blob: d02eb490285d90edb942cc66c03ae3b6e8172648 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <string>
#include "argparse.hpp"
#include "avif/avif.h"
namespace avif {
// A command that can be invoked by name (similar to how 'git' has commands like
// 'commit', 'checkout', etc.)
// NOTE: "avifgainmaputil" is currently hardcoded in the implementation (for
// help messages).
class ProgramCommand {
// 'name' is the command that should be used to invoke the command on the
// command line.
// 'description' should be a one line description of what the command does.
ProgramCommand(const std::string& name, const std::string& description);
virtual ~ProgramCommand() = default;
// Parses command line arguments. Should be called before Run().
avifResult ParseArgs(int argc, const char* const argv[]);
// Runs the command.
virtual avifResult Run() = 0;
std::string name() const { return name_; }
std::string description() const { return description_; }
// Prints this command's help on stdout.
void PrintUsage();
argparse::ArgumentParser argparse_;
std::string name_;
std::string description_;
// Utilities for flag parsing.
// avifPixelFormat converter for use with argparse.
// Actually converts to int, converting to avifPixelFormat didn't seem to
// compile.
struct PixelFormatConverter {
// Methods expected by argparse.
argparse::ConvertedValue<int> from_str(const std::string& str);
std::vector<std::string> default_choices();
struct CicpValues {
avifColorPrimaries color_primaries;
avifTransferCharacteristics transfer_characteristics;
avifMatrixCoefficients matrix_coefficients;
// CicpValues converter for use with argparse.
struct CicpConverter {
// Methods expected by argparse.
argparse::ConvertedValue<CicpValues> from_str(const std::string& str);
std::vector<std::string> default_choices();
// Basic flags for image writing.
struct BasicImageEncodeArgs {
argparse::ArgValue<int> speed;
argparse::ArgValue<int> quality;
argparse::ArgValue<int> quality_alpha;
// can_have_alpha should be true if the image can have alpha and the
// output format can be avif.
void Init(argparse::ArgumentParser& argparse, bool can_have_alpha) {
argparse.add_argument(speed, "--speed", "-s")
.help("Encoder speed (0-10, slowest-fastest)")
argparse.add_argument(quality, "--qcolor", "-q")
? "Quality for color (0-100, where 100 is lossless)"
: "Quality (0-100, where 100 is lossless)"))
if (can_have_alpha) {
argparse.add_argument(quality_alpha, "--qalpha")
.help("Quality for alpha (0-100, where 100 is lossless)")
// Flags relevant when reading jpeg/png.
struct ImageReadArgs {
argparse::ArgValue<int> depth;
argparse::ArgValue<int> pixel_format;
argparse::ArgValue<bool> ignore_profile;
void Init(argparse::ArgumentParser& argparse) {
.add_argument<int, PixelFormatConverter>(pixel_format, "--yuv", "-y")
.help("Output YUV format for avif (default = automatic)");
argparse.add_argument(depth, "--depth", "-d")
.choices({"0", "8", "10", "12"})
.help("Output depth (0 = automatic)");
argparse.add_argument(ignore_profile, "--ignore-profile")
"If the input file contains an embedded color profile, ignore it "
"(no-op if absent)")
// Helper to parse flags that contain several delimited values.
template <typename T>
bool ParseList(std::string to_parse, char delim, int expected_num,
std::vector<T>* out) {
std::stringstream ss(to_parse);
std::string part;
T parsed;
while (std::getline(ss, part, delim)) {
std::istringstream is(part);
is >> parsed;
if (is.bad()) {
return false;
if (expected_num > 0 && (int)out->size() != expected_num) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace avif