Add man pages for `avifenc` and `avifdec` (#916)

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 663a6ec..8410435 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -523,6 +523,37 @@
+option(AVIF_BUILD_MAN_PAGES "Build avif man pages." OFF)
+        find_program(PANDOC_EXE pandoc)
+        if(PANDOC_EXE)
+            message(STATUS "libavif: Using pandoc: ${PANDOC_EXE}")
+        else()
+            message(FATAL_ERROR "libavif: Pandoc is missing, bailing out")
+        endif()
+        set(MAN_PAGES avifenc.1 avifdec.1)
+        foreach(MAN_PAGE ${MAN_PAGES})
+            add_custom_command(
+                OUTPUT ${MAN_PAGE}
+                COMMAND ${PANDOC_EXE} -s -V "footer=libavif ${PROJECT_VERSION}" -f markdown -t man -o
+                        "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${MAN_PAGE}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/docs/${MAN_PAGE}.md"
+                DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/docs/${MAN_PAGE}.md"
+                VERBATIM
+            )
+        endforeach()
+        add_custom_target(man_pages ALL DEPENDS ${MAN_PAGES})
+        foreach(MAN_PAGE ${MAN_PAGES})
+        endforeach()
+    else()
+        message(WARNING "libavif: No man pages is built (AVIF_BUILD_MAN_PAGES); AVIF_BUILD_APPS must be on.")
+    endif()
         TARGETS avif
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f87a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# libavif man pages
+This contains the man pages for `avifenc` and `avifdec`. These are written in
+[pandoc's Markdown](, so
+[pandoc]( is required to build these.
+Building man pages is disabled by default. Enable the CMake option
+`AVIF_BUILD_MAN_PAGES` to build these.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcac08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% AVIFDEC(1) | General Commands Manual
+% 2022-04-30
+This man page is written in pandoc's Markdown.
+avifdec - decompress an AVIF file to an image file
+**avifdec** [_options_] _input.avif_ _output._[_jpg_|_jpeg_|_png_|_y4m_]
+**avifdec** **\--info** _input.avif_
+**avifdec** decompresses an AVIF file to an image file.
+Output format can be either JPEG, PNG or YUV4MPEG2 (Y4M).
+**-h**, **\--help**
+:   Show syntax help.
+**-V**, **\--version**
+:   Show the version number.
+**-j**, **\--jobs** _J_
+:   Number of jobs (worker threads).
+    1 or less means single-threaded.
+    Default is 1.
+    Use **all** to use all available cores.
+**-c**, **\--codec** _C_
+:   AV1 codec to use.
+    Possible values depend on the codecs enabled at build time (see **\--help**
+    or **\--version** for the available codecs).
+    Default is auto-selected from the available codecs.
+    Possible values are:
+    :   - **aom**
+        - **dav1d**
+        - **libgav1**
+**-d**, **\--depth** _D_
+:   Output PNG depth.
+    Ignored when the output format is JPEG (always 8 bits per channel) or Y4M
+    (input depth is retained).
+    Possible values are:
+    :   - **8**
+        - **16**
+**-q**, **\--quality** _Q_
+:   Output JPEG quality in the range **0**-**100**.
+    Default is 90.
+    Ignored if the output format is not JPEG.
+**\--png-compress** _L_
+:   Output PNG compression level in the range **0**-**9** (fastest to maximum
+    compression).
+    Default is libpng's built-in default.
+    Ignored if the output format is not PNG.
+**-u**, **\--upsampling** _U_
+:   Chroma upsampling method.
+    Ignored unless the input format is 4:2:0 or 4:2:2.
+    Possible values are:
+    :   - **automatic** (default)
+        - **fastest**
+        - **best**
+        - **nearest**
+        - **bilinear**
+**-r**, **\--raw-color**
+:   Output raw RGB values instead of multiplying by alpha when saving to opaque
+    formats.
+    This is available if the output format is JPEG, and not applicable to y4m.
+**\--index** _I_
+:   When decoding an image sequence or progressive image, specify which frame
+    index to decode.
