blob: 2078daa80355295ecc9559de98f9c3f4776744f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "avif/avif.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "avifincrtest_helpers.h"
#include "aviftest_helpers.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace libavif
namespace testutil
// Verifies that the first (top) rowCount rows of image1 and image2 are identical.
void comparePartialYUVA(const avifImage & image1, const avifImage & image2, uint32_t rowCount)
if (rowCount == 0) {
ASSERT_EQ(image1.width, image2.width);
ASSERT_GE(image1.height, rowCount);
ASSERT_GE(image2.height, rowCount);
ASSERT_EQ(image1.depth, image2.depth);
ASSERT_EQ(image1.yuvFormat, image2.yuvFormat);
ASSERT_EQ(image1.yuvRange, image2.yuvRange);
avifPixelFormatInfo info;
avifGetPixelFormatInfo(image1.yuvFormat, &info);
const uint32_t uvWidth = (image1.width + info.chromaShiftX) >> info.chromaShiftX;
const uint32_t uvHeight = (rowCount + info.chromaShiftY) >> info.chromaShiftY;
const uint32_t pixelByteCount = (image1.depth > 8) ? sizeof(uint16_t) : sizeof(uint8_t);
for (uint32_t plane = 0; plane < (info.monochrome ? 1 : AVIF_PLANE_COUNT_YUV); ++plane) {
const uint32_t width = (plane == AVIF_CHAN_Y) ? image1.width : uvWidth;
const uint32_t widthByteCount = width * pixelByteCount;
const uint32_t height = (plane == AVIF_CHAN_Y) ? rowCount : uvHeight;
const uint8_t * data1 = image1.yuvPlanes[plane];
const uint8_t * data2 = image2.yuvPlanes[plane];
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
ASSERT_TRUE(std::equal(data1, data1 + widthByteCount, data2));
data1 += image1.yuvRowBytes[plane];
data2 += image2.yuvRowBytes[plane];
if (image1.alphaPlane) {
ASSERT_NE(image2.alphaPlane, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(image1.alphaPremultiplied, image2.alphaPremultiplied);
const uint32_t widthByteCount = image1.width * pixelByteCount;
const uint8_t * data1 = image1.alphaPlane;
const uint8_t * data2 = image2.alphaPlane;
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < rowCount; ++y) {
ASSERT_TRUE(std::equal(data1, data1 + widthByteCount, data2));
data1 += image1.alphaRowBytes;
data2 += image2.alphaRowBytes;
// Returns the expected number of decoded rows when availableByteCount out of byteCount were
// given to the decoder, for an image of height rows, split into cells of cellHeight rows.
uint32_t getMinDecodedRowCount(uint32_t height, uint32_t cellHeight, bool hasAlpha, size_t availableByteCount, size_t byteCount)
// The whole image should be available when the full input is.
if (availableByteCount >= byteCount) {
return height;
// All but one cell should be decoded if at most 10 bytes are missing.
if ((availableByteCount + 10) >= byteCount) {
return height - cellHeight;
// Subtract the header because decoding it does not output any pixel.
// Most AVIF headers are below 500 bytes.
if (availableByteCount <= 500) {
return 0;
availableByteCount -= 500;
byteCount -= 500;
// Alpha, if any, is assumed to be located before the other planes and to
// represent at most 50% of the payload.
if (hasAlpha) {
if (availableByteCount <= (byteCount / 2)) {
return 0;
availableByteCount -= byteCount / 2;
byteCount -= byteCount / 2;
// Linearly map the input availability ratio to the decoded row ratio.
const uint32_t minDecodedCellRowCount = (height / cellHeight) * availableByteCount / byteCount;
const uint32_t minDecodedPxRowCount = minDecodedCellRowCount * cellHeight;
// One cell is the incremental decoding granularity.
// It is unlikely that bytes are evenly distributed among cells. Offset two of them.
if (minDecodedPxRowCount <= (2 * cellHeight)) {
return 0;
return minDecodedPxRowCount - 2 * cellHeight;
struct avifROPartialData
avifROData available;
size_t fullSize;
// Implementation of avifIOReadFunc simulating a stream from an array. See avifIOReadFunc documentation.
