blob: c06137540c3ee7af05d8198fdfb576141f3b4c14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <math.h>
#include "./aom_config.h"
#include "./aom_dsp_rtcd.h"
#include "./aom_scale_rtcd.h"
#include "av1/common/onyxc_int.h"
#include "av1/common/restoration.h"
#include "aom_dsp/aom_dsp_common.h"
#include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h"
#include "aom_ports/mem.h"
static int domaintxfmrf_vtable[DOMAINTXFMRF_ITERS][DOMAINTXFMRF_PARAMS][256];
static const int domaintxfmrf_params[DOMAINTXFMRF_PARAMS] = {
32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88,
90, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 132, 134,
136, 138, 140, 142, 146, 150, 154, 158, 162, 166, 170, 174
const sgr_params_type sgr_params[SGRPROJ_PARAMS] = {
// r1, eps1, r2, eps2
{ 2, 25, 1, 11 }, { 2, 35, 1, 12 }, { 2, 45, 1, 13 }, { 2, 55, 1, 14 },
{ 2, 65, 1, 15 }, { 3, 50, 2, 25 }, { 3, 60, 2, 35 }, { 3, 70, 2, 45 },
typedef void (*restore_func_type)(uint8_t *data8, int width, int height,
int stride, RestorationInternal *rst,
uint8_t *dst8, int dst_stride);
typedef void (*restore_func_highbd_type)(uint8_t *data8, int width, int height,
int stride, RestorationInternal *rst,
int bit_depth, uint8_t *dst8,
int dst_stride);
int av1_alloc_restoration_struct(RestorationInfo *rst_info, int width,
int height) {
const int ntiles = av1_get_rest_ntiles(width, height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
rst_info->restoration_type = (RestorationType *)aom_realloc(
rst_info->restoration_type, sizeof(*rst_info->restoration_type) * ntiles);
rst_info->wiener_info = (WienerInfo *)aom_realloc(
rst_info->wiener_info, sizeof(*rst_info->wiener_info) * ntiles);
assert(rst_info->wiener_info != NULL);
rst_info->sgrproj_info = (SgrprojInfo *)aom_realloc(
rst_info->sgrproj_info, sizeof(*rst_info->sgrproj_info) * ntiles);
assert(rst_info->sgrproj_info != NULL);
rst_info->domaintxfmrf_info = (DomaintxfmrfInfo *)aom_realloc(
sizeof(*rst_info->domaintxfmrf_info) * ntiles);
assert(rst_info->domaintxfmrf_info != NULL);
return ntiles;
void av1_free_restoration_struct(RestorationInfo *rst_info) {
rst_info->restoration_type = NULL;
rst_info->wiener_info = NULL;
rst_info->sgrproj_info = NULL;
rst_info->domaintxfmrf_info = NULL;
static void GenDomainTxfmRFVtable() {
int i, j;
const double sigma_s = sqrt(2.0);
for (i = 0; i < DOMAINTXFMRF_ITERS; ++i) {
const int nm = (1 << (DOMAINTXFMRF_ITERS - i - 1));
const double A = exp(-DOMAINTXFMRF_MULT / (sigma_s * nm));
for (j = 0; j < DOMAINTXFMRF_PARAMS; ++j) {
const double sigma_r =
(double)domaintxfmrf_params[j] / DOMAINTXFMRF_SIGMA_SCALE;
const double scale = sigma_s / sigma_r;
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 256; ++k) {
domaintxfmrf_vtable[i][j][k] =
RINT(DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC * pow(A, 1.0 + k * scale));
void av1_loop_restoration_precal() { GenDomainTxfmRFVtable(); }
static void loop_restoration_init(RestorationInternal *rst, int kf) {
rst->keyframe = kf;
void extend_frame(uint8_t *data, int width, int height, int stride) {
uint8_t *data_p;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
data_p = data + i * stride;
memset(data_p - WIENER_HALFWIN, data_p[0], WIENER_HALFWIN);
memset(data_p + width, data_p[width - 1], WIENER_HALFWIN);
data_p = data - WIENER_HALFWIN;
for (i = -WIENER_HALFWIN; i < 0; ++i) {
memcpy(data_p + i * stride, data_p, width + 2 * WIENER_HALFWIN);
for (i = height; i < height + WIENER_HALFWIN; ++i) {
memcpy(data_p + i * stride, data_p + (height - 1) * stride,
width + 2 * WIENER_HALFWIN);
static void loop_copy_tile(uint8_t *data, int tile_idx, int subtile_idx,
int subtile_bits, int width, int height, int stride,
RestorationInternal *rst, uint8_t *dst,
int dst_stride) {
const int tile_width = rst->tile_width;
const int tile_height = rst->tile_height;
int i;
int h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end;
av1_get_rest_tile_limits(tile_idx, subtile_idx, subtile_bits, rst->nhtiles,
rst->nvtiles, tile_width, tile_height, width, height,
0, 0, &h_start, &h_end, &v_start, &v_end);
for (i = v_start; i < v_end; ++i)
memcpy(dst + i * dst_stride + h_start, data + i * stride + h_start,
h_end - h_start);
static void loop_wiener_filter_tile(uint8_t *data, int tile_idx, int width,
int height, int stride,
RestorationInternal *rst, uint8_t *dst,
int dst_stride) {
const int tile_width = rst->tile_width;
const int tile_height = rst->tile_height;
int i, j;
int h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end;
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, InterpKernel, hkernel);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, InterpKernel, vkernel);
if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_NONE) {
loop_copy_tile(data, tile_idx, 0, 0, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
// TODO(david.barker): Store hfilter/vfilter as an InterpKernel
// instead of the current format. Then this can be removed.
