blob: 64b9696e457d1a1cf70f9a78c9693870ae2e6328 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Joe Drago. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "avif/avif.h" // IWYU pragma: export
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Yes, clamp macros are nasty. Do not use them.
#define AVIF_CLAMP(x, low, high) (((x) < (low)) ? (low) : (((high) < (x)) ? (high) : (x)))
#define AVIF_MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define AVIF_MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
// Used by stream related things.
#define AVIF_CHECK(A) \
do { \
if (!(A)) \
return AVIF_FALSE; \
} while (0)
// Used instead of CHECK if needing to return a specific error on failure, instead of AVIF_FALSE
do { \
if (!(A)) \
return ERR; \
} while (0)
// Forward any error to the caller now or continue execution.
#define AVIF_CHECKRES(A) \
do { \
const avifResult result__ = (A); \
if (result__ != AVIF_RESULT_OK) \
return result__; \
} while (0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// URNs and Content-Types
#define AVIF_URN_ALPHA0 "urn:mpeg:mpegB:cicp:systems:auxiliary:alpha"
#define AVIF_URN_ALPHA1 "urn:mpeg:hevc:2015:auxid:1"
#define AVIF_CONTENT_TYPE_XMP "application/rdf+xml"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utils
float avifRoundf(float v);
// H (host) is platform-dependent. Could be little- or big-endian.
// N (network) is big-endian: most- to least-significant bytes.
// C (custom) is little-endian: least- to most-significant bytes.
// Never read N or C values; only access after casting to uint8_t*.
uint16_t avifHTONS(uint16_t s);
uint16_t avifNTOHS(uint16_t s);
uint16_t avifCTOHS(uint16_t s);
uint32_t avifHTONL(uint32_t l);
uint32_t avifNTOHL(uint32_t l);
uint32_t avifCTOHL(uint32_t l);
uint64_t avifHTON64(uint64_t l);
uint64_t avifNTOH64(uint64_t l);
void avifCalcYUVCoefficients(const avifImage * image, float * outR, float * outG, float * outB);
typedef struct TYPENAME \
{ \
uint32_t elementSize; \
uint32_t count; \
uint32_t capacity; \
avifBool avifArrayCreate(void * arrayStruct, uint32_t elementSize, uint32_t initialCapacity);
uint32_t avifArrayPushIndex(void * arrayStruct);
void * avifArrayPushPtr(void * arrayStruct);
void avifArrayPush(void * arrayStruct, void * element);
void avifArrayPop(void * arrayStruct);
void avifArrayDestroy(void * arrayStruct);
void avifFractionSimplify(avifFraction * f);
// Makes the fractions have a common denominator.
avifBool avifFractionCD(avifFraction * a, avifFraction * b);
avifBool avifFractionAdd(avifFraction a, avifFraction b, avifFraction * result);
avifBool avifFractionSub(avifFraction a, avifFraction b, avifFraction * result);
// Creates a uint32 fraction that is approximately equal to 'v'.
// Returns AVIF_FALSE if 'v' is < 0 or > UINT32_MAX or NaN.
avifBool avifToUnsignedFraction(double v, uint32_t * numerator, uint32_t * denominator);
void avifImageSetDefaults(avifImage * image);
// Copies all fields that do not need to be freed/allocated from srcImage to dstImage.
void avifImageCopyNoAlloc(avifImage * dstImage, const avifImage * srcImage);
// Copies the samples from srcImage to dstImage. dstImage must be allocated.
// srcImage and dstImage must have the same width, height, and depth.
// If the AVIF_PLANES_YUV bit is set in planes, then srcImage and dstImage must have the same yuvFormat and yuvRange.
