Allow alpha to be specified as an auxl of color tiles

Allows images of the following form to be decoded as images with
alpha channel (since the spec does not disallow these):

[primary item grid]
   ^       ^
   |dimg   |dimg
   |       |
[color] [color]
   ^       ^
   |auxl   |auxl
   |       |
[alpha] [alpha]

Fixes Issue #1203.

I have tested this commit with the image attached in issue #1203
and it decodes as intended with the alpha plane.
diff --git a/src/read.c b/src/read.c
index 83b5ea0..4cc1b30 100644
--- a/src/read.c
+++ b/src/read.c
@@ -3562,42 +3562,113 @@
     return AVIF_RESULT_OK;
-// If alpha is AVIF_FALSE, searches for the primary color item (parentItemID is ignored in this case).
-// If alpha is AVIF_TRUE, searches for the auxiliary alpha item whose parent item ID is parentItemID.
-// Returns the target item if found, or NULL.
-static avifDecoderItem * avifDecoderDataFindItem(avifDecoderData * data, avifBool alpha, uint32_t parentItemID)
+// Returns AVIF_TRUE if the item should be skipped. Items should be skipped for one of the following reasons:
+//  * Size is 0.
+//  * Has an essential property that isn't supported by libavif.
+//  * Item is Exif or similar data.
+//  * Item is a thumbnail.
+static avifBool avifDecoderDataShouldSkipItem(avifDecoderItem * item)
+    return !item->size || item->hasUnsupportedEssentialProperty ||
+           (avifGetCodecType(item->type) == AVIF_CODEC_TYPE_UNKNOWN && memcmp(item->type, "grid", 4)) || item->thumbnailForID != 0;
+// Returns the color item if found, or NULL.
+static avifDecoderItem * avifDecoderDataFindColorItem(avifDecoderData * data)
     for (uint32_t itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < data->meta->items.count; ++itemIndex) {
         avifDecoderItem * item = &data->meta->items.item[itemIndex];
-        if (!item->size) {
+        if (avifDecoderDataShouldSkipItem(item)) {
-        if (item->hasUnsupportedEssentialProperty) {
-            // An essential property isn't supported by libavif; ignore the item.
-            continue;
-        }
-        if ((avifGetCodecType(item->type) == AVIF_CODEC_TYPE_UNKNOWN) && memcmp(item->type, "grid", 4)) {
-            // Probably exif or some other data.
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (item->thumbnailForID != 0) {
-            // It's a thumbnail, skip it.
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (!alpha && (item->id == data->meta->primaryItemID)) {
+        if (item->id == data->meta->primaryItemID) {
             return item;
-        if (alpha && (item->auxForID == parentItemID)) {
-            // Is this an alpha auxiliary item of the parent color item?
-            const avifProperty * auxCProp = avifPropertyArrayFind(&item->properties, "auxC");
-            if (auxCProp && isAlphaURN(auxCProp->u.auxC.auxType)) {
-                return item;
-            }
-        }
     return NULL;
+static avifBool avifDecoderItemIsAlphaAux(avifDecoderItem * item, uint32_t colorItemId)
+    if (item->auxForID != colorItemId)
+        return AVIF_FALSE;
+    // Is this an alpha auxiliary item of the color item?
+    const avifProperty * auxCProp = avifPropertyArrayFind(&item->properties, "auxC");
+    return auxCProp && isAlphaURN(auxCProp->u.auxC.auxType);
+// Finds the alpha item whose parent item is colorItem and sets it in the alphaItem output parameter. Returns AVIF_RESULT_OK on
+// success. Note that *alphaItem can be NULL even if the return value is AVIF_RESULT_OK. If the colorItem is a grid and the alpha
+// item is represented as a set of auxl items to each color tile, then a fake item will be created and isAlphaItemInInput will be
+// set to AVIF_FALSE. Otherwise, isAlphaItemInInput will be set to AVIF_TRUE when *alphaItem is not NULL.
+static avifResult avifDecoderDataFindAlphaItem(avifDecoderData * data,
+                                               avifDecoderItem * colorItem,
+                                               avifDecoderItem ** alphaItem,
+                                               avifBool * isAlphaItemInInput)
+    for (uint32_t itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < data->meta->items.count; ++itemIndex) {
+        avifDecoderItem * item = &data->meta->items.item[itemIndex];
+        if (avifDecoderDataShouldSkipItem(item)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (avifDecoderItemIsAlphaAux(item, colorItem->id)) {
+            *alphaItem = item;
+            *isAlphaItemInInput = AVIF_TRUE;
+            return AVIF_RESULT_OK;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!memcmp(colorItem->type, "grid", 4)) {
+        // If color item is a grid, check if there is an alpha channel which is represented as an auxl item to each color tile
+        // item.
+        uint32_t colorItemCount = data->color.grid.rows * data->color.grid.columns;
+        if (colorItemCount <= 0) {
+            *alphaItem = NULL;
+            return AVIF_RESULT_OK;
+        }
+        uint32_t * alphaItemIndices = avifAlloc(colorItemCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
