blob: 8578d3063197fcaa27304355aa4c8d18e6d23f36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Joe Drago. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "avif/internal.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
float avifRoundf(float v)
return floorf(v + 0.5f);
// Thanks, Rob Pike!
uint16_t avifHTONS(uint16_t s)
uint16_t result = 0;
uint8_t * data = (uint8_t *)&result;
data[0] = (s >> 8) & 0xff;
data[1] = (s >> 0) & 0xff;
return result;
uint16_t avifNTOHS(uint16_t s)
const uint8_t * data = (const uint8_t *)&s;
return (uint16_t)((data[1] << 0) | (data[0] << 8));
uint16_t avifCTOHS(uint16_t s)
const uint8_t * data = (const uint8_t *)&s;
return (uint16_t)((data[0] << 0) | (data[1] << 8));
uint32_t avifHTONL(uint32_t l)
uint32_t result = 0;
uint8_t * data = (uint8_t *)&result;
data[0] = (l >> 24) & 0xff;
data[1] = (l >> 16) & 0xff;
data[2] = (l >> 8) & 0xff;
data[3] = (l >> 0) & 0xff;
return result;
uint32_t avifNTOHL(uint32_t l)
const uint8_t * data = (const uint8_t *)&l;
return ((uint32_t)data[3] << 0) | ((uint32_t)data[2] << 8) | ((uint32_t)data[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t)data[0] << 24);
uint32_t avifCTOHL(uint32_t l)
const uint8_t * data = (const uint8_t *)&l;
return ((uint32_t)data[0] << 0) | ((uint32_t)data[1] << 8) | ((uint32_t)data[2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)data[3] << 24);
uint64_t avifHTON64(uint64_t l)
uint64_t result = 0;
uint8_t * data = (uint8_t *)&result;
data[0] = (l >> 56) & 0xff;
data[1] = (l >> 48) & 0xff;
data[2] = (l >> 40) & 0xff;
data[3] = (l >> 32) & 0xff;
data[4] = (l >> 24) & 0xff;
data[5] = (l >> 16) & 0xff;
data[6] = (l >> 8) & 0xff;
data[7] = (l >> 0) & 0xff;
return result;
uint64_t avifNTOH64(uint64_t l)
const uint8_t * data = (const uint8_t *)&l;
return ((uint64_t)data[7] << 0) | ((uint64_t)data[6] << 8) | ((uint64_t)data[5] << 16) | ((uint64_t)data[4] << 24) |
((uint64_t)data[3] << 32) | ((uint64_t)data[2] << 40) | ((uint64_t)data[1] << 48) | ((uint64_t)data[0] << 56);
AVIF_ARRAY_DECLARE(avifArrayInternal, uint8_t, ptr);
// On error, this function must set arr->ptr to NULL and both arr->count and arr->capacity to 0.
avifBool avifArrayCreate(void * arrayStruct, uint32_t elementSize, uint32_t initialCapacity)
avifArrayInternal * arr = (avifArrayInternal *)arrayStruct;
arr->elementSize = elementSize ? elementSize : 1;
arr->count = 0;
arr->capacity = initialCapacity;
size_t byteCount = (size_t)arr->elementSize * arr->capacity;
arr->ptr = (uint8_t *)avifAlloc(byteCount);
if (!arr->ptr) {
arr->capacity = 0;
return AVIF_FALSE;
memset(arr->ptr, 0, byteCount);
return AVIF_TRUE;
void * avifArrayPush(void * arrayStruct)
avifArrayInternal * arr = (avifArrayInternal *)arrayStruct;
if (arr->count == arr->capacity) {
uint8_t * oldPtr = arr->ptr;
size_t oldByteCount = (size_t)arr->elementSize * arr->capacity;
arr->ptr = (uint8_t *)avifAlloc(oldByteCount * 2);
if (arr->ptr == NULL) {
return NULL;
memset(arr->ptr + oldByteCount, 0, oldByteCount);
memcpy(arr->ptr, oldPtr, oldByteCount);
arr->capacity *= 2;
return &arr->ptr[(arr->count - 1) * (size_t)arr->elementSize];
void avifArrayPop(void * arrayStruct)
avifArrayInternal * arr = (avifArrayInternal *)arrayStruct;
assert(arr->count > 0);
memset(&arr->ptr[arr->count * (size_t)arr->elementSize], 0, arr->elementSize);
void avifArrayDestroy(void * arrayStruct)
avifArrayInternal * arr = (avifArrayInternal *)arrayStruct;
if (arr->ptr) {
arr->ptr = NULL;
memset(arr, 0, sizeof(avifArrayInternal));
// |a| and |b| hold int32_t values. The int64_t type is used so that we can negate INT32_MIN without
// overflowing int32_t.