// Ignores the gainMap field (which exists only if AVIF_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_GAIN_MAP is defined).
void avifImageCopySamples(avifImage * dstImage, const avifImage * srcImage, avifPlanesFlags planes);
typedef struct avifAlphaParams
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t srcDepth;
const uint8_t * srcPlane;
uint32_t srcRowBytes;
uint32_t srcOffsetBytes;
uint32_t srcPixelBytes;
uint32_t dstDepth;
uint8_t * dstPlane;
uint32_t dstRowBytes;
uint32_t dstOffsetBytes;
uint32_t dstPixelBytes;
} avifAlphaParams;
avifBool avifFillAlpha(const avifAlphaParams * params);
avifBool avifReformatAlpha(const avifAlphaParams * params);
typedef enum avifReformatMode
AVIF_REFORMAT_MODE_YUV_COEFFICIENTS = 0, // Normal YUV conversion using coefficients
} avifReformatMode;
typedef enum avifAlphaMultiplyMode
} avifAlphaMultiplyMode;
typedef struct avifReformatState
// YUV coefficients
float kr;
float kg;
float kb;
uint32_t yuvChannelBytes;
uint32_t rgbChannelBytes;
uint32_t rgbPixelBytes;
uint32_t rgbOffsetBytesR;
uint32_t rgbOffsetBytesG;
uint32_t rgbOffsetBytesB;
uint32_t rgbOffsetBytesA;
uint32_t yuvDepth;
avifRange yuvRange;
int yuvMaxChannel;
int rgbMaxChannel;
float rgbMaxChannelF;
float biasY; // minimum Y value
float biasUV; // the value of 0.5 for the appropriate bit depth [128, 512, 2048]
float rangeY; // difference between max and min Y
float rangeUV; // difference between max and min UV
avifPixelFormatInfo formatInfo;
avifReformatMode mode;
} avifReformatState;
// Returns:
// * AVIF_RESULT_OK - Converted successfully with libyuv
// * AVIF_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - The fast path for this combination is not implemented with libyuv, use built-in RGB conversion
// * [any other error] - Return error to caller
avifResult avifImageRGBToYUVLibYUV(avifImage * image, const avifRGBImage * rgb);
// Parameters:
// * image - input YUV image
// * rgb - output RGB image
// * reformatAlpha - if set to AVIF_TRUE, the function will attempt to copy the alpha channel to the output RGB image using
// libyuv.
// * alphaReformattedWithLibYUV - Output parameter. If reformatAlpha is set to true and libyuv was able to copy over the alpha
// channel, then this will be set to AVIF_TRUE. Otherwise, this will be set to AVIF_FALSE. The value in this parameter is valid
// only if the return value of the function is AVIF_RESULT_OK or AVIF_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.
// Returns:
// * AVIF_RESULT_OK - Converted successfully with libyuv
// * AVIF_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - The fast path for this combination is not implemented with libyuv, use built-in YUV conversion
// * [any other error] - Return error to caller
avifResult avifImageYUVToRGBLibYUV(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifBool reformatAlpha, avifBool * alphaReformattedWithLibYUV);
// Returns:
// * AVIF_RESULT_OK - Converted successfully with libsharpyuv
// * AVIF_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - libsharpyuv is not compiled in, or doesn't support this type of input
// * [any other error] - Return error to caller
avifResult avifImageRGBToYUVLibSharpYUV(avifImage * image, const avifRGBImage * rgb, const avifReformatState * state);
// Returns:
// * AVIF_RESULT_OK - Converted successfully with libyuv.
// * AVIF_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - The fast path for this conversion is not implemented with libyuv, use built-in conversion.
// * AVIF_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT - Return error to caller.
avifResult avifRGBImageToF16LibYUV(avifRGBImage * rgb);
// Returns:
// * AVIF_RESULT_OK - (Un)Premultiply successfully with libyuv
// * AVIF_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - The fast path for this combination is not implemented with libyuv, use built-in (Un)Premultiply
// * [any other error] - Return error to caller
avifResult avifRGBImagePremultiplyAlphaLibYUV(avifRGBImage * rgb);
avifResult avifRGBImageUnpremultiplyAlphaLibYUV(avifRGBImage * rgb);
avifBool avifDimensionsTooLarge(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t imageSizeLimit, uint32_t imageDimensionLimit);
// Given the number of encoding threads or decoding threads available and the image dimensions,
// chooses suitable values of *tileRowsLog2 and *tileColsLog2.