+    Default is 0.
+:   Enable progressive AVIF processing.
+    If a progressive image is encountered and **\--progressive** is passed,
+    **avifdec** will use **\--index** to choose which layer to decode (in
+    progressive order).
+:   Disable strict decoding, which disables strict validation checks and errors.
+**-i**, **\--info**
+:   Decode all frames and display all image information instead of saving to
+    disk.
+:   If the input file contains an embedded ICC profile, ignore it (no-op if
+    absent).
+**\--size-limit** _C_
+:   Specifies the image size limit (in total pixels) that should be tolerated.
+    Default is 268,435,456 pixels (16,384 by 16,384 pixels for a square image).
+Decompress an AVIF file to a PNG file:
+:   $ **avifdec input.avif output.png**
+Bugs can be reported on GitHub at:
+:   <>
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7196278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+% AVIFENC(1) | General Commands Manual
+% 2022-04-30
+This man page is written in pandoc's Markdown.
+avifenc - compress an image file to an AVIF file
+**avifenc** [_options_] _input._[_jpg_|_jpeg_|_png_|_y4m_] _output.avif_
+**avifenc** compresses an image file to an AVIF file.
+Input format can be either JPEG, PNG or YUV4MPEG2 (Y4M).
+**-h**, **\--help**
+:   Show syntax help.
+**-V**, **\--version**
+:   Show the version number.
+**-j**, **\--jobs** _J_
+:   Number of jobs (worker threads).
+    1 or less means single-threaded.
+    Default is 1.
+    Use **all** to use all available cores.
+**-o**, **\--output** _FILENAME_
+:   Instead of using the last filename given as output, use this filename.
+**-l**, **\--lossless**
+:   Set all defaults to encode losslessly, and emit warnings when
+    settings/input don't allow for it.
+**-d**, **\--depth** _D_
+:   Output depth.
+    This is available if the input format is JPEG/PNG, and for y4m or stdin,
+    depth is retained.
+    Possible values are:
+    :   - **8**
+        - **10**
+        - **12**
+**-y**, **\--yuv** _FORMAT_
+:   Output format.
+    Ignored for y4m or stdin (y4m format is retained).
+    For JPEG, auto honors the JPEG's internal format, if possible.
+    For all other cases, auto defaults to 444.
+    Possible values are:
+    :   - **auto** (default)
+        - **444**
+        - **422**
+        - **420**
+        - **400**
+**-p**, **\--premultiply**
+:   Premultiply color by the alpha channel and signal this in the AVIF.
+:   Read y4m frames from stdin instead of files.
+    No input filenames allowed, must be set before specifying the output
+    filename.
+**\--cicp**, **\--nclx** *P***/***T***/***M*
+:   Specify CICP values (nclx colr box) by 3 raw numbers.
+    Use **2** for any you wish to leave unspecified.
+    - _P_ = color primaries
+    - _T_ = transfer characteristics
+    - _M_ = matrix coefficients
+**-r**, **\--range** _RANGE_
+:   YUV range.
+    This is available if the input format is JPEG/PNG, and for y4m or stdin,
+    range is retained.
+    Possible values are:
+    :   - **full**, **f** (default)
+        - **limited**, **l**
+**\--min** _Q_
+:   Set min quantizer for color.
+    Possible values are in the range **0**-**63**, where 0 is lossless.
+**\--max** _Q_
+:   Set max quantizer for color.
+    Possible values are in the range **0**-**63**, where 0 is lossless.
+**\--minalpha** _Q_
+:   Set min quantizer for alpha.
+    Possible values are in the range **0**-**63**, where 0 is lossless.
+**\--maxalpha** _Q_
+:   Set max quantizer for alpha.
+    Possible values are in the range **0**-**63**, where 0 is lossless.
+**\--tilerowslog2** _R_
+:   Set log2 of number of tile rows.
+    Possible values are in the range **0**-**6**.
+    Default is 0.
+**\--tilecolslog2** _C_
+:   Set log2 of number of tile columns.
