blob: e24c0a60749dcf5a1dcd58ec3ae10d22b0a294e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved.
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
* \brief Declares high level functions to search through intra modes.
#include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*! \brief Variables related to intra-mode search during inter frame coding.
* \ingroup intra_mode_search
* This is a set of variables used during intra-mode search for inter frames.
* This includes an histogram of gradient speed features and a cache of uv
* prediction to avoid repeated search of chroma prediction.
typedef struct IntraModeSearchState {
* \brief The best luma intra-mode found so far
PREDICTION_MODE best_intra_mode;
/** \name Speed feature variables
* Variables to help with pruning some luma intra-modes during inter frame
* coding process.
* \brief Whether to terminate all intra mode search.
int skip_intra_modes;
* \brief Whether a directional mode is pruned.
uint8_t directional_mode_skip_mask[INTRA_MODES];
* \brief Whether \ref directional_mode_skip_mask is valid for pruning.
int dir_mode_skip_mask_ready;
/** \name Chroma mode search cache
* A cache of the best chroma prediction mode to avoid having to search for
* chroma predictions repeatedly in \ref
* av1_search_intra_uv_modes_in_interframe()
int rate_uv_intra; /*!< \brief Total rate to transmit uv_mode */
int rate_uv_tokenonly; /*!< \brief Rate transmit txfm tokens */
int64_t dist_uvs; /*!< \brief Distortion of the uv_mode's recon */
uint8_t skip_uvs; /*!< \brief Whether the uv txfm is skippable */
UV_PREDICTION_MODE mode_uv; /*!< \brief The best uv mode */
PALETTE_MODE_INFO pmi_uv; /*!< \brief Color map if mode_uv is palette */
int8_t uv_angle_delta; /*!< \brief Angle delta if mode_uv directional */
} IntraModeSearchState;
/*!\brief Evaluate a given luma intra-mode for inter frames.
* \ingroup intra_mode_search
* \callgraph
* \callergraph
* This function handles an intra-mode luma prediction when the current frame
* is an inter frame. This is the intra-mode counterpart of handle_inter_mode.
* This function performs an intra luma prediction using the mode specified by
* x->e_mbd.mi[0]->mode. This function does *not* support palette mode
* prediction in the luma channel.
* \param[in,out] intra_search_state Structure to intra search state.
* \param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure.
* \param[in,out] x Pointer to structure holding all the
* data for the current macroblock.
* \param[in] bsize Current partition block size.
* \param[in] ref_frame_cost The entropy cost for signaling that the
* current ref frame is an intra frame.
* \param[in] ctx Structure to hold the number of 4x4 blks
* to copy tx_type and txfm_skip arrays.
* \param[out] rd_stats_y Struct to keep track of the current
* intra-mode's rd_stats (luma only).
* \param[in] best_rd Best RD seen for this block so far.
* \param[out] mode_cost_y The cost needed to signal the current
* intra mode.
* \param[out] rd_y The rdcost of the chosen mode.
* \param[in] best_model_rd Best model RD seen for this block so far
* \param[in] top_intra_model_rd Top intra model RD seen for this
* block so far.
* \return Returns 1 if a valid intra mode is found, 0 otherwise.
* The corresponding values in x->e_mbd.mi[0], rd_stats_y, mode_cost_y, and
* rd_y are also updated. Moreover, in the first evaluation with directional
* mode, a prune_mask computed with histogram of gradient is also stored in
* intra_search_state.
int av1_handle_intra_y_mode(IntraModeSearchState *intra_search_state,
const AV1_COMP *cpi, MACROBLOCK *x,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, unsigned int ref_frame_cost,
const PICK_MODE_CONTEXT *ctx, RD_STATS *rd_stats_y,
int64_t best_rd, int *mode_cost_y, int64_t *rd_y,
int64_t *best_model_rd,
int64_t top_intra_model_rd[]);
/*!\brief Search through all chroma intra-modes for inter frames.
* \ingroup intra_mode_search
* \callgraph
* \callergraph
* This function handles intra-mode chroma prediction when the current frame
* is an inter frame. This is done by calling \ref av1_rd_pick_intra_sbuv_mode
* with some additional book-keeping.
* \param[in,out] intra_search_state Structure to intra search state.
* \param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure.
* \param[in,out] x Pointer to structure holding all the
* data for the current macroblock.
* \param[in] bsize Current partition block size.
* \param[out] rd_stats Struct to keep track of the current
* intra-mode's rd_stats (all planes).
* \param[out] rd_stats_y Struct to keep track of the current
* intra-mode's rd_stats (luma only).
* \param[out] rd_stats_uv Struct to keep track of the current
* intra-mode's rd_stats (chroma only).
* \param[in] best_rd Best RD seen for this block so far.
* \return Returns 1 if a valid intra mode is found, 0 otherwise.
* The corresponding values in x->e_mbd.mi[0], rd_stats(_y|_uv) are also
* updated. Moreover, in the first evocation of the function, the chroma intra
* mode result is cached in intra_search_state to be used in subsequent calls.
int av1_search_intra_uv_modes_in_interframe(
IntraModeSearchState *intra_search_state, const AV1_COMP *cpi,
MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK_SIZE bsize, RD_STATS *rd_stats,
const RD_STATS *rd_stats_y, RD_STATS *rd_stats_uv, int64_t best_rd);
/*!\brief Evaluate luma palette mode for inter frames.
* \ingroup intra_mode_search
* \callergraph
* \callgraph
* This function handles luma palette mode when the current frame is an
* inter frame.
* \param[in] intra_search_state Structure to hold the best luma intra mode
* and cache chroma prediction for speed up.
* \param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure.
* \param[in] x Pointer to structure holding all the data
* for the current macroblock.
* \param[in] bsize Current partition block size.