// Note: Although avifSetTileConfiguration() is only used in src/write.c and could be a static
// function in that file, it is defined as an internal global function so that it can be tested by
// unit tests.
void avifSetTileConfiguration(int threads, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int * tileRowsLog2, int * tileColsLog2);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scaling
// This scales the YUV/A planes in-place.
avifBool avifImageScale(avifImage * image,
uint32_t dstWidth,
uint32_t dstHeight,
uint32_t imageSizeLimit,
uint32_t imageDimensionLimit,
avifDiagnostics * diag);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AVIF item category
typedef enum avifItemCategory
} avifItemCategory;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AVIF color_type field meaning in CondensedImageBox
typedef enum avifConiColorType
} avifConiColorType;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Grid AVIF images
// Returns false if the tiles in a grid image violate any standards.
// The image contains imageW*imageH pixels. The tiles are of tileW*tileH pixels each.
avifBool avifAreGridDimensionsValid(avifPixelFormat yuvFormat, uint32_t imageW, uint32_t imageH, uint32_t tileW, uint32_t tileH, avifDiagnostics * diag);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Metadata
// Attempts to parse the image->exif payload for Exif orientation and sets image->transformFlags, image->irot and
// image->imir on success. Returns AVIF_RESULT_INVALID_EXIF_PAYLOAD on failure.
avifResult avifImageExtractExifOrientationToIrotImir(avifImage * image);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avifCodecDecodeInput
// Legal spatial_id values are [0,1,2,3], so this serves as a sentinel value for "do not filter by spatial_id"
typedef struct avifDecodeSample
avifROData data;
avifBool ownsData;
avifBool partialData; // if true, data exists but doesn't have all of the sample in it
uint32_t itemID; // if non-zero, data comes from a mergedExtents buffer in an avifDecoderItem, not a file offset
uint64_t offset; // additional offset into data. Can be used to offset into an itemID's payload as well.
size_t size; //
uint8_t spatialID; // If set to a value other than AVIF_SPATIAL_ID_UNSET, output frames from this sample should be
// skipped until the output frame's spatial_id matches this ID.
avifBool sync; // is sync sample (keyframe)
} avifDecodeSample;
AVIF_ARRAY_DECLARE(avifDecodeSampleArray, avifDecodeSample, sample);
typedef struct avifCodecDecodeInput
avifDecodeSampleArray samples;
avifBool allLayers; // if true, the underlying codec must decode all layers, not just the best layer
avifItemCategory itemCategory; // category of item being decoded
} avifCodecDecodeInput;
avifCodecDecodeInput * avifCodecDecodeInputCreate(void);
void avifCodecDecodeInputDestroy(avifCodecDecodeInput * decodeInput);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avifCodecEncodeOutput
typedef struct avifEncodeSample
avifRWData data;
avifBool sync; // is sync sample (keyframe)
} avifEncodeSample;
AVIF_ARRAY_DECLARE(avifEncodeSampleArray, avifEncodeSample, sample);
typedef struct avifCodecEncodeOutput
avifEncodeSampleArray samples;
} avifCodecEncodeOutput;
avifCodecEncodeOutput * avifCodecEncodeOutputCreate(void);
avifResult avifCodecEncodeOutputAddSample(avifCodecEncodeOutput * encodeOutput, const uint8_t * data, size_t len, avifBool sync);
void avifCodecEncodeOutputDestroy(avifCodecEncodeOutput * encodeOutput);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avifCodecSpecificOptions (key/value string pairs for advanced tuning)
typedef struct avifCodecSpecificOption
char * key; // Must be a simple lowercase alphanumeric string
char * value; // Free-form string to be interpreted by the codec
} avifCodecSpecificOption;
AVIF_ARRAY_DECLARE(avifCodecSpecificOptions, avifCodecSpecificOption, entries);
// Returns NULL if a memory allocation failed.
avifCodecSpecificOptions * avifCodecSpecificOptionsCreate(void);
void avifCodecSpecificOptionsClear(avifCodecSpecificOptions * csOptions);
void avifCodecSpecificOptionsDestroy(avifCodecSpecificOptions * csOptions);
avifResult avifCodecSpecificOptionsSet(avifCodecSpecificOptions * csOptions, const char * key, const char * value); // if(value==NULL), key is deleted
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avifCodecType (underlying video format)
// Alliance for Open Media video formats that can be used in the AVIF image format.
typedef enum avifCodecType
#if defined(AVIF_CODEC_AVM)
AVIF_CODEC_TYPE_AV2, // Experimental.