+        uint32_t alphaItemCount = 0;
+        uint32_t maxItemID = 0;
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < colorItem->meta->items.count; ++i) {
+            avifDecoderItem * item = &colorItem->meta->items.item[i];
+            if (item->id > maxItemID) {
+                maxItemID = item->id;
+            }
+            if (item->dimgForID == colorItem->id) {
+                for (uint32_t j = 0; j < colorItem->meta->items.count; ++j) {
+                    avifDecoderItem * auxlItem = &colorItem->meta->items.item[j];
+                    if (avifDecoderItemIsAlphaAux(auxlItem, item->id)) {
+                        alphaItemIndices[alphaItemCount++] = j;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (alphaItemCount != colorItemCount) {
+            // Not all the color items had an alpha auxiliary attached to it. Report this case as an image without alpha channel.
+            avifFree(alphaItemIndices);
+            *alphaItem = NULL;
+            return AVIF_RESULT_OK;
+        }
+        *alphaItem = avifMetaFindItem(colorItem->meta, maxItemID + 1);
+        if (*alphaItem == NULL) {
+            avifFree(alphaItemIndices);
+            return AVIF_RESULT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+        }
+        memcpy((*alphaItem)->type, "grid", 4);
+        (*alphaItem)->width = colorItem->width;
+        (*alphaItem)->height = colorItem->height;
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < alphaItemCount; ++i) {
+            avifDecoderItem * item = &colorItem->meta->items.item[alphaItemIndices[i]];
+            item->dimgForID = (*alphaItem)->id;
+        }
+        avifFree(alphaItemIndices);
+        *isAlphaItemInInput = AVIF_FALSE;
+        return AVIF_RESULT_OK;
+    }
+    *alphaItem = NULL;
+    return AVIF_RESULT_OK;
 static avifResult avifDecoderGenerateImageTiles(avifDecoder * decoder, avifTileInfo * info, avifDecoderItem * item, avifBool alpha)
     const uint32_t previousTileCount = decoder->data->tiles.count;
@@ -3807,7 +3878,7 @@
-        avifDecoderItem * colorItem = avifDecoderDataFindItem(data, /*alpha=*/AVIF_FALSE, /*parentItemID=*/0);
+        avifDecoderItem * colorItem = avifDecoderDataFindColorItem(data);
         if (!colorItem) {
             avifDiagnosticsPrintf(&decoder->diag, "Primary item not found");
@@ -3832,19 +3903,26 @@
             assert(colorCodecType != AVIF_CODEC_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
-        avifDecoderItem * alphaItem = avifDecoderDataFindItem(data, /*alpha=*/AVIF_TRUE, /*parentItemID=*/colorItem->id);
+        avifBool isAlphaItemInInput = AVIF_TRUE;
+        avifDecoderItem * alphaItem;
+        AVIF_CHECKRES(avifDecoderDataFindAlphaItem(data, colorItem, &alphaItem, &isAlphaItemInInput));
         avifCodecType alphaCodecType = AVIF_CODEC_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
         if (alphaItem) {
             if (!memcmp(alphaItem->type, "grid", 4)) {
-                avifROData readData;
-                AVIF_CHECKRES(avifDecoderItemRead(alphaItem, decoder->io, &readData, 0, 0, data->diag));
-                AVIF_CHECKERR(avifParseImageGridBox(&data->alpha.grid,
-                                          ,
-                                                    readData.size,
-                                                    decoder->imageSizeLimit,
-                                                    decoder->imageDimensionLimit,
-                                                    data->diag),
-                              AVIF_RESULT_INVALID_IMAGE_GRID);
+                if (isAlphaItemInInput) {
+                    avifROData readData;
+                    AVIF_CHECKRES(avifDecoderItemRead(alphaItem, decoder->io, &readData, 0, 0, data->diag));
+                    AVIF_CHECKERR(avifParseImageGridBox(&data->alpha.grid,
+                                              ,
+                                                        readData.size,
+                                                        decoder->imageSizeLimit,
+                                                        decoder->imageDimensionLimit,
+                                                        data->diag),
+                                  AVIF_RESULT_INVALID_IMAGE_GRID);
+                } else {
+                    // This item was not actually in the input. Just copy the color grid structure to the alpha grid.
+                    data->alpha.grid = data->color.grid;
+                }
                 alphaCodecType = avifDecoderItemGetGridCodecType(alphaItem);
                 if (alphaCodecType == AVIF_CODEC_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
                     return AVIF_RESULT_INVALID_IMAGE_GRID;
@@ -3899,7 +3977,7 @@
             avifDecoderItemValidateProperties(colorItem, avifGetConfigurationPropertyName(colorCodecType), &decoder->diag, decoder->strictFlags));
-        if (alphaItem) {
+        if (alphaItem && isAlphaItemInInput) {