blob: efe614af9101f2963e58836cd317e70221805699 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Joe Drago. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "avif/internal.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adapted from gb_math:
// gb_math.h - v0.07c - public domain C math library - no warranty implied; use at your own risk
typedef float gbFloat3[3];
typedef union gbVec3
float x, y, z;
} xyz;
float e[3];
} gbVec3;
typedef union gbMat3
gbVec3 col[3];
float e[9];
} gbMat3;
static gbFloat3 * gb_float33_m(gbMat3 * m)
return (gbFloat3 *)m;
static void gb_float33_mul_vec3(gbVec3 * out, float m[3][3], gbVec3 v)
out->xyz.x = m[0][0] * + m[0][1] * + m[0][2] *;
out->xyz.y = m[1][0] * + m[1][1] * + m[1][2] *;
out->xyz.z = m[2][0] * + m[2][1] * + m[2][2] *;
static void gb_mat3_mul_vec3(gbVec3 * out, gbMat3 * m, gbVec3 in)
gb_float33_mul_vec3(out, gb_float33_m(m), in);
static void gb_float33_transpose(float (*vec)[3])
int i, j;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
for (i = j + 1; i < 3; i++) {
float t = vec[i][j];
vec[i][j] = vec[j][i];
vec[j][i] = t;
static void gb_mat3_transpose(gbMat3 * m)
static float gb_mat3_determinant(gbMat3 * m)
gbFloat3 * e = gb_float33_m(m);
float d = +e[0][0] * (e[1][1] * e[2][2] - e[1][2] * e[2][1]) - e[0][1] * (e[1][0] * e[2][2] - e[1][2] * e[2][0]) +
e[0][2] * (e[1][0] * e[2][1] - e[1][1] * e[2][0]);
return d;
static void gb_float33_mul(float (*out)[3], float (*mat1)[3], float (*mat2)[3])
int i, j;
float temp1[3][3], temp2[3][3];
if (mat1 == out) {
memcpy(temp1, mat1, sizeof(temp1));
mat1 = temp1;
if (mat2 == out) {
memcpy(temp2, mat2, sizeof(temp2));
mat2 = temp2;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
out[j][i] = mat1[0][i] * mat2[j][0] + mat1[1][i] * mat2[j][1] + mat1[2][i] * mat2[j][2];
static void gb_mat3_mul(gbMat3 * out, gbMat3 * m1, gbMat3 * m2)
gb_float33_mul(gb_float33_m(out), gb_float33_m(m1), gb_float33_m(m2));
static void gb_mat3_inverse(gbMat3 * out, gbMat3 * in)
gbFloat3 * o = gb_float33_m(out);
gbFloat3 * i = gb_float33_m(in);
float ood = 1.0f / gb_mat3_determinant(in);
o[0][0] = +(i[1][1] * i[2][2] - i[2][1] * i[1][2]) * ood;
o[0][1] = -(i[1][0] * i[2][2] - i[2][0] * i[1][2]) * ood;
o[0][2] = +(i[1][0] * i[2][1] - i[2][0] * i[1][1]) * ood;
o[1][0] = -(i[0][1] * i[2][2] - i[2][1] * i[0][2]) * ood;
o[1][1] = +(i[0][0] * i[2][2] - i[2][0] * i[0][2]) * ood;
o[1][2] = -(i[0][0] * i[2][1] - i[2][0] * i[0][1]) * ood;
o[2][0] = +(i[0][1] * i[1][2] - i[1][1] * i[0][2]) * ood;
o[2][1] = -(i[0][0] * i[1][2] - i[1][0] * i[0][2]) * ood;
o[2][2] = +(i[0][0] * i[1][1] - i[1][0] * i[0][1]) * ood;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct avifColourPrimariesTable
avifNclxColourPrimaries colourPrimariesEnum;
const char * name;
float primaries[8]; // rX, rY, gX, gY, bX, bY, wX, wY
static const struct avifColourPrimariesTable avifColourPrimariesTables[] = {
