blob: ab7d0bb39f3abd02761405d133d4c9ec132149a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Joe Drago. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "avif/avif.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Yes, clamp macros are nasty. Do not use them.
#define AVIF_CLAMP(x, low, high) (((x) > (high)) ? (high) : (((x) < (low)) ? (low) : (x)))
// Used by stream related things.
#define CHECK(A) if (!(A)) return AVIF_FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// URNs
#define URN_ALPHA0 "urn:mpeg:mpegB:cicp:systems:auxiliary:alpha"
#define URN_ALPHA1 "urn:mpeg:hevc:2015:auxid:1"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utils
float avifRoundf(float v);
uint16_t avifHTONS(uint16_t s);
uint16_t avifNTOHS(uint16_t s);
uint32_t avifHTONL(uint32_t l);
uint32_t avifNTOHL(uint32_t l);
uint64_t avifHTON64(uint64_t l);
uint64_t avifNTOH64(uint64_t l);
int avifFullToLimitedY(int depth, int v);
int avifFullToLimitedUV(int depth, int v);
int avifLimitedToFullY(int depth, int v);
int avifLimitedToFullUV(int depth, int v);
void avifCalcYUVCoefficients(avifImage * image, float * outR, float * outG, float * outB);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Memory management
void * avifAlloc(size_t size);
void avifFree(void * p);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avifCodec (abstraction layer to use different AV1 implementations)
typedef struct avifCodecConfigurationBox
// [skipped; is constant] unsigned int (1)marker = 1;
// [skipped; is constant] unsigned int (7)version = 1;
uint8_t seqProfile; // unsigned int (3) seq_profile;
uint8_t seqLevelIdx0; // unsigned int (5) seq_level_idx_0;
uint8_t seqTier0; // unsigned int (1) seq_tier_0;
uint8_t highBitdepth; // unsigned int (1) high_bitdepth;
uint8_t twelveBit; // unsigned int (1) twelve_bit;
uint8_t monochrome; // unsigned int (1) monochrome;
uint8_t chromaSubsamplingX; // unsigned int (1) chroma_subsampling_x;
uint8_t chromaSubsamplingY; // unsigned int (1) chroma_subsampling_y;
uint8_t chromaSamplePosition; // unsigned int (2) chroma_sample_position;
// unsigned int (3)reserved = 0;
// unsigned int (1)initial_presentation_delay_present;
// if (initial_presentation_delay_present) {
// unsigned int (4)initial_presentation_delay_minus_one;
// } else {
// unsigned int (4)reserved = 0;
// }
} avifCodecConfigurationBox;
typedef enum avifCodecPlanes
} avifCodecPlanes;
typedef struct avifCodecImageSize
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
} avifCodecImageSize;
struct avifCodec;
struct avifCodecInternal;
typedef avifBool (* avifCodecDecodeFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec, avifCodecPlanes planes, avifRawData * obu);
typedef avifCodecImageSize (* avifCodecGetImageSizeFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec, avifCodecPlanes planes); // should return 0s if absent
typedef avifBool (* avifCodecAlphaLimitedRangeFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec); // returns AVIF_TRUE if an alpha plane exists and was encoded with limited range
typedef avifResult (* avifCodecGetDecodedImageFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec, avifImage * image);
typedef avifResult (* avifCodecEncodeImageFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec, avifImage * image, avifEncoder * encoder, avifRawData * colorOBU, avifRawData * alphaOBU); // if either OBU* is null, skip its encode. alpha should always be lossless
typedef void (* avifCodecGetConfigurationBoxFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec, avifCodecPlanes planes, avifCodecConfigurationBox * outConfig);
typedef void (* avifCodecDestroyInternalFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec);
typedef struct avifCodec
struct avifCodecInternal * internal; // up to each codec to use how it wants
avifCodecDecodeFunc decode;
avifCodecGetImageSizeFunc getImageSize;
avifCodecAlphaLimitedRangeFunc alphaLimitedRange;
avifCodecGetDecodedImageFunc getDecodedImage;
avifCodecEncodeImageFunc encodeImage;
avifCodecGetConfigurationBoxFunc getConfigurationBox;
avifCodecDestroyInternalFunc destroyInternal;
} avifCodec;
avifCodec * avifCodecCreateAOM(); // requires AVIF_CODEC_AOM
avifCodec * avifCodecCreateDav1d(); // requires AVIF_CODEC_DAV1D
void avifCodecDestroy(avifCodec * codec);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avifStream
typedef size_t avifBoxMarker;
typedef struct avifStream
avifRawData * raw;
size_t offset;
} avifStream;
typedef struct avifBoxHeader
size_t size;
uint8_t type[4];
} avifBoxHeader;
uint8_t * avifStreamCurrent(avifStream * stream);
void avifStreamStart(avifStream * stream, avifRawData * raw);
// Read
avifBool avifStreamHasBytesLeft(avifStream * stream, size_t byteCount);
size_t avifStreamRemainingBytes(avifStream * stream);
size_t avifStreamOffset(avifStream * stream);
void avifStreamSetOffset(avifStream * stream, size_t offset);
avifBool avifStreamSkip(avifStream * stream, size_t byteCount);
avifBool avifStreamRead(avifStream * stream, uint8_t * data, size_t size);
avifBool avifStreamReadU16(avifStream * stream, uint16_t * v);
avifBool avifStreamReadU32(avifStream * stream, uint32_t * v);
avifBool avifStreamReadUX8(avifStream * stream, uint64_t * v, uint64_t factor); // Reads a factor*8 sized uint, saves in v
avifBool avifStreamReadU64(avifStream * stream, uint64_t * v);
avifBool avifStreamReadString(avifStream * stream, char * output, size_t outputSize);
avifBool avifStreamReadBoxHeader(avifStream * stream, avifBoxHeader * header);
avifBool avifStreamReadVersionAndFlags(avifStream * stream, uint8_t * version, uint8_t * flags); // flags is an optional uint8_t[3]
avifBool avifStreamReadAndEnforceVersion(avifStream * stream, uint8_t enforcedVersion); // currently discards flags
// Write
void avifStreamFinishWrite(avifStream * stream);
void avifStreamWrite(avifStream * stream, const uint8_t * data, size_t size);
void avifStreamWriteChars(avifStream * stream, const char * chars, size_t size);
avifBoxMarker avifStreamWriteBox(avifStream * stream, const char * type, int version /* -1 for "not a FullBox" */, size_t contentSize);
void avifStreamFinishBox(avifStream * stream, avifBoxMarker marker);
void avifStreamWriteU8(avifStream * stream, uint8_t v);
void avifStreamWriteU16(avifStream * stream, uint16_t v);
void avifStreamWriteU32(avifStream * stream, uint32_t v);
void avifStreamWriteZeros(avifStream * stream, size_t byteCount);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // ifndef AVIF_INTERNAL_H