} avifCodecType;
// Returns AVIF_CODEC_TYPE_UNKNOWN unless the chosen codec is available with the requiredFlags.
avifCodecType avifCodecTypeFromChoice(avifCodecChoice choice, avifCodecFlags requiredFlags);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avifCodec (abstraction layer to use different codec implementations)
struct avifCodec;
struct avifCodecInternal;
typedef enum avifEncoderChange
} avifEncoderChange;
typedef uint32_t avifEncoderChanges;
typedef avifBool (*avifCodecGetNextImageFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec,
struct avifDecoder * decoder,
const avifDecodeSample * sample,
avifBool alpha,
avifBool * isLimitedRangeAlpha,
avifImage * image);
// EncodeImage and EncodeFinish are not required to always emit a sample, but when all images are
// encoded and EncodeFinish is called, the number of samples emitted must match the number of submitted frames.
// avifCodecEncodeImageFunc may return AVIF_RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR to automatically emit the appropriate
// avifCodecEncodeImageFunc should use tileRowsLog2 and tileColsLog2 instead of
// encoder->tileRowsLog2, encoder->tileColsLog2, and encoder->autoTiling. The caller of
// avifCodecEncodeImageFunc is responsible for automatic tiling if encoder->autoTiling is set to
// AVIF_TRUE. The actual tiling values are passed to avifCodecEncodeImageFunc as parameters.
// Similarly, avifCodecEncodeImageFunc should use the quantizer parameter instead of
// encoder->quality and encoder->qualityAlpha. If disableLaggedOutput is AVIF_TRUE, then the encoder will emit the output frame
// without any lag (if supported). Note that disableLaggedOutput is only used by the first call to this function (which
// initializes the encoder) and is ignored by the subsequent calls.
// Note: The caller of avifCodecEncodeImageFunc always passes encoder->data->tileRowsLog2 and
// encoder->data->tileColsLog2 as the tileRowsLog2 and tileColsLog2 arguments. Because
// encoder->data is of a struct type defined in src/write.c, avifCodecEncodeImageFunc cannot
// dereference encoder->data and has to receive encoder->data->tileRowsLog2 and
// encoder->data->tileColsLog2 via function parameters.
typedef avifResult (*avifCodecEncodeImageFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec,
avifEncoder * encoder,
const avifImage * image,
avifBool alpha,
int tileRowsLog2,
int tileColsLog2,
int quantizer,
avifEncoderChanges encoderChanges,
avifBool disableLaggedOutput,
avifAddImageFlags addImageFlags,
avifCodecEncodeOutput * output);
typedef avifBool (*avifCodecEncodeFinishFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec, avifCodecEncodeOutput * output);
typedef void (*avifCodecDestroyInternalFunc)(struct avifCodec * codec);
typedef struct avifCodec
avifCodecSpecificOptions * csOptions; // Contains codec-specific key/value pairs for advanced tuning.
// If a codec uses a value, it must mark it as used.
// This array is NOT owned by avifCodec.
struct avifCodecInternal * internal; // up to each codec to use how it wants
avifDiagnostics * diag; // Shallow copy; owned by avifEncoder or avifDecoder
uint8_t operatingPoint; // Operating point, defaults to 0.
avifBool allLayers; // if true, the underlying codec must decode all layers, not just the best layer
avifCodecGetNextImageFunc getNextImage;
avifCodecEncodeImageFunc encodeImage;
avifCodecEncodeFinishFunc encodeFinish;
avifCodecDestroyInternalFunc destroyInternal;
} avifCodec;
avifCodec * avifCodecCreate(avifCodecChoice choice, avifCodecFlags requiredFlags);
void avifCodecDestroy(avifCodec * codec);
avifCodec * avifCodecCreateAOM(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_AOM (codec_aom.c)
const char * avifCodecVersionAOM(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_AOM (codec_aom.c)
avifCodec * avifCodecCreateDav1d(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_DAV1D (codec_dav1d.c)
const char * avifCodecVersionDav1d(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_DAV1D (codec_dav1d.c)
avifCodec * avifCodecCreateGav1(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_LIBGAV1 (codec_libgav1.c)
const char * avifCodecVersionGav1(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_LIBGAV1 (codec_libgav1.c)
avifCodec * avifCodecCreateRav1e(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_RAV1E (codec_rav1e.c)
const char * avifCodecVersionRav1e(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_RAV1E (codec_rav1e.c)
avifCodec * avifCodecCreateSvt(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_SVT (codec_svt.c)
const char * avifCodecVersionSvt(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_SVT (codec_svt.c)
avifCodec * avifCodecCreateAVM(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_AVM (codec_avm.c)
const char * avifCodecVersionAVM(void); // requires AVIF_CODEC_AVM (codec_avm.c)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avifDiagnostics
#ifdef __clang__
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)))
void avifDiagnosticsPrintf(avifDiagnostics * diag, const char * format, ...);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avifStream
// In network byte order (big-endian) unless otherwise specified.
typedef size_t avifBoxMarker;
typedef struct avifBoxHeader
// Size of the box in bytes, excluding the box header.
size_t size;
uint8_t type[4];
} avifBoxHeader;
typedef struct avifROStream
avifROData * raw;
// Index of the next byte in the raw stream.
size_t offset;
// If 0, byte-aligned functions can be used (avifROStreamRead() etc.).
// Otherwise, it represents the number of bits already used in the last byte
// (located at offset-1).
size_t numUsedBitsInPartialByte;
// Error information, if any.
avifDiagnostics * diag;
const char * diagContext;
} avifROStream;
const uint8_t * avifROStreamCurrent(avifROStream * stream);
void avifROStreamStart(avifROStream * stream, avifROData * raw, avifDiagnostics * diag, const char * diagContext);
size_t avifROStreamOffset(const avifROStream * stream);
void avifROStreamSetOffset(avifROStream * stream, size_t offset);
avifBool avifROStreamHasBytesLeft(const avifROStream * stream, size_t byteCount);
size_t avifROStreamRemainingBytes(const avifROStream * stream);
// The following functions require byte alignment.
avifBool avifROStreamSkip(avifROStream * stream, size_t byteCount);
avifBool avifROStreamRead(avifROStream * stream, uint8_t * data, size_t size);
avifBool avifROStreamReadU16(avifROStream * stream, uint16_t * v);
avifBool avifROStreamReadU16Endianness(avifROStream * stream, uint16_t * v, avifBool littleEndian);
avifBool avifROStreamReadU32(avifROStream * stream, uint32_t * v);
avifBool avifROStreamReadU32Endianness(avifROStream * stream, uint32_t * v, avifBool littleEndian);
avifBool avifROStreamReadUX8(avifROStream * stream, uint64_t * v, uint64_t factor); // Reads a factor*8 sized uint, saves in v
avifBool avifROStreamReadU64(avifROStream * stream, uint64_t * v);
avifBool avifROStreamReadString(avifROStream * stream, char * output, size_t outputSize);
avifBool avifROStreamReadBoxHeader(avifROStream * stream, avifBoxHeader * header); // This fails if the size reported by the header cannot fit in the stream
avifBool avifROStreamReadBoxHeaderPartial(avifROStream * stream, avifBoxHeader * header); // This doesn't require that the full box can fit in the stream
avifBool avifROStreamReadVersionAndFlags(avifROStream * stream, uint8_t * version, uint32_t * flags); // version and flags ptrs are both optional
avifBool avifROStreamReadAndEnforceVersion(avifROStream * stream, uint8_t enforcedVersion); // currently discards flags
// The following functions can write non-aligned bits.
avifBool avifROStreamReadBits8(avifROStream * stream, uint8_t * v, size_t bitCount);
avifBool avifROStreamReadBits(avifROStream * stream, uint32_t * v, size_t bitCount);
avifBool avifROStreamReadVarInt(avifROStream * stream, uint32_t * v);
typedef struct avifRWStream
avifRWData * raw;
// Index of the next byte in the raw stream.
size_t offset;
// If 0, byte-aligned functions can be used (avifRWStreamWrite() etc.).
// Otherwise, it represents the number of bits already used in the last byte
// (located at offset-1).
size_t numUsedBitsInPartialByte;
} avifRWStream;
void avifRWStreamStart(avifRWStream * stream, avifRWData * raw);
size_t avifRWStreamOffset(const avifRWStream * stream);
void avifRWStreamSetOffset(avifRWStream * stream, size_t offset);
void avifRWStreamFinishWrite(avifRWStream * stream);
// The following functions require byte alignment.
avifResult avifRWStreamWrite(avifRWStream * stream, const void * data, size_t size);
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteChars(avifRWStream * stream, const char * chars, size_t size);
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteBox(avifRWStream * stream, const char * type, size_t contentSize, avifBoxMarker * marker);
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteFullBox(avifRWStream * stream, const char * type, size_t contentSize, int version, uint32_t flags, avifBoxMarker * marker);
void avifRWStreamFinishBox(avifRWStream * stream, avifBoxMarker marker);
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteU8(avifRWStream * stream, uint8_t v);
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteU16(avifRWStream * stream, uint16_t v);
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteU32(avifRWStream * stream, uint32_t v);
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteU64(avifRWStream * stream, uint64_t v);
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteZeros(avifRWStream * stream, size_t byteCount);
// The following functions can write non-aligned bits.
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteBits(avifRWStream * stream, uint32_t v, size_t bitCount);
avifResult avifRWStreamWriteVarInt(avifRWStream * stream, uint32_t v);
// This is to make it clear that the box size is currently unknown, and will be determined later (with a call to avifRWStreamFinishBox)
// Used for both av1C and av2C.
typedef struct avifCodecConfigurationBox
// [skipped; is constant] unsigned int (1)marker = 1;
// [skipped; is constant] unsigned int (7)version = 1;
uint8_t seqProfile; // unsigned int (3) seq_profile;
uint8_t seqLevelIdx0; // unsigned int (5) seq_level_idx_0;
uint8_t seqTier0; // unsigned int (1) seq_tier_0;
uint8_t highBitdepth; // unsigned int (1) high_bitdepth;
uint8_t twelveBit; // unsigned int (1) twelve_bit;
uint8_t monochrome; // unsigned int (1) monochrome;
uint8_t chromaSubsamplingX; // unsigned int (1) chroma_subsampling_x;
uint8_t chromaSubsamplingY; // unsigned int (1) chroma_subsampling_y;
uint8_t chromaSamplePosition; // unsigned int (2) chroma_sample_position;
// unsigned int (3)reserved = 0;
// unsigned int (1)initial_presentation_delay_present;
// if (initial_presentation_delay_present) {
// unsigned int (4)initial_presentation_delay_minus_one;
// } else {
// unsigned int (4)reserved = 0;
// }
} avifCodecConfigurationBox;
typedef struct avifSequenceHeader
uint8_t reduced_still_picture_header;
uint32_t maxWidth;
uint32_t maxHeight;
uint32_t bitDepth;
avifPixelFormat yuvFormat;
avifChromaSamplePosition chromaSamplePosition;
avifColorPrimaries colorPrimaries;
avifTransferCharacteristics transferCharacteristics;
avifMatrixCoefficients matrixCoefficients;
avifRange range;
avifCodecConfigurationBox av1C; // TODO(yguyon): Rename or add av2C
} avifSequenceHeader;
avifBool avifSequenceHeaderParse(avifSequenceHeader * header, const avifROData * sample, avifCodecType codecType);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // ifndef AVIF_INTERNAL_H