assert(WIENER_WIN == SUBPEL_TAPS - 1);
for (i = 0; i < WIENER_WIN; ++i) {
hkernel[i] = rst->rsi->wiener_info[tile_idx].hfilter[i];
vkernel[i] = rst->rsi->wiener_info[tile_idx].vfilter[i];
hkernel[WIENER_WIN] = 0;
vkernel[WIENER_WIN] = 0;
hkernel[3] -= 128;
vkernel[3] -= 128;
av1_get_rest_tile_limits(tile_idx, 0, 0, rst->nhtiles, rst->nvtiles,
tile_width, tile_height, width, height, 0, 0,
&h_start, &h_end, &v_start, &v_end);
// Convolve the whole tile (done in blocks here to match the requirements
// of the vectorized convolve functions, but the result is equivalent)
for (i = v_start; i < v_end; i += MAX_SB_SIZE)
for (j = h_start; j < h_end; j += MAX_SB_SIZE) {
int w = AOMMIN(MAX_SB_SIZE, (h_end - j + 15) & ~15);
int h = AOMMIN(MAX_SB_SIZE, (v_end - i + 15) & ~15);
const uint8_t *data_p = data + i * stride + j;
uint8_t *dst_p = dst + i * dst_stride + j;
aom_convolve8_add_src(data_p, stride, dst_p, dst_stride, hkernel, 16,
vkernel, 16, w, h);
static void loop_wiener_filter(uint8_t *data, int width, int height, int stride,
RestorationInternal *rst, uint8_t *dst,
int dst_stride) {
int tile_idx;
extend_frame(data, width, height, stride);
for (tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < rst->ntiles; ++tile_idx) {
loop_wiener_filter_tile(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
/* Calculate windowed sums (if sqr=0) or sums of squares (if sqr=1)
over the input. The window is of size (2r + 1)x(2r + 1), and we
specialize to r = 1, 2, 3. A default function is used for r > 3.
Each loop follows the same format: We keep a window's worth of input
in individual variables and select data out of that as appropriate.
static void boxsum1(int32_t *src, int width, int height, int src_stride,
int sqr, int32_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
int i, j, a, b, c;
// Vertical sum over 3-pixel regions, from src into dst.
if (!sqr) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j];
b = src[src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b;
for (i = 1; i < height - 2; ++i) {
// Loop invariant: At the start of each iteration,
// a = src[(i - 1) * src_stride + j]
// b = src[(i ) * src_stride + j]
// c = src[(i + 1) * src_stride + j]
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
a = b;
b = c;
c = src[(i + 2) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c;
} else {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j] * src[j];
b = src[src_stride + j] * src[src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j] * src[2 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b;
for (i = 1; i < height - 2; ++i) {
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
a = b;
b = c;
c = src[(i + 2) * src_stride + j] * src[(i + 2) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c;
// Horizontal sum over 3-pixel regions of dst
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
a = dst[i * dst_stride];
b = dst[i * dst_stride + 1];
c = dst[i * dst_stride + 2];
dst[i * dst_stride] = a + b;
for (j = 1; j < width - 2; ++j) {
// Loop invariant: At the start of each iteration,
// a = src[i * src_stride + (j - 1)]
// b = src[i * src_stride + (j )]
// c = src[i * src_stride + (j + 1)]
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
a = b;
b = c;
c = dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 2)];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c;
dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 1)] = b + c;
static void boxsum2(int32_t *src, int width, int height, int src_stride,
int sqr, int32_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
int i, j, a, b, c, d, e;
// Vertical sum over 5-pixel regions, from src into dst.
if (!sqr) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j];
b = src[src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j];
d = src[3 * src_stride + j];
e = src[4 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b + c;
dst[dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d;
for (i = 2; i < height - 3; ++i) {
// Loop invariant: At the start of each iteration,
// a = src[(i - 2) * src_stride + j]
// b = src[(i - 1) * src_stride + j]
// c = src[(i ) * src_stride + j]
// d = src[(i + 1) * src_stride + j]
// e = src[(i + 2) * src_stride + j]
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
d = e;
e = src[(i + 3) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c + d + e;
dst[(i + 2) * dst_stride + j] = c + d + e;
} else {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j] * src[j];
b = src[src_stride + j] * src[src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j] * src[2 * src_stride + j];
d = src[3 * src_stride + j] * src[3 * src_stride + j];
e = src[4 * src_stride + j] * src[4 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b + c;
dst[dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d;
for (i = 2; i < height - 3; ++i) {
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
d = e;
e = src[(i + 3) * src_stride + j] * src[(i + 3) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c + d + e;
dst[(i + 2) * dst_stride + j] = c + d + e;
// Horizontal sum over 5-pixel regions of dst
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
a = dst[i * dst_stride];
b = dst[i * dst_stride + 1];
c = dst[i * dst_stride + 2];
d = dst[i * dst_stride + 3];
e = dst[i * dst_stride + 4];
dst[i * dst_stride] = a + b + c;
dst[i * dst_stride + 1] = a + b + c + d;
for (j = 2; j < width - 3; ++j) {
// Loop invariant: At the start of each iteration,
// a = src[i * src_stride + (j - 2)]
// b = src[i * src_stride + (j - 1)]
// c = src[i * src_stride + (j )]
// d = src[i * src_stride + (j + 1)]
// e = src[i * src_stride + (j + 2)]
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
d = e;
e = dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 3)];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 1)] = b + c + d + e;
dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 2)] = c + d + e;
static void boxsum3(int32_t *src, int width, int height, int src_stride,
int sqr, int32_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
int i, j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g;
// Vertical sum over 7-pixel regions, from src into dst.
if (!sqr) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j];
b = src[1 * src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j];
d = src[3 * src_stride + j];
e = src[4 * src_stride + j];
f = src[5 * src_stride + j];
g = src[6 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b + c + d;
dst[dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
dst[2 * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e + f;
for (i = 3; i < height - 4; ++i) {
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
d = e;
e = f;
f = g;
g = src[(i + 4) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c + d + e + f + g;
dst[(i + 2) * dst_stride + j] = c + d + e + f + g;
dst[(i + 3) * dst_stride + j] = d + e + f + g;
} else {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
a = src[j] * src[j];
b = src[1 * src_stride + j] * src[1 * src_stride + j];
c = src[2 * src_stride + j] * src[2 * src_stride + j];
d = src[3 * src_stride + j] * src[3 * src_stride + j];
e = src[4 * src_stride + j] * src[4 * src_stride + j];
f = src[5 * src_stride + j] * src[5 * src_stride + j];
g = src[6 * src_stride + j] * src[6 * src_stride + j];
dst[j] = a + b + c + d;
dst[dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e;
dst[2 * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e + f;
for (i = 3; i < height - 4; ++i) {
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
d = e;
e = f;
f = g;
g = src[(i + 4) * src_stride + j] * src[(i + 4) * src_stride + j];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
dst[(i + 1) * dst_stride + j] = b + c + d + e + f + g;
dst[(i + 2) * dst_stride + j] = c + d + e + f + g;
dst[(i + 3) * dst_stride + j] = d + e + f + g;
// Horizontal sum over 7-pixel regions of dst
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
a = dst[i * dst_stride];
b = dst[i * dst_stride + 1];
c = dst[i * dst_stride + 2];
d = dst[i * dst_stride + 3];
e = dst[i * dst_stride + 4];
f = dst[i * dst_stride + 5];
g = dst[i * dst_stride + 6];
dst[i * dst_stride] = a + b + c + d;
dst[i * dst_stride + 1] = a + b + c + d + e;
dst[i * dst_stride + 2] = a + b + c + d + e + f;
for (j = 3; j < width - 4; ++j) {
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
d = e;
e = f;
f = g;
g = dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 4)];
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 1)] = b + c + d + e + f + g;
dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 2)] = c + d + e + f + g;
dst[i * dst_stride + (j + 3)] = d + e + f + g;
// Generic version for any r. To be removed after experiments are done.
