blob: dc890602f41e720307b7f1c9e22d0208979ab054 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "avif/internal.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
avifResult avifGetExifTiffHeaderOffset(const uint8_t * exif, size_t exifSize, size_t * offset)
const uint8_t tiffHeaderBE[4] = { 'M', 'M', 0, 42 };
const uint8_t tiffHeaderLE[4] = { 'I', 'I', 42, 0 };
exifSize = AVIF_MIN(exifSize, UINT32_MAX);
for (*offset = 0; *offset + 4 < exifSize; ++*offset) {
if (!memcmp(&exif[*offset], tiffHeaderBE, 4) || !memcmp(&exif[*offset], tiffHeaderLE, 4)) {
// Couldn't find the TIFF header
// Returns the offset to the Exif 8-bit orientation value and AVIF_RESULT_OK, or an error.
// If the offset is set to exifSize, there was no parsing error but no orientation tag was found.
avifResult avifGetExifOrientationOffset(const uint8_t * exif, size_t exifSize, size_t * offset)
const avifResult result = avifGetExifTiffHeaderOffset(exif, exifSize, offset);
if (result != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
// Couldn't find the TIFF header
return result;
avifROData raw = { exif + *offset, exifSize - *offset };
const avifBool littleEndian = ([0] == 'I');
avifROStream stream;
avifROStreamStart(&stream, &raw, NULL, NULL);
// TIFF Header
uint32_t offsetTo0thIfd;
if (!avifROStreamSkip(&stream, 4) || // Skip tiffHeaderBE or tiffHeaderLE.
!avifROStreamReadU32Endianness(&stream, &offsetTo0thIfd, littleEndian)) {
avifROStreamSetOffset(&stream, offsetTo0thIfd);
uint16_t fieldCount;
if (!avifROStreamReadU16Endianness(&stream, &fieldCount, littleEndian)) {
for (uint16_t field = 0; field < fieldCount; ++field) { // for each field interoperability array
uint16_t tag;
uint16_t type;
uint32_t count;
uint16_t firstHalfOfValueOffset;
if (!avifROStreamReadU16Endianness(&stream, &tag, littleEndian) || !avifROStreamReadU16Endianness(&stream, &type, littleEndian) ||
!avifROStreamReadU32Endianness(&stream, &count, littleEndian) ||
!avifROStreamReadU16Endianness(&stream, &firstHalfOfValueOffset, littleEndian) || !avifROStreamSkip(&stream, 2)) {
// Orientation attribute according to JEITA CP-3451C section 4.6.4 (TIFF Rev. 6.0 Attribute Information):
const uint16_t shortType = 0x03;
if (tag == 0x0112 && type == shortType && count == 0x01) {
// Only consider non-reserved orientation values, so that it is known that
// the most meaningful byte of firstHalfOfValueOffset is 0.
if (firstHalfOfValueOffset >= 1 && firstHalfOfValueOffset <= 8) {
// Offset to the least meaningful byte of firstHalfOfValueOffset.
*offset += avifROStreamOffset(&stream) - (littleEndian ? 4 : 3);
// Orientation is in the 0th IFD, so no need to parse the following ones.
*offset = exifSize; // Signal missing orientation tag in valid Exif payload.
avifResult avifImageExtractExifOrientationToIrotImir(avifImage * image)
const avifTransformFlags otherFlags = image->transformFlags & ~(AVIF_TRANSFORM_IROT | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IMIR);
size_t offset;
const avifResult result = avifGetExifOrientationOffset(image->, image->exif.size, &offset);
if (result != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
return result;
if (offset < image->exif.size) {
const uint8_t orientation = image->[offset];
// Mapping from Exif orientation as defined in JEITA CP-3451C section 4.6.4.A Orientation
// to irot and imir boxes as defined in HEIF ISO/IEC 28002-12:2021 sections 6.5.10 and 6.5.12.
switch (orientation) {
case 1: // The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.
image->transformFlags = otherFlags;
image->irot.angle = 0; // ignored
image->imir.axis = 0; // ignored
case 2: // The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.
image->transformFlags = otherFlags | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IMIR;
image->irot.angle = 0; // ignored
image->imir.axis = 1;
case 3: // The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.
image->transformFlags = otherFlags | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IROT;
image->irot.angle = 2;
image->imir.axis = 0; // ignored
case 4: // The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.
image->transformFlags = otherFlags | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IMIR;
image->irot.angle = 0; // ignored
image->imir.axis = 0;
case 5: // The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.
image->transformFlags = otherFlags | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IROT | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IMIR;
image->irot.angle = 1; // applied before imir according to MIAF spec ISO/IEC 28002-12:2021 - section
image->imir.axis = 0;
case 6: // The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.
image->transformFlags = otherFlags | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IROT;
image->irot.angle = 3;
image->imir.axis = 0; // ignored
case 7: // The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.
image->transformFlags = otherFlags | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IROT | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IMIR;
image->irot.angle = 3; // applied before imir according to MIAF spec ISO/IEC 28002-12:2021 - section
image->imir.axis = 0;
case 8: // The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.
image->transformFlags = otherFlags | AVIF_TRANSFORM_IROT;
image->irot.angle = 1;
image->imir.axis = 0; // ignored
default: // reserved
// The orientation tag is not mandatory (only recommended) according to JEITA CP-3451C section 4.6.8.A.
// The default value is 1 if the orientation tag is missing, meaning:
// The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.
image->transformFlags = otherFlags;
image->irot.angle = 0; // ignored
image->imir.axis = 0; // ignored
uint8_t avifImageIrotImirToExifOrientation(const avifImage * image)
if (!(image->transformFlags & AVIF_TRANSFORM_IROT) || image->irot.angle == 0) {
if (!(image->transformFlags & AVIF_TRANSFORM_IMIR)) {
return 1; // The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.
if (image->imir.axis == 0) {
return 4; // The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.
// image->imir.axis == 1
return 2; // The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.
if (image->irot.angle == 1) {
if (!(image->transformFlags & AVIF_TRANSFORM_IMIR)) {
return 8; // The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.
if (image->imir.axis == 0) {
return 5; // The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.
// image->imir.axis == 1
return 7; // The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.
if (image->irot.angle == 2) {
if (!(image->transformFlags & AVIF_TRANSFORM_IMIR)) {
return 3; // The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.
if (image->imir.axis == 0) {
return 2; // The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.
// image->imir.axis == 1
return 4; // The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.
// image->irot.angle == 3
if (!(image->transformFlags & AVIF_TRANSFORM_IMIR)) {
return 6; // The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.
if (image->imir.axis == 0) {
return 7; // The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.
// image->imir.axis == 1
return 5; // The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.
avifResult avifImageSetMetadataExif(avifImage * image, const uint8_t * exif, size_t exifSize)
AVIF_CHECKRES(avifRWDataSet(&image->exif, exif, exifSize));
// Ignore any Exif parsing failure.
// TODO(wtc): Decide whether to ignore or return Exif parsing failures.