blob: d94bc141733e39a814345643be96b115670b1c7d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 3-Clause Clear License
* and the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 3-Clause Clear
* License was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you
* can obtain it at If the
* Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this
* source code in the PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "tools/lanczos/lanczos_resample.h"
#define Y4M_HDR_MAX_LEN 256
#define Y4M_HDR_MAX_WORDS 16
#define CFG_MAX_LEN 256
#define CFG_MAX_WORDS 5
// Usage:
// lanczos_resample_y4m
// [<Options>]
// <y4m_input>
// <num_frames>
// <horz_resampling_config>
// <vert_resampling_config>
// <y4m_output>
// [<outwidth>x<outheight>]
static void usage_and_exit(char *prog) {
printf(" %s\n", prog);
printf(" [<Options>]\n");
printf(" <y4m_input>\n");
printf(" <num_frames>\n");
printf(" <horz_resampling_config>\n");
printf(" <vert_resampling_config>\n");
printf(" <y4m_output>\n");
printf(" [<outwidth>x<outheight>]\n");
printf(" \n");
printf(" Notes:\n");
printf(" <Options> are optional switches prefixed by '-' as follows:\n");
printf(" -bit:<n> - providing bits for filter taps\n");
printf(" [default: 14]\n");
printf(" -ieb:<n> - providing intermediate extra bits of\n");
printf(" prec between horz and vert filtering\n");
printf(" clamped to maximum of (15 - bitdepth)\n");
printf(" [default: 2]\n");
printf(" -ext:<ext_type> - providing the extension type\n");
printf(" <ext_type> is one of:\n");
printf(" 'r' or 'rep' (Repeat)\n");
printf(" 's' or 'sym' (Symmetric)\n");
printf(" 'f' or 'ref' (Reflect/Mirror-whole)\n");
printf(" 'g' or 'gra' (Grafient preserving)\n");
printf(" [default: 'r']\n");
printf(" -win:<win_type> - providing the windowing function type\n");
printf(" <win_type> is one of:\n");
printf(" 'lanczos' (Repeat)\n");
printf(" 'lanczos_dil' (Symmetric)\n");
printf(" 'gaussian' (Gaussian)\n");
printf(" 'gengaussian' (Generalized Gaussian)\n");
printf(" 'cosine' (Cosine)\n");
printf(" 'hamming (Hamming)\n");
printf(" 'blackman (Blackman)\n");
printf(" 'kaiser (Kaiser)\n");
printf(" [default: 'lanczos']\n");
printf(" \n");
printf(" <y4m_input> is the input video in Y4M format\n");
printf(" <y4m_output> is the output video in Y4M format\n");
printf(" <num_frames> is number of frames to be processed\n");
printf(" <horz_resampling_config> and <vert_resampling_config>\n");
printf(" are of the form:\n");
printf(" <p>:<q>:<Lanczos_a>[:<x0>] where:\n");
printf(" <p>/<q> gives the resampling ratio.\n");
printf(" <Lanczos_a> is Lanczos parameter.\n");
printf(" <x0> is the optional initial offset\n");
printf(" [default: centered]\n");
printf(" If used, it can be a number in (-1, 1),\n");
printf(" or 'c' meaning centered.\n");
printf(" which is a shortcut for x0 = (q-p)/(2p)\n");
printf(" or 'd' meaning co-sited chroma with centered\n");
printf(" luma for use only on sub-sampled chroma,\n");
printf(" which is a shortcut for x0 = (q-p)/(4p)\n");
printf(" The field can be prefixed by 'i' meaning\n");
printf(" using the inverse of the number provided,\n");
printf(" If it is desired to provide different config parameters\n");
printf(" for luma and chroma, the <Lanczos_a> and <x0> fields\n");