static void boxsumr(int32_t *src, int width, int height, int src_stride, int r,
int sqr, int32_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
int32_t *tmp = aom_malloc(width * height * sizeof(*tmp));
int tmp_stride = width;
int i, j;
if (sqr) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) tmp[j] = src[j] * src[j];
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j)
for (i = 1; i < height; ++i)
tmp[i * tmp_stride + j] =
tmp[(i - 1) * tmp_stride + j] +
src[i * src_stride + j] * src[i * src_stride + j];
} else {
memcpy(tmp, src, sizeof(*tmp) * width);
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j)
for (i = 1; i < height; ++i)
tmp[i * tmp_stride + j] =
tmp[(i - 1) * tmp_stride + j] + src[i * src_stride + j];
for (i = 0; i <= r; ++i)
memcpy(&dst[i * dst_stride], &tmp[(i + r) * tmp_stride],
sizeof(*tmp) * width);
for (i = r + 1; i < height - r; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j)
dst[i * dst_stride + j] =
tmp[(i + r) * tmp_stride + j] - tmp[(i - r - 1) * tmp_stride + j];
for (i = height - r; i < height; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j)
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = tmp[(height - 1) * tmp_stride + j] -
tmp[(i - r - 1) * tmp_stride + j];
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) tmp[i * tmp_stride] = dst[i * dst_stride];
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
for (j = 1; j < width; ++j)
tmp[i * tmp_stride + j] =
tmp[i * tmp_stride + j - 1] + dst[i * src_stride + j];
for (j = 0; j <= r; ++j)
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = tmp[i * tmp_stride + j + r];
for (j = r + 1; j < width - r; ++j)
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
dst[i * dst_stride + j] =
tmp[i * tmp_stride + j + r] - tmp[i * tmp_stride + j - r - 1];
for (j = width - r; j < width; ++j)
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
dst[i * dst_stride + j] =
tmp[i * tmp_stride + width - 1] - tmp[i * tmp_stride + j - r - 1];
static void boxsum(int32_t *src, int width, int height, int src_stride, int r,
int sqr, int32_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
if (r == 1)
boxsum1(src, width, height, src_stride, sqr, dst, dst_stride);
else if (r == 2)
boxsum2(src, width, height, src_stride, sqr, dst, dst_stride);
else if (r == 3)
boxsum3(src, width, height, src_stride, sqr, dst, dst_stride);
boxsumr(src, width, height, src_stride, r, sqr, dst, dst_stride);
static void boxnum(int width, int height, int r, int8_t *num, int num_stride) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i <= r; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j <= r; ++j) {
num[i * num_stride + j] = (r + 1 + i) * (r + 1 + j);
num[i * num_stride + (width - 1 - j)] = num[i * num_stride + j];
num[(height - 1 - i) * num_stride + j] = num[i * num_stride + j];
num[(height - 1 - i) * num_stride + (width - 1 - j)] =
num[i * num_stride + j];
for (j = 0; j <= r; ++j) {
const int val = (2 * r + 1) * (r + 1 + j);
for (i = r + 1; i < height - r; ++i) {
num[i * num_stride + j] = val;
num[i * num_stride + (width - 1 - j)] = val;
for (i = 0; i <= r; ++i) {
const int val = (2 * r + 1) * (r + 1 + i);
for (j = r + 1; j < width - r; ++j) {
num[i * num_stride + j] = val;
num[(height - 1 - i) * num_stride + j] = val;
for (i = r + 1; i < height - r; ++i) {
for (j = r + 1; j < width - r; ++j) {
num[i * num_stride + j] = (2 * r + 1) * (2 * r + 1);
void decode_xq(int *xqd, int *xq) {
xq[0] = -xqd[0];
xq[1] = (1 << SGRPROJ_PRJ_BITS) - xq[0] - xqd[1];
void av1_selfguided_restoration(int32_t *dgd, int width, int height, int stride,
int bit_depth, int r, int eps,
int32_t *tmpbuf) {
int32_t *A = tmpbuf;
int i, j;
eps <<= 2 * (bit_depth - 8);
// Don't filter tiles with dimensions < 5 on any axis
if ((width < 5) || (height < 5)) return;
boxsum(dgd, width, height, stride, r, 0, B, width);
boxsum(dgd, width, height, stride, r, 1, A, width);
boxnum(width, height, r, num, width);
// The following loop is optimized assuming r <= 2. If we allow
// r > 2, then the loop will need modifying.
assert(r <= 3);
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int k = i * width + j;
const int n = num[k];
// Assuming that we only allow up to 12-bit depth and r <= 2,
// we calculate p = n^2 * Var(n-pixel block of original image)
// (where n = 2 * r + 1 <= 5).
// There is an inequality which gives a bound on the variance:
// In this case, since each pixel is in the range [0, 2^12),
// the variance is at most 1/4 * (2^12)^2 = 2^22.
// Then p <= 25^2 * 2^22 < 2^32, and also q <= p + 25^2 * 68 < 2^32.
