Do not use env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS for MinGW (#2076)

Since CMake 3.29 (which is on MingW), we can omit the parameter.
"Otherwise, if the value is omitted, parallelism is limited by the
number of processors, or 2, whichever is larger."
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci-mingw.yml b/.github/workflows/ci-mingw.yml
index ebf62fa..f235449 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci-mingw.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci-mingw.yml
@@ -82,4 +82,4 @@
       run: ninja
     - name: Run AVIF Tests
       working-directory: ./build
-      run: ctest -j $Env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS --output-on-failure
+      run: ctest -j --output-on-failure