printf(" could be optionally converted to a pair of\n");
printf(" comma-separated parameters as follows:\n");
printf(" <p>:<q>:<Lanczos_al>,<lanczos_ac>[:<x0l>,<x0c>]\n");
printf(" where <Lanczos_al> and <lanczos_ac> are\n");
printf(" luma and chroma lanczos parameters\n");
printf(" <x0l> and <x0c> are\n");
printf(" luma and chroma initial offsets\n");
printf(" <outwidth>x<outheight> is output video dimensions\n");
printf(" only needed in case of upsampling\n");
printf(" Resampling config of 1:1:1:0 horizontally or vertically\n");
printf(" is regarded as a no-op in that direction\n");
static int parse_dim(char *v, int *width, int *height) {
char *x = strchr(v, 'x');
if (x == NULL) x = strchr(v, 'X');
if (x == NULL) return 0;
*width = atoi(v);
*height = atoi(&x[1]);
if (*width <= 0 || *height <= 0)
return 0;
return 1;
static int split_words(char *buf, char delim, int nmax, char **words) {
char *y = buf;
char *x;
int n = 0;
while ((x = strchr(y, delim)) != NULL) {
*x = 0;
words[n++] = y;
if (n == nmax) return n;
y = x + 1;
words[n++] = y;
assert(n > 0 && n <= nmax);
return n;
static void join_words(char *dest, int len, char **words, int nwords) {
for (int i = 0; i < nwords; ++i) {
strncat(dest, " ", len - strlen(dest));
strncat(dest, words[i], len - strlen(dest));
static int parse_rational_config(char *cfg, int *p, int *q, int *a,
double *x0) {
char cfgbuf[CFG_MAX_LEN];
strncpy(cfgbuf, cfg, CFG_MAX_LEN - 1);
char *cfgwords[CFG_MAX_WORDS];
const int ncfgwords = split_words(cfgbuf, ':', CFG_MAX_WORDS, cfgwords);
if (ncfgwords < 3) return 0;
*p = atoi(cfgwords[0]);
*q = atoi(cfgwords[1]);
if (*p <= 0 || *q <= 0) return 0;
char *aparams[2];
const int naparams = split_words(cfgwords[2], ',', 2, aparams);
assert(naparams > 0);
for (int k = 0; k < naparams; ++k) {
a[k] = atoi(aparams[k]);
if (a[k] <= 0) return 0;
if (naparams == 1) a[1] = a[0];
// Set defaults
x0[0] = x0[1] = (double)('c');
if (ncfgwords > 3) {
char *x0params[2];
const int nx0params = split_words(cfgwords[3], ',', 2, x0params);
for (int k = 0; k < nx0params; ++k) {
if (!strcmp(x0params[k], "c") || !strcmp(x0params[k], "ic"))
x0[k] = (double)('c');
else if (!strcmp(x0params[k], "d") || !strcmp(x0params[k], "id"))
x0[k] = (double)('d');
else if (x0params[k][0] == 'i')
x0[k] = get_inverse_x0_numeric(*q, *p, atof(&x0params[k][1]));
x0[k] = atof(&x0params[k][0]);
if (nx0params == 1) x0[1] = x0[0];
return 1;
static int get_options(char *argv[], int *bit, int *ebit, EXT_TYPE *ext_type,
WIN_TYPE *win_type) {
int n = 1;
while (argv[n][0] == '-') {
if (!strncmp(argv[n], "-bit:", 5)) {
*bit = atoi(argv[n] + 5);
} else if (!strncmp(argv[n], "-ieb:", 5)) {
*ebit = atoi(argv[n] + 5);
} else if (!strncmp(argv[n], "-ext:", 5)) {
*ext_type = EXT_REPEAT;
const char *word = argv[n] + 5;
if (!strcmp(word, "S") || !strcmp(word, "s") || !strcmp(word, "sym"))
*ext_type = EXT_SYMMETRIC;
else if (!strcmp(word, "F") || !strcmp(word, "f") || !strcmp(word, "ref"))
*ext_type = EXT_REFLECT;
else if (!strcmp(word, "R") || !strcmp(word, "r") || !strcmp(word, "rep"))
*ext_type = EXT_REPEAT;
else if (!strcmp(word, "G") || !strcmp(word, "g") || !strcmp(word, "gra"))