// The point of all this is to guarantee that q < 2^32, so that
// platforms with a 64-bit by 32-bit divide unit (eg, x86)
// can do the division by q more efficiently.
const uint32_t p = (uint32_t)((uint64_t)A[k] * n - (uint64_t)B[k] * B[k]);
const uint32_t q = (uint32_t)(p + n * n * eps);
assert((uint64_t)A[k] * n - (uint64_t)B[k] * B[k] < (25 * 25U << 22));
A[k] = (int32_t)(((uint64_t)p << SGRPROJ_SGR_BITS) + (q >> 1)) / q;
B[k] = ((SGRPROJ_SGR - A[k]) * B[k] + (n >> 1)) / n;
i = 0;
j = 0;
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int nb = 3;
const int32_t a =
3 * A[k] + 2 * A[k + 1] + 2 * A[k + width] + A[k + width + 1];
const int32_t b =
3 * B[k] + 2 * B[k + 1] + 2 * B[k + width] + B[k + width + 1];
const int32_t v =
(((a * dgd[l] + b) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (1 << nb) / 2) >> nb;
i = 0;
j = width - 1;
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int nb = 3;
const int32_t a =
3 * A[k] + 2 * A[k - 1] + 2 * A[k + width] + A[k + width - 1];
const int32_t b =
3 * B[k] + 2 * B[k - 1] + 2 * B[k + width] + B[k + width - 1];
const int32_t v =
(((a * dgd[l] + b) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (1 << nb) / 2) >> nb;
i = height - 1;
j = 0;
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int nb = 3;
const int32_t a =
3 * A[k] + 2 * A[k + 1] + 2 * A[k - width] + A[k - width + 1];
const int32_t b =
3 * B[k] + 2 * B[k + 1] + 2 * B[k - width] + B[k - width + 1];
const int32_t v =
(((a * dgd[l] + b) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (1 << nb) / 2) >> nb;
i = height - 1;
j = width - 1;
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int nb = 3;
const int32_t a =
3 * A[k] + 2 * A[k - 1] + 2 * A[k - width] + A[k - width - 1];
const int32_t b =
3 * B[k] + 2 * B[k - 1] + 2 * B[k - width] + B[k - width - 1];
const int32_t v =
(((a * dgd[l] + b) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (1 << nb) / 2) >> nb;
i = 0;
for (j = 1; j < width - 1; ++j) {
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int nb = 3;
const int32_t a = A[k] + 2 * (A[k - 1] + A[k + 1]) + A[k + width] +
A[k + width - 1] + A[k + width + 1];
const int32_t b = B[k] + 2 * (B[k - 1] + B[k + 1]) + B[k + width] +
B[k + width - 1] + B[k + width + 1];
const int32_t v =
(((a * dgd[l] + b) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (1 << nb) / 2) >> nb;
i = height - 1;
for (j = 1; j < width - 1; ++j) {
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int nb = 3;
const int32_t a = A[k] + 2 * (A[k - 1] + A[k + 1]) + A[k - width] +
A[k - width - 1] + A[k - width + 1];
const int32_t b = B[k] + 2 * (B[k - 1] + B[k + 1]) + B[k - width] +
B[k - width - 1] + B[k - width + 1];
const int32_t v =
(((a * dgd[l] + b) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (1 << nb) / 2) >> nb;
j = 0;
for (i = 1; i < height - 1; ++i) {
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int nb = 3;
const int32_t a = A[k] + 2 * (A[k - width] + A[k + width]) + A[k + 1] +
A[k - width + 1] + A[k + width + 1];
const int32_t b = B[k] + 2 * (B[k - width] + B[k + width]) + B[k + 1] +
B[k - width + 1] + B[k + width + 1];
const int32_t v =
(((a * dgd[l] + b) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (1 << nb) / 2) >> nb;
j = width - 1;
for (i = 1; i < height - 1; ++i) {
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int nb = 3;
const int32_t a = A[k] + 2 * (A[k - width] + A[k + width]) + A[k - 1] +
A[k - width - 1] + A[k + width - 1];
const int32_t b = B[k] + 2 * (B[k - width] + B[k + width]) + B[k - 1] +
B[k - width - 1] + B[k + width - 1];
const int32_t v =
(((a * dgd[l] + b) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (1 << nb) / 2) >> nb;
for (i = 1; i < height - 1; ++i) {
for (j = 1; j < width - 1; ++j) {
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int nb = 5;
const int32_t a =
(A[k] + A[k - 1] + A[k + 1] + A[k - width] + A[k + width]) * 4 +
(A[k - 1 - width] + A[k - 1 + width] + A[k + 1 - width] +
A[k + 1 + width]) *
const int32_t b =
(B[k] + B[k - 1] + B[k + 1] + B[k - width] + B[k + width]) * 4 +
(B[k - 1 - width] + B[k - 1 + width] + B[k + 1 - width] +
B[k + 1 + width]) *
const int32_t v =
(((a * dgd[l] + b) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (1 << nb) / 2) >> nb;
if (r > 1) boxnum(width, height, r = 1, num, width);
boxsum(A, width, height, width, r, 0, A, width);
boxsum(B, width, height, width, r, 0, B, width);
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int n = num[k];
const int32_t v =
(((A[k] * dgd[l] + B[k]) << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS) + (n >> 1)) / n;
static void apply_selfguided_restoration(uint8_t *dat, int width, int height,
int stride, int bit_depth, int eps,
int *xqd, uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride,
int32_t *tmpbuf) {
int xq[2];
int32_t *flt1 = tmpbuf;
int32_t *flt2 = flt1 + RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX;
int32_t *tmpbuf2 = flt2 + RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX;
int i, j;
assert(width * height <= RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX);
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
flt1[i * width + j] = dat[i * stride + j];
flt2[i * width + j] = dat[i * stride + j];
av1_selfguided_restoration(flt1, width, height, width, bit_depth,
sgr_params[eps].r1, sgr_params[eps].e1, tmpbuf2);
av1_selfguided_restoration(flt2, width, height, width, bit_depth,
sgr_params[eps].r2, sgr_params[eps].e2, tmpbuf2);
decode_xq(xqd, xq);
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int m = i * dst_stride + j;
const int32_t u = ((int32_t)dat[l] << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS);
const int32_t f1 = (int32_t)flt1[k] - u;
const int32_t f2 = (int32_t)flt2[k] - u;
const int64_t v = xq[0] * f1 + xq[1] * f2 + (u << SGRPROJ_PRJ_BITS);
const int16_t w =
dst[m] = clip_pixel(w);
static void loop_sgrproj_filter_tile(uint8_t *data, int tile_idx, int width,
int height, int stride,
RestorationInternal *rst, uint8_t *dst,
int dst_stride) {
const int tile_width = rst->tile_width;