static int64_t calcGCD(int64_t a, int64_t b)
if (a < 0) {
a *= -1;
if (b < 0) {
b *= -1;
while (b != 0) {
int64_t r = a % b;
a = b;
b = r;
return a;
void avifFractionSimplify(avifFraction * f)
int64_t gcd = calcGCD(f->n, f->d);
if (gcd > 1) {
f->n = (int32_t)(f->n / gcd);
f->d = (int32_t)(f->d / gcd);
static avifBool overflowsInt32(int64_t x)
return (x < INT32_MIN) || (x > INT32_MAX);
avifBool avifFractionCD(avifFraction * a, avifFraction * b)
if (a->d != b->d) {
const int64_t ad = a->d;
const int64_t bd = b->d;
const int64_t anNew = a->n * bd;
const int64_t adNew = a->d * bd;
const int64_t bnNew = b->n * ad;
const int64_t bdNew = b->d * ad;
if (overflowsInt32(anNew) || overflowsInt32(adNew) || overflowsInt32(bnNew) || overflowsInt32(bdNew)) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
a->n = (int32_t)anNew;
a->d = (int32_t)adNew;
b->n = (int32_t)bnNew;
b->d = (int32_t)bdNew;
return AVIF_TRUE;
avifBool avifFractionAdd(avifFraction a, avifFraction b, avifFraction * result)
if (!avifFractionCD(&a, &b)) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
const int64_t resultN = (int64_t)a.n + b.n;
if (overflowsInt32(resultN)) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
result->n = (int32_t)resultN;
result->d = a.d;
return AVIF_TRUE;
avifBool avifFractionSub(avifFraction a, avifFraction b, avifFraction * result)
if (!avifFractionCD(&a, &b)) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
const int64_t resultN = (int64_t)a.n - b.n;
if (overflowsInt32(resultN)) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
result->n = (int32_t)resultN;
result->d = a.d;
return AVIF_TRUE;
static avifBool avifDoubleToUnsignedFractionImpl(double v, uint32_t maxNumerator, uint32_t * numerator, uint32_t * denominator)
if (isnan(v) || v < 0 || v > maxNumerator) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
// Maximum denominator: makes sure that the numerator is <= maxNumerator and the denominator is <= UINT32_MAX.
const uint32_t maxD = (v <= 1) ? UINT32_MAX : (uint32_t)floor(maxNumerator / v);
// Find the best approximation of v as a fraction using continued fractions, see
*denominator = 1;
uint32_t previousD = 0;
double currentV = v - floor(v);
int iter = 0;
// Set a maximum number of iterations to be safe. Most numbers should
// converge in less than ~20 iterations.
// The golden ratio is the worst case and takes 39 iterations.
const int maxIter = 39;
while (iter < maxIter) {
const double numeratorDouble = (double)(*denominator) * v;
assert(numeratorDouble <= maxNumerator);
*numerator = (uint32_t)round(numeratorDouble);
if (fabs(numeratorDouble - (*numerator)) == 0.0) {
return AVIF_TRUE;
currentV = 1.0 / currentV;
const double newD = previousD + floor(currentV) * (*denominator);
if (newD > (double)maxD) {
// This is the best we can do with a denominator <= max_d.
return AVIF_TRUE;
previousD = *denominator;
assert(newD <= UINT32_MAX);
*denominator = (uint32_t)newD;
currentV -= floor(currentV);
// Maximum number of iterations reached, return what we've found.
// For max_iter >= 39 we shouldn't get here. max_iter can be set
// to a lower value to speed up the algorithm if needed.
*numerator = (uint32_t)round((double)(*denominator) * v);
return AVIF_TRUE;
avifBool avifDoubleToSignedFraction(double v, avifSignedFraction * fraction)
uint32_t positive_numerator;
if (!avifDoubleToUnsignedFractionImpl(fabs(v), INT32_MAX, &positive_numerator, &fraction->d)) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
fraction->n = (int32_t)positive_numerator;
if (v < 0) {
fraction->n *= -1;
return AVIF_TRUE;
avifBool avifDoubleToUnsignedFraction(double v, avifUnsignedFraction * fraction)
return avifDoubleToUnsignedFractionImpl(v, UINT32_MAX, &fraction->n, &fraction->d);