*ext_type = EXT_GRADIENT;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown extension type, using default\n");
} else if (!strncmp(argv[n], "-win:", 5)) {
*win_type = WIN_LANCZOS;
const char *word = argv[n] + 5;
if (!strcmp(word, "lanczos"))
*win_type = WIN_LANCZOS;
else if (!strcmp(word, "lanczos_dil"))
*win_type = WIN_LANCZOS_DIL;
else if (!strcmp(word, "gaussian"))
*win_type = WIN_GAUSSIAN;
else if (!strcmp(word, "gengaussian"))
*win_type = WIN_GENGAUSSIAN;
else if (!strcmp(word, "cosine"))
*win_type = WIN_COSINE;
else if (!strcmp(word, "hamming"))
*win_type = WIN_HAMMING;
else if (!strcmp(word, "blackman"))
*win_type = WIN_BLACKMAN;
else if (!strcmp(word, "kaiser"))
*win_type = WIN_KAISER;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown window type, using default\n");
return n - 1;
static void get_resampled_hdr(char *dest, int len, char **words, int nwords,
int width, int height) {
snprintf(dest, len, "YUV4MPEG2 W%d H%d", width, height);
join_words(dest, len, words + 3, nwords - 3);
static int parse_info(char *hdrwords[], int nhdrwords, int *width, int *height,
int *bitdepth, int *subx, int *suby) {
*bitdepth = 8;
*subx = 1;
*suby = 1;
if (nhdrwords < 4) return 0;
if (strcmp(hdrwords[0], "YUV4MPEG2")) return 0;
if (sscanf(hdrwords[1], "W%d", width) != 1) return 0;
if (sscanf(hdrwords[2], "H%d", height) != 1) return 0;
if (hdrwords[3][0] != 'F') return 0;
for (int i = 4; i < nhdrwords; ++i) {
if (!strncmp(hdrwords[i], "C420", 4)) {
*subx = 1;
*suby = 1;
if (hdrwords[i][4] == 'p') *bitdepth = atoi(&hdrwords[i][5]);
} else if (!strncmp(hdrwords[i], "C422", 4)) {
*subx = 1;
*suby = 0;
if (hdrwords[i][4] == 'p') *bitdepth = atoi(&hdrwords[i][5]);
} else if (!strncmp(hdrwords[i], "C444", 4)) {
*subx = 0;
*suby = 0;
if (hdrwords[i][4] == 'p') *bitdepth = atoi(&hdrwords[i][5]);
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int extra_bits = DEF_EXTRA_PREC_BITS;
RationalResampleFilter horz_rf[2], vert_rf[2];
int ywidth, yheight;
if (argc < 6) {
printf("Not enough arguments\n");
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h") ||
!strcmp(argv[1], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--h"))
const int opts = get_options(argv, &bits, &extra_bits, &ext, &win);
if (argc < 6 + opts) {
printf("Not enough arguments\n");
char *y4m_input = argv[opts + 1];
char *y4m_output = argv[opts + 5];
char hdr[Y4M_HDR_MAX_LEN];
int nhdrwords;
char *hdrwords[Y4M_HDR_MAX_WORDS];
FILE *fin = fopen(y4m_input, "rb");
if (!fgets(hdr, sizeof(hdr), fin)) {
printf("Invalid y4m file %s\n", y4m_input);
// printf("header = %s\n", hdr);
nhdrwords = split_words(hdr, ' ', Y4M_HDR_MAX_WORDS, hdrwords);
int subx, suby;
int bitdepth;
if (!parse_info(hdrwords, nhdrwords, &ywidth, &yheight, &bitdepth, &suby,
&subx)) {
printf("Could not parse header from %s\n", y4m_input);
const int bytes_per_pel = (bitdepth + 7) / 8;
int num_frames = atoi(argv[opts + 2]);
int horz_p, horz_q, vert_p, vert_q;
int horz_a[2], vert_a[2];
double horz_x0[2], vert_x0[2];
if (!parse_rational_config(argv[opts + 3], &horz_p, &horz_q, horz_a,
horz_x0)) {
printf("Could not parse horz resampling config\n");
if (!parse_rational_config(argv[opts + 4], &vert_p, &vert_q, vert_a,
vert_x0)) {
printf("Could not parse vert resampling config\n");
