Add tests/data/

diff --git a/tests/data/ b/tests/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6658cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Test images
+## Still images
+### Files `kodim*`
+License: released by the Eastman Kodak Company for unrestricted usage
+Source: <>
+### Files `cosmos*`
+License: [Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)](
+Source: ["Cosmos Laundromat" movie]( (frame at around 1 minute past the
+## Metadata
+The structure can be displayed using `exiv2 -pS <file>`.
+### File [paris_exif_xmp_icc.jpg](paris_exif_xmp_icc.jpg)
+License: [same as libavif](
+Source: Personal photo edited with Gimp 2.10.
+| address | marker      | length | data                                         |
+|       0 | 0xffd8 SOI  |        |                                              |
+|       2 | 0xffe0 APP0 |     16 | `JFIF.....,.,.`                              |
+|      20 | 0xffe1 APP1 |   1134 | `Exif..II*......................`            |
+|    1156 | 0xffe1 APP1 |   3929 | `<?x`           |
+|    5087 | 0xffe2 APP2 |    612 | `ICC_PROFILE......T........mntrRG chunk 1/1` |
+|         |             |        | ...                                          |
+### File [paris_icc_exif_xmp.png](paris_icc_exif_xmp.png)
+License: [same as libavif](
+Source: `paris_exif_xmp_icc.jpg` loaded with `avifReadImage()` then written with `avifPNGWrite()` (modified to output
+metadata this way).
+| address | marker | length | data                             |
+|       8 | IHDR   |     13 |                                  |
+|      33 | iCCP   |    386 | `libavif..(.u..+DQ..?3...E.....` |
+|     431 | zTXt   |    631 | `Raw profile type exif..H...[..` |
+|    1074 | zTXt   |   1076 | `Raw profile type xmp..X..YQ..8` |
+|    2162 | IDAT   |        | ...                              |
+|  160456 | IEND   |      0 |                                  |
+### File [paris_icc_exif_xmp_at_end.png](paris_icc_exif_xmp_at_end.png)
+License: [same as libavif](
+Source: `paris_exif_xmp_icc.jpg` loaded with `avifReadImage()` then written with `avifPNGWrite()` (modified to output
+metadata this way).
+| address | marker | length | data                             |
+|       8 | IHDR   |     13 |                                  |
+|      33 | iCCP   |    386 | `libavif..(.u..+DQ..?3...E.....` |
+|    2162 | IDAT   |        | ...                              |
+|  151474 | eXIf   |   1126 | `II*..........................`  |
+|  152612 | tEXt   |   7832 | `Raw profile type xmp..XMP.0000` |
+|  160456 | IEND   |      0 |                                  |
+## Grid
+### File [sofa_grid_1x5_420.avif](sofa_grid_1x5_420.avif)
+License: [same as libavif](
+Source: Personal photo converted with `avifenc --grid 1x5 --yuv 420` at
+commit [632d131](