// io->data is expected to point to avifROPartialData.
avifResult avifIOPartialRead(struct avifIO * io, uint32_t readFlags, uint64_t offset, size_t size, avifROData * out)
const avifROPartialData * data = (avifROPartialData *)io->data;
if ((readFlags != 0) || !data || (data->fullSize < offset)) {
if (data->fullSize < (offset + size)) {
size = data->fullSize - offset;
if (data->available.size < (offset + size)) {
out->data = data-> + offset;
out->size = size;
// Encodes the image as a grid of at most gridCols*gridRows cells.
// The cell count is reduced to fit libavif or AVIF format constraints. If impossible, the encoded output is returned empty.
// The final cellWidth and cellHeight are output.
void encodeAsGrid(const avifImage & image, uint32_t gridCols, uint32_t gridRows, avifRWData * output, uint32_t * cellWidth, uint32_t * cellHeight)
// Chroma subsampling requires even dimensions. See ISO 23000-22 -
const bool needEvenWidths = ((image.yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420) || (image.yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422));
const bool needEvenHeights = (image.yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420);
ASSERT_GT(gridCols * gridRows, 0u);
*cellWidth = image.width / gridCols;
*cellHeight = image.height / gridRows;
// avifEncoderAddImageGrid() only accepts grids that evenly split the image into cells at least 64 pixels wide and tall.
while ((gridCols > 1) &&
(((*cellWidth * gridCols) != image.width) || (*cellWidth < 64) || (needEvenWidths && ((*cellWidth & 1) != 0)))) {
*cellWidth = image.width / gridCols;
while ((gridRows > 1) &&
(((*cellHeight * gridRows) != image.height) || (*cellHeight < 64) || (needEvenHeights && ((*cellHeight & 1) != 0)))) {
*cellHeight = image.height / gridRows;
std::vector<testutil::avifImagePtr> cellImages;
cellImages.reserve(gridCols * gridRows);
for (uint32_t row = 0, iCell = 0; row < gridRows; ++row) {
for (uint32_t col = 0; col < gridCols; ++col, ++iCell) {
avifCropRect cell;
cell.x = col * *cellWidth;
cell.y = row * *cellHeight;
cell.width = ((cell.x + *cellWidth) <= image.width) ? *cellWidth : (image.width - cell.x);
cell.height = ((cell.y + *cellHeight) <= image.height) ? *cellHeight : (image.height - cell.y);
cellImages.emplace_back(avifImageCreateEmpty(), avifImageDestroy);
ASSERT_NE(cellImages.back(), nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(avifImageSetViewRect(cellImages.back().get(), &image, &cell), AVIF_RESULT_OK);
testutil::avifEncoderPtr encoder(avifEncoderCreate(), avifEncoderDestroy);
ASSERT_NE(encoder, nullptr);
encoder->speed = AVIF_SPEED_FASTEST;
std::vector<avifImage *> cellImagePtrs(cellImages.size()); // Just here to match libavif API.
for (size_t i = 0; i < cellImages.size(); ++i) {
cellImagePtrs[i] = cellImages[i].get();
ASSERT_EQ(avifEncoderAddImageGrid(encoder.get(), gridCols, gridRows,, AVIF_ADD_IMAGE_FLAG_SINGLE), AVIF_RESULT_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(avifEncoderFinish(encoder.get(), output), AVIF_RESULT_OK);
// Encodes the image to be decoded incrementally.
void encodeAsIncremental(const avifImage & image, bool flatCells, avifRWData * output, uint32_t * cellWidth, uint32_t * cellHeight)
const uint32_t gridCols = image.width / 64; // 64px is the min cell width.