const int uvwidth = subx ? (ywidth + 1) >> 1 : ywidth;
const int uvheight = suby ? (yheight + 1) >> 1 : yheight;
const int ysize = ywidth * yheight;
const int uvsize = uvwidth * uvheight;
int rywidth = 0, ryheight = 0;
if (horz_p > horz_q || vert_p > vert_q) {
if (argc < 7 + opts) {
printf("Upsampled output dimensions must be provided\n");
// Read output dim if one of the dimensions use upscaling
if (!parse_dim(argv[opts + 6], &rywidth, &ryheight))
if (horz_p <= horz_q)
rywidth = get_resampled_output_length(ywidth, horz_p, horz_q, subx);
if (vert_p <= vert_q)
ryheight = get_resampled_output_length(yheight, vert_p, vert_q, suby);
printf("InputSize: %dx%d -> OutputSize: %dx%d\n", ywidth, yheight, rywidth,
char rhdr[Y4M_HDR_MAX_LEN];
get_resampled_hdr(rhdr, Y4M_HDR_MAX_LEN, hdrwords, nhdrwords, rywidth,
// printf("Resampled header = %s\n", rhdr);
FILE *fout = fopen(y4m_output, "wb");
fwrite(rhdr, strlen(rhdr), 1, fout);
const int ruvwidth = subx ? (rywidth + 1) >> 1 : rywidth;
const int ruvheight = suby ? (ryheight + 1) >> 1 : ryheight;
const int rysize = rywidth * ryheight;
const int ruvsize = ruvwidth * ruvheight;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
if (!get_resample_filter(horz_p, horz_q, horz_a[k], horz_x0[k], ext, win,
subx, bits, &horz_rf[k])) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot generate filter, exiting!\n");
// show_resample_filter(&horz_rf[k]);
if (!get_resample_filter(vert_p, vert_q, vert_a[k], vert_x0[k], ext, win,
suby, bits, &vert_rf[k])) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot generate filter, exiting!\n");
// show_resample_filter(&vert_rf[k]);
uint8_t *inbuf =
(uint8_t *)malloc((ysize + 2 * uvsize) * bytes_per_pel * sizeof(uint8_t));
uint8_t *outbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc((rysize + 2 * ruvsize) * bytes_per_pel *
ClipProfile clip = { bitdepth, 0 };
char frametag[] = "FRAME\n";
for (int n = 0; n < num_frames; ++n) {
char intag[8];
if (fread(intag, 6, 1, fin) != 1) break;
intag[6] = 0;
if (strcmp(intag, frametag)) {
printf("could not read frame from %s\n", y4m_input);
if (fread(inbuf, (ysize + 2 * uvsize) * bytes_per_pel, 1, fin) != 1) break;
if (bytes_per_pel == 1) {
uint8_t *s = inbuf;
uint8_t *r = outbuf;
resample_2d_8b(s, ywidth, yheight, ywidth, &horz_rf[0], &vert_rf[0],
extra_bits, &clip, r, rywidth, ryheight, rywidth);
s += ysize;
r += rysize;
resample_2d_8b(s, uvwidth, uvheight, uvwidth, &horz_rf[1], &vert_rf[1],
extra_bits, &clip, r, ruvwidth, ruvheight, ruvwidth);
s += uvsize;
r += ruvsize;
resample_2d_8b(s, uvwidth, uvheight, uvwidth, &horz_rf[1], &vert_rf[1],
extra_bits, &clip, r, ruvwidth, ruvheight, ruvwidth);
} else {
int16_t *s = (int16_t *)inbuf;
int16_t *r = (int16_t *)outbuf;
resample_2d(s, ywidth, yheight, ywidth, &horz_rf[0], &vert_rf[0],
extra_bits, &clip, r, rywidth, ryheight, rywidth);
s += ysize;
r += rysize;
resample_2d(s, uvwidth, uvheight, uvwidth, &horz_rf[1], &vert_rf[1],
extra_bits, &clip, r, ruvwidth, ruvheight, ruvwidth);
s += uvsize;
r += ruvsize;
resample_2d(s, uvwidth, uvheight, uvwidth, &horz_rf[1], &vert_rf[1],
extra_bits, &clip, r, ruvwidth, ruvheight, ruvwidth);
fwrite(frametag, 6, 1, fout);
fwrite(outbuf, (rysize + 2 * ruvsize) * bytes_per_pel, 1, fout);