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_BT709, "BT.709", { 0.64f, 0.33f, 0.3f, 0.6f, 0.15f, 0.06f, 0.3127f, 0.329f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_BT470_6M, "BT470-6 System M", { 0.67f, 0.33f, 0.21f, 0.71f, 0.14f, 0.08f, 0.310f, 0.316f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_BT601_7_625, "BT.601-7 625", { 0.64f, 0.33f, 0.29f, 0.60f, 0.15f, 0.06f, 0.3127f, 0.3290f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_BT601_7_525, "BT.601-7 525", { 0.630f, 0.340f, 0.310f, 0.595f, 0.155f, 0.070f, 0.3127f, 0.3290f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_ST240, "ST 240", { 0.630f, 0.340f, 0.310f, 0.595f, 0.155f, 0.070f, 0.3127f, 0.3290f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_GENERIC_FILM, "Generic film", { 0.681f, 0.319f, 0.243f, 0.692f, 0.145f, 0.049f, 0.310f, 0.316f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_BT2020, "BT.2020", { 0.708f, 0.292f, 0.170f, 0.797f, 0.131f, 0.046f, 0.3127f, 0.3290f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_XYZ, "XYZ", { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3333f, 0.3333f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_RP431_2, "RP 431-2", { 0.680f, 0.320f, 0.265f, 0.690f, 0.150f, 0.060f, 0.314f, 0.351f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_EG432_1, "EG 432-1 (P3)", { 0.680f, 0.320f, 0.265f, 0.690f, 0.150f, 0.060f, 0.3127f, 0.3290f } },
{ AVIF_NCLX_COLOUR_PRIMARIES_EBU3213E, "EBU 3213-E", { 0.630f, 0.340f, 0.295f, 0.605f, 0.155f, 0.077f, 0.3127f, 0.3290f } }
static const int avifColourPrimariesTableSize = sizeof(avifColourPrimariesTables) / sizeof(avifColourPrimariesTables[0]);
void avifNclxColourPrimariesGetValues(avifNclxColourPrimaries ancp, float outPrimaries[8])
for (int i = 0; i < avifColourPrimariesTableSize; ++i) {
if (avifColourPrimariesTables[i].colourPrimariesEnum == ancp) {
memcpy(outPrimaries, avifColourPrimariesTables[i].primaries, sizeof(avifColourPrimariesTables[i].primaries));
// if we get here, the color primaries are unknown. Just return a reasonable default.
memcpy(outPrimaries, avifColourPrimariesTables[0].primaries, sizeof(avifColourPrimariesTables[0].primaries));
static avifBool matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(float a, float b)
return (fabsf(a - b) < 0.001f);
static avifBool primariesMatch(const float p1[8], const float p2[8])
return matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(p1[0], p2[0]) && matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(p1[1], p2[1]) &&
matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(p1[2], p2[2]) && matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(p1[3], p2[3]) && matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(p1[4], p2[4]) &&
matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(p1[5], p2[5]) && matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(p1[6], p2[6]) && matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(p1[7], p2[7]);
avifNclxColourPrimaries avifNclxColourPrimariesFind(float inPrimaries[8], const char ** outName)
if (outName) {
*outName = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < avifColourPrimariesTableSize; ++i) {
if (primariesMatch(inPrimaries, avifColourPrimariesTables[i].primaries)) {
if (outName) {
*outName = avifColourPrimariesTables[i].name;
return avifColourPrimariesTables[i].colourPrimariesEnum;
static float fixedToFloat(int32_t fixed)
float sign = 1.0f;
if (fixed < 0) {
sign = -1.0f;
fixed *= -1;