const uint32_t gridRows = flatCells ? 1 : (image.height / 64);
encodeAsGrid(image, (gridCols > 1) ? gridCols : 1, (gridRows > 1) ? gridRows : 1, output, cellWidth, cellHeight);
} // namespace
void encodeRectAsIncremental(const avifImage & image,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
bool createAlphaIfNone,
bool flatCells,
avifRWData * output,
uint32_t * cellWidth,
uint32_t * cellHeight)
avifImagePtr subImage(avifImageCreateEmpty(), avifImageDestroy);
ASSERT_NE(subImage, nullptr);
ASSERT_LE(width, image.width);
ASSERT_LE(height, image.height);
avifPixelFormatInfo info;
avifGetPixelFormatInfo(image.yuvFormat, &info);
const avifCropRect rect {
/*x=*/((image.width - width) / 2) & ~info.chromaShiftX, /*y=*/((image.height - height) / 2) & ~info.chromaShiftX, width, height
ASSERT_EQ(avifImageSetViewRect(subImage.get(), &image, &rect), AVIF_RESULT_OK);
if (createAlphaIfNone && !subImage->alphaPlane) {
ASSERT_NE(image.yuvPlanes[AVIF_CHAN_Y], nullptr) << "No luma plane to simulate an alpha plane";
subImage->alphaPlane = image.yuvPlanes[AVIF_CHAN_Y];
subImage->alphaRowBytes = image.yuvRowBytes[AVIF_CHAN_Y];
subImage->alphaPremultiplied = AVIF_FALSE;
subImage->imageOwnsAlphaPlane = AVIF_FALSE;
encodeAsIncremental(*subImage, flatCells, output, cellWidth, cellHeight);
void decodeIncrementally(const avifRWData & encodedAvif,
bool isPersistent,
bool giveSizeHint,
bool useNthImageApi,
const avifImage & reference,
uint32_t cellHeight)
// AVIF cells are at least 64 pixels tall.
if (cellHeight != reference.height) {
ASSERT_GE(cellHeight, 64u);
// Emulate a byte-by-byte stream.
avifROPartialData data = { /*available=*/ {, 0 }, /*fullSize=*/encodedAvif.size };
avifIO io = { /*destroy=*/nullptr, avifIOPartialRead,
/*write=*/nullptr, giveSizeHint ? encodedAvif.size : 0,
isPersistent, &data };
testutil::avifDecoderPtr decoder(avifDecoderCreate(), avifDecoderDestroy);
ASSERT_NE(decoder, nullptr);
avifDecoderSetIO(decoder.get(), &io);
decoder->allowIncremental = AVIF_TRUE;
// Parsing is not incremental.
avifResult parseResult = avifDecoderParse(decoder.get());
while (parseResult == AVIF_RESULT_WAITING_ON_IO) {
ASSERT_LT(data.available.size, data.fullSize) << "avifDecoderParse() returned WAITING_ON_IO instead of OK";
data.available.size = data.available.size + 1;
parseResult = avifDecoderParse(decoder.get());
// Decoding is incremental.
uint32_t previouslyDecodedRowCount = 0;
avifResult nextImageResult = useNthImageApi ? avifDecoderNthImage(decoder.get(), 0) : avifDecoderNextImage(decoder.get());
while (nextImageResult == AVIF_RESULT_WAITING_ON_IO) {
ASSERT_LT(data.available.size, data.fullSize)
<< (useNthImageApi ? "avifDecoderNthImage(0)" : "avifDecoderNextImage()") << " returned WAITING_ON_IO instead of OK";
const uint32_t decodedRowCount = avifDecoderDecodedRowCount(decoder.get());
ASSERT_GE(decodedRowCount, previouslyDecodedRowCount);
const uint32_t minDecodedRowCount =
getMinDecodedRowCount(reference.height, cellHeight, reference.alphaPlane != nullptr, data.available.size, data.fullSize);
ASSERT_GE(decodedRowCount, minDecodedRowCount);
comparePartialYUVA(reference, *decoder->image, decodedRowCount);
previouslyDecodedRowCount = decodedRowCount;
data.available.size = data.available.size + 1;
nextImageResult = useNthImageApi ? avifDecoderNthImage(decoder.get(), 0) : avifDecoderNextImage(decoder.get());
ASSERT_EQ(data.available.size, data.fullSize);
ASSERT_EQ(avifDecoderDecodedRowCount(decoder.get()), decoder->image->height);
comparePartialYUVA(reference, *decoder->image, reference.height);
void decodeNonIncrementallyAndIncrementally(const avifRWData & encodedAvif, bool isPersistent, bool giveSizeHint, bool useNthImageApi, uint32_t cellHeight)
avifImagePtr reference(avifImageCreateEmpty(), avifImageDestroy);
ASSERT_NE(reference, nullptr);
testutil::avifDecoderPtr decoder(avifDecoderCreate(), avifDecoderDestroy);
ASSERT_NE(decoder, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(avifDecoderReadMemory(decoder.get(), reference.get(),, encodedAvif.size), AVIF_RESULT_OK);
decodeIncrementally(encodedAvif, isPersistent, giveSizeHint, useNthImageApi, *reference, cellHeight);
} // namespace testutil
} // namespace libavif