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#!/usr/bin/env python3
## Copyright (c) 2023, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
## This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 3-Clause Clear License and the
## Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 3-Clause Clear License was
## not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can obtain it
## at If the Alliance for Open Media Patent
## License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the PATENTS file, you
## can obtain it at
"""Wrapper classes around AVM Frame proto and its sub-messages."""
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator
import dataclasses
import enum
import functools
import itertools
import pathlib
from avm_stats import avm_frame_pb2
from avm_stats import yuv_tools
import numpy as np
class Symbol:
"""Wrapper class around protobuf Symbol."""
def __init__(self, frame: Frame, proto: avm_frame_pb2.Symbol):
self.frame = frame
self.proto = proto = frame.proto.symbol_info[proto.info_id]
def source_file(self) -> str:
def source_line(self) -> int:
def source_function(self) -> str:
def bits(self) -> float:
return self.proto.bits
# Used to filter out a specific class of symbols from the bitstream's symbol
# dump.
SymbolFilter = Callable[[Symbol], bool]
class Plane(enum.IntEnum):
# Luma component
Y = 0
# Chroma blue component
U = 1
# Chroma red component
V = 2
def is_chroma(self) -> bool:
return self == Plane.U or self == Plane.V
def subsample_dimension(dimension: int, plane: Plane) -> int:
"""Converts a pixel count to a sample count to do 4:2:0 chroma subsampling."""
if plane.is_chroma():
return (dimension + 1) // 2
return dimension
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class PlaneBuffer:
"""Sample buffer for one plane of one frame.
Since this object represents only a single plane, the data stored within it
is technically "samples" and not "pixels" (a pixel is composed of samples
from multiple planes). However, this data is sometimes colloquially referred
to as "pixels" within libavm and in other contexts.
frame: Frame object that these samples belong to.
plane: Whether these samples are luma, chroma U, or chroma V.
width: Width of the sample data for this plane.
height: Height of the sample data for this plane.
original: Optional numpy array of original samples, before encoding. Since
the original samples are not always available, this field is optional.
prediction: Numpy array of intra or inter predicted samples.
pre_filtered: Numpy array of reconstructed samples BEFORE post-processing
filters (deblocking filter, CDEF, LR).
reconstruction: Numpy array of reconstructed samples AFTER post-processing
residual: Numpy array of residual samples (i.e. input to the DCT transform).
filter_delta: Numpy array of the difference between pre and post filtered
distortion: Optional numpy array of the error/distortion (i.e. difference
between original YUV and reconstructed YUV). Since the original samples
are not always available, this field is optional.
frame: Frame
plane: Plane
width: int
height: int
original: np.ndarray | None
prediction: np.ndarray
pre_filtered: np.ndarray
reconstruction: np.ndarray
residual: np.ndarray
filter_delta: np.ndarray
distortion: np.ndarray | None
def _copy_samples_from_proto(
frame: Frame, plane: Plane, proto_field: str
) -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Returns an Optional numpy array of samples copied from a proto.
frame: The frame owning the proto to copy samples from.
plane: Which plane to copy samples from.
proto_field: Which class of samples to copy from the proto, e.g. "original"
or "reconstruction".
width = subsample_dimension(frame.width, plane)
height = subsample_dimension(frame.height, plane)
dtype = np.uint8 if frame.bit_depth == 8 else np.uint16
samples = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=dtype)
# Sample data is stored at the superblock level within the proto. Loop over
# these to reconstruct the entire plane. Note that although the proto field is
# named "pixel_data", it's specifically sample data in this context.
for superblock in frame.proto.superblocks:
if not superblock.pixel_data[plane].HasField(proto_field):
return None
superblock_plane = getattr(superblock.pixel_data[plane], proto_field)
sb_width = superblock.size.width
sb_height = superblock.size.height
sb_x = superblock.position.x
sb_y = superblock.position.y
if plane.is_chroma():