const int tile_height = rst->tile_height;
int h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end;
uint8_t *data_p, *dst_p;
if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_NONE) {
loop_copy_tile(data, tile_idx, 0, 0, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
av1_get_rest_tile_limits(tile_idx, 0, 0, rst->nhtiles, rst->nvtiles,
tile_width, tile_height, width, height, 0, 0,
&h_start, &h_end, &v_start, &v_end);
data_p = data + h_start + v_start * stride;
dst_p = dst + h_start + v_start * dst_stride;
apply_selfguided_restoration(data_p, h_end - h_start, v_end - v_start, stride,
8, rst->rsi->sgrproj_info[tile_idx].ep,
rst->rsi->sgrproj_info[tile_idx].xqd, dst_p,
dst_stride, rst->tmpbuf);
static void loop_sgrproj_filter(uint8_t *data, int width, int height,
int stride, RestorationInternal *rst,
uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
int tile_idx;
for (tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < rst->ntiles; ++tile_idx) {
loop_sgrproj_filter_tile(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
static void apply_domaintxfmrf(int iter, int param, uint8_t *diff_right,
uint8_t *diff_down, int width, int height,
int32_t *dat, int dat_stride) {
int i, j, acc;
// Do first row separately, to initialize the top to bottom filter
i = 0;
// left to right
acc = dat[i * dat_stride] * DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC;
dat[i * dat_stride] = acc;
for (j = 1; j < width; ++j) {
const int in = dat[i * dat_stride + j];
const int diff =
diff_right[i * width + j - 1]; // Left absolute difference
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][diff];
dat[i * dat_stride + j] = acc;
// right to left
for (j = width - 2; j >= 0; --j) {
const int in = dat[i * dat_stride + j];
const int diff = diff_right[i * width + j]; // Right absolute difference
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][diff];
dat[i * dat_stride + j] = acc;
for (i = 1; i < height; ++i) {
// left to right
acc = dat[i * dat_stride] * DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC;
dat[i * dat_stride] = acc;
for (j = 1; j < width; ++j) {
const int in = dat[i * dat_stride + j];
const int diff =
diff_right[i * width + j - 1]; // Left absolute difference
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][diff];
dat[i * dat_stride + j] = acc;
// right to left
for (j = width - 2; j >= 0; --j) {
const int in = dat[i * dat_stride + j];
const int diff = diff_right[i * width + j]; // Right absolute difference
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][diff];
dat[i * dat_stride + j] = acc;
// top to bottom
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int in = dat[i * dat_stride + j];
const int in_above = dat[(i - 1) * dat_stride + j];
const int diff =
diff_down[(i - 1) * width + j]; // Upward absolute difference
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][diff];
acc =
dat[i * dat_stride + j] = acc;
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
// bottom to top + output rounding
acc = dat[(height - 1) * dat_stride + j];
dat[(height - 1) * dat_stride + j] =
for (i = height - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
const int in = dat[i * dat_stride + j];
const int diff =
diff_down[i * width + j]; // Downward absolute difference
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][diff];
dat[i * dat_stride + j] =
void av1_domaintxfmrf_restoration(uint8_t *dgd, int width, int height,
int stride, int param, uint8_t *dst,
int dst_stride, int32_t *tmpbuf) {
int32_t *dat = tmpbuf;
uint8_t *diff_right = (uint8_t *)(tmpbuf + RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX);
uint8_t *diff_down = diff_right + RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX;
int i, j, t;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
int cur_px = dgd[i * stride];
for (j = 0; j < width - 1; ++j) {
const int next_px = dgd[i * stride + j + 1];
diff_right[i * width + j] = abs(cur_px - next_px);
cur_px = next_px;
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
int cur_px = dgd[j];
for (i = 0; i < height - 1; ++i) {
const int next_px = dgd[(i + 1) * stride + j];
diff_down[i * width + j] = abs(cur_px - next_px);
cur_px = next_px;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
dat[i * width + j] = dgd[i * stride + j];
for (t = 0; t < DOMAINTXFMRF_ITERS; ++t) {
apply_domaintxfmrf(t, param, diff_right, diff_down, width, height, dat,
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
dst[i * dst_stride + j] = clip_pixel(dat[i * width + j]);
static void loop_domaintxfmrf_filter_tile(uint8_t *data, int tile_idx,
int width, int height, int stride,
RestorationInternal *rst,
uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
const int tile_width = rst->tile_width;
const int tile_height = rst->tile_height;
int h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end;
int32_t *tmpbuf = (int32_t *)rst->tmpbuf;
if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_NONE) {
loop_copy_tile(data, tile_idx, 0, 0, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
av1_get_rest_tile_limits(tile_idx, 0, 0, rst->nhtiles, rst->nvtiles,
tile_width, tile_height, width, height, 0, 0,
&h_start, &h_end, &v_start, &v_end);
data + h_start + v_start * stride, h_end - h_start, v_end - v_start,
stride, rst->rsi->domaintxfmrf_info[tile_idx].sigma_r,
dst + h_start + v_start * dst_stride, dst_stride, tmpbuf);
static void loop_domaintxfmrf_filter(uint8_t *data, int width, int height,
int stride, RestorationInternal *rst,
uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
int tile_idx;
for (tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < rst->ntiles; ++tile_idx) {
loop_domaintxfmrf_filter_tile(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride, rst,
dst, dst_stride);
static void loop_switchable_filter(uint8_t *data, int width, int height,
int stride, RestorationInternal *rst,
uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
int tile_idx;
extend_frame(data, width, height, stride);
for (tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < rst->ntiles; ++tile_idx) {
