth
if 'OutputRate=' in line:
line = 'OutputRate=%4.4f\n' % (float)(clip.fps_num / clip.fps_denom)
if 'OutputChromaFormat=' in line:
line = 'OutputChromaFormat=%d\n' % fmt
if 'OutputBitDepthCmp0=' in line:
line = 'OutputBitDepthCmp0=%d\n' % clip.bit_depth
if 'OutputBitDepthCmp1=' in line:
line = 'OutputBitDepthCmp1=%d\n' % clip.bit_depth
if 'OutputBitDepthCmp2=' in line:
line = 'OutputBitDepthCmp2=%d\n' % clip.bit_depth
if 'NumberOfFrames=' in line:
line = 'NumberOfFrames=%d\n' % num
print(line, end='')
return cfgfile
def RescaleWithHDRTool(clip, outw, outh, algo, outfile, num, cfg_path,
LogCmdOnly = False):
cfg_file = GenerateCfgFile(clip, outw, outh, algo, outfile, num, cfg_path)
args = " -f %s" % cfg_file
cmd = HDRConvert + args
ExecuteCmd(cmd, LogCmdOnly)
def VideoRescaling(clip, num, outw, outh, outfile, algo, cfg_path,
LogCmdOnly = False):
RescaleWithHDRTool(clip, outw, outh, algo, outfile, num, cfg_path, LogCmdOnly)
# add other tools for scaling here later
##################### Major Functions ################################################
def GetDownScaledOutFile(clip, dnw, dnh, path, algo):
contentBaseName = GetShortContentName(clip.file_name, False)
actual_algo = 'None' if clip.width == dnw and clip.height == dnh else algo
filename = contentBaseName + ('_Scaled_%s_%dx%d.y4m' % (actual_algo, dnw,
dnscaledout = os.path.join(path, filename)
return dnscaledout
def GetUpScaledOutFile(clip, outw, outh, algo, path):
actual_algo = 'None' if clip.width == outw and clip.height == outh else algo
filename = GetShortContentName(clip.file_name, False) + \
('_Scaled_%s_%dx%d.y4m' % (actual_algo, outw, outh))
upscaledout = os.path.join(path, filename)
return upscaledout
def DownScaling(clip, num, outw, outh, path, cfg_path, algo, LogCmdOnly = False):
dnScalOut = GetDownScaledOutFile(clip, outw, outh, path, algo)
if (clip.width == outw and clip.height == outh):
cmd = "copy %s %s" % (clip.file_path, dnScalOut)
ExecuteCmd(cmd, LogCmdOnly)
# call separate process to do the downscaling
VideoRescaling(clip, num, outw, outh, dnScalOut, algo, cfg_path,
return dnScalOut
def UpScaling(clip, num, outw, outh, path, cfg_path, algo, LogCmdOnly = False):
upScaleOut = GetUpScaledOutFile(clip, outw, outh, algo, path)
if (clip.width == outw and clip.height == outh):
cmd = "copy %s %s" % (clip.file_path, upScaleOut)
ExecuteCmd(cmd, LogCmdOnly)
# call separate process to do the upscaling
VideoRescaling(clip, num, outw, outh, upScaleOut, algo, cfg_path,
return upScaleOut