sb_width = sb_width // 2
sb_height = sb_height // 2
sb_x = sb_x // 2
sb_y = sb_y // 2
# Clip current superblock to frame dimensions.
sb_width_clipped = min(sb_width, width - sb_x)
sb_height_clipped = min(sb_height, height - sb_y)
pixels_width = superblock_plane.width
pixels_height = superblock_plane.height
superblock_samples = np.array(superblock_plane.pixels).reshape(
(pixels_height, pixels_width)
)[:sb_height_clipped, :sb_width_clipped]
samples[sb_y : sb_y + sb_height_clipped, sb_x : sb_x + sb_width_clipped] = (
return samples
def _create_plane_buffer(frame: Frame, plane: Plane) -> PlaneBuffer:
"""Creates PlaneBuffer object storing different classes of raw sample data.
frame: The frame owning the proto we're copying samples from.
plane: Which plane to copy samples from.
PlaneBuffer containing raw samples at various stages in the codec pipeline.
width = subsample_dimension(frame.width, plane)
height = subsample_dimension(frame.height, plane)
# Note: original YUV data (i.e. the source YUV before encoding) is not always
# available, so this might be None.
original = _copy_samples_from_proto(frame, plane, "original")
prediction = _copy_samples_from_proto(frame, plane, "prediction")
pre_filtered = _copy_samples_from_proto(frame, plane, "pre_filtered")
reconstruction = _copy_samples_from_proto(frame, plane, "reconstruction")
assert prediction is not None
assert pre_filtered is not None
assert reconstruction is not None
# Even for 8-bit frames, 16 bits are needed for the deltas, since the range is
# [-255, 255].
residual = pre_filtered.astype(np.int16) - prediction
filter_delta = reconstruction.astype(np.int16) - pre_filtered
# Since distortion is computed from the original, this might also be None.
distortion = (
original.astype(np.int16) - reconstruction
if original is not None
else None
return PlaneBuffer(
class Rectangle:
"""Represents a 2d position and size.
left_x: Position of left edge, in pixel units.
top_y: Position of top edge, in pixel units.
width: Width, in pixel units.
height: Height, in pixel units.
left_x: float
top_y: float
width: float
height: float
def center_x(self) -> float:
"""The x coordinate of the center, in pixel units."""
return self.left_x + self.width / 2
def center_y(self) -> float:
"""The y coordinate of the center, in pixel units."""
return self.top_y + self.height / 2
def right_x(self) -> float:
"""The x coordinate of the right edge, in pixel units."""
return self.left_x + self.width
def bottom_y(self) -> float:
"""The y coordinate of the bottom edge, in pixel units."""
return self.top_y + self.height
class Block2d(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Abstract class for representing an object that has a 2D position and size.
rect: Bounding box rectangle of this object.
clipped_rect: Bounding box rectangle of this object, clipped to the
boundaries of the frame that contains it.
def rect(self) -> Rectangle:
def clipped_rect(self) -> Rectangle:
class CodingUnit(Block2d):
"""Wrapper class around protobuf CodingUnit.
frame: Frame object that owns this coding unit.
superblock: Superblock object that owns this coding unit.
proto: Protobuf representation of this coding unit.
rect: Bounding box of this coding unit, in pixel units.
clipped_rect: Bounding box of this coding unit, in pixel units, clipped to
the boundaries of the frame. Coding units along the right or bottom edges
of a frame may extend past its width and height, so clipped_rect will
compensate for that.
def __init__(
frame: Frame,
superblock: Superblock,
proto: avm_frame_pb2.CodingUnit,
self.frame = frame
self.superblock = superblock
self.proto = proto
def rect(self) -> Rectangle:
return Rectangle(
def clipped_rect(self) -> Rectangle:
return self.frame.clip_rect(self.rect)
def get_transform_rects(self) -> Iterator[Rectangle]:
"""Yields the bounding boxes of all transform units within this coding unit."""