if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_NONE) {
loop_copy_tile(data, tile_idx, 0, 0, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
} else if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_WIENER) {
loop_wiener_filter_tile(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
} else if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_SGRPROJ) {
loop_sgrproj_filter_tile(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
} else if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_DOMAINTXFMRF) {
loop_domaintxfmrf_filter_tile(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride, rst,
dst, dst_stride);
void extend_frame_highbd(uint16_t *data, int width, int height, int stride) {
uint16_t *data_p;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
data_p = data + i * stride;
for (j = -WIENER_HALFWIN; j < 0; ++j) data_p[j] = data_p[0];
for (j = width; j < width + WIENER_HALFWIN; ++j)
data_p[j] = data_p[width - 1];
data_p = data - WIENER_HALFWIN;
for (i = -WIENER_HALFWIN; i < 0; ++i) {
memcpy(data_p + i * stride, data_p,
(width + 2 * WIENER_HALFWIN) * sizeof(uint16_t));
for (i = height; i < height + WIENER_HALFWIN; ++i) {
memcpy(data_p + i * stride, data_p + (height - 1) * stride,
(width + 2 * WIENER_HALFWIN) * sizeof(uint16_t));
static void loop_copy_tile_highbd(uint16_t *data, int tile_idx, int subtile_idx,
int subtile_bits, int width, int height,
int stride, RestorationInternal *rst,
uint16_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
const int tile_width = rst->tile_width;
const int tile_height = rst->tile_height;
int i;
int h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end;
av1_get_rest_tile_limits(tile_idx, subtile_idx, subtile_bits, rst->nhtiles,
rst->nvtiles, tile_width, tile_height, width, height,
0, 0, &h_start, &h_end, &v_start, &v_end);
for (i = v_start; i < v_end; ++i)
memcpy(dst + i * dst_stride + h_start, data + i * stride + h_start,
(h_end - h_start) * sizeof(*dst));
static void loop_wiener_filter_tile_highbd(uint16_t *data, int tile_idx,
int width, int height, int stride,
RestorationInternal *rst,
int bit_depth, uint16_t *dst,
int dst_stride) {
const int tile_width = rst->tile_width;
const int tile_height = rst->tile_height;
int h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end;
int i, j;
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, InterpKernel, hkernel);
DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, InterpKernel, vkernel);
if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_NONE) {
loop_copy_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, 0, 0, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
// TODO(david.barker): Store hfilter/vfilter as an InterpKernel
// instead of the current format. Then this can be removed.
assert(WIENER_WIN == SUBPEL_TAPS - 1);
for (i = 0; i < WIENER_WIN; ++i) {
hkernel[i] = rst->rsi->wiener_info[tile_idx].hfilter[i];
vkernel[i] = rst->rsi->wiener_info[tile_idx].vfilter[i];
hkernel[WIENER_WIN] = 0;
vkernel[WIENER_WIN] = 0;
hkernel[3] -= 128;
vkernel[3] -= 128;
av1_get_rest_tile_limits(tile_idx, 0, 0, rst->nhtiles, rst->nvtiles,
tile_width, tile_height, width, height, 0, 0,
&h_start, &h_end, &v_start, &v_end);
// Convolve the whole tile (done in blocks here to match the requirements
// of the vectorized convolve functions, but the result is equivalent)
for (i = v_start; i < v_end; i += MAX_SB_SIZE)
for (j = h_start; j < h_end; j += MAX_SB_SIZE) {
int w = AOMMIN(MAX_SB_SIZE, (h_end - j + 15) & ~15);
int h = AOMMIN(MAX_SB_SIZE, (v_end - i + 15) & ~15);
const uint16_t *data_p = data + i * stride + j;
uint16_t *dst_p = dst + i * dst_stride + j;
aom_highbd_convolve8_add_src(CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(data_p), stride,
CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(dst_p), dst_stride,
hkernel, 16, vkernel, 16, w, h, bit_depth);
static void loop_wiener_filter_highbd(uint8_t *data8, int width, int height,
int stride, RestorationInternal *rst,
int bit_depth, uint8_t *dst8,
int dst_stride) {
uint16_t *data = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(data8);
uint16_t *dst = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst8);
int tile_idx;
extend_frame_highbd(data, width, height, stride);
for (tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < rst->ntiles; ++tile_idx) {
loop_wiener_filter_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride, rst,
bit_depth, dst, dst_stride);
static void apply_selfguided_restoration_highbd(
uint16_t *dat, int width, int height, int stride, int bit_depth, int eps,
int *xqd, uint16_t *dst, int dst_stride, int32_t *tmpbuf) {
int xq[2];
int32_t *flt1 = tmpbuf;
int32_t *flt2 = flt1 + RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX;
int32_t *tmpbuf2 = flt2 + RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
assert(i * width + j < RESTORATION_TILEPELS_MAX);
flt1[i * width + j] = dat[i * stride + j];
flt2[i * width + j] = dat[i * stride + j];
av1_selfguided_restoration(flt1, width, height, width, bit_depth,
sgr_params[eps].r1, sgr_params[eps].e1, tmpbuf2);
av1_selfguided_restoration(flt2, width, height, width, bit_depth,
sgr_params[eps].r2, sgr_params[eps].e2, tmpbuf2);
decode_xq(xqd, xq);
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int k = i * width + j;
const int l = i * stride + j;
const int m = i * dst_stride + j;
const int32_t u = ((int32_t)dat[l] << SGRPROJ_RST_BITS);
const int32_t f1 = (int32_t)flt1[k] - u;
const int32_t f2 = (int32_t)flt2[k] - u;
const int64_t v = xq[0] * f1 + xq[1] * f2 + (u << SGRPROJ_PRJ_BITS);
const int16_t w =
dst[m] = (uint16_t)clip_pixel_highbd(w, bit_depth);
static void loop_sgrproj_filter_tile_highbd(uint16_t *data, int tile_idx,
int width, int height, int stride,
RestorationInternal *rst,
int bit_depth, uint16_t *dst,
int dst_stride) {
const int tile_width = rst->tile_width;
const int tile_height = rst->tile_height;
int h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end;
uint16_t *data_p, *dst_p;
if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_NONE) {
