blob: 46846a90c18b9b39648fb57a8961506862547dbf [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 3-Clause Clear License
* and the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 3-Clause Clear
* License was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you
* can obtain it at If the
* Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this
* source code in the PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
/*!\defgroup decoder Decoder Algorithm Interface
* \ingroup codec
* This abstraction allows applications using this decoder to easily support
* multiple video formats with minimal code duplication. This section describes
* the interface common to all decoders.
* @{
* \brief Describes the decoder algorithm interface to applications.
* This file describes the interface between an application and a
* video decoder algorithm.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "aom/aom_codec.h"
#include "aom/aom_frame_buffer.h"
/*!\brief Current ABI version number
* \internal
* If this file is altered in any way that changes the ABI, this value
* must be bumped. Examples include, but are not limited to, changing
* types, removing or reassigning enums, adding/removing/rearranging
* fields to structures
(6 + AOM_CODEC_ABI_VERSION) /**<\hideinitializer*/
/*! \brief Decoder capabilities bitfield
* Each decoder advertises the capabilities it supports as part of its
* ::aom_codec_iface_t interface structure. Capabilities are extra interfaces
* or functionality, and are not required to be supported by a decoder.
* The available flags are specified by AOM_CODEC_CAP_* defines.
/*!brief Can support external frame buffers */
/*! \brief Initialization-time Feature Enabling
* Certain codec features must be known at initialization time, to allow for
* proper memory allocation.
* The available flags are specified by AOM_CODEC_USE_* defines.
/*!\brief Stream properties
* This structure is used to query or set properties of the decoded
* stream.
typedef struct aom_codec_stream_info {
unsigned int w; /**< Width (or 0 for unknown/default) */
unsigned int h; /**< Height (or 0 for unknown/default) */
unsigned int is_kf; /**< Current frame is a keyframe */
unsigned int number_spatial_layers; /**< Number of spatial layers */
unsigned int number_temporal_layers; /**< Number of temporal layers */
unsigned int is_annexb; /**< Is Bitstream in Annex-B format */
} aom_codec_stream_info_t;
* The following functions are required to be implemented for all decoders.
* They represent the base case functionality expected of all decoders.
/*!\brief Initialization Configurations
* This structure is used to pass init time configuration options to the
* decoder.
typedef struct aom_codec_dec_cfg {
unsigned int threads; /**< Maximum number of threads to use, default 1 */
unsigned int w; /**< Width */
unsigned int h; /**< Height */
} aom_codec_dec_cfg_t; /**< alias for struct aom_codec_dec_cfg */
/*!\brief Initialize a decoder instance
* Initializes a decoder context using the given interface. Applications
* should call the aom_codec_dec_init convenience macro instead of this
* function directly, to ensure that the ABI version number parameter
* is properly initialized.
* If the library was configured with cmake -DCONFIG_MULTITHREAD=0, this
* call is not thread safe and should be guarded with a lock if being used
* in a multithreaded context.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context.
* \param[in] iface Pointer to the algorithm interface to use.
* \param[in] cfg Configuration to use, if known. May be NULL.
* \param[in] flags Bitfield of AOM_CODEC_USE_* flags
* \param[in] ver ABI version number. Must be set to
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_OK
* The decoder algorithm initialized.
* Memory allocation failed.
aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_dec_init_ver(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx,
aom_codec_iface_t *iface,
const aom_codec_dec_cfg_t *cfg,
aom_codec_flags_t flags, int ver);
/*!\brief Convenience macro for aom_codec_dec_init_ver()
* Ensures the ABI version parameter is properly set.
#define aom_codec_dec_init(ctx, iface, cfg, flags) \
aom_codec_dec_init_ver(ctx, iface, cfg, flags, AOM_DECODER_ABI_VERSION)
/*!\brief Parse stream info from a buffer
* Performs high level parsing of the bitstream. Construction of a decoder
* context is not necessary. Can be used to determine if the bitstream is
* of the proper format, and to extract information from the stream.
* \param[in] iface Pointer to the algorithm interface
* \param[in] data Pointer to a block of data to parse
* \param[in] data_sz Size of the data buffer
* \param[in,out] si Pointer to stream info to update. The is_annexb
* member \ref MUST be properly initialized. This
* function sets the rest of the members.