# Note: this always uses transform_planes[0]. For luma coding units, there
# will be exactly one transform plane. For chroma, there will be exactly
# two, but both will have the same structure.
for tx in self.proto.transform_planes[0].transform_units:
yield Rectangle(
def get_symbols(self, filt: SymbolFilter | None = None) -> Iterable[Symbol]:
"""Yields all bitstream symbols associated with this CodingUnit.
filt: Optional filter to apply to the returned symbols, e.g. to get
symbols associated with some specific part of the decoding pipeline.
wrapped = functools.partial(Symbol, self.frame)
symbol_slice = map(
if filt:
yield from filter(filt, symbol_slice)
yield from symbol_slice
def is_chroma_block(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether this block is a chroma block."""
# In AV2, luma and chroma partition trees are stored separately because of
# SDP (semi-decoupled partitioning). For consistency, luma and chroma are
# always stored in separate partition trees in the proto, even when SDP is
# disabled. The chroma partition tree is identical to the luma partition
# tree in this case.
return len(self.proto.transform_planes) == _NUM_PLANES_CHROMA
def uses_palette_prediction(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether this block uses the palette prediction mode."""
if self.is_chroma_block():
return self.proto.prediction_mode.uv_palette_count > 0
return self.proto.prediction_mode.palette_count > 0
def get_prediction_mode(self) -> str:
"""Returns the name of the prediction mode for this block."""
# Palette mode is a special case; it gets coded as DC_PRED in the bitstream,
# but is a distinct prediction mode.
if self.uses_palette_prediction():
if self.is_chroma_block():
mode = self.proto.prediction_mode.uv_mode
mode_mapping = self.frame.proto.enum_mappings.uv_prediction_mode_mapping
mode = self.proto.prediction_mode.mode
mode_mapping = self.frame.proto.enum_mappings.prediction_mode_mapping
if mode in mode_mapping:
return mode_mapping[mode]
class Superblock(Block2d):
"""Wrapper class around protobuf Superblock.
frame: Frame object that owns this coding unit.
proto: Protobuf representation of this superblock.
coding_units_luma: List of all coding units within this superblock for the
luma plane.
coding_units_chroma: List of all coding units within this superblock for the
chroma planes.
qindex: Quantization index for this superblock.
rect: Bounding box of this superblock, in pixel units.
clipped_rect: Bounding box of this superblock, in pixel units, clipped to
the boundaries of the frame. Superblocks along the right or bottom edges
of a frame may extend past its width and height, so clipped_rect will
compensate for that.
def __init__(self, frame: Frame, proto: avm_frame_pb2.Superblock):
self.frame = frame
self.proto = proto
self.coding_units_shared = [
CodingUnit(frame, self, cu) for cu in proto.coding_units_shared
self.coding_units_chroma = [
CodingUnit(frame, self, cu) for cu in proto.coding_units_chroma
def qindex(self) -> int:
# TODO(comc): qindex can only vary by superblock, not by coding
# unit, so this field could be promoted to the Superblock message.
return self.coding_units_luma[0].proto.qindex
def rect(self) -> Rectangle:
return Rectangle(
def clipped_rect(self) -> Rectangle:
return self.frame.clip_rect(self.rect)
def get_coding_units(
self, *, use_chroma: bool = False
) -> Iterator[CodingUnit]:
"""Get all coding units for this superblock.
use_chroma: If True, returns the chroma coding units rather than luma.
Luma or chroma coding units contained within this superblock.
if use_chroma:
yield from self.coding_units_chroma
yield from self.coding_units_shared
def get_partition_rects(
self, use_chroma: bool = False
) -> Iterator[Rectangle]:
"""Get bounding boxes for all coding units within this frame.
use_chroma: Use the chroma partition tree rather than luma.