loop_copy_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, 0, 0, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
av1_get_rest_tile_limits(tile_idx, 0, 0, rst->nhtiles, rst->nvtiles,
tile_width, tile_height, width, height, 0, 0,
&h_start, &h_end, &v_start, &v_end);
data_p = data + h_start + v_start * stride;
dst_p = dst + h_start + v_start * dst_stride;
data_p, h_end - h_start, v_end - v_start, stride, bit_depth,
rst->rsi->sgrproj_info[tile_idx].ep, rst->rsi->sgrproj_info[tile_idx].xqd,
dst_p, dst_stride, rst->tmpbuf);
static void loop_sgrproj_filter_highbd(uint8_t *data8, int width, int height,
int stride, RestorationInternal *rst,
int bit_depth, uint8_t *dst8,
int dst_stride) {
int tile_idx;
uint16_t *data = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(data8);
uint16_t *dst = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst8);
for (tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < rst->ntiles; ++tile_idx) {
loop_sgrproj_filter_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride, rst,
bit_depth, dst, dst_stride);
static void apply_domaintxfmrf_hor_highbd(int iter, int param, uint16_t *img,
int width, int height, int img_stride,
int32_t *dat, int dat_stride,
int bd) {
const int shift = (bd - 8);
int i, j, acc, old_px;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
// left to right
acc = dat[i * dat_stride] * DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC;
dat[i * dat_stride] = acc;
old_px = img[i * img_stride] >> shift;
for (j = 1; j < width; ++j) {
const int cur_px = img[i * img_stride + j] >> shift;
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][abs(cur_px - old_px)];
acc = dat[i * dat_stride + j] * (DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC - v) +
((v * acc + DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC / 2) >>
dat[i * dat_stride + j] = acc;
old_px = cur_px;
// right to left
for (j = width - 2; j >= 0; --j) {
const int cur_px = img[i * img_stride + j] >> shift;
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][abs(cur_px - old_px)];
acc = (dat[i * dat_stride + j] * (DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC - v) +
dat[i * dat_stride + j] = acc;
old_px = cur_px;
static void apply_domaintxfmrf_ver_highbd(int iter, int param, uint16_t *img,
int width, int height, int img_stride,
int32_t *dat, int dat_stride,
int bd) {
const int shift = (bd - 8);
int i, j, acc, old_px;
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
// top to bottom
acc = dat[j];
old_px = img[j] >> shift;
for (i = 1; i < height; ++i) {
const int cur_px = img[i * img_stride + j] >> shift;
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][abs(cur_px - old_px)];
acc = (dat[i * dat_stride + j] * (DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC - v) +
(acc * v + DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC / 2)) >>
dat[i * dat_stride + j] = acc;
old_px = cur_px;
// bottom to top
dat[(height - 1) * dat_stride + j] =
for (i = height - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
const int cur_px = img[i * img_stride + j] >> shift;
const int v = domaintxfmrf_vtable[iter][param][abs(old_px - cur_px)];
acc = (dat[i * dat_stride + j] * (DOMAINTXFMRF_VTABLE_PREC - v) +
dat[i * dat_stride + j] =
old_px = cur_px;
void av1_domaintxfmrf_restoration_highbd(uint16_t *dgd, int width, int height,
int stride, int param, int bit_depth,
uint16_t *dst, int dst_stride,
int32_t *tmpbuf) {
int32_t *dat = tmpbuf;
int i, j, t;
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
dat[i * width + j] = dgd[i * stride + j];
for (t = 0; t < DOMAINTXFMRF_ITERS; ++t) {
apply_domaintxfmrf_hor_highbd(t, param, dgd, width, height, stride, dat,
width, bit_depth);
apply_domaintxfmrf_ver_highbd(t, param, dgd, width, height, stride, dat,
width, bit_depth);
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
dst[i * dst_stride + j] =
clip_pixel_highbd(dat[i * width + j], bit_depth);
static void loop_domaintxfmrf_filter_tile_highbd(
uint16_t *data, int tile_idx, int width, int height, int stride,
RestorationInternal *rst, int bit_depth, uint16_t *dst, int dst_stride) {
const int tile_width = rst->tile_width;
const int tile_height = rst->tile_height;
int h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end;
int32_t *tmpbuf = (int32_t *)rst->tmpbuf;
if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_NONE) {
loop_copy_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, 0, 0, width, height, stride, rst, dst,
av1_get_rest_tile_limits(tile_idx, 0, 0, rst->nhtiles, rst->nvtiles,
tile_width, tile_height, width, height, 0, 0,
&h_start, &h_end, &v_start, &v_end);
data + h_start + v_start * stride, h_end - h_start, v_end - v_start,
stride, rst->rsi->domaintxfmrf_info[tile_idx].sigma_r, bit_depth,
dst + h_start + v_start * dst_stride, dst_stride, tmpbuf);
static void loop_domaintxfmrf_filter_highbd(uint8_t *data8, int width,
int height, int stride,
RestorationInternal *rst,
int bit_depth, uint8_t *dst8,
int dst_stride) {
int tile_idx;
uint16_t *data = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(data8);
uint16_t *dst = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst8);
for (tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < rst->ntiles; ++tile_idx) {
loop_domaintxfmrf_filter_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride,
rst, bit_depth, dst, dst_stride);
static void loop_switchable_filter_highbd(uint8_t *data8, int width, int height,
int stride, RestorationInternal *rst,
int bit_depth, uint8_t *dst8,
int dst_stride) {
uint16_t *data = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(data8);
uint16_t *dst = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst8);
int tile_idx;
extend_frame_highbd(data, width, height, stride);
for (tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < rst->ntiles; ++tile_idx) {
if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_NONE) {
loop_copy_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, 0, 0, width, height, stride, rst,
dst, dst_stride);