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_OK
* Bitstream is parsable and stream information updated.
* One of the arguments is invalid, for example a NULL pointer.
* The decoder didn't recognize the coded data, or the
* buffer was too short.
aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_peek_stream_info(aom_codec_iface_t *iface,
const uint8_t *data, size_t data_sz,
aom_codec_stream_info_t *si);
/*!\brief Return information about the current stream.
* Returns information about the stream that has been parsed during decoding.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context
* \param[in,out] si Pointer to stream info to update.
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_OK
* Bitstream is parsable and stream information updated.
* One of the arguments is invalid, for example a NULL pointer.
* The decoder couldn't parse the submitted data.
aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_get_stream_info(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx,
aom_codec_stream_info_t *si);
/*!\brief Decode data
* Processes a buffer of coded data. Encoded data \ref MUST be passed in DTS
* (decode time stamp) order. Frames produced will always be in PTS
* (presentation time stamp) order.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context
* \param[in] data Pointer to this block of new coded data.
* \param[in] data_sz Size of the coded data, in bytes.
* \param[in] user_priv Application specific data to associate with
* this frame.
* \return Returns #AOM_CODEC_OK if the coded data was processed completely
* and future pictures can be decoded without error. Otherwise,
* see the descriptions of the other error codes in ::aom_codec_err_t
* for recoverability capabilities.
aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_decode(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx, const uint8_t *data,
size_t data_sz, void *user_priv);
/*!\brief Decoded frames iterator
* Iterates over a list of the frames available for display. The iterator
* storage should be initialized to NULL to start the iteration. Iteration is
* complete when this function returns NULL.
* The list of available frames becomes valid upon completion of the
* aom_codec_decode call, and remains valid until the next call to
* aom_codec_decode.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context
* \param[in,out] iter Iterator storage, initialized to NULL
* \return Returns a pointer to an image, if one is ready for display. Frames
* produced will always be in PTS (presentation time stamp) order.
aom_image_t *aom_codec_get_frame(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx, aom_codec_iter_t *iter);
/*!\brief Decoded frames peek
* Peeks the next frame from a list of the frames available for display.
* The iterator points to the index of the frame to peek, but does not
* increment it.
* The list of available frames becomes valid upon completion of the
* aom_codec_decode call, and remains valid until the next call to
* aom_codec_decode.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context
* \param[in,out] iter Iterator storage, initialized to NULL
* \return Returns a pointer to an image, if one is ready for display. Frames
* produced will always be in PTS (presentation time stamp) order.
aom_image_t *aom_codec_peek_frame(aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx, aom_codec_iter_t *iter);
/*!\defgroup cap_external_frame_buffer External Frame Buffer Functions
* The following function is required to be implemented for all decoders
* that advertise the AOM_CODEC_CAP_EXTERNAL_FRAME_BUFFER capability.
* Calling this function for codecs that don't advertise this capability
* will result in an error code being returned, usually AOM_CODEC_INCAPABLE.
* @{
/*!\brief Pass in external frame buffers for the decoder to use.
* Registers functions to be called when libaom needs a frame buffer
* to decode the current frame and a function to be called when libaom does
* not internally reference the frame buffer. This set function must
* be called before the first call to decode or libaom will assume the
* default behavior of allocating frame buffers internally.
* \param[in] ctx Pointer to this instance's context
* \param[in] cb_get Pointer to the get callback function
* \param[in] cb_release Pointer to the release callback function
* \param[in] cb_priv Callback's private data
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_OK
* External frame buffers will be used by libaom.
* One or more of the callbacks were NULL.
* \retval #AOM_CODEC_ERROR
* Decoder context not initialized.
* Algorithm not capable of using external frame buffers.
* \note
* When decoding AV1, the application may be required to pass in at least
* #AOM_MAXIMUM_WORK_BUFFERS external frame buffers.
aom_codec_err_t aom_codec_set_frame_buffer_functions(
aom_codec_ctx_t *ctx, aom_get_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb_get,
aom_release_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb_release, void *cb_priv);
/*!@} - end defgroup cap_external_frame_buffer */
/*!@} - end defgroup decoder*/
#ifdef __cplusplus