Bounding boxes for the leaf nodes (i.e. coding units) of this superblock's
partition tree.
for cu in self.get_coding_units(use_chroma=use_chroma):
yield cu.rect
def get_transform_rects(
self, *, use_chroma: bool = False
) -> Iterator[Rectangle]:
"""Get bounding boxes for all transform units within this frame.
use_chroma: Use the chroma partition tree rather than luma.
Bounding boxes for all transform units within the coding units of this
for cu in self.get_coding_units(use_chroma=use_chroma):
yield from cu.get_transform_rects()
def get_bits_per_coding_unit(
filt: SymbolFilter | None = None,
use_chroma: bool = False,
) -> Iterator[float]:
"""Maps each coding unit to a number of bits used to encode it.
For each coding unit within this superblock, add up the number of fractional
bits that were used to encode its symbols in the bitstream.
filt: Optional filter to apply to each symbol, e.g. to count the bits used
for some specific class of symbol.
use_chroma: If True, look at chroma coding units rather than luma.
Fractional bit counts, one for each coding unit within this superblock.
yield from (
sum(sym.bits for sym in cu.get_symbols(filt))
for cu in self.get_coding_units(use_chroma=use_chroma)
def get_total_bits(
filt: SymbolFilter | None = None,
use_chroma: bool = False,
) -> float:
"""Counts the total number of bits used to encode this superblock.
filt: Optional filter to apply to each symbol, e.g. to count the bits used
for some specific class of symbol.
use_chroma: If True, look at chroma coding units rather than luma.
Total bit count used to encode this superblock.
return sum(self.get_bits_per_coding_unit(filt=filt, use_chroma=use_chroma))
class Frame:
"""Wrapper class around protobuf Frame.
proto: Protobuf representation of this frame.
superblocks: List of superblocks that belong to this frame.
pixels: List of PlaneBuffer associated with this frame, one for each plane.
original_rgb: Optional original (pre-encode) pixels of this frame, converted
from YUV to RGB. Since the original data may be missing, this can also be
reconstruction_rgb: Reconstructed pixels of this from, converted from YUV to
frame_id: Decode-order index of this frame.
width: Width of this frame in pixels.
height: Height of this frame in pixels.
bit_depth: Either 8 or 10 bits per sample.
def __init__(self, proto: avm_frame_pb2.Frame):
self.proto = proto
self.superblocks = [
Superblock(self, sb_proto) for sb_proto in proto.superblocks
self.pixels = [
_create_plane_buffer(self, p) for p in (Plane.Y, Plane.U, Plane.V)
if self.pixels[0].original is None:
self.original_rgb = None
self.original_rgb = yuv_tools.yuv_to_rgb(
yuv_tools.upscale(self.pixels[1].original, 2),
yuv_tools.upscale(self.pixels[2].original, 2),
self.reconstruction_rgb = yuv_tools.yuv_to_rgb(
yuv_tools.upscale(self.pixels[1].reconstruction, 2),
yuv_tools.upscale(self.pixels[2].reconstruction, 2),
def frame_id(self) -> int:
return self.proto.frame_params.decode_index
def width(self) -> int:
return self.proto.frame_params.width
def height(self) -> int:
return self.proto.frame_params.height
def bit_depth(self) -> int:
return self.proto.frame_params.bit_depth
def clip_rect(self, rect: Rectangle) -> Rectangle:
"""Clips a rectangle to be contained with the frame boundaries.
rect: Rectangle to clip, typically the bounding box of some sub-object
within this frame, e.g. a coding unit.
The rectangle clipped to the boundaries of this frame.
width = min(rect.width, self.width - rect.left_x)
height = min(rect.height, self.height - rect.top_y)
return Rectangle(
left_x=rect.left_x, top_y=rect.top_y, width=width, height=height
def load_frame_from_path(proto_path: pathlib.Path) -> Frame:
with"rb") as f:
frame_proto = avm_frame_pb2.Frame.FromString(
return Frame(frame_proto)