+    Possible values are in the range **0**-**6**.
+    Default is 0.
+**-g**, **\--grid** *M***x***N*
+:   Encode a single-image grid AVIF with _M_ cols and _N_ rows.
+    Either supply MxN images of the same width, height and depth, or a single
+    image that can be evenly split into the MxN grid and follow AVIF grid image
+    restrictions.
+    The grid will adopt the color profile of the first image supplied.
+    Possible values for _M_ and _N_ are in the range **1**-**256**.
+**-s**, **\--speed** _S_
+:   Encoder speed.
+    Default is 6.
+    Possible values are:
+    :   - **0**-**10** (slowest-fastest)
+        - **default**, **d** (codec internal defaults)
+**-c**, **\--codec** _C_
+:   AV1 codec to use.
+    Possible values depend on the codecs enabled at build time (see **\--help**
+    or **\--version** for the available codecs).
+    Default is auto-selected from the available codecs.
+    Possible values are:
+    :   - **aom**
+        - **rav1e**
+        - **svt**
+**\--exif** _FILENAME_
+:   Provide an Exif metadata payload to be associated with the primary item.
+**\--xmp** _FILENAME_
+:   Provide an XMP metadata payload to be associated with the primary item.
+**\--icc** _FILENAME_
+:   Provide an ICC profile payload to be associated with the primary item.
+**-a**, **\--advanced** _KEY_[_=VALUE_]
+:   Pass an advanced, codec-specific key/value string pair directly to the
+    codec.
+    **avifenc** will warn on any unused by the codec.
+    The aom-specific advanced options can be used if the AOM codec is available
+    (see **\--help** for details).
+**\--duration** _D_
+:   Set all following frame durations (in timescales) to _D_.
+    Can be set multiple times (before supplying each filename).
+    Default is 1.
+**\--timescale**, **\--fps** _V_
+:   Set the timescale to _V_.
+    If all frames are 1 timescale in length, this is equivalent to frames per
+    second.
+    If neither duration nor timescale are set, **avifenc** will attempt to use
+    the framerate stored in a y4m header, if present.
+    Default is 30.
+**-k**, **\--keyframe** _INTERVAL_
+:   Set the forced keyframe interval (maximum frames between keyframes).
+    Set to **0** to disable.
+    Default is 0.
+:   If the input file contains an embedded ICC profile, ignore it (no-op if
+    absent).
+**\--pasp** *H***,***V*
+:   Add pasp property (aspect ratio).
+    - _H_ = horizontal spacing
+    - _V_ = vertical spacing
+**\--crop** *CROPX***,***CROPY***,***CROPW***,***CROPH*
+:   Add clap property (clean aperture), but calculated from a crop rectangle.
+    - _CROPX_ = X-axis of a crop rectangle
+    - _CROPY_ = Y-axis of a crop rectangle
+    - _CROPW_ = width of a crop rectangle
+    - _CROPH_ = height of a crop rectangle
+**\--clap** *WN***,***WD***,***HN***,***HD***,***HON***,***HOD***,***VON***,***VOD*
+:   Add clap property (clean aperture).
+    - _WN_ = numerator of width
+    - _WD_ = denominator of width
+    - _HN_ = numerator of height
+    - _HD_ = denominator of height
+    - _HON_ = numerator of horizontal offset
+    - _HOD_ = denominator of horizontal offset
+    - _VON_ = numerator of vertical offset
+    - _VOD_ = denominator of vertical offset
+**\--irot** _ANGLE_
+:   Add irot property (rotation).
+    Possible values are in the range **0**-**3**, and makes (90 * _ANGLE_)
+    degree rotation anti-clockwise.
+**\--imir** _MODE_
+:   Add imir property (mirroring).
+    Note: Rotation is applied before mirroring at rendering.
+    Possible values are:
+    :   - **0** (top-to-bottom)
+        - **1** (left-to-right)
+Compress a PNG file to an AVIF file:
+:   $ **avifenc input.png output.avif**
+Bugs can be reported on GitHub at:
+:   <>