blob: 3232c80e108fcfbb732f3bd06f8a97bc6c4543c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Joe Drago. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "avifpng.h"
#include "avifexif.h"
#include "avifutil.h"
#include "iccmaker.h"
#include "png.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if !defined(PNG_eXIf_SUPPORTED) || !defined(PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED)
#error "libpng 1.6.32 or above with PNG_eXIf_SUPPORTED and PNG_iTXt_SUPPORTED is required."
// Reading
// Converts a hexadecimal string which contains 2-byte character representations of hexadecimal values to raw data (bytes).
// hexString may contain values consisting of [A-F][a-f][0-9] in pairs, e.g., 7af2..., separated by any number of newlines.
// On success the bytes are filled and AVIF_TRUE is returned.
// AVIF_FALSE is returned if fewer than numExpectedBytes hexadecimal pairs are converted.
static avifBool avifHexStringToBytes(const char * hexString, size_t hexStringLength, size_t numExpectedBytes, avifRWData * bytes)
if (avifRWDataRealloc(bytes, numExpectedBytes) != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Metadata extraction failed: out of memory\n");
return AVIF_FALSE;
size_t numBytes = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; (i + 1 < hexStringLength) && (numBytes < numExpectedBytes);) {
if (hexString[i] == '\n') {
if (!isxdigit(hexString[i]) || !isxdigit(hexString[i + 1])) {
fprintf(stderr, "Metadata extraction failed: invalid character at %" AVIF_FMT_ZU "\n", i);
return AVIF_FALSE;
const char twoHexDigits[] = { hexString[i], hexString[i + 1], '\0' };
bytes->data[numBytes] = (uint8_t)strtol(twoHexDigits, NULL, 16);
i += 2;
if (numBytes != numExpectedBytes) {
fprintf(stderr, "Metadata extraction failed: expected %" AVIF_FMT_ZU " tokens but got %" AVIF_FMT_ZU "\n", numExpectedBytes, numBytes);
return AVIF_FALSE;
return AVIF_TRUE;
// Parses the raw profile string of profileLength characters and extracts the payload.
static avifBool avifCopyRawProfile(const char * profile, size_t profileLength, avifRWData * payload)
// ImageMagick formats 'raw profiles' as "\n<name>\n<length>(%8lu)\n<hex payload>\n".
if (!profile || (profileLength == 0) || (profile[0] != '\n')) {
fprintf(stderr, "Metadata extraction failed: truncated or malformed raw profile\n");
return AVIF_FALSE;
const char * lengthStart = NULL;
for (size_t i = 1; i < profileLength; ++i) { // i starts at 1 because the first '\n' was already checked above.
if (profile[i] == '\0') {
// This should not happen as libpng provides this guarantee but extra safety does not hurt.
fprintf(stderr, "Metadata extraction failed: malformed raw profile, unexpected null character at %" AVIF_FMT_ZU "\n", i);
return AVIF_FALSE;
if (profile[i] == '\n') {
if (!lengthStart) {
// Skip the name and store the beginning of the string containing the length of the payload.
lengthStart = &profile[i + 1];
} else {
const char * hexPayloadStart = &profile[i + 1];
const size_t hexPayloadMaxLength = profileLength - (i + 1);
// Parse the length, now that we are sure that it is surrounded by '\n' within the profileLength characters.
char * lengthEnd;
const long expectedLength = strtol(lengthStart, &lengthEnd, 10);
if (lengthEnd != &profile[i]) {
fprintf(stderr, "Metadata extraction failed: malformed raw profile, expected '\\n' but got '\\x%.2X'\n", *lengthEnd);
return AVIF_FALSE;
// No need to check for errno. Just make sure expectedLength is not LONG_MIN and not LONG_MAX.
if ((expectedLength <= 0) || (expectedLength == LONG_MAX) ||
((unsigned long)expectedLength > (hexPayloadMaxLength / 2))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Metadata extraction failed: invalid length %ld\n", expectedLength);
return AVIF_FALSE;
// Note: The profile may be malformed by containing more data than the extracted expectedLength bytes.
// Be lenient about it and consider it as a valid payload.
return avifHexStringToBytes(hexPayloadStart, hexPayloadMaxLength, (size_t)expectedLength, payload);
fprintf(stderr, "Metadata extraction failed: malformed or truncated raw profile\n");
return AVIF_FALSE;
static avifBool avifRemoveHeader(const avifROData * header, avifRWData * payload)
if (payload->size > header->size && !memcmp(payload->data, header->data, header->size)) {
memmove(payload->data, payload->data + header->size, payload->size - header->size);
payload->size -= header->size;
return AVIF_TRUE;
return AVIF_FALSE;
// Extracts metadata to avif->exif and avif->xmp unless the corresponding *ignoreExif or *ignoreXMP is set to AVIF_TRUE.
// *ignoreExif and *ignoreXMP may be set to AVIF_TRUE if the corresponding Exif or XMP metadata was extracted.
// Returns AVIF_FALSE in case of a parsing error.
static avifBool avifExtractExifAndXMP(png_structp png, png_infop info, avifBool * ignoreExif, avifBool * ignoreXMP, avifImage * avif)
if (!*ignoreExif) {
png_uint_32 exifSize = 0;
png_bytep exif = NULL;
if (png_get_eXIf_1(png, info, &exifSize, &exif) == PNG_INFO_eXIf) {
if ((exifSize == 0) || !exif) {
fprintf(stderr, "Exif extraction failed: empty eXIf chunk\n");
return AVIF_FALSE;
// Avoid avifImageSetMetadataExif() that sets irot/imir.
if (avifRWDataSet(&avif->exif, exif, exifSize) != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Exif extraction failed: out of memory\n");
return AVIF_FALSE;
// According to the Extensions to the PNG 1.2 Specification, Version 1.5.0, section 3.7:
// "It is recommended that unless a decoder has independent knowledge of the validity of the Exif data,
// the data should be considered to be of historical value only."
// Try to remove any Exif orientation data to be safe.
// It is easier to set it to 1 (the default top-left) than actually removing the tag.
// libheif has the same behavior, see
// Ignore errors because not being able to set Exif orientation now means it cannot be parsed later either.
(void)avifSetExifOrientation(&avif->exif, 1);
*ignoreExif = AVIF_TRUE; // Ignore any other Exif chunk.
// HEIF specification ISO-23008 section A.2.1 allows including and excluding the Exif\0\0 header from AVIF files.
// The PNG 1.5 extension mentions the omission of this header for the modern standard eXIf chunk.
const avifROData exifApp1Header = { (const uint8_t *)"Exif\0\0", 6 };
const avifROData xmpApp1Header = { (const uint8_t *)"\0", 29 };
// tXMP could be retrieved using the png_get_unknown_chunks() API but tXMP is deprecated
// and there is no PNG file example with a tXMP chunk lying around, so it is not worth the hassle.
png_textp text = NULL;
const png_uint_32 numTextChunks = png_get_text(png, info, &text, NULL);
for (png_uint_32 i = 0; (!*ignoreExif || !*ignoreXMP) && (i < numTextChunks); ++i, ++text) {
png_size_t textLength = text->text_length;
if ((text->compression == PNG_ITXT_COMPRESSION_NONE) || (text->compression == PNG_ITXT_COMPRESSION_zTXt)) {
textLength = text->itxt_length;
if (!*ignoreExif && !strcmp(text->key, "Raw profile type exif")) {
if (!avifCopyRawProfile(text->text, textLength, &avif->exif)) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
avifRemoveHeader(&exifApp1Header, &avif->exif); // Ignore the return value because the header is optional.
(void)avifSetExifOrientation(&avif->exif, 1); // See above.
*ignoreExif = AVIF_TRUE; // Ignore any other Exif chunk.
} else if (!*ignoreXMP && !strcmp(text->key, "Raw profile type xmp")) {
if (!avifCopyRawProfile(text->text, textLength, &avif->xmp)) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
avifRemoveHeader(&xmpApp1Header, &avif->xmp); // Ignore the return value because the header is optional.
*ignoreXMP = AVIF_TRUE; // Ignore any other XMP chunk.
} else if (!strcmp(text->key, "Raw profile type APP1")) {
// This can be either Exif, XMP or something else.
avifRWData metadata = { NULL, 0 };
if (!avifCopyRawProfile(text->text, textLength, &metadata)) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
if (!*ignoreExif && avifRemoveHeader(&exifApp1Header, &metadata)) {
avif->exif = metadata;
(void)avifSetExifOrientation(&avif->exif, 1); // See above.
*ignoreExif = AVIF_TRUE; // Ignore any other Exif chunk.
} else if (!*ignoreXMP && avifRemoveHeader(&xmpApp1Header, &metadata)) {
avif->xmp = metadata;
*ignoreXMP = AVIF_TRUE; // Ignore any other XMP chunk.
} else {
avifRWDataFree(&metadata); // Discard chunk.
} else if (!*ignoreXMP && !strcmp(text->key, "XML:com.adobe.xmp")) {
if (textLength == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "XMP extraction failed: empty XML:com.adobe.xmp payload\n");
return AVIF_FALSE;
if (avifImageSetMetadataXMP(avif, (const uint8_t *)text->text, textLength) != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "XMP extraction failed: out of memory\n");
return AVIF_FALSE;
*ignoreXMP = AVIF_TRUE; // Ignore any other XMP chunk.
// The iTXt XMP payload may not contain a zero byte according to section of
// the PNG specification, version 1.2. Still remove one trailing null character if any,
// in case libpng does not strictly enforce that at decoding.
return AVIF_TRUE;
// Note on setjmp() and volatile variables:
// K & R, The C Programming Language 2nd Ed, p. 254 says:
// ... Accessible objects have the values they had when longjmp was called,
// except that non-volatile automatic variables in the function calling setjmp
// become undefined if they were changed after the setjmp call.
// Therefore, 'rowPointers' is declared as volatile. 'rgb' should be declared as
// volatile, but doing so would be inconvenient (try it) and since it is a
// struct, the compiler is unlikely to put it in a register. 'readResult' and
// 'writeResult' do not need to be declared as volatile because they are not
// modified between setjmp and longjmp. But GCC's -Wclobbered warning may have
// trouble figuring that out, so we preemptively declare them as volatile.
avifBool avifPNGRead(const char * inputFilename,
avifImage * avif,
avifPixelFormat requestedFormat,
uint32_t requestedDepth,
avifChromaDownsampling chromaDownsampling,
avifBool ignoreColorProfile,
avifBool ignoreExif,
avifBool ignoreXMP,
avifBool allowChangingCicp,
uint32_t imageSizeLimit,
uint32_t * outPNGDepth)
volatile avifBool readResult = AVIF_FALSE;
png_structp png = NULL;
png_infop info = NULL;
png_bytep * volatile rowPointers = NULL;
avifRGBImage rgb;
memset(&rgb, 0, sizeof(avifRGBImage));
FILE * f = fopen(inputFilename, "rb");
if (!f) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open PNG file for read: %s\n", inputFilename);
goto cleanup;
uint8_t header[8];
size_t bytesRead = fread(header, 1, 8, f);
if (bytesRead != 8) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't read PNG header: %s\n", inputFilename);
goto cleanup;
if (png_sig_cmp(header, 0, 8)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Not a PNG: %s\n", inputFilename);
goto cleanup;
png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!png) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot init libpng (png): %s\n", inputFilename);
goto cleanup;
info = png_create_info_struct(png);
if (!info) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot init libpng (info): %s\n", inputFilename);
goto cleanup;
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading PNG: %s\n", inputFilename);
goto cleanup;
png_init_io(png, f);
png_set_sig_bytes(png, 8);
png_read_info(png, info);
int rawWidth = png_get_image_width(png, info);
int rawHeight = png_get_image_height(png, info);
png_byte rawColorType = png_get_color_type(png, info);
png_byte rawBitDepth = png_get_bit_depth(png, info);
if (rawColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
if ((rawColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY) && (rawBitDepth < 8)) {
if (png_get_valid(png, info, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
if ((rawColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY) || (rawColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)) {
int imgBitDepth = 8;
if (rawBitDepth == 16) {
imgBitDepth = 16;
if (outPNGDepth) {
*outPNGDepth = imgBitDepth;
png_read_update_info(png, info);
avif->width = rawWidth;
avif->height = rawHeight;
avif->yuvFormat = requestedFormat;
if (avif->matrixCoefficients == AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_YCGCO_RO) {
fprintf(stderr, "AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_YCGCO_RO cannot be used with PNG because it has an even bit depth.\n");
goto cleanup;
const avifBool useYCgCoR = (avif->matrixCoefficients == AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_YCGCO_RE);
if (avif->yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_NONE) {
if ((rawColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY) || (rawColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)) {
avif->yuvFormat = AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV400;
} else if (avif->matrixCoefficients == AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_IDENTITY
|| useYCgCoR
) {
// Identity and YCgCo-R are only valid with YUV444.
avif->yuvFormat = AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV444;
} else {
avif->depth = requestedDepth;
if (avif->depth == 0) {
if (imgBitDepth == 8) {
avif->depth = 8;
} else {
avif->depth = 12;
if (useYCgCoR) {
if (imgBitDepth != 8) {
fprintf(stderr, "AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_YCGCO_RE cannot be used on 16 bit input because it adds two bits.\n");
goto cleanup;
if (requestedDepth && requestedDepth != 10) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot request %u bits for YCgCo-Re as it uses 2 extra bits.\n", requestedDepth);
goto cleanup;
avif->depth = 10;
if (!ignoreColorProfile) {
char * iccpProfileName = NULL;
int iccpCompression = 0;
unsigned char * iccpData = NULL;
png_uint_32 iccpDataLen = 0;
int srgbIntent;
// PNG specification 1.2 Section 4.2.2:
// The sRGB and iCCP chunks should not both appear.
// When the sRGB / iCCP chunk is present, applications that recognize it and are capable of color management
// must ignore the gAMA and cHRM chunks and use the sRGB / iCCP chunk instead.
if (png_get_iCCP(png, info, &iccpProfileName, &iccpCompression, &iccpData, &iccpDataLen) == PNG_INFO_iCCP) {
if (avifImageSetProfileICC(avif, iccpData, iccpDataLen) != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Setting ICC profile failed: out of memory.\n");
goto cleanup;
} else if (allowChangingCicp) {
if (png_get_sRGB(png, info, &srgbIntent) == PNG_INFO_sRGB) {
// srgbIntent ignored
avif->colorPrimaries = AVIF_COLOR_PRIMARIES_SRGB;
avif->transferCharacteristics = AVIF_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS_SRGB;
} else {
avifBool needToGenerateICC = AVIF_FALSE;
double gamma;
double wX, wY, rX, rY, gX, gY, bX, bY;
float primaries[8];
if (png_get_gAMA(png, info, &gamma) == PNG_INFO_gAMA) {
gamma = 1.0 / gamma;
avif->transferCharacteristics = avifTransferCharacteristicsFindByGamma((float)gamma);
if (avif->transferCharacteristics == AVIF_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS_UNKNOWN) {
needToGenerateICC = AVIF_TRUE;
} else {
// No gamma information in file. Assume the default value.
// PNG specification 1.2 Section 10.5:
// Assume a CRT exponent of 2.2 unless detailed calibration measurements
// of this particular CRT are available.
gamma = 2.2;
if (png_get_cHRM(png, info, &wX, &wY, &rX, &rY, &gX, &gY, &bX, &bY) == PNG_INFO_cHRM) {
primaries[0] = (float)rX;
primaries[1] = (float)rY;
primaries[2] = (float)gX;
primaries[3] = (float)gY;
primaries[4] = (float)bX;
primaries[5] = (float)bY;
primaries[6] = (float)wX;
primaries[7] = (float)wY;
avif->colorPrimaries = avifColorPrimariesFind(primaries, NULL);
if (avif->colorPrimaries == AVIF_COLOR_PRIMARIES_UNKNOWN) {
needToGenerateICC = AVIF_TRUE;
} else {
// No chromaticity information in file. Assume the default value.
// PNG specification 1.2 Section 10.6:
// Decoders may wish to do this for PNG files with no cHRM chunk.
// In that case, a reasonable default would be the CCIR 709 primaries [ITU-R-BT709].
avifColorPrimariesGetValues(AVIF_COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT709, primaries);
if (needToGenerateICC) {
"INFO: legacy PNG color space information found in file %s not matching any CICP value. libavif is generating an ICC profile for it."
" Use --ignore-profile to ignore color space information instead (may affect the colors of the encoded AVIF image).\n",
avifBool generateICCResult = AVIF_FALSE;
if (avif->yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV400) {
generateICCResult = avifGenerateGrayICC(&avif->icc, (float)gamma, &primaries[6]);
} else {
generateICCResult = avifGenerateRGBICC(&avif->icc, (float)gamma, primaries);
if (!generateICCResult) {
"WARNING: libavif could not generate an ICC profile for file %s. "
"It may be caused by invalid values in the color space information. "
"The encoded AVIF image's colors may be affected.\n",
// Note: There is no support for the rare "Raw profile type icc" or "Raw profile type icm" text chunks.
// TODO(yguyon): Also check if there is a cICp chunk (
const int numChannels = png_get_channels(png, info);
if ((numChannels != 3) && (numChannels != 4)) {
fprintf(stderr, "png_get_channels() should return 3 or 4 but returns %d.\n", numChannels);
goto cleanup;
if (avif->width > imageSizeLimit / avif->height) {
fprintf(stderr, "Too big PNG dimensions (%u x %u > %u px): %s\n", avif->width, avif->height, imageSizeLimit, inputFilename);
goto cleanup;
avifRGBImageSetDefaults(&rgb, avif);
rgb.chromaDownsampling = chromaDownsampling;
rgb.depth = imgBitDepth;
if (numChannels == 3) {
rgb.format = AVIF_RGB_FORMAT_RGB;
if (avifRGBImageAllocatePixels(&rgb) != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Conversion to YUV failed: %s (out of memory)\n", inputFilename);
goto cleanup;
// png_read_image() receives the row pointers but not the row buffer size. Verify the row
// buffer size is exactly what libpng expects. If they are different, we have a bug and should
// not proceed.
const size_t rowBytes = png_get_rowbytes(png, info);
if (rgb.rowBytes != rowBytes) {
fprintf(stderr, "avifPNGRead internal error: rowBytes mismatch libavif %u vs libpng %" AVIF_FMT_ZU "\n", rgb.rowBytes, rowBytes);
goto cleanup;
rowPointers = (png_bytep *)malloc(sizeof(png_bytep) * rgb.height);
if (rowPointers == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "avifPNGRead internal error: memory allocation failure");
goto cleanup;
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < rgb.height; ++y) {
rowPointers[y] = &rgb.pixels[y * rgb.rowBytes];
png_read_image(png, rowPointers);
if (avifImageRGBToYUV(avif, &rgb) != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Conversion to YUV failed: %s\n", inputFilename);
goto cleanup;
// Read Exif metadata at the beginning of the file.
if (!avifExtractExifAndXMP(png, info, &ignoreExif, &ignoreXMP, avif)) {
goto cleanup;
// Read Exif or XMP metadata at the end of the file if there was none at the beginning.
if (!ignoreExif || !ignoreXMP) {
png_read_end(png, info);
if (!avifExtractExifAndXMP(png, info, &ignoreExif, &ignoreXMP, avif)) {
goto cleanup;
readResult = AVIF_TRUE;
if (f) {
if (png) {
png_destroy_read_struct(&png, &info, NULL);
if (rowPointers) {
return readResult;
// Writing
avifBool avifPNGWrite(const char * outputFilename, const avifImage * avif, uint32_t requestedDepth, avifChromaUpsampling chromaUpsampling, int compressionLevel)
volatile avifBool writeResult = AVIF_FALSE;
png_structp png = NULL;
png_infop info = NULL;
avifRWData xmp = { NULL, 0 };
png_bytep * volatile rowPointers = NULL;
FILE * volatile f = NULL;
avifRGBImage rgb;
memset(&rgb, 0, sizeof(avifRGBImage));
volatile int rgbDepth = requestedDepth;
if (rgbDepth == 0) {
rgbDepth = (avif->depth > 8) ? 16 : 8;
if (avif->matrixCoefficients == AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_YCGCO_RO) {
fprintf(stderr, "AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_YCGCO_RO cannot be used with PNG because it has an even bit depth.\n");
goto cleanup;
if (avif->matrixCoefficients == AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_YCGCO_RE) {
if (avif->depth != 10) {
fprintf(stderr, "avif->depth must be 10 bits and not %u.\n", avif->depth);
goto cleanup;
if (requestedDepth && requestedDepth != 8) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot request %u bits for YCgCo-Re as it only works for 8 bits.\n", requestedDepth);
goto cleanup;
rgbDepth = 8;
volatile avifBool monochrome8bit = (avif->yuvFormat == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV400) && !avif->alphaPlane && (avif->depth == 8) &&
(rgbDepth == 8);
volatile int colorType;
if (monochrome8bit) {
} else {
avifRGBImageSetDefaults(&rgb, avif);
rgb.chromaUpsampling = chromaUpsampling;
rgb.depth = rgbDepth;
if (avifImageIsOpaque(avif)) {
rgb.format = AVIF_RGB_FORMAT_RGB;
if (avifRGBImageAllocatePixels(&rgb) != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Conversion to RGB failed: %s (out of memory)\n", outputFilename);
goto cleanup;
if (avifImageYUVToRGB(avif, &rgb) != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Conversion to RGB failed: %s\n", outputFilename);
goto cleanup;
f = fopen(outputFilename, "wb");
if (!f) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open PNG file for write: %s\n", outputFilename);
goto cleanup;
png = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!png) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot init libpng (png): %s\n", outputFilename);
goto cleanup;
info = png_create_info_struct(png);
if (!info) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot init libpng (info): %s\n", outputFilename);
goto cleanup;
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing PNG: %s\n", outputFilename);
goto cleanup;
png_init_io(png, f);
// Don't bother complaining about ICC profile's contents when transferring from AVIF to PNG.
// It is up to the enduser to decide if they want to keep their ICC profiles or not.
#if defined(PNG_SKIP_sRGB_CHECK_PROFILE) && defined(PNG_SET_OPTION_SUPPORTED) // See libpng-manual.txt, section XII.
if (compressionLevel >= 0) {
png_set_compression_level(png, compressionLevel);
png_set_IHDR(png, info, avif->width, avif->height, rgbDepth, colorType, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT);
const avifBool hasIcc = avif-> && (avif->icc.size > 0);
if (hasIcc) {
// If there is an ICC profile, the CICP values are irrelevant and only the ICC profile
// is written. If we could extract the primaries/transfer curve from the ICC profile,
// then they could be written in cHRM/gAMA chunks.
png_set_iCCP(png, info, "libavif", 0, avif->, (png_uint_32)avif->icc.size);
} else {
const avifBool isSrgb = (avif->colorPrimaries == AVIF_COLOR_PRIMARIES_SRGB) &&
(avif->transferCharacteristics == AVIF_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS_SRGB);
if (isSrgb) {
png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHRM(png, info, PNG_sRGB_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
} else {
if (avif->colorPrimaries != AVIF_COLOR_PRIMARIES_UNKNOWN && avif->colorPrimaries != AVIF_COLOR_PRIMARIES_UNSPECIFIED) {
float primariesCoords[8];
avifColorPrimariesGetValues(avif->colorPrimaries, primariesCoords);
float gamma;
// Write the transfer characteristics IF it can be represented as a
// simple gamma value. Most transfer characteristics cannot be
// represented this way. Viewers that support the cICP chunk can use
// that instead, but older viewers might show incorrect colors.
if (avifTransferCharacteristicsGetGamma(avif->transferCharacteristics, &gamma) == AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
png_set_gAMA(png, info, 1.0f / gamma);
png_text texts[2];
int numTextMetadataChunks = 0;
if (avif-> && (avif->exif.size > 0)) {
if (avif->exif.size > UINT32_MAX) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing PNG: Exif metadata is too big\n");
goto cleanup;
png_set_eXIf_1(png, info, (png_uint_32)avif->exif.size, avif->;
if (avif-> && (avif->xmp.size > 0)) {
// The iTXt XMP payload may not contain a zero byte according to section of
// the PNG specification, version 1.2.
// The chunk is given to libpng as is. Bytes after a zero byte may be stripped.
// Providing the length through png_text.itxt_length does not work.
// The given png_text.text string must end with a zero byte.
if (avif->xmp.size >= SIZE_MAX) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing PNG: XMP metadata is too big\n");
goto cleanup;
if (avifRWDataRealloc(&xmp, avif->xmp.size + 1) != AVIF_RESULT_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing PNG: out of memory\n");
goto cleanup;
memcpy(, avif->, avif->xmp.size);[avif->xmp.size] = '\0';
png_text * text = &texts[numTextMetadataChunks++];
memset(text, 0, sizeof(*text));
text->compression = PNG_ITXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
text->key = "XML:com.adobe.xmp";
text->text = (char *);
text->itxt_length = xmp.size;
if (numTextMetadataChunks != 0) {
png_set_text(png, info, texts, numTextMetadataChunks);
png_write_info(png, info);
// Custom chunk writing, must appear after png_write_info.
// With AVIF, an ICC profile takes priority over CICP, but with PNG files, CICP takes priority over ICC.
// Therefore CICP should only be written if there is no ICC profile.
if (!hasIcc) {
const png_byte cicp[5] = "cICP";
const png_byte cicpData[4] = { (png_byte)avif->colorPrimaries,
1 /*full range*/ };
png_write_chunk(png, cicp, cicpData, 4);
rowPointers = (png_bytep *)malloc(sizeof(png_bytep) * avif->height);
if (rowPointers == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing PNG: memory allocation failure");
goto cleanup;
if (monochrome8bit) {
uint8_t * yPlane = avif->yuvPlanes[AVIF_CHAN_Y];
uint32_t yRowBytes = avif->yuvRowBytes[AVIF_CHAN_Y];
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < avif->height; ++y) {
rowPointers[y] = &yPlane[y * yRowBytes];
} else {
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < avif->height; ++y) {
rowPointers[y] = &rgb.pixels[y * rgb.rowBytes];
if (avifImageGetExifOrientationFromIrotImir(avif) != 1) {
// TODO(yguyon): Rotate the samples.
if (rgbDepth > 8) {
png_write_image(png, rowPointers);
png_write_end(png, NULL);
writeResult = AVIF_TRUE;
printf("Wrote PNG: %s\n", outputFilename);
if (f) {
if (png) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info);
if (rowPointers) {
return writeResult;