* \param[in] ref_frame_cost The entropy cost for signaling that the
* current ref frame is an intra frame.
* \param[in] ctx Structure to hold the number of 4x4 blks to
* copy the tx_type and txfm_skip arrays.
* \param[in] this_rd_cost Struct to keep track of palette mode's
* rd_stats.
* \param[in] best_rd Best RD seen for this block so far.
* \return Returns whether luma palette mode can skip the txfm. The
* corresponding mbmi, this_rd_costs, intra_search_state, and tx_type arrays in
* ctx are also updated.
int av1_search_palette_mode(IntraModeSearchState *intra_search_state,
const AV1_COMP *cpi, MACROBLOCK *x,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, unsigned int ref_frame_cost,
PICK_MODE_CONTEXT *ctx, RD_STATS *this_rd_cost,
int64_t best_rd);
/*!\brief Evaluate luma palette mode for inter frames.
* \ingroup intra_mode_search
* \callergraph
* \callgraph
* This function handles luma palette mode when the current frame is an
* inter frame.
* \param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure.
* \param[in] x Pointer to structure holding all the data
* for the current macroblock.
* \param[in] bsize Current partition block size.
* \param[in] ref_frame_cost The entropy cost for signaling that the
* current ref frame is an intra frame.
* \param[in] ctx Structure to hold the number of 4x4 blks to
* copy the tx_type and txfm_skip arrays.
* \param[in] this_rd_cost Struct to keep track of palette mode's
* rd_stats.
* \param[in] best_rd Best RD seen for this block so far.
void av1_search_palette_mode_luma(const AV1_COMP *cpi, MACROBLOCK *x,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, unsigned int ref_frame_cost,
RD_STATS *this_rd_cost, int64_t best_rd);
/*!\brief Perform intra-mode search on luma channels for intra frames.
* \ingroup intra_mode_search
* \callgraph
* \callergraph
* This function performs intra-mode search on the luma channel when the
* current frame is intra-only. This function does not search intrabc mode,
* but it does search palette and filter_intra.
* \param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure.
* \param[in] x Pointer to structure holding all the data
* for the current macroblock.
* \param[in] rate The total rate needed to predict the current
* chroma block.
* \param[in] rate_tokenonly The rate without the cost of sending the
* prediction modes.
* chroma block.
* after the reconstruction.
* \param[in] distortion The chroma distortion of the best prediction
* after the reconstruction.
* \param[in] skippable Whether we can skip txfm process.
* \param[in] bsize Current partition block size.
* \param[in] best_rd Best RD seen for this block so far.
* \param[in] ctx Structure to hold the number of 4x4 blks to
* copy the tx_type and txfm_skip arrays.
* \return Returns the rd_cost if this function finds a mode better than
* best_rd, otherwise returns INT64_MAX. This also updates the mbmi, the rate
* and distortion, and the tx_type arrays in ctx.
int64_t av1_rd_pick_intra_sby_mode(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *x,
int *rate, int *rate_tokenonly,
int64_t *distortion, uint8_t *skippable,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int64_t best_rd,
/*!\brief Perform intra-mode search on chroma channels.
* \ingroup intra_mode_search
* \callergraph
* \callgraph
* This function performs intra-mode search on the chroma channels. Just like
* \ref av1_rd_pick_intra_sby_mode(), this function searches over palette mode
* (filter_intra is not available on chroma planes). Unlike \ref
* av1_rd_pick_intra_sby_mode() this function is used by both inter and intra
* frames.
* \param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure.
* \param[in] x Pointer to structure holding all the data
* for the current macroblock.
* \param[in] rate The total rate needed to predict the current
* chroma block.
* \param[in] rate_tokenonly The rate without the cost of sending the
* prediction modes.
* chroma block.
* after the reconstruction.
* \param[in] distortion The chroma distortion of the best prediction
* after the reconstruction.
* \param[in] skippable Whether we can skip txfm process.
* \param[in] bsize Current partition block size.
* \param[in] max_tx_size The maximum tx_size available
* \return Returns the rd_cost of the best uv mode found. This also updates the
* mbmi, the rate and distortion, distortion.
int64_t av1_rd_pick_intra_sbuv_mode(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *x,
int *rate, int *rate_tokenonly,
int64_t *distortion, uint8_t *skippable,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, TX_SIZE max_tx_size);
/*! \brief Return the number of colors in src. Used by palette mode.
void av1_count_colors(const uint8_t *src, int stride, int rows, int cols,
int *val_count, int *num_colors);
/*! \brief See \ref av1_count_colors(), but for highbd.
void av1_count_colors_highbd(const uint8_t *src8, int stride, int rows,
int cols, int bit_depth, int *val_count,
int *val_count_8bit, int *num_color_bins,
int *num_colors);
/*! \brief Initializes the \ref IntraModeSearchState struct.
static inline void init_intra_mode_search_state(
IntraModeSearchState *intra_search_state) {
memset(intra_search_state, 0, sizeof(*intra_search_state));
intra_search_state->rate_uv_intra = INT_MAX;
/*! \brief set the luma intra mode and delta angles for a given mode index.
* The total number of luma intra mode is LUMA_MODE_COUNT = 61.
* The first 13 modes are from DC_PRED to PAETH_PRED, followed by directional
* modes. Each of the main 8 directional modes have 6 = MAX_ANGLE_DELTA * 2
* delta angles.
* \param[in] mode_idx mode index in intra mode decision
* process.
* \param[in] mbmi Pointer to structure holding the mode
* info for the current macroblock.
* \param[in] reorder_delta_angle_eval Indicates whether to reorder the
* evaluation of delta angle modes.
void set_y_mode_and_delta_angle(const int mode_idx, MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi,
int reorder_delta_angle_eval);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"