} else if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_WIENER) {
loop_wiener_filter_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride, rst,
bit_depth, dst, dst_stride);
} else if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_SGRPROJ) {
loop_sgrproj_filter_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, width, height, stride,
rst, bit_depth, dst, dst_stride);
} else if (rst->rsi->restoration_type[tile_idx] == RESTORE_DOMAINTXFMRF) {
loop_domaintxfmrf_filter_tile_highbd(data, tile_idx, width, height,
stride, rst, bit_depth, dst,
static void loop_restoration_rows(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *frame, AV1_COMMON *cm,
int start_mi_row, int end_mi_row,
int components_pattern, RestorationInfo *rsi,
const int ywidth = frame->y_crop_width;
const int ystride = frame->y_stride;
const int uvwidth = frame->uv_crop_width;
const int uvstride = frame->uv_stride;
const int ystart = start_mi_row << MI_SIZE_LOG2;
const int uvstart = ystart >> cm->subsampling_y;
int yend = end_mi_row << MI_SIZE_LOG2;
int uvend = yend >> cm->subsampling_y;
restore_func_type restore_funcs[RESTORE_TYPES] = { NULL, loop_wiener_filter,
loop_switchable_filter };
restore_func_highbd_type restore_funcs_highbd[RESTORE_TYPES] = {
NULL, loop_wiener_filter_highbd, loop_sgrproj_filter_highbd,
loop_domaintxfmrf_filter_highbd, loop_switchable_filter_highbd
restore_func_type restore_func;
restore_func_highbd_type restore_func_highbd;
yend = AOMMIN(yend, cm->height);
uvend = AOMMIN(uvend, cm->subsampling_y ? (cm->height + 1) >> 1 : cm->height);
if (components_pattern == (1 << AOM_PLANE_Y)) {
// Only y
if (rsi[0].frame_restoration_type == RESTORE_NONE) {
if (dst) aom_yv12_copy_y(frame, dst);
} else if (components_pattern == (1 << AOM_PLANE_U)) {
// Only U
if (rsi[1].frame_restoration_type == RESTORE_NONE) {
if (dst) aom_yv12_copy_u(frame, dst);
} else if (components_pattern == (1 << AOM_PLANE_V)) {
// Only V
if (rsi[2].frame_restoration_type == RESTORE_NONE) {
if (dst) aom_yv12_copy_v(frame, dst);
} else if (components_pattern ==
((1 << AOM_PLANE_Y) | (1 << AOM_PLANE_U) | (1 << AOM_PLANE_V))) {
// All components
if (rsi[0].frame_restoration_type == RESTORE_NONE &&
rsi[1].frame_restoration_type == RESTORE_NONE &&
rsi[2].frame_restoration_type == RESTORE_NONE) {
if (dst) aom_yv12_copy_frame(frame, dst);
if (!dst) {
dst = &dst_;
memset(dst, 0, sizeof(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG));
if (aom_realloc_frame_buffer(
dst, cm->width, cm->height, cm->subsampling_x, cm->subsampling_y,
AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS, cm->byte_alignment, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0)
aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
"Failed to allocate restoration dst buffer");
if ((components_pattern >> AOM_PLANE_Y) & 1) {
if (rsi[0].frame_restoration_type != RESTORE_NONE) {
cm->rst_internal.ntiles = av1_get_rest_ntiles(
cm->width, cm->height, &cm->rst_internal.tile_width,
&cm->rst_internal.tile_height, &cm->rst_internal.nhtiles,
cm->rst_internal.rsi = &rsi[0];
restore_func =
restore_func_highbd =
if (cm->use_highbitdepth)
frame->y_buffer + ystart * ystride, ywidth, yend - ystart, ystride,
&cm->rst_internal, cm->bit_depth,
dst->y_buffer + ystart * dst->y_stride, dst->y_stride);
restore_func(frame->y_buffer + ystart * ystride, ywidth, yend - ystart,
ystride, &cm->rst_internal,
dst->y_buffer + ystart * dst->y_stride, dst->y_stride);
} else {
aom_yv12_copy_y(frame, dst);
if ((components_pattern >> AOM_PLANE_U) & 1) {
if (rsi[AOM_PLANE_U].frame_restoration_type != RESTORE_NONE) {
cm->rst_internal.ntiles = av1_get_rest_ntiles(
cm->width >> cm->subsampling_x, cm->height >> cm->subsampling_y,
&cm->rst_internal.tile_width, &cm->rst_internal.tile_height,
&cm->rst_internal.nhtiles, &cm->rst_internal.nvtiles);
cm->rst_internal.rsi = &rsi[AOM_PLANE_U];
restore_func =
restore_func_highbd =
if (cm->use_highbitdepth)
frame->u_buffer + uvstart * uvstride, uvwidth, uvend - uvstart,
uvstride, &cm->rst_internal, cm->bit_depth,
dst->u_buffer + uvstart * dst->uv_stride, dst->uv_stride);
restore_func(frame->u_buffer + uvstart * uvstride, uvwidth,
uvend - uvstart, uvstride, &cm->rst_internal,
dst->u_buffer + uvstart * dst->uv_stride, dst->uv_stride);
} else {
aom_yv12_copy_u(frame, dst);
if ((components_pattern >> AOM_PLANE_V) & 1) {
if (rsi[AOM_PLANE_V].frame_restoration_type != RESTORE_NONE) {
cm->rst_internal.ntiles = av1_get_rest_ntiles(
cm->width >> cm->subsampling_x, cm->height >> cm->subsampling_y,
&cm->rst_internal.tile_width, &cm->rst_internal.tile_height,
&cm->rst_internal.nhtiles, &cm->rst_internal.nvtiles);
cm->rst_internal.rsi = &rsi[AOM_PLANE_V];
restore_func =
restore_func_highbd =
if (cm->use_highbitdepth)
frame->v_buffer + uvstart * uvstride, uvwidth, uvend - uvstart,
uvstride, &cm->rst_internal, cm->bit_depth,
dst->v_buffer + uvstart * dst->uv_stride, dst->uv_stride);
restore_func(frame->v_buffer + uvstart * uvstride, uvwidth,
uvend - uvstart, uvstride, &cm->rst_internal,
dst->v_buffer + uvstart * dst->uv_stride, dst->uv_stride);
} else {
aom_yv12_copy_v(frame, dst);
if (dst == &dst_) {
if ((components_pattern >> AOM_PLANE_Y) & 1) aom_yv12_copy_y(dst, frame);
if ((components_pattern >> AOM_PLANE_U) & 1) aom_yv12_copy_u(dst, frame);
if ((components_pattern >> AOM_PLANE_V) & 1) aom_yv12_copy_v(dst, frame);
void av1_loop_restoration_frame(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *frame, AV1_COMMON *cm,
RestorationInfo *rsi, int components_pattern,
int partial_frame, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *dst) {
int start_mi_row, end_mi_row, mi_rows_to_filter;
start_mi_row = 0;
mi_rows_to_filter = cm->mi_rows;
if (partial_frame && cm->mi_rows > 8) {
start_mi_row = cm->mi_rows >> 1;
start_mi_row &= 0xfffffff8;
mi_rows_to_filter = AOMMAX(cm->mi_rows / 8, 8);
end_mi_row = start_mi_row + mi_rows_to_filter;
loop_restoration_init(&cm->rst_internal, cm->frame_type == KEY_FRAME);
loop_restoration_rows(frame, cm, start_mi_row, end_mi_row, components_pattern,
rsi, dst);