return sign * ((float)((fixed >> 16) & 0xffff) + ((float)(fixed & 0xffff) / 65536.0f));
#if 0
static void convertXYZToXYY(float XYZ[3], float xyY[3], float whitePointX, float whitePointY)
float sum = XYZ[0] + XYZ[1] + XYZ[2];
if (sum <= 0.0f) {
xyY[0] = whitePointX;
xyY[1] = whitePointY;
xyY[2] = 0.0f;
xyY[0] = XYZ[0] / sum;
xyY[1] = XYZ[1] / sum;
xyY[2] = XYZ[1];
static void convertXYYToXYZ(float * xyY, float * XYZ)
if (xyY[2] <= 0.0f) {
XYZ[0] = 0.0f;
XYZ[1] = 0.0f;
XYZ[2] = 0.0f;
XYZ[0] = (xyY[0] * xyY[2]) / xyY[1];
XYZ[1] = xyY[2];
XYZ[2] = ((1 - xyY[0] - xyY[1]) * xyY[2]) / xyY[1];
static void convertMaxXYToXYZ(float x, float y, float * XYZ)
float xyY[3];
xyY[0] = x;
xyY[1] = y;
xyY[2] = 1.0f;
convertXYYToXYZ(xyY, XYZ);
static void convertXYZToXY(float XYZ[3], float xy[2], float whitePointX, float whitePointY)
float xyY[3];
convertXYZToXYY(XYZ, xyY, whitePointX, whitePointY);
xy[0] = xyY[0];
xy[1] = xyY[1];
#endif /* if 0 */
static float calcMaxY(float r, float g, float b, gbMat3 * colorants)
gbVec3 rgb, XYZ;
rgb.e[0] = r;
rgb.e[1] = g;
rgb.e[2] = b;
gb_mat3_mul_vec3(&XYZ, colorants, rgb);
static avifBool readXYZ(const uint8_t * data, size_t size, float xyz[3])
avifROData xyzData; = data;
xyzData.size = size;
avifROStream s;
avifROStreamStart(&s, &xyzData);
CHECK(avifROStreamSkip(&s, 8));
int32_t fixedXYZ[3];
CHECK(avifROStreamReadU32(&s, (uint32_t *)&fixedXYZ[0]));
CHECK(avifROStreamReadU32(&s, (uint32_t *)&fixedXYZ[1]));
CHECK(avifROStreamReadU32(&s, (uint32_t *)&fixedXYZ[2]));
xyz[0] = fixedToFloat(fixedXYZ[0]);
xyz[1] = fixedToFloat(fixedXYZ[1]);
xyz[2] = fixedToFloat(fixedXYZ[2]);
return AVIF_TRUE;
static avifBool readMat3(const uint8_t * data, size_t size, gbMat3 * m)
avifROData xyzData; = data;
xyzData.size = size;
avifROStream s;
avifROStreamStart(&s, &xyzData);
CHECK(avifROStreamSkip(&s, 8));
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
int32_t fixedXYZ;
CHECK(avifROStreamReadU32(&s, (uint32_t *)&fixedXYZ));
m->e[i] = fixedToFloat(fixedXYZ);
return AVIF_TRUE;
static avifBool calcYUVInfoFromICC(const uint8_t * iccData, size_t iccSize, float coeffs[3])
avifROData icc; = iccData;
icc.size = iccSize;
avifROStream s;
avifROStreamStart(&s, &icc);
uint8_t iccMajorVersion;
CHECK(avifROStreamSkip(&s, 8)); // skip to version
CHECK(avifROStreamRead(&s, &iccMajorVersion, 1));
avifROStreamStart(&s, &icc); // start stream over
CHECK(avifROStreamSkip(&s, 128)); // skip past the ICC header
uint32_t tagCount;
CHECK(avifROStreamReadU32(&s, &tagCount));
avifBool rXYZPresent = AVIF_FALSE;
avifBool gXYZPresent = AVIF_FALSE;
avifBool bXYZPresent = AVIF_FALSE;
avifBool wtptPresent = AVIF_FALSE;
avifBool chadPresent = AVIF_FALSE;
gbMat3 colorants;
gbMat3 chad, invChad;
gbVec3 wtpt;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
colorants.e[i] = 0.0f;
chad.e[i] = 0.0f;
wtpt.e[0] = 0.0f;
wtpt.e[1] = 0.0f;
wtpt.e[2] = 0.0f;
for (uint32_t tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < tagCount; ++tagIndex) {
uint8_t tagSignature[4];
uint32_t tagOffset;
uint32_t tagSize;
CHECK(avifROStreamRead(&s, tagSignature, 4));
CHECK(avifROStreamReadU32(&s, &tagOffset));
CHECK(avifROStreamReadU32(&s, &tagSize));
if ((tagOffset + tagSize) > icc.size) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
if (!memcmp(tagSignature, "rXYZ", 4)) {
CHECK(readXYZ( + tagOffset, tagSize, &colorants.e[0]));
rXYZPresent = AVIF_TRUE;
} else if (!memcmp(tagSignature, "gXYZ", 4)) {
CHECK(readXYZ( + tagOffset, tagSize, &colorants.e[3]));
gXYZPresent = AVIF_TRUE;
} else if (!memcmp(tagSignature, "bXYZ", 4)) {
CHECK(readXYZ( + tagOffset, tagSize, &colorants.e[6]));
bXYZPresent = AVIF_TRUE;
} else if (!memcmp(tagSignature, "wtpt", 4)) {
CHECK(readXYZ( + tagOffset, tagSize, &wtpt.e[0]));
wtptPresent = AVIF_TRUE;
} else if (!memcmp(tagSignature, "chad", 4)) {
CHECK(readMat3( + tagOffset, tagSize, &chad));
chadPresent = AVIF_TRUE;
if (!rXYZPresent || !gXYZPresent || !bXYZPresent || !wtptPresent) {
return AVIF_FALSE;
// These are read in column order, transpose to fix
gb_mat3_inverse(&invChad, &chad);
if (chadPresent) {
// TODO: make sure ICC profiles with no chad still behave?
gbMat3 tmpColorants;
memcpy(&tmpColorants, &colorants, sizeof(tmpColorants));
gb_mat3_mul(&colorants, &tmpColorants, &invChad);
// TODO: make sure older versions work well?
if (iccMajorVersion >= 4) {
gbVec3 tmp;
memcpy(&tmp, &wtpt, sizeof(tmp));
gb_mat3_mul_vec3(&wtpt, &invChad, tmp);
// white point and color primaries harvesting (unnecessary for YUV coefficients)
#if 0
float whitePoint[2];
convertXYZToXY(&wtpt.e[0], &whitePoint, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float primaries[6];
// transpose to get sets of 3-tuples for R, G, B
convertXYZToXY(&colorants.e[0], &primaries[0], whitePoint[0], whitePoint[1]);
convertXYZToXY(&colorants.e[3], &primaries[2], whitePoint[0], whitePoint[1]);
convertXYZToXY(&colorants.e[6], &primaries[4], whitePoint[0], whitePoint[1]);
// put it back
// YUV coefficients are simply the brightest Y that a primary can be (where the white point's Y is 1.0)
coeffs[0] = calcMaxY(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, &colorants);
coeffs[2] = calcMaxY(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, &colorants);
coeffs[1] = 1.0f - coeffs[0] - coeffs[2];
return AVIF_TRUE;
struct avifMatrixCoefficientsTable
avifNclxMatrixCoefficients matrixCoefficientsEnum;
const char * name;
const float kr;
const float kb;
static const struct avifMatrixCoefficientsTable matrixCoefficientsTables[] = {
//{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_IDENTITY, "Identity", 0.0f, 0.0f, }, // Handled elsewhere
{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT709, "BT.709", 0.2126f, 0.0722f },
{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_USFC_73682, "USFC 73.682", 0.30f, 0.11f },
{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT601_7_625, "BT.601-7 625", 0.299f, 0.114f },
{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT601_7_525, "BT.601-7 525", 0.299f, 0.144f },
{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_ST240, "ST 240", 0.212f, 0.087f },
{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT2020_NCL, "BT.2020-2 (non-constant luminance)", 0.2627f, 0.0593f },
//{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT2020_CL, "BT.2020 (constant luminance)", 0.2627f, 0.0593f }, // FIXME: It is not an linear transformation.
//{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_ST2085, "ST 2085", 0.0f, 0.0f }, // FIXME: ST2085 can't represent using Kr and Kb.
//{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_CHROMA_DERIVED_CL, "Chromaticity-derived constant luminance system", 0.0f, 0.0f } // FIXME: It is not an linear transformation.
//{ AVIF_NCLX_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_ICTCP, "BT.2100-0 ICtCp", 0.0f, 0.0f }, // FIXME: This can't represent using Kr and Kb.
static const int avifMatrixCoefficientsTableSize = sizeof(matrixCoefficientsTables) / sizeof(matrixCoefficientsTables[0]);
static avifBool calcYUVInfoFromNCLX(avifNclxColorProfile * nclx, float coeffs[3])
float primaries[8];
avifNclxColourPrimariesGetValues(nclx->colourPrimaries, primaries);
float const rX = primaries[0];
float const rY = primaries[1];
float const gX = primaries[2];
float const gY = primaries[3];
float const bX = primaries[4];
float const bY = primaries[5];
float const wX = primaries[6];
float const wY = primaries[7];
float const rZ = 1.0f - (rX + rY); // (Eq. 34)
float const gZ = 1.0f - (gX + gY); // (Eq. 35)
float const bZ = 1.0f - (bX + bY); // (Eq. 36)
float const wZ = 1.0f - (wX + wY); // (Eq. 37)
float const kr = (rY * (wX * (gY * bZ - bY * gZ) + wY * (bX * gZ - gX * bZ) + wZ * (gX * bY - bX * gY))) /
(wY * (rX * (gY * bZ - bY * gZ) + gX * (bY * rZ - rY * bZ) + bX * (rY * gZ - gY * rZ)));
// (Eq. 32)
float const kb = (bY * (wX * (rY * gZ - gY * rZ) + wY * (gX * rZ - rX * gZ) + wZ * (rX * gY - gX * rY))) /
(wY * (rX * (gY * bZ - bY * gZ) + gX * (bY * rZ - rY * bZ) + bX * (rY * gZ - gY * rZ)));
// (Eq. 33)
coeffs[0] = kr;
coeffs[2] = kb;
coeffs[1] = 1.0f - coeffs[0] - coeffs[2];
return AVIF_TRUE;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < avifMatrixCoefficientsTableSize; ++i) {
const struct avifMatrixCoefficientsTable * const table = &matrixCoefficientsTables[i];
if (table->matrixCoefficientsEnum == nclx->matrixCoefficients) {
coeffs[0] = table->kr;
coeffs[2] = table->kb;
coeffs[1] = 1.0f - coeffs[0] - coeffs[2];
return AVIF_TRUE;
return AVIF_FALSE;
void avifCalcYUVCoefficients(avifImage * image, float * outR, float * outG, float * outB)
// sRGB (BT.709) defaults
float kr = 0.2126f;
float kb = 0.0722f;
float kg = 1.0f - kr - kb;
float coeffs[3];
if ((image->profileFormat == AVIF_PROFILE_FORMAT_ICC) && image-> && image->icc.size) {
if (calcYUVInfoFromICC(image->, image->icc.size, coeffs)) {
kr = coeffs[0];
kg = coeffs[1];
kb = coeffs[2];
} else if (image->profileFormat == AVIF_PROFILE_FORMAT_NCLX) {
if (calcYUVInfoFromNCLX(&image->nclx, coeffs)) {
kr = coeffs[0];
kg = coeffs[1];
kb = coeffs[2];
*outR = kr;
*outG = kg;
*outB = kb;