blob: b9c64478ec4aaab650b7b67e27dacfb90337abc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Joe Drago. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "avif/internal.h"
#include <string.h>
struct ipmaArray
uint8_t associations[MAX_ASSOCIATIONS];
uint8_t count;
static void ipmaPush(struct ipmaArray * ipma, uint8_t assoc)
ipma->associations[ipma->count] = assoc;
static const char alphaURN[] = URN_ALPHA0;
static const size_t alphaURNSize = sizeof(alphaURN);
static avifBool avifImageIsOpaque(avifImage * image);
static void fillConfigBox(avifCodec * codec, avifImage * image, avifBool alpha);
static void writeConfigBox(avifRWStream * s, avifCodecConfigurationBox * cfg);
avifEncoder * avifEncoderCreate(void)
avifEncoder * encoder = (avifEncoder *)avifAlloc(sizeof(avifEncoder));
memset(encoder, 0, sizeof(avifEncoder));
encoder->maxThreads = 1;
encoder->minQuantizer = AVIF_QUANTIZER_LOSSLESS;
encoder->maxQuantizer = AVIF_QUANTIZER_LOSSLESS;
return encoder;
void avifEncoderDestroy(avifEncoder * encoder)
avifResult avifEncoderWrite(avifEncoder * encoder, avifImage * image, avifRWData * output)
if ((image->depth != 8) && (image->depth != 10) && (image->depth != 12)) {
avifResult result = AVIF_RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
avifRWData colorOBU = AVIF_DATA_EMPTY;
avifRWData alphaOBU = AVIF_DATA_EMPTY;
avifCodec * codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_COUNT];
codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_COLOR] = avifCodecCreate(encoder->codecChoice, AVIF_CODEC_FLAG_CAN_ENCODE);
// Just bail out early, we're not surviving this function without an encoder compiled in
avifBool imageIsOpaque = avifImageIsOpaque(image);
if (imageIsOpaque) {
} else {
codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_ALPHA] = avifCodecCreate(encoder->codecChoice, AVIF_CODEC_FLAG_CAN_ENCODE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pre-fill config boxes based on image (codec can query/update later)
fillConfigBox(codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_COLOR], image, AVIF_FALSE);
fillConfigBox(codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_ALPHA], image, AVIF_TRUE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin write stream
avifRWStream s;
avifRWStreamStart(&s, output);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reformat pixels, if need be
if (!image->width || !image->height || !image->depth) {
goto writeCleanup;
if ((image->yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_NONE) || !image->yuvPlanes[AVIF_CHAN_Y] || !image->yuvPlanes[AVIF_CHAN_U] ||
!image->yuvPlanes[AVIF_CHAN_V]) {
if (!image->rgbPlanes[AVIF_CHAN_R] || !image->rgbPlanes[AVIF_CHAN_G] || !image->rgbPlanes[AVIF_CHAN_B]) {
goto writeCleanup;
avifImageFreePlanes(image, AVIF_PLANES_YUV);
if (image->yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_NONE) {
goto writeCleanup;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encode AV1 OBUs
// avifRWData * alphaOBUPtr = &alphaOBU;
// if (avifImageIsOpaque(image)) {
// alphaOBUPtr = NULL;
// }
if (!codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_COLOR]->encodeImage(codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_COLOR], image, encoder, &colorOBU, AVIF_FALSE)) {
goto writeCleanup;
if (!imageIsOpaque) {
if (!codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_ALPHA]->encodeImage(codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_ALPHA], image, encoder, &alphaOBU, AVIF_TRUE)) {
goto writeCleanup;
avifBool hasAlpha = (alphaOBU.size > 0) ? AVIF_TRUE : AVIF_FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write ftyp
avifBoxMarker ftyp = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "ftyp", -1, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "avif", 4); // unsigned int(32) major_brand;
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, 0); // unsigned int(32) minor_version;
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "avif", 4); // unsigned int(32) compatible_brands[];
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "mif1", 4); // ... compatible_brands[]
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "miaf", 4); // ... compatible_brands[]
if ((image->depth == 8) || (image->depth == 10)) { //
if (image->yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420) { //
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "MA1B", 4); // ... compatible_brands[]
} else if (image->yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV444) { //
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "MA1A", 4); // ... compatible_brands[]
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, ftyp);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Start meta
avifBoxMarker meta = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "meta", 0, 0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write hdlr
avifBoxMarker hdlr = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "hdlr", 0, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, 0); // unsigned int(32) pre_defined = 0;
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "pict", 4); // unsigned int(32) handler_type;
avifRWStreamWriteZeros(&s, 12); // const unsigned int(32)[3] reserved = 0;
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "libavif", 8); // string name; (writing null terminator)
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, hdlr);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write pitm
avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "pitm", 0, sizeof(uint16_t));
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 1); // unsigned int(16) item_ID;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write iloc
// Remember where we want to store the offsets to the mdat OBU offsets to adjust them later.
size_t colorOBUOffsetOffset = 0;
size_t alphaOBUOffsetOffset = 0;
avifBoxMarker iloc = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "iloc", 0, 0);
// iloc header
uint8_t offsetSizeAndLengthSize = (4 << 4) + (4 << 0); // unsigned int(4) offset_size;
// unsigned int(4) length_size;
avifRWStreamWrite(&s, &offsetSizeAndLengthSize, 1); //
avifRWStreamWriteZeros(&s, 1); // unsigned int(4) base_offset_size;
// unsigned int(4) reserved;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, hasAlpha ? 2 : 1); // unsigned int(16) item_count;
// Item ID #1 (Color OBU)
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 1); // unsigned int(16) item_ID;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 0); // unsigned int(16) data_reference_index;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 1); // unsigned int(16) extent_count;
colorOBUOffsetOffset = avifRWStreamOffset(&s); //
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, 0 /* set later */); // unsigned int(offset_size*8) extent_offset;
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, (uint32_t)colorOBU.size); // unsigned int(length_size*8) extent_length;
if (hasAlpha) {
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 2); // unsigned int(16) item_ID;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 0); // unsigned int(16) data_reference_index;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 1); // unsigned int(16) extent_count;
alphaOBUOffsetOffset = avifRWStreamOffset(&s); //
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, 0 /* set later */); // unsigned int(offset_size*8) extent_offset;
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, (uint32_t)alphaOBU.size); // unsigned int(length_size*8) extent_length;
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, iloc);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write iinf
avifBoxMarker iinf = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "iinf", 0, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, hasAlpha ? 2 : 1); // unsigned int(16) entry_count;
avifBoxMarker infe0 = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "infe", 2, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 1); // unsigned int(16) item_ID;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 0); // unsigned int(16) item_protection_index;
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "av01", 4); // unsigned int(32) item_type;
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "Color", 6); // string item_name; (writing null terminator)
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, infe0);
if (hasAlpha) {
avifBoxMarker infe1 = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "infe", 2, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 2); // unsigned int(16) item_ID;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 0); // unsigned int(16) item_protection_index;
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "av01", 4); // unsigned int(32) item_type;
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "Alpha", 6); // string item_name; (writing null terminator)
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, infe1);
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, iinf);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write iref (auxl) for alpha, if any
if (hasAlpha) {
avifBoxMarker iref = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "iref", 0, 0);
avifBoxMarker auxl = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "auxl", -1, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 2); // unsigned int(16) from_item_ID;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 1); // unsigned int(16) reference_count;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 1); // unsigned int(16) to_item_ID;
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, auxl);
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, iref);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write iprp->ipco->ispe
avifBoxMarker iprp = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "iprp", -1, 0);
uint8_t ipcoIndex = 0;
struct ipmaArray ipmaColor;
memset(&ipmaColor, 0, sizeof(ipmaColor));
struct ipmaArray ipmaAlpha;
memset(&ipmaAlpha, 0, sizeof(ipmaAlpha));
avifBoxMarker ipco = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "ipco", -1, 0);
avifBoxMarker ispe = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "ispe", 0, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, image->width); // unsigned int(32) image_width;
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, image->height); // unsigned int(32) image_height;
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, ispe);
ipmaPush(&ipmaColor, ipcoIndex); // ipma is 1-indexed, doing this afterwards is correct
ipmaPush(&ipmaAlpha, ipcoIndex); // Alpha shares the ispe prop
if (image->profileFormat == AVIF_PROFILE_FORMAT_NCLX) {
avifBoxMarker colr = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "colr", -1, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "nclx", 4); // unsigned int(32) colour_type;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, image->nclx.colourPrimaries); // unsigned int(16) colour_primaries;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, image->nclx.transferCharacteristics); // unsigned int(16) transfer_characteristics;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, image->nclx.matrixCoefficients); // unsigned int(16) matrix_coefficients;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, image->nclx.fullRangeFlag & 0x80); // unsigned int(1) full_range_flag;
// unsigned int(7) reserved = 0;
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, colr);
ipmaPush(&ipmaColor, ipcoIndex);
} else if ((image->profileFormat == AVIF_PROFILE_FORMAT_ICC) && image-> && (image->icc.size > 0)) {
avifBoxMarker colr = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "colr", -1, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, "prof", 4); // unsigned int(32) colour_type;
avifRWStreamWrite(&s, image->, image->icc.size);
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, colr);
ipmaPush(&ipmaColor, ipcoIndex);
avifBoxMarker pixiC = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "pixi", 0, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, 3); // unsigned int (8) num_channels;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, (uint8_t)image->depth); // unsigned int (8) bits_per_channel;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, (uint8_t)image->depth); // unsigned int (8) bits_per_channel;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, (uint8_t)image->depth); // unsigned int (8) bits_per_channel;
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, pixiC);
ipmaPush(&ipmaColor, ipcoIndex);
writeConfigBox(&s, &codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_COLOR]->configBox);
ipmaPush(&ipmaColor, ipcoIndex);
if (hasAlpha) {
avifBoxMarker pixiA = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "pixi", 0, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, 1); // unsigned int (8) num_channels;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, (uint8_t)image->depth); // unsigned int (8) bits_per_channel;
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, pixiA);
ipmaPush(&ipmaAlpha, ipcoIndex);
writeConfigBox(&s, &codec[AVIF_CODEC_PLANES_ALPHA]->configBox);
ipmaPush(&ipmaAlpha, ipcoIndex);
avifBoxMarker auxC = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "auxC", 0, 0);
avifRWStreamWriteChars(&s, alphaURN, alphaURNSize); // string aux_type;
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, auxC);
ipmaPush(&ipmaAlpha, ipcoIndex);
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, ipco);
avifBoxMarker ipma = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "ipma", 0, 0);
int ipmaCount = hasAlpha ? 2 : 1;
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, ipmaCount); // unsigned int(32) entry_count;
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 1); // unsigned int(16) item_ID;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, ipmaColor.count); // unsigned int(8) association_count;
for (int i = 0; i < ipmaColor.count; ++i) { //
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, ipmaColor.associations[i]); // bit(1) essential; unsigned int(7) property_index;
if (hasAlpha) {
avifRWStreamWriteU16(&s, 2); // unsigned int(16) item_ID;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, ipmaAlpha.count); // unsigned int(8) association_count;
for (int i = 0; i < ipmaAlpha.count; ++i) { //
avifRWStreamWriteU8(&s, ipmaAlpha.associations[i]); // bit(1) essential; unsigned int(7) property_index;
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, ipma);
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, iprp);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finish meta box
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, meta);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write mdat
avifBoxMarker mdat = avifRWStreamWriteBox(&s, "mdat", -1, 0);
uint32_t colorOBUOffset = (uint32_t)s.offset;
avifRWStreamWrite(&s,, colorOBU.size);
uint32_t alphaOBUOffset = (uint32_t)s.offset;
avifRWStreamWrite(&s,, alphaOBU.size);
avifRWStreamFinishBox(&s, mdat);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finish up stream
// Set offsets needed in meta box based on where we eventually wrote mdat
size_t prevOffset = avifRWStreamOffset(&s);
if (colorOBUOffsetOffset != 0) {
avifRWStreamSetOffset(&s, colorOBUOffsetOffset);
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, colorOBUOffset);
if (alphaOBUOffsetOffset != 0) {
avifRWStreamSetOffset(&s, alphaOBUOffsetOffset);
avifRWStreamWriteU32(&s, alphaOBUOffset);
avifRWStreamSetOffset(&s, prevOffset);
// Close write stream
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// IO stats
encoder->ioStats.colorOBUSize = colorOBU.size;
encoder->ioStats.alphaOBUSize = alphaOBU.size;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set result and cleanup
result = AVIF_RESULT_OK;
return result;
static avifBool avifImageIsOpaque(avifImage * image)
if (!image->alphaPlane) {
return AVIF_TRUE;
int maxChannel = (1 << image->depth) - 1;
if (avifImageUsesU16(image)) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < image->height; ++j) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < image->width; ++i) {
uint16_t * p = (uint16_t *)&image->alphaPlane[(i * 2) + (j * image->alphaRowBytes)];
if (*p != maxChannel) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
} else {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < image->height; ++j) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < image->width; ++i) {
if (image->alphaPlane[i + (j * image->alphaRowBytes)] != maxChannel) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
return AVIF_TRUE;
static void fillConfigBox(avifCodec * codec, avifImage * image, avifBool alpha)
avifPixelFormatInfo formatInfo;
avifGetPixelFormatInfo(image->yuvFormat, &formatInfo);
// Profile 0. 8-bit and 10-bit 4:2:0 and 4:0:0 only.
// Profile 1. 8-bit and 10-bit 4:4:4
// Profile 2. 8-bit and 10-bit 4:2:2
// 12-bit 4:0:0, 4:2:2 and 4:4:4
uint8_t seqProfile = 0;
if (image->depth == 12) {
// Only seqProfile 2 can handle 12 bit
seqProfile = 2;
} else {
// 8-bit or 10-bit
if (alpha) {
seqProfile = 0;
} else {
switch (image->yuvFormat) {
seqProfile = 1;
seqProfile = 2;
seqProfile = 0;
seqProfile = 0;
// TODO: Choose correct value from Annex A.3 table:
uint8_t seqLevelIdx0 = 31;
if ((image->width <= 8192) && (image->height <= 4352) && ((image->width * image->height) <= 8912896)) {
// Image is 5.1 compatible
seqLevelIdx0 = 13; // 5.1
memset(&codec->configBox, 0, sizeof(avifCodecConfigurationBox));
codec->configBox.seqProfile = seqProfile;
codec->configBox.seqLevelIdx0 = seqLevelIdx0;
codec->configBox.seqTier0 = 0;
codec->configBox.highBitdepth = (image->depth > 8) ? 1 : 0;
codec->configBox.twelveBit = (image->depth == 12) ? 1 : 0;
codec->configBox.monochrome = alpha ? 1 : 0;
codec->configBox.chromaSubsamplingX = (uint8_t)formatInfo.chromaShiftX;
codec->configBox.chromaSubsamplingY = (uint8_t)formatInfo.chromaShiftY;
// TODO: choose the correct one from below:
// * 0 - CSP_UNKNOWN Unknown (in this case the source video transfer function must be signaled outside the AV1 bitstream)
// * 1 - CSP_VERTICAL Horizontally co-located with (0, 0) luma sample, vertical position in the middle between two luma samples
// * 2 - CSP_COLOCATED co-located with (0, 0) luma sample
codec->configBox.chromaSamplePosition = 0;
static void writeConfigBox(avifRWStream * s, avifCodecConfigurationBox * cfg)
avifBoxMarker av1C = avifRWStreamWriteBox(s, "av1C", -1, 0);
// unsigned int (1) marker = 1;
// unsigned int (7) version = 1;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(s, 0x80 | 0x1);
// unsigned int (3) seq_profile;
// unsigned int (5) seq_level_idx_0;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(s, (uint8_t)((cfg->seqProfile & 0x7) << 5) | (uint8_t)(cfg->seqLevelIdx0 & 0x1f));
uint8_t bits = 0;
bits |= (cfg->seqTier0 & 0x1) << 7; // unsigned int (1) seq_tier_0;
bits |= (cfg->highBitdepth & 0x1) << 6; // unsigned int (1) high_bitdepth;
bits |= (cfg->twelveBit & 0x1) << 5; // unsigned int (1) twelve_bit;
bits |= (cfg->monochrome & 0x1) << 4; // unsigned int (1) monochrome;
bits |= (cfg->chromaSubsamplingX & 0x1) << 3; // unsigned int (1) chroma_subsampling_x;
bits |= (cfg->chromaSubsamplingY & 0x1) << 2; // unsigned int (1) chroma_subsampling_y;
bits |= (cfg->chromaSamplePosition & 0x3); // unsigned int (2) chroma_sample_position;
avifRWStreamWriteU8(s, bits);
// unsigned int (3) reserved = 0;
// unsigned int (1) initial_presentation_delay_present;
// if (initial_presentation_delay_present) {
// unsigned int (4) initial_presentation_delay_minus_one;
// } else {
// unsigned int (4) reserved = 0;
// }
avifRWStreamWriteU8(s, 0);
avifRWStreamFinishBox(s, av1C);