blob: 510e6b30502a5a9e4acbdf8110d783e6243763f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include "avif/avif.h"
namespace libavif {
namespace testutil {
// Memory management
using AvifImagePtr = std::unique_ptr<avifImage, decltype(&avifImageDestroy)>;
using AvifEncoderPtr =
std::unique_ptr<avifEncoder, decltype(&avifEncoderDestroy)>;
using AvifDecoderPtr =
std::unique_ptr<avifDecoder, decltype(&avifDecoderDestroy)>;
class AvifRwData : public avifRWData {
AvifRwData() : avifRWData{nullptr, 0} {}
~AvifRwData() { avifRWDataFree(this); }
class AvifRgbImage : public avifRGBImage {
AvifRgbImage(const avifImage* yuv, int rgbDepth, avifRGBFormat rgbFormat);
~AvifRgbImage() { avifRGBImageFreePixels(this); }
// Samples and images
// Contains the sample position of each channel for a given avifRGBFormat.
// The alpha sample position is set to 0 for layouts having no alpha channel.
struct RgbChannelOffsets {
uint8_t r, g, b, a;
RgbChannelOffsets GetRgbChannelOffsets(avifRGBFormat format);
// Creates an image. Returns null in case of memory failure.
AvifImagePtr CreateImage(int width, int height, int depth,
avifPixelFormat yuv_format, avifPlanesFlags planes,
avifRange yuv_range = AVIF_RANGE_FULL);
// Set all pixels of each plane of an image.
void FillImagePlain(avifImage* image, const uint32_t yuva[4]);
void FillImageGradient(avifImage* image);
void FillImageChannel(avifRGBImage* image, uint32_t channel_offset,
uint32_t value);
// Returns true if both images have the same features and pixel values.
// If ignore_alpha is true, the alpha channel is not taken into account in the
// comparison.
bool AreImagesEqual(const avifImage& image1, const avifImage& image2,
bool ignore_alpha = false);
struct AvifIOLimitedReader {
static constexpr uint64_t kNoClamp = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
avifIO io;
avifIO* underlyingIO;
uint64_t clamp;
avifIO* AvifIOCreateLimitedReader(avifIO* underlyingIO, uint64_t clamp);
} // namespace